Otome Game: I, The Heroine Will Be Your Savior! (GL)

Chapter 26: The Taste of Orange (III).

Chapter 26: The Taste of Orange (III).

We came back from the awkward situation of the Villainess asking for oranges on their Elf Professor.

Which is kind of a weird thing to think Professor Fraeya would have in hand because I mean- Don't you think just because she's an elf she would have oranges in her storage?

"Oranges, now isn't that something." (Professor Fraeya) couldn't help but smile faintly before hiding it.

"Why do you need oranges? They're rather a rare trade to have. You can't find them in your human kingdom and if you do, the price is costly."

The cost of a single orange was indeed a lot but for someone like the Duchess Alarie herself being surrounded by money all her life, she could buy a whole market of it.

'Is this some sort of... noble cravings?' (Professor Fraeya) continues to observe her student that certainly got her intrigued.

"I need it for an... acquaintance." She tells the Elf professor with so little context on who the acquaintance was but the Professor was already guessing who it was based on their little conversation in the classroom.

"An acquaintance, I see. I've heard our fruit would boost the human's weak constitution by eating it daily." She fixes her glasses by bringing them up to the bridge of her nose.

Lady Evelyn, hearing the parts about the fruit boosting the weak constitution of humans, thought of doing whatever she can to get those fruits to the girl waiting for her back at the dorm.

The professor noticed this subtle reaction in her expression of hers and decided to help if that's the case.

After all, even if she hasn't met, this student will still be her responsibility so its best to act early and help. "Perhaps this will even help Miss Analissa Blanchet get over her cold quickly if she eats the fruit."

"If that's the case do you know anything on how I will be able to obtain some?" (Lady Evelyn) looked really determined on getting that orange, the professor didn't know if she would be impressed or see her as a fool.

Who would be willing to go this far to buy some rare exotic fruit for an 'acquaintance', something is definitely not what it seems in both of their relationships and it definitely made her look twice at the Villainess.

"If you meet me at my staff office after all your classes..." (Professor Fraeya) tells Lady Evelyn who nods right away with no hesitation. "I will escort you to the private elf trading market and might even give you some insights on how to pick the good batches to take, good day Lady Evelyn."

"Good day, Professor."

With a bow and a curtsy from respective girls, the Professor continued her way to make it in time for the next class and the Villainess came back into the classroom where all eyes were on her once more.

Many of the guys hearing that Miss Analissa Blanchet was currently staying in her dorm, they all felt angry. They don't know why but they were already feeling territorial even if the one who took the Heroine into their room was a woman.

"Tsk... Lucky, if Miss Blanchet were in my bed..."

"Truly it would be heaven, a goddess like her being presented is too heavenly!"

"I would ask for a visit but Lady Evelyn will probably not agree."

The girls simply degraded the Villainess more for her reputation and even whispered how utterly disgusting and unhygienic it would be to have a commoner running about your room!

They're like filthy leeches sucking on your blood dry, only wanting you for your fame and wealth! After all, they're poor! All commoners are! So they must be dirty and probably don't even shower!

"The germs she could spread..." one noble girl whispered to another.

The other noble girl covered her mouth as she leaned in to answer, "A noble- nonetheless the future queen making shelter for a commoner in her dorm? Lady Alarie has hit a new low, I can't believe she's going to be our future queen."

The tone of the two were quite shameful as they continued to talk behind Lady Evelyn who could clearly hear everything they were saying as she sat down right back in her seat. "Quite right you are, a shame that it's been declared by the whole royal family. The crown prince deserves a better person by his side- someone who could lead like-"

"How about someone like me?" The girl pointed at herself and smiled looking a little hopeful. Her mother has always said she would be able to lead a pack of rats if she could put her mind to it!

The poor girl... didn't know that her mother was actually insulting her.

"You dunce! You can't even balance a book right atop of your head." The girl who was gossiping with her flicks the other's forehead before puffing out her chest with a 'hmph'. "Besides the crown prince is not into dumb girls like you- what he needs is- me!"

Lady Evelyn looked a bit tired hearing all these other noble ladies fight for his husband's hand in marriage. They couldn't be any not subtle with all of their bickering.

She rolled her eyes and stared at the blackboard thinking, they can all have him!

The girl didn't even realize that she was bawling her hands into a fist. Was she angry for something she has already accepted after all these years? After all those things she went through just to prepare as someone's possession?

Who knew... she still had a few emotions left to feel.


Her seatmate Lady Serene Sinclair noticed her pale furrowed face. While it was in her nature to be bitter to everyone else, to Evelyn it was different.

She was her only friend growing up... and the only true friend she had.

Both a couple of misfits, one strives for perfection while the other deemed a failure yet they stick together. The writers of the game were really into that shit.

The redhead girl knew something was not right with how she looked right now.

"Evelyn- you don't look well?" She tried reaching out to her friend and even held her wrist gently to check up on her. "What did you and the Professor talk about- you ran out just like that... and you've been getting really distant, Evelyn. You can always talk to me... you know that right?"


Soon the girl's anger subsided and she gave a polite smile to her seatmate.

Her friend.

How cruel of her... to make her friend worry this much. It made her feel horrible, she should be perfect. She shouldn't make others feel uncomfortable for her sake.

How horrible...

How annoying...

If she continued to show anymore of herself... she'll leave the girl behind like an old toy you're done playing with.

Something of no use.

The whispers in the Villainess' head said their greetings like they were an old friend of hers. How many times has it been this month? While she managed to stay sane after all this time, close to breaking the whispers came back to tell her.

If she dares do anything, nothing befitting of an action for a Queen.

She's nothing.

"I'm fine, Serene. Why don't we wait for our next class."

Lady Serene who knew she wasn't fine wanted to tell her more that she could rely on her but... if she tries to say anything else she would be cut before she could even continue.

"I'm really fine."

Lady Evelyn noticed not believing her words so she said it again in a form of reassurance and stopped the conversation right there, ending it in silence as they waited for their next professor to attend and teach the class.

The red-haired girl lets go of her wrist and sighs looking away as she rests the right side of her cheek into her palm.

"You're still the same when it comes to me at least..." she mutters out sadly, all these years of thinking they were friends she was aware that Evelyn was not an easy person to get her to be open about her feelings or her life.

The tale of two girls, friends from childhood.

Truly they had each other.

The Villainess who was born with pure blood into an influential family befriended a girl known to have been a bastard daughter of a Count between a maid. She became her lackey after years of being together, Serene grew to respect her friend for her high standards and title in the noble circle.

"Hmph... When it comes to that commoner girl though."

She thinks of that irritating blonde headed commoner who dares defile their friendship!

She's nothing but a commoner! Dirty blood to boot!

She's... just like half of her.

"She's changed."

Thank you for my patreon!
Andres Gtz

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