Parasite King

Book 1: Chapter 22 – Every good Clown knows how to “Juggle”. [Part 1]

It looks like we're going to go with this format for a little while, at least until my Hours stabilize more. The first half of the Chapter will be posted on Wednesday's like normal, while the second half will be posted on Thursday or Fridays. To compensate for it, each chapter "part" will be slightly longer (about 1.5k words), resulting in a bit longer chapters than normal. Enjoy!


The man strapped to the spinning platform gave a blood-curdling scream as the small throwing knife embedded itself in his bicep. His cries were soon drowned out by the rough but excited cheers of the surrounding crowd. A flamboyantly dressed man in his early thirties stood on the other side of the platform. Though shoddy and hastily crafted, it stood in the middle of what was once the top floor of an expensive and lavish skyscraper, now turned throne room. 

The flamboyant man gave an exaggerated bow to the one trapped on the spinning wheel and readjusted his black and white polka-dotted suit.

[Bobo]: "I am very sorry my good man! It seems my old age has affected my aim. Don't worry! We have plenty of tries left!"

Bobo raised his head and flashed a full set of a dozen (minus one) long, thin throwing knives that seemed to appear from nowhere. The crowd burst into cheers, and a grin split his face from ear to ear. The bells on his black Jester's cap jingled as he tilted his head as if to catch the sound of the crowd better, thought the half-helm it was attached to obscured all but his lower face

The man on the spinning wheel could only weep, and shake his head as he turned lazily. His sobs turned into cries of pain as another knife shot across the platform and lodged itself in his lower leg. Then another, striking his open palm.

[Bobo]: "Son of a... will you stop moving?! Who's bright idea was it to stick him on a wheel?!... Oh, wait... never mind..."

The horrible joke elicited a roaring laugh from the less than bright crowd. When the laughter died down, Bobo gave another flick of his wrist, and a fourth knife bloomed in the dead center of the man's torso, slightly under his sternum. 

[Bobo]: "Bulls Eye!"

Bobo stood up straight and raised his hands in victory as the crowd burst into cheer once more, drowning out the bloody gurgling of the man on the wheel. However, as he readied to throw the next knife, a booming voice sounded from the throne at off to the side.

[Goblin King]: "End it, Fool! We grow tired of this show. This one reminds us too much of the last. Stupid pink-skins, can't even last a few hours. What worth are you?"

Bobo stood up straight as a stick and turned to face the throne, his body and voice both trembling as he fell to his knees

[Bobo]: "Yes your Majesty! Right away! Don't worry, I'm sure you'll enjoy my next act. It is .... explosive!"

The Goblin King simply humphed and waved the clown away. Bobo stood and threw one of his knives with pinpoint accuracy. It flew across the platform and landed squarely in the middle of the pinned man's throat. Blood gushed from his mouth as he started to gurgle, while the surrounding Goblins hooted in a rhythmic, chant-like fashion.

The man's gurgling became quieter and quieter as his eyelids drooped when at the last moment, the large double doors opposite the Goblin King's throne burst open. The Goblin King's eyes snapped towards the door and Bobo gave a slight clap as the spinning wheel and man disappeared in a poof of smoke, much to the disappointed awwws of the watching crowd.

From the door, three large Hobgoblins walked forward, surrounding two small children. They wore ragged, torn clothes, and chains far to heavy for their small frames. The younger of the two, a boy, was no more than 12, while the older, a girl of roughly 15 walked beside him.

Both carried the bleeding wounds and bruises of a recent beating on their gaunt, malnourished frames, but the air about them was different. The boy walked almost dragging his feet, his eyes downcast and dead. The girl's face, on the other hand, seemed like a living storm, full of rage and anger, only intensifying when she locked onto the form of Bobo on the platform, standing next to a pool of fresh blood.

The Trio of Hobgoblins half pushed, half dragged the two to stand before the Goblin King, before forcing them to kneel and bowing themselves. The room went silent for a long moment before the bored voice of the Goblin King echoed through the room.

[Goblin King]: "... And what have you brought us this time, Captain?"

