Overpowered Idiots

Chapter Sixteen: Incognito

“How did we even get in this situation? Aren’t you suppose to be supper lucky!?”


“I don’t know maybe your so unlucky that is cancels out my lucky!”


“Oh really now?”

“HEY!” The mage throw out a beam of magic at the quarreling duo. Though the magic began dispersing before it even hit them.

“WHAT?!” Both Star and Salem snapped their heads to the mage with uncanny sincerncy.

The mage was left gaping in awe “Who are you people? How did you-- how did that-- my magic…”

“Ah fuck, we did it again.” Star groaned. “Can’t we just be perseved as normal?”

“This is your fault.”

“Fuck you.”

“Arf?” Opal bumped her head with Salem.

“Your- your monsters.” The mage whispered, his voice carried by the wind to reach the duos ears.

“Oh fuck you, don’t you call my friend that you fucking asshole.” Star and Salem spoke together.

“Um, high mage Zane… I believe these people may be from the… organization.”

“… could he be more vague?” Star whispered to Salem.

“Who the fuck is the organization?” Salem asked bluntly.

The captains head snapped back to them, paling considerably. “Never mind, the organization is what we call a notorious terrorist group. Their known for pumping out powerhouses to reap destruction. Always so proud to claim their work. They have a particular hatred for the capital.”

Star blinked slowly, “No I just wanted to see the ocean. Your drama just happened to be entertaining.” She then looked at the moon in mild boredom, “Well if that’s all imma head out.” She turned on her heel ready to walk away, Salem by her side.

“Wait!” Mage boy called out, reaching out a hand towards them.

Star looked back to see his desperate eyes gazing back at her, “Yes?” She asked with indifference.

“Well- I…” He flushed. His face red and shoulders tense, slowly he took a deep breathe, “I’m sorry if I offended you with my words first off, that was never my intent. Secondly… would you… please, maybe, perhaps, teach me magic?”

Star and Salem shared a glance. Star gave a shrug, backing away to give Salem the floor.

“Well kid, if we’re ever in town and in of need of something fun to do, maybe.” She said relaxing her posture.

“Really?!” He coughed into his hand, “I mean, that’s great. I live in the eastern district of the capital, in the mage sector… obviously. Here take this it’ll give you entry to the capital and has my residence on it. If you show it to the guards at the gate you’ll be granted immediate audience… please come.” He held out three tokens to Salem, “There one for each of you, including your weirdly large dog…” He squinted at Opal.

Salem took the tokens, “Thanks, she’s a large breed.” She stated pointedly, “We’ll be going then, see you around maybe.”

“See you around!” The kid squeaked at the trio walked away. “They were so cool…”

Star and Salem wandered down the beach away from the odd pair. Sand curled around there feet as they dug into the sand. The moon and stars lighting their path.

“Well that was weird.” Star announced once a sufficient amount of was created between them and the captain and mage duo.

“Yes, but informative and rather helpful. Lucky us.”

“Lucky me, you mean. That was all me.” Star smirked, bragging.

“Right.” Salem remained doubtful, “Well know we can get into the capital legally, and now we know there seems to be some sinister forces at work in this world.”


“Yeah, fun.” Salem agreed, grinning mischievously. “I think I know what we should do in this world.”


“We can play any role we want in this world. I believe we are powerful enough. We could be the heroes, saving the world from the evil that lurks around every corner. Or we could be the things that go bump in the night, the thing looming over everyone's shoulders never knowing when or where we’ll strike next. We could be the boogeyman that stalks the night. We could role this world as tyrants or gods. Craft an entire civilization to our liking, we could do anything…”

“You scare me sometimes, you know that right.”

Salem flushed, “Yeah, got caught up in the dramatics. But seriously we can do what ever we like.”

“I just wanna have fun.”

Salem shrugged, “Then that’s what will do.”

“Awesome. Then first order of business, explore the ocean!” Star decided, looking out at the sea with renewed vigor. “I’m going to find out all of your secrets sea, just you wait.”

The next morning came with a small campsite on the outskirts of town. A small flame barely burning. A table covered in various ingredients of all kinds and potions and pills at various stages of the experimental process. A snoozing wyvren.

“Alright Salem I’ve got options.”

“Oh yeah?”

“Yeah, we got a water affinity potion, an ocean affinity potion, a deep sea affinity potion, an aquatic potion, a water breathing potion, a sea animal communication pill, a sea monster attracting pill, a water speed pill, and a toy boat.”

“… why?”

“I was experimenting.”

“Right, well why don’t we get some breakfast from somewhere in town before we decide.” Salem suggested, standing up from where she lay on Opal’s back.

Star nodded, “Yep, lets do that!” She hopped up from her work station. “Just gotta put everything back…” She opened her bag, shoveling in everything, including the table. “That should do it. Lets go then.”

“Wait one moment, your forgetting something.”

Star paused thinking for a long moments, “What?”

“A way to get that food. The cloaks make it so no one will notice us and our markings will make people act weird, remember.”

“Oh, right.” Star crossed her arms, “I can make a mask and sunglasses?” She quickly got to work crafting the items, “See?” She placed them one, “How do I look.”

“Highly suspicious.”


“Hmm… add a wig plus the mask with tinted glasses and I think we may just pull this off.”

“Really? Ok I’m on it!” Star quickly got on the task. “Ah ha!” She exclaimed as she pulled the required items out of her synthesis, “This is it.” She put the items on. “How do I look?”

Salem gave her an appraising look. The wig hiding her real hair was a light blonde color, straight and stopped at her mid back. The mask she wore covered her lower face and the googles hid her eyes behind red tinted glass. “I think it’ll work.” She decided nodding to herself.

“Hurray!” Star quickly got to work making a second set, “Here you go!” She held out a long black wig, the same face mask she wore, and a pair of googles with purple tinted glass.

Salem picked the items up, putting them, “I think this will work nicely.” She stated looking at her reflection in a hand held mirror, “We best be on our way then. I’m quite hungry.”

“Lets.” Star beamed, taking Salem by the hand and nearly skipping out of the forest.

Together they made their way back into the village, now alive with a flurry of action as people went about their daily business. Star had to restrain herself from running up and down the streets as she tried to look at everything all at once.

“Wow, Salem look at this.” She gushed pressing a palm up to a window displaying a plush stingray.

“Its cute.”

“I know right! I want it.” Star almost put her face against the glass to get a better look at the thing.

Salem laughed, grabbing Star by the arm as pulled her way from the display, “Let’s get breakfast before we go on a shopping spree yes?” She suggested.

“Hmp, alright, but you have to promise ok?”

“I promise.”

“Yes! Hey lets go there.” Star cut her thoughts short as soon as she caught sight of a brightly colored coffee shop. It was slightly different from the surrounding buildings in a way she couldn’t quite place.

Salem looked to the building, “Yeah, I think we should.”

Star pulled Salem into the cafe taking in the building. All about were magical trinkets of all kinds, even the treats were magical. Star eyes wondered all about the building eventually falling on the menu displayed above the cashier.

“Look at all those options…” She muttered. “There’s so much to try!”

“And so many enchantments, I didn’t even know all these were even possible. I mean friendship, sharpness, fire, some of these are just flavor to, peppermint, pumpkin spice, what the hell?”

“I’m going to try them all.”


“You can’t stop me.”


“You’re a meanie.”

In the end Star did get everything on the menu and sneakily shoved it into the satchel. No one had to know.

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