Paradigm Parasite

Chapter 153: "Winter"

I - Heidi - calmly draws back the four-legged monster - Lupus - as it leaps at me, howling, and then clenches my fists.

Just before its fangs hit my shoulder, I back away and slam my fist into its throat, gouging it out with the hidden claw bagnak I have placed in my palm.

As soon as blood spurts from the monster's neck, I pull it out and away from the carcass, and gauge the distance between us.

...There are three left.

I glare at the surviving enemy.

The remaining Lupus has not lost its will to fight against me, but it seems to be increasing its vigilance and is halfway away from me.


I flash the arm that doesn't have a claw attached to it.

The next moment, the head of the Lupus that had half-encircled me bursts open.

It was the power of the chain weights I had planted in my sleeves.

When I channeled magic power, the fully extended chains were reeled in and returned to the cuffs.

The other two attacked from the left and right, as if they saw this as an opening.

Throws the dagger from the waist as soon as the weights have returned.

It shoots accurately through the forehead.

The moment the rest opens its mouth to bite the leg, it conversely slams a knee into its jaw.

The lupus takes the knee, loses its position in mid-air and rolls on the ground with all its momentum.

Without missing a beat, I stomp on his neck, blocking his movement, and draw my sword to finish him off.

No enemies left.

Watch the surroundings just in case.


Exhale when you can judge that there is no particular danger.

Is the request complete now?

The request is to exterminate monsters.

The first thing to do is to report back to the client, then look at the situation and if no damage is done, then pull up?

I left the place while ruminating over the request procedure, which I had recently become accustomed to.

"Oh ...... I'm so tired!"

Back in my room at the inn, I took off my equipment and collapsed onto the bunk.

The soft duvet gently took my weight.

I roll over and lie on my back.

Looking at the ceiling, I think absentmindedly.

...Nearly 100 days have passed since then, and the season has changed.

Outside, it's completely winter.

There is snowfall, although it is not frequent.

That much time has passed, but he... no, Roe has not returned.

For the first few days, I was optimistic that he would be okay.

Then 10 or 20 days went by and I became more and more worried.

I was concerned.

That large-scale magic that attacked a corner of the Royal Capital.

The name of it was the extermination of Darzain.

And Roe has a connection with Darzain.

Maybe his errand was related to that... maybe he was there. ......

It's a strong possibility.

But I turned away from that.

He's probably alive.

I'm staying at the same place without changing accommodation so that he can join me as soon as he comes back.

Of course, I haven't forgotten to improve myself.

I am proud to say that I am now able to handle requests on my own in a stable manner and am much more mobile than I was before we parted ways.

My plate has also been upgraded to Blue 1 level because I mainly handle requests for defeats.

My income has increased, so the quality of my equipment has improved, and I'd like to think that I'm now strong enough to say that I'm not a liability.

I build up a fight plan in my head.

The opponent I envisage is Roe.

He is strong.

The most frightening part of it is that you never know what they might do.

Basically, it fights with brute force, but it also skillfully manipulates magic and weapons.

What is particularly terrifying is magic.

I don't know how, but in between close combat, he is able to use magic... even high difficulty magic such as [Explosion], without any problems.

Unless you have good instincts, it is difficult to avoid magic at close range at first sight.

On the other hand, even if they knew, they would have to devote their attention to magical vigilance.


I tried to fight the battle in my imagination, but was easily defeated in return.

The most likely strategy would have been to distract him with speed and then aim for a sharp spot, but he has good eyesight.

He would spot me early and catch me.

If that happens, he won't let me go until I die.

I was caught in the back of the brain, my neck was easily broken and I died instantly.

I counted the black stars in my head for the umpteenth time.

...I don't think I can win.

I've fought many opponents in my life, but none of them I feel like I can beat as much as him.

I just can't imagine myself defeating him.

When I think about it like this, I'm really glad he's on my side.

It is precisely because he is like that that I can't believe he is dead.

I have reason to believe that he is alive.


He disappeared at the same time that Roe disappeared.

I think he probably went to look for his master.

If he hasn't come back, that means he's still looking for him.

Then, if I leave it to him, he might bring him back.

That's why I'm staying in Royal Capital like this, training myself and waiting for him to come back.

I look out the window and see snow falling here and there.

...It's going to be cold tonight.

After that, I closed my eyes and organised tomorrow's plans in my head, and before I knew it, I fell asleep.

Next morning.

I was at the Adventurers' Guild checking requests.

I looked at the request sheets on the wall to see if there was anything worthwhile.

"Oh, it's Heidi, isn't it? You don't mind joining my party soon, do you? If not, you can be my mistress!"

"Sorry, I'm not interested. You'll have to look elsewhere."

The adventurers who call out to me are always a bit flippant.

