Overlord Wizard

Chapter 3

Chapter 3 The experiment was successful

The contents of the two books are the same, but the annotations are much different. Bauer’s annotations are all about how to get started as a pharmacy apprentice, while Merlin’s annotations are more comprehensive and profound, but as biology and chemistry According to Li Luo, a postdoctoral fellow in genetics, he quickly understood the content.

Here is the experiment.

After waiting for less than half an hour, Karp didn’t know what method to use to send the two bodies in, and then left without saying a word.

Li Luo stepped forward and took two corpses and two test tubes of blood, and placed them under a microscope on the experimental bench to observe them.

Blood is not a bright red color, because it didn’t take a long time to die, and it didn’t appear black and red, but it looked a little purple. With the microscope magnified several hundred times, Li Luo discovered that the blood was constantly condensing, or the purple was getting thicker and thicker, and almost all the red blood was swallowed.

Li Luo frowned, took out two scissors, and directly pierced the heads of the two corpses, only to appear relieved.

As for the reason, he didn’t want the two corpses to be like the movie of Zombie Siege. The corpses were transformed into two walking corpses. He hadn’t practiced his medicine, but Xiaoming explained here.

Basic Pharmacy, including the introduction of some herbal medicines and the configuration and principles of some simple medicines, combined with the knowledge of the previous life, Li Luo decided to do some simple treatments of several herbal medicines.

Li Luoping regained his mood.

“let’s start!”

Picking up three sunlight grass, Li Luo began to grind, the juice was quickly extracted, and then the residue was filtered out. According to the book, the long-term absorption of light elements by this heliotrope is very inefficient, but it is also one of the few herbs with light attributes. In addition to this sun grass, there are four elemental herbs: fire grass, snake orchid, earth spirit root, and maple leaf grass, corresponding to the four attributes of fire, water, earth, and wind. These four herbs have long absorbed the four elements and have different medicinal effects. At the same time, because the herbs are relatively low-grade, the absorption efficiency is low, and the price is not very expensive. Although these herbs are relatively inferior, the output is surprisingly large, and there is no need to even cultivate them. The outskirts of the Warcraft Forest are full of these types of herbs. In addition to these five common herbs, there is also a mushroom called the Dark Mushroom. As the name suggests, this mushroom is a low-level material that specializes in absorbing dark elements. It can only be found in the depths of the Warcraft Forest, in the Dark Swamp.

After Li Luo had extracted all the juices of the five herbs, he started the next experiment.

As a doctor of genetics, Li Luo naturally knows some essential characteristics of living things. According to memory, vampires are dark creatures, and they should be light-sensitive herbs and fire-based herbs. So, he began to take out a drop of heliotrope sap and drip it into the prepared vessel, where there was a drop of purple blood in it.

After the juice dripped in, it was very unexpected. There was no big wave. The drop of purple blood just floated for a while and then calmed down.

Li Luo furrowed his brows and tried to drip in a drop of sap of fireweed, the same. Then he dripped the sap of Earth Spirit Root and Maple Leaf Grass, and it was still the same, nothing happened.

The room was very quiet, but Li Luo felt a little impetuous in his heart. He thought about it for a while, took out a flask, grind a few sun grass and fire grass, put them into two test tubes respectively.

He took the book of basic pharmacy, looked at the principles of pharmacy and the refining steps of Yanyang pharmacy, and began to try.

“The cold oxygen treatment starts first…”

Li Luo kept moving his hands. As he did not know how many chemical experiments he had done, this kind of handling seemed handy.

There were occasional corrosive noises in the room, but it was generally quiet and the experiment went smoothly.

“The last step.”

Li Luo muttered to himself with two test tubes in his hands.

The medicines in the two test tubes were light yellow and light red, respectively, with slight bubbles.

He tried to put a drop of two liquids into a flask, stab! With a sound, as soon as the two drops of liquid touched, a burst of scorched smoke came out like fire meets tar. Li Luo frowned and began to read two books on basic pharmacy.

He followed the steps and notes of the potion for a long time, and nodded suddenly.

Although there is no explanation on the formula of the medicine, he still sees some ways from the notes of Master Merlin.

Here is a kind of stabilizer, which can be configured with earthen root and snake blue grass. Without this stabilizer, I am afraid that Master Merlin has come by himself, and it is difficult to configure it. As for why the formula in the book didn’t mention it, I’m afraid it was used to weed out those stupid pharmacy apprentices. After all, there are too many people who want to become pharmacists. It is impossible for one person to become pharmacist casually.

Thinking of this, Li Luo kept in his hands and began to refine the stabilizer. The book only mentioned the formula, but did not mention the ratio of the two herbs. Li Luo could only settle down and tried again and again.

Three hours later, Li Luo had several test tubes of different colors in his hands.

He started to try one by one.

“Put the first juice in.” As soon as Li Luo finished doing this, there was a muffled noise in the beaker, and then a sneer, and a white smoke came out of the beaker. There were three liquids in the whole beaker. After mixing, it became pitch black and gave out a sour smell.

“It failed.” Li Luo sighed, but was not discouraged, but continued to experiment.

