Pamper Eighties

Chapter 30

A few days after the American reporter left, the watermelon seeds ordered by the village arrived. Feng Yimin brought a few strong villagers to the county town and brought them back. Along with them came an expert, Professor Hao from the Provincial Agricultural University. .

When the people in the village heard that the experts had come, they were all very positive. When the experts finished their meal, they urged him to teach them how to grow watermelons. This Professor Hao didn’t take Qiao, and set up a posture in the school playground on the spot. I want to tell the villagers how to grow watermelons.

Professor Hao was eating at the old Feng’s house just now. Madam Feng was the first to know the news. She immediately sent Dawa Erwa to move a small bench to occupy a seat. The small bench in front said, “Let’s also listen to how this watermelon is grown.”

When the villagers heard the news, they all came soon. Watermelon planting is a major event for the whole family. Even the sensible little dolls were asked to sit down and listen to the lecture. Some villagers were sitting, some standing, and others. They simply sat cross-legged on the ground, everyone was silent, and even the woman who usually chatted the most kept her mouth shut and listened carefully to Professor Hao’s lectures.

Professor Hao stood on the flag-raising platform, holding a loudspeaker in his hand and began to say: “Watermelons are very easy to grow, the first thing to do is to soak the seeds to promote germination. If you soak them in cold water, it will take about six or seven hours. If possible, soak it in warm water, and it will start to germinate in about two or three hours. Usually, the aerial roots will grow within a day. After about three or four days, the seeds will fall off the aerial roots, and the green seedlings can be planted. “

When the villagers heard him say this, they couldn’t help but shout with suspicion: “Where did it take so long? The village chief’s house will grow in two or three hours, and the watermelon seedlings are still as long as fingers. We have all seen it with our own eyes. passed.”

“Impossible,” Professor Hao said patiently, looking at the villager, “Even in summer like this, watermelon seeds can’t germinate so fast. It will take at least two or three days to grow enough to be transplanted. Three hours is simply not enough.”

Professor Hao used his authoritative knowledge to explain to the villagers, but the people in the village didn’t quite believe it. He was an expert and couldn’t just talk nonsense. How could they still lie to people after planting them all their lives? Some villagers stood up and pointed at Feng Yimin and said, “We have all seen it. The seeds of the village chief’s house germinate in two or three hours, and they are still small green seedlings, right?”

Feng Yimin also said to Professor Hao with some doubts: “It’s true.”

Now it’s Professor Hao’s turn to think it’s strange. He is an expert in seed cultivation and has grown watermelons in the laboratory. How could he not know the growth pattern of watermelons? I’ve never heard that it can grow to be that big in two or three hours. Professor Hao came from that era. He couldn’t help but suspect that they were launching satellites. Now is not the time for the Great Leap Forward. Let’s see how he exposes their satellites. Once he made up his mind, he smiled very kindly and said, “The world is full of wonders. Maybe I made a mistake. Where are the watermelon seeds? Show me.”

Feng Yimin stood up, took out the key, and said, “The watermelon seeds are placed in the brigade next door. I’ll go get some now.”

Professor Hao also warned uneasy: “By the way, bring a container and put water in it, don’t put the seeds in it yet.”

Feng Yimin brought all the things he asked for in a short while. Professor Hao checked the seeds and water and nothing was wrong. He put the watermelon seeds in the pot on the spot, smiled and said to the villagers, “Let’s continue the lecture first. , you can see it if it sprouts later.”

He thought to himself, this basin is just in front of him, isn’t it for two or three hours? Whether it was Li Gui or Li Kui quickly became clear. If these villagers released satellites, he would have to report to the leaders well when he went back. Now that the reform and opening-up has been implemented, he can’t encourage such a crooked atmosphere. He cleared his throat and Continuing the lecture, who knew that before an hour had passed, the villagers sitting in the front row said, “It’s sprouting, it’s sprouting, look at the experts.”

Professor Hao looked down at the pot. After the black watermelon seeds were full of water, a white sprout emerged from the seed. The black and white can be seen at a glance. How is this possible? Professor Hao was so shocked that his eyes almost popped out of his sockets, what else did he see? Those air roots are actually growing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

He picked up a small seedling and put it in the sun to take a closer look, and found that it was still growing. Now Professor Hao’s glasses were about to be thrown out by him, he quickly grabbed his glasses and said, “This is amazing, if it weren’t for it I saw it with my own eyes, I couldn’t believe it, I’m going to take these watermelon seedlings back to study.”

The villagers sitting in the front also saw it, and they didn’t think there was anything strange. Isn’t that what watermelon germination is like? They had seen it at the village chief’s house before, and a villager whispered: “This is still an expert, I think it’s just a fake, not as good as us farmers, people who have never planted land can only talk Tell me, what is there to study?”

