Overpowered Idiots

Chapter Thirteen: Emperor Spirits

The woman trembling before them froze, her face lifted from the ground looking Star and Salem in the eye for the first time. As soon as her blue eyes looked into Star’s she gasped slamming her head back into the dirt. Star’s brows furrowed together. She glanced at Salem who merely shrugged, just as lost as she was.

“I’m so sorry, please forgive me for my ignorance. I hadn’t been able to see your eyes before, please spare me!” She practically sobbed.

Star froze, blinking, “We’re not going to kill you for something that’s not your fault.” Was this some kind of weird cultural thing? It made her extremely uncomfortable.

The woman sobbed, “Thank you, thank you.”

Star and Salem looked at each other faces seemingly blank to anyone else, but to one another they had confusion written all over their face. Star and Salem were cut from their thoughts as the lady spoke again.

“Emperor spirits,” She lady began, “Please, I beg of you, allow me to repay you. My son is but a little boy, he won’t be able to fulfill the his life debt, allow me. Please.

Salem and Star said nothing turning to one another and talking in low voices.

“What the fuck is this?” Star muttered, speaking in their native tongue as to not give her thoughts away to the strange people before her.

“I don’t know, maybe it’s a cultural thing. Like I save your life and now you owe me?”

“That makes sense, I think. Doesn’t explain the whole spirit thing thought.” Star tapped her chin, “One thing at a time I suppose. We can’t let that kid take the debt though, that's child.”

“And I don’t think they’re going to let it go easily by the looks of it, if we dismiss the debt they may become desperate.”

“So we accept the ladies deal, and request something broad.”

“Yes, request something handmade or something.”

They turned back to the mother, “We accept.” They spoke in unison.

“In repayment of your son’s life debt we require a object handmade by either yourself or someone you are related to.” Star continued, listing the conditions of her demand. That should be broad enough right?

The lady looked dumbfounded, before a thoughtful look crossed her face, “I understand, please give me a few moments to fetch the item.”

The duo nodded, “Go.”

The lady took off into the forest with her little boy, a few other people following behind. Star felt sweat drip down her back, didn’t she have really good luck? Why was this going so badly? Star shock her head, looking back to the towns folk. Terrified, they were terrified. Well fuck.

The two groups stood in silence, awkwardly. Star swayed back and forth on the balls and heels of her feet, attempting to get her nervous energy out. Salem leaned against Opal petting her fluffy fur, looking off into the distance. In the other group the three boys, the ones that’d been there when Ben fell into the river, whispered to one another. Star couldn’t make out what they were saying, however she could make out one of the adults reprimanding them.

Just as the tensien in the air was beginning to become to much to handle Star and Salem were saved by the young boy Ben and mother bursting from the treeline, panting with something clutched in their hands. Star gazed at them in mild surprise. The mother approached them first. She knelt down no more than a few feet away from Star and Salem. Her head bowed low as she raised her hand, unclasping them to reveal a beautifully made necklace. The pendant of the necklace looked to be made of agate, wire wrapped in copper and hanging on a silver chain.

Star wanted to say something about the displayed, but stopped herself. She wasn’t familer with this place’s culture. She’d rather not offend anyone. So she sucked it up.

Salem reached out, gently plucking the necklace from the mothers hold. “Thank you.” She said softly.

The mother bowed once more as she rose to her feet, walking back to the little boy. She reached her hand out to his, grabbing it she led him over. Together they knelt down, heads bowed once more. The boy presented his object. In his hands lay a bracelet, the beads looked to be made of a stone of some kind, shimmering in the sunlight.

Star picked up the gift, then ruffled the kids hair affectionately, “It’s pretty.” She complemented feeling rather awkward as she slipped it on her wrist.

The kid giggled, looking up at her with a beaming smile. Adorable. Star smiled back, taking a few steps back from the two. The mother son duo stood, heads once more bowed as they backed away to their own group. Feeling akward once more Star shifted her focus, deciding to do a quick scan on the bracelet to find out what it was made of.

Gifted lapis bracelet [susceptible to change]

Created by a young woman from the Crawford family a decade ago. Gifted by a young boy from the Crawford family to his saviors in repayment for saving his life. This bracelet represents the gratitude and respect the young boy holds for the emperor spirits who saved him.

Titles: First gift [other titles may be added]

Abilities: Connection (I) [susceptible to change; other abilities may be added]

Traits: +15 spirit

[in depth scan]

That title was back, ‘emporer spirits’ what did it mean, and why was it effect her scan?

Aside from that the entire situation seemed to be unique. Star had seen the ‘susceptible to change’ notification and the ‘other abilities may be added’ notification, but they were never on an object like this. Perhaps it was a class thing. Yep, Star was going with that explanation. Perhaps Star could give the kid something in return? She felt bad accepting this without giving back in return. Sure it was repayment for saving his life, but anyone would have done what she and Salem did if they had the capabilities.