In this way, bursts and corrosion-like noises continue to be heard in the laboratory, and a thin shadow is exposed under the lighting lamp on the wall next to it, constantly fiddling with something. At first glance, it seems like a mad scientist is doing something secret. experiment of.

Another hour passed, Li Luo satisfactorily looked at the bottle of medicine in his hand. The medicine was orange, no different from the description in the book. The countless chemical experiments he experienced in his previous life are indispensable for being able to refining successfully at one time. Rejoicing in his heart, Li Luo then frowned. What was very strange was that he didn’t know why he disliked the smell of the potion.

After thinking for a moment, he suddenly realized that he drank all the medicine in one breath.

next moment.

He just felt the blood all over his body was about to burn, and the burning pain caused him to curl up on the ground, groaning.

After a quarter of an hour, the pain disappeared and Li Luo stood up.

moved his lower arm, felt his physical condition, and was taken aback. He found that the feeling of weakness and fatigue had disappeared, and the whole person was a lot more comfortable.

came to the mirror, he looked up. At this time, his black eyes had long since disappeared, and his complexion became ruddy.

“Herbs in this world are really…” Li Luo muttered to himself, wondering for a while.

Letting go of the thoughts in his mind, Li Luo walked to the experimental platform and began to continue the experiment.

With the first successful experience, he only used one hour to prepare ten sun-yang potions. Looking at the ten bottles of potions, he remembered how he felt when he had just refined the Yanyang potions.

At that time, because the blood slave did not know how to draw the blood, he contracted the blood plague, so he became disgusted with the smell of the sun medicine. Now it seems that the blood slave hidden among the grooms is probably also There will be this feeling, even several times stronger than him.

Coupled with the blood slave’s keen sense of smell, he just took the potion to let the groom try one by one. I am afraid that the blood slave will hide far away after smelling the potion, and leave the horse ring directly. Once the limelight passes, he will again It’s making a comeback. By the time the bamboo basket is empty, the cost will be enough for Li Luo to drink a pot, and I am afraid that it will still end up as a slave.

“No, I have to think of a way. At least cover up the smell of the medicine.”

Li Luo thought so, and continued to search through the two books of Basic Pharmacy. After carefully reading each note and content, he took out a portion of licorice and began to grind it.

Glycyrrhiza and Hemostaticus are a kind of healing herbs. Among them, licorice has a blood-producing medicinal effect. When mixed into the blood, it can also produce a unique fragrance. It would be better to mix it into the sun-yang medicine. However, Li Luo doesn’t think so. Licorice alone is not enough. After several experiments, he found that the juice of the snake blue grass and the juice of the blood vine flower can directly boil the blood of the purple vampire. And under the microscope, two The cells that drip blood are very active. Li Luo guessed that the mixed configuration of these two kinds of juices can boil the blood of the vampire, making it magical!

If this juice is mixed into the Yanyang Potion, then…

Thinking of this, Li Luo began to concentrate on the configuration. After a while, the juice of the snake blue grass and the juice of the blood cane flower were mixed and turned into a bottle of crimson liquid.

Li Luo separately dropped the Yanyang medicine and this crimson liquid into a beaker, and began to try drop by drop. After a while, there was a muffled sound, and a lot of black smoke came out from the entire flask, which made plums. Luo’s face was dark, and the experiment had obviously failed.

But instead of being discouraged, Li Luo showed a clear-hearted look. He continued the experiment. This time, he adjusted the proportions and proceeded carefully. Five minutes later, a bottle of pale pink potion glowing with red luster , Appeared in the beaker in his hand.

At this time, UU reading www. uukanshu.com Li Luo also let out a sigh of relief.

Relying on countless chemical experiments and knowledge in previous lives, and the knowledge of pharmacy obtained from here, he finally refined this kind of medicine that can cover up the smell and make the vampire appear immediately.

After thinking about it for a while, he still felt a little wrong. After refining a few more, a few bottles of medicine were placed on the experimental table.

Now, there are two ways, one is to distribute a few bottles of potions directly to the grooms.

One kind of order is to make a concentrated version of the medicine according to the book.

directly distributed to the grooms, in the name of strengthening their physique, let them take them one by one, if the medicine is effective, it can directly make the blood slave manifest. But bad luck, then hehe. After all, these are all low-level herbs, aren’t they?

Thinking of this, Li Luo held the beaker, lit the alcohol underneath, and began to sway on the burning solid alcohol.

Although the temperature passed from the beaker was very high, he had to grit his teeth and insist. If it was only placed on the shelf, he could not guarantee that the medicine would not deteriorate and lose its effect due to the high temperature.

Another hour passed, and the time came to dusk. Li Luo finally ended the experiment. Looking at the test tube filled with crimson liquid in his hand, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Cut out a corpse wound with scissors, and he dripped a drop of this liquid.


The whole corpse began to twitch, the already purplish blood began to boil in the wound, and purple blood blisters continued to emerge from the corpse, and two fangs protruded from the corpse’s mouth, which seemed particularly oozing.

However, the heads of the two bodies have been penetrated by scissors, and Li Luo is not more worried about the resurrection of the two corpses.

In a good mood, he opened the door of the laboratory and walked outside with a smile.

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