“That’s right,” the villagers sitting next to him also felt that this expert was unreliable. The farmland in his home was turned over a few days ago, and now he is waiting for the watermelon seedlings to be planted, and he doesn’t want to wait any longer. He stood up and said, “Expert, do you think we can still grow watermelon seeds?”

“Of course you can plant it. I’m almost done. You guys go home first, and I’ll go take a look when you germinate.” Professor Hao’s whole mind was on the watermelon seeds. He wanted to know now. Why can it sprout so fast.

The villagers rushed home to soak the watermelon seeds, which disappeared in a blink of an eye. When they soaked the watermelon seeds in water, they found that it really grew very fast. Now they have more confidence in growing watermelons.

The next day, the whole village was dispatched and went to their fields to plant watermelon seedlings. Professor Hao also walked in the fields to help them guide them. With two big dark circles hanging around her eyes, Mengmeng followed Erwa past him and glanced at him curiously. Why does this person keep staring at the watermelon seedlings? Does he want to eat watermelon too?

Thinking of the taste of watermelon, Mengmeng raised her head to look at him and said, “Watermelon is delicious.”

Professor Hao looked down and saw her, squatted on the field ridge and smiled and said to her, “I remember you, your name is Mengmeng, right? Have you ever eaten watermelon?”

Mengmeng nodded her head, smiled and said, “Delicious, sweet.”

Professor Hao looked at this innocent and cute little girl, and felt his heart soften, and the wrinkles on her face burst into laughter. He pointed to the watermelon seedlings in the field and said, “When these watermelons grow, you can eat them every day. It’s time for the watermelon, aren’t you happy?”

A villager who passed by the field ridge heard it and said: “What’s the fun? I said experts, you don’t know the hardships of our countrymen. Even if we grow watermelons, how can we eat them every day? Such precious things are all to be taken. I came to sell money. Fortunately, the mountain road in our village is about to be repaired. Did you see a fork in the road when you came in yesterday? It’s much easier to go out and sell.”

Professor Hao nodded and said with the same feeling: “Who said it wasn’t? I was exhausted from climbing in yesterday, and I have to climb out again today. I plan to bring some watermelon seeds and water samples back to study and wait for my next visit. , maybe you guys will fix the road.”

Mengmeng tilted her head and was very absorbed in listening, when she heard her second brother shouting from the front: “Come here Mengmeng, there is a peach tree here.”

That night, the villagers of Taoyuan Village were awakened by a loud rumbling sound in their sleep. The sound seemed to be coming from the ground, as if the world had opened up. The villagers jumped up from the bed and rushed out of the door. , one or two panicked and said, “Is there an earthquake? I heard a loud noise just now. What’s wrong?”

A villager pricked up his ears and said, “Listen, this sound seems to come from Longling. How many years have we lived in this village, when have we heard such a sound? What the **** is going on?”

Immediately, some villagers said in fear: “Could it be that the volcano is about to erupt? Oh my mother, let’s run away, it will be too late.”

Feng Guoqiang also put on his clothes and walked out of the house, seeing that the people in the village were so frightened that they wanted to run away, what if something happened in the middle of the night, he quickly became angry and shouted from Dantian: “What are you talking about? Inside Longling. They were all extinct volcanoes, there was no such thing as an eruption, everyone went home to sleep, and the militia stayed.”

Feng Yimin also quickly reassured them and said, “Don’t be afraid, everyone, put on your clothes and sleep after you go back. If there is anything wrong, the militiamen in the village will beat gongs and drums to remind you, hurry back in the evening, and we will go to the dragon at dawn tomorrow. Take a look at Lingli.”

When the villagers calmed down, they knew that the blind people could not run around. Seeing that the village chief was already organizing militia patrols, they went home with some peace of mind, but they didn’t dare to sleep to death this night, because the Longlingli kept going back and forth. There was a huge bang, which was too scary.

As soon as the sun came out the next day, people in the village ran up to the mountain to see it. They walked for an hour or two and found nothing wrong. When they were about to leave the mountain, they suddenly found that the mountain in front of them was gone. , it seemed like it had never appeared before, it just disappeared out of thin air, no one knew where it went, only a wide road appeared in front of them.

The villagers stared blankly at the road, unable to believe that the mountain road had been repaired like this. They stood there motionless like a wooden man. One of the villagers in the crowd shouted, “Grandpa Mountain God has appeared! Mountain God! Grandpa helped us fix the road!”

“Yes, yes, it must have been done by Grandpa Mountain God. His old man helped us take back the mountain.” The villagers who responded all knelt on the ground and kept knocking in the direction of the Dragon Bone Temple. He shook his head, and when he stood up again, everyone was going crazy with joy.

The whole village was a sensation, and even the most staunch atheist Feng Yimin had to believe that there was indeed a mountain **** in this Longling, and he had boundless mana, so if a big mountain disappeared, it would disappear. The protector of Taoyuan Village.