Better question, how did this bracelet have the ability connection, a devolution of communication. She’ll have to look into it more later, at the moment there seemed to be more pressing matters to attend to. Star shifted her focus back as an elderly man became visable from the treeline, emerging from the forest with a few guard. Not know what else to do in this situation Star smiled and waved.

The old man froze for a moment, before staggering over with his cane. The guards hesitated to follow for a few moments, having to shake the shock off before following a few steps behind. Salem and Star watched in mild confusion as the old man approached, head down. He stood before them on shaky legs, the guards next to him bowing.

“Great emperor spirits, please forgive me for not bowing, I’m afraid my old body can’t anymore.” The old man’s gravely voice spoke.

“Don’t worry about it. It happens to the best off us.” Star joked attempting to lighten the mood. Anything to get the tension out of the air.

The old man chuckled, but he was the only one, “Yes, yes,” He agreed, “I am the mayor of this town, and I would like to invite you great spirits to a feast held in your honer for saving little Ben.” He spoke slowly.

Star glanced at Salem, giving her a small shrug. Salem gave her a small, nearly inperceptable, nod.

“Alright,” Star nodded, “I’ve been wanting to try out the foods of this world.”

Salem jabbed her in the back. Oh, she’d just added another reason for this people to continue thinking them spirits. Damn.

“Wonderful! Allow me to escort you and your…” He trailed off looking at Opal.

“Oh this is Opal, she’s friendly, promise.” Star introduced, scratching Opal behind the ears.

The old man blinked, “Right, the village is the way then.” He turned, beginning to walk back the way he came.

Star and Salem fell in step walking along side him. The rest of the people followed at a considerable distance.

“Where exactly are we anyway? We more or less just opened a portal to this world without a destination in mind.” Star explained stuffing her hands in her pockets.

The old man nodded, “You are on the planet Magica in the coastal country fishica.”

Generic, hurry. “Coastal country huh? That means the ocean is nearby right? I haven’t seen an ocean in ages.” Star babbled, trying to remember what the ocean looked like, but came up with nothing.

“Hohoho, well the ocean is just off to the east, I reckon you could get there in a days time with that dragon of yours.”

Salem hummed, “Most likely, if we were in a rush.” She decided not to mention she’d been able to travel around the world as a day trip back in the floating island dimension.

Before Star could ask another question the village came into view. It was surrounded by a small wooden wall the a few guards at the gate. As soon as the guards spotted them they opened the gate, allowing the group entry. Salem signaled to Opal to stay within the forest, not wanting to scare anyone else.

With that Star and Salem walked in with the mayor of the small village to see a street covered in flower petals and many small buildings all around them. Star’s head swiveled all around as she attempted to take everything in.

“You have a beautiful village, mayor.” Salem committed respectfully.

“Why, thank you.” The mayor said as he lead them to the center of town, “The feast will be ready in a few short hours, please feel free to do as you wish until then.” He told them head bowed.

“Will do, I’m sure we’ll find something interesting.”

“Yeah, like looking at plants, did you know that your plants are nearly identical to the ones back on our floating island? Its fascinating.” Star gushed, happy to talk to someone else about her plants.

“Plants? Well maybe you’d like to check out our town garden then.”

“I’d love to.”

The mayor changed direction, “Right this way.”

The walked a few more minutes before coming upon a large garden filled to the brim with sprouting plants. They mayor quickly left them to their own devices with a few gardeners to answer any questions they had.

Once left (kinda) alone to their own devices Star turned to Salem.

“Hey let me see your necklace.” She demanded, changing languages so the gardeners wouldn’t be able to understand them.

Salem raised a brow, but pulled out the necklace, “What you need it for?”

“I found something weird about mine, look.” Star’s book appeared opening to the correct page.

“I still can’t believe you’ve been using the same book for a literal century.”

“Hey, I upgraded it.” Star huffed, “Just read the article.”

Salem remained unimpressed, but did so. Star went back to her own research, quickly scanning the necklace.

Gifted fire agate necklace [susceptible to change]

Created by a young man from the Crawford family three [3] years ago. Gifted by the mother of a young boy from the Crawford family to the boy’s saviors as repayment for saving the boy’s life. This necklace represents the gratitude, fear, and respect the mother holds for the emperor spirits who saved her son.

Titles: Gift of a mother’s gratitude [other titles may be added]

Abilities: Connection (I) [susceptible to change; other abilities may be added]

Traits: +15 spirit

[in depth scan]

“This ones the same.” She whispered to herself. “These are kinda weird don’t you think?”

Salem nodded, “This doesn’t usually happen with lower grade items. Perhaps it has something to do with the class of the person who made it? Or maybe its because its a gift?”

“But we gift each other things and this doesn’t happen.”

“Our gift weren’t gifted in the same light as these were, that most likely has something to do with it.”

Star huffed, “Your probably right.” She gave the necklace back to Salem who put it on. “Anyway I was thinking of giving something back, something small that can’t be perceived right away.”

Salem thought for a few moments, “I have an idea.”

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