The largest of the Hobgoblins shot to his feet and saluted his king before speaking.

[Hobgoblin Captain]: "SIR! Two rat 'hat be snekin' around da' food stores a'gain. Don't know how they be gettin' in, bot we figgering a good round in da' pits would be 'nough to crack um... We just need ya orders. Pits r still down afta 'hat last... accident."

 The sound of cracking wood came from the throne as the left arm was crushed, and the Goblin King roared.

[Goblin King]: "THIEVES! How we despise dirty, sneaky thieves. Ungrateful pink-skins, Do we not feed you?! Do we not protect you?! And THIS his how you repay our kindness!? Evil, evil little things. We wonder why we put up with you at all. Go, Captain, open the Pits. It seems we have been too merciful; let these pink-skins learn what happens when they cross us. When you're done, hang them in the cages at the Recycling Center to rot. Maybe their example will discourage any other dirty thieving thoughts in their evil little pink-skin minds." 

The two children's eyes went wide and they started to struggle against their chains, but a solid blow to the gut from one of the other Hobgoblins quickly ended that. The Hobgoblin Captain gave another salute and stood up straight. He then grabbed the chains and started to drag the children out of the room.

Before they made it very far, however, a voice cut through the silence.

[Bobo]: "WAIT!"

The few goblins who'd begin to murmur, some snickering as they pointed at the chained children, went silent as death.

The Goblin King stat straight for the first time, as he leaned forward and gave the clown a hard stare. The silence lasted for only a moment before the Goblin King spoke once more, his voice low and threatening.

[Goblin King]: "Do you disagree with our verdict, 'Fool'?" 

Bobo hastily bowed once more, his voice trembling slightly as he spoke;

[Bobo]: "N-no! Of course not, Your Majesty! Your words are Just and True! Your words are Law! I would never doubt such truths! I simply feel that sending them to the Pits is a waste! The last 'toy' you gave me broke far too soon. Maybe with ones that are more 'fresher,' I can devise more enjoyable shows for Your Majesty is all."

As he spoke, the clown's voice seemed to echo slightly. It came out sweet and smooth as honey, and the lesser goblins who heard him felt as is brains were slowly being massaged by a master. Even the Goblin King's eyes seemed to dull slightly and become less focused as the Clown's voice spread through the room.

Bobo hopped off the platform and skipped towards the two children. He bent down and jerked them to their feet, pinching the girl's cheeks as if to show the king just how 'fresh' they were.

If looks could kill, the girl would be slaughtering Bobo in the most gruesome way possible to human imagination at that point, but as she was bound quite tight, she did the next best thing. 

With a roar, she bit down on Bobo's finger, hard enough to draw blood. Bobo yelped and pulled it back, just in time to be hit by a bloody wad of spittle the girl sent his way.


Bobo simply grinned from ear to ear, and wiped the spittle away, smearing his makeup. He then backhanded the girl hard enough to ground her and send a tooth flying. He then stood and turned towards the Goblin King and spoke in an excited and slightly manic voice,

[Bobo]: "Good! Good! I like her! She's got spunk! They're always the most fun! Your Majesty, your humblest and most loyal servant asks this small favor of you."

Bobo bowed deep once more. The Goblin King leaned back and stayed silent for a moment, lost in thought. When he spoke again, it was with a slight smile and a bit of humor in his voice,

[Goblin King]: "Very Well. Let it not be said that we do no treat our own well. They are yours, Fool. But do be sure that these once last longer than the last. We expect a great show next time. Now go! We have other matters we must attend to."

[Bobo]: "Thank you, Your Majesty! May your mercy and generosity be forever spread across this land, until even the insects of the ground sing your praises! Thank you, thank you!" 

Bobo continued to bow and praise the king as he grabbed the chains from the muddled Hobgoblin Captain's hands and backed out of the throne room.

As the doors closed in front of him, the perpetual grin slipped from Bobo's face with a sigh, and he turned towards the long hall behind him. Still dragging the chained children, he slowly walked down the hallway, pretending like he couldn't feel the girl burning a hole through his head with her eyes. He simply marched on, unheeding, whistling a cheery tone.

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