The mountain road was finally repaired, and it was only with the help of Grandpa Mountain God. This was a good thing for everyone in the village. In the end, everyone unanimously decided to celebrate and celebrate, and to go to the Dragon Bone Temple to thank Grandpa Mountain God.

When everyone returned to the village, they started to make offerings. Madam Feng also reverently selected the best air-dried meat in the family, and Su Wan and Su Wan made a large plate of pink rice cakes, and took the whole family to the keel. temple.

Mengmeng also came with her. As soon as she walked into the Dragon Bone Temple, she heard a soft voice calling her: “Mengmeng, Mengmeng, come to me.”

She didn’t need to look at others to know that the voice came from the white bone on the table. She felt very kind, just like the lullaby her grandmother sang to her, and she wanted to go over and touch it from the bottom of her heart. It, but before her little hand stretched out, Hu Zi grabbed the clothes on her back and took her out of the Dragon Bone Temple, and he was still talking to her in his consciousness: No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, let’s Get out of here quickly.

Huzi grabbed Mengmeng’s clothes and dragged her away, so that Mengmeng was so angry that she stretched out her little hand and patted it, and it lay down on the ground, and turned around and slapped Mengmeng on his back, Meng Meng subconsciously grabbed the fluff on its neck and sat firmly. This is a game they often play recently, which made Mengmeng forget what happened just now, and said happily while riding on the back of the tiger: , drive, tiger run, run, hahahaha…”

When the villagers returned home after worshiping the mountain gods, they began to prepare the banquet. In fact, every household prepared dishes and put them together. Almost there, just before the sun went down, the villagers all sat around the village’s sun drying field and had a feast. When talking about the benefits of building a mountain road, everyone burst into smiles from the bottom of their hearts.

“Oh, the **** of the mountains has a spirit, and we don’t have to worry about danger anymore when we go out. It will be convenient to pay public food in a few months. Seafood can also be shipped and sold, and the watermelons that have been grown can also be shipped outside. This is really big. All the good things have happened to us.”

“That’s right, I counted the time this morning. It only takes more than two hours to walk from our village to the outside of the mountain. The seafood doesn’t delay the freshness at all, and it will definitely sell for a good price. “

The villagers are very happy, and the little dolls in the village are also very happy. Tonight, they ate very well, and they can eat from one place to another. They are full of all kinds of delicious things, and they are more excited than the Chinese New Year. Still excited, after eating, they ran around the ground in groups of three or five, roaring from the head of the village to the end of the village, and from the end of the village to the coconut grove.

This is the coconut tree planted by the villagers. Every household is planted together. The coconut they usually eat comes from here.

Mengmeng hadn’t drank coconut juice for several days. Missing the sweet taste a little, she stretched out her little hand and pointed to the tree and said, “Beat it down.”

A few brothers were sitting under the tree and their necks were sore. The coconut tree was so tall that they would not be able to climb it. They were feeling a little embarrassed when they saw Huzi’s four claws on the tree trunk, rubbing against the tree. Climbing up, Xiao Jin, who was following behind its butt, grabbed its fluff with a sway, and followed it up the tree.

Huzi’s claws were particularly sharp, embedded deeply into the trunk, and in three or two strokes, he jumped to the canopy. He lowered his head and sniffed again and again in the middle of the pile of coconuts. Several brothers quickly pulled Mengmeng away, and everyone stood there. Looking up beside him.

Hu Zi finally picked the coconut, stretched out his paw and patted it hard, the coconut rolled down, and the dolls excitedly clapped their little hands and said, “Wow, that’s amazing, if Hu Zi picks a few more, then There is a big one over there, oh my little gold fell!”

Hu Zi’s movements were too great, and Xiao Jin was thrown out before he could grasp it firmly. It made a sharp eagle chirp in horror, flapped its wings instinctively, and suddenly spread its wings and flew high in the eyes of the dolls in amazement. It was obviously proud of it. It was broken, and he flew to the canopy of the tree with a screeching cry, stopped on a coconut and combed his feathers, and was so proud as a general who had won a battle, the coconut was snapped by a tiger and then flew out. .

The people of the old Feng family didn’t expect that Xiao Jin would learn to fly like this, and he would fly out every day. He didn’t see any of his prey coming back. One day, Xiao Jin brought back a small yellow and black stone for her, and threw it in front of her with a click, emitting a golden light.

Madam Feng recognized it immediately. It looked very similar to the one last time, but it turned out to be another piece of gold. She picked up the gold and put it in her pocket. Going down, he smiled until his teeth could not see his eyes and said: “Oh, Xiao Jin, you are really promising, I have never seen an eagle more promising than you, I really didn’t hurt you in vain, and if there is any gold in the future, I will take it home. Do you know? I’ll go get you some meat to eat.”

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