Some of them used to attack me on the street at night for being cheeky, but after I turned them all around, that kind of attack stopped.

I've learned how to keep my distance from them, so I'm used to dealing with them.

When I found a request that looked good, I took it to the reception and accepted it.

The request was to take down a monster that was destroying crops in a neighbouring village.

This kind of request never goes away, so as long as you have a certain amount of ability, you can make a steady income.

This is also the reason why there are so many adventurers who stay in the capital.

Thanks to them, I too can earn enough to eat.

To be honest, I feel like I've earned enough money that I don't need to do anything for a while, but I'm going to keep taking on requests as long as my health allows me to, because my intuition seems to be dulling.

I'm basically working alone, so I'm light, and I don't feel bad about being thanked by my clients.

At least it's a rewarding business because it's useful to people.

I'm not in the same place as him, so it's a fulfilling day.

"...It's cold..."

I leave the Adventurers' Guild and walk outside.

The snow that fell last night has stopped, and the faint accumulation of snow and the cold air conveys the remnants of the snow.

I endure the cold as I head out of town towards the village where I was asked to work.

At that moment, my gaze suddenly falls on a nearby shop.

It is a restaurant run by the Sebatiar family.

Seeing this reminds me of Adolfo.

At first she was a strong-willed but age-appropriate child, but now she is a respectable head of the family.

I haven't seen her once since then, but I wonder how she is doing.

It has been quite some time since there was any mention of a change in the head of the family, but no bad news has been mentioned.

The family seems to be doing well.

She is also doing well.

That makes me feel like I can't lose.

I'll do my best.

I felt my steps naturally becoming lighter.

I - Rikkhard - let out a small breath as Madrail's breathing calms down as she lies on the bunk in front of me.

...She's also reckless.

He forced her to appear on our side using her as a surrogate....

It was only supposed to be a conversation, but it seems he couldn't resist.

It's a problem.

They must have really wanted that man Roe.

Naturally, we have heard the reports from Millard and the others.

They also told us what they saw of the 'essence'.

At least it is certain that it is not a proper creature, but what the hell is that thing?

It was surprising that it had defended itself against his attacks three times, but what was most unusual was its means of escape.

Even though most of its body had been obliterated, it moved around with something like legs growing out of its entire body.

No, it's a mystery why they are still alive after being beaten so badly in the first place.

Could it be that he can only die if his whole body is obliterated?

If so, it's no wonder that Grigori's angels want them.

We High Elves can only sustain it for a fraction of the time it would take to bring it down.

If we push too hard, we end up like Madrail in front of us.

One arm is completely missing. Both eyes remain, but their vision will be adversely affected.

Her ears could be quickly healed with magic, but several organs in her body had been torn and were unusable.

A few people skilled in recovery magic treated her, and she was only just now recovering.

I also helped out in a small way, but thanks to my efforts, my magic power is empty. No, I'm overwhelmed.

When we returned, Σηεμηαζα(Siemiaza)-sama ordered us to "catch that man no matter what".

We must catch him somehow.

His pursuers have been scattered, but we know in which direction he fled.

He probably either hid to heal his wounds or took refuge in a dark elf settlement.

I don't think it's possible for him to go into Goriberingay territory in that state... No, he's too out of the ordinary for my common sense to weigh him up.

That possibility should be considered.

If he succeeds in getting out safely, he will be entering goblin territory.

If we were to inform on them in retaliation, we would be in a bit of trouble.

We have a general idea of their strength.

The top warriors are dangerous, but the rest are just numbers.

As long as we stay on the defensive, we can't lose.

If we do get past the wards, the village, including here, is a sanctuary for our High Elven power.

I don't think so, but if they attack up to the centre, at worst, we can use a few people as human sacrifices and exterminate them.

It's a growing problem, but capturing Roe might relieve the High Elves of their role.

The thought of this made my hands tighten unintentionally.

The only thing that matters is that the High Elves are not going to have to keep offering sacrifices, and they may be able to get out.

Fortunately, permission was granted to let people out for tracking.

It's time to strike back against the goblins as well.

... brother.

I think about my brother, who would be leading the goblins.

I'm sorry that I ended up betraying him and my father.

...But I am a king and a father.

I will do whatever it takes to make my family feel at ease.

Even if I have to bow to the likes of my father's avengers, even if my brother calls me a traitor, there are things I must protect.

And anything that stands in the way of that will be eliminated.

Whether Roe screams or cries, I will capture him and offer him up to Grigori, and I will kill him, even if he is my brother.

I have no hard feelings, but it's what I need to do.

I close my eyes and shut the lid on my memories.

I open my eyes again and without hesitation I leave the place to have a meeting for the destruction of the goblins and the capture of Roe.

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