Otome Game: I, The Heroine Will Be Your Savior! (GL)

Chapter 22: A maid you don’t want to mess with (II).

Chapter 22: A maid you don't want to mess with (II).

Liara who was humming to herself happily while preparing sliced apples, was keeping an eye on Charles Williams. The butler of the crown prince, and- one of the love interests in the game but- of course.

No one but the heroine knows of his fate and route.

"I should get started on the soup." the maid rolls up her sleeve preparing the bowls and plates to serve Miss Blanchet, if she was being honest she was rather excited on serving the girl to asks questions of her relationship with their lady.

Liara has never seen her lady care for someone to this extent before other than her nanny back at the Duchy estate.

"Tch." (Charles) clicked his tongue and focused on stirring his own stock base as well, there were a few vegetables and meat still simmering. It smelled really heavenly.

The smell wafted through the entire servant kitchen- as much as they hated the boy they couldn't deny that he still is levels ahead of them when it comes to cooking, cleaning and fulfilling their master's wishes.

Including being on time.

Which is the most important aspect. What nobles hate the most is being late for an important functionality or event. If they're late it would be a sign of disrespect and would lose face at such a humiliating scene.

Liara not even half an hour later, she was done with her own dish. It was vegetable soup with some fried egg and bacon on the side. Don't forget the sliced apples that she almost took the finger out of someone's hand.

"Fast as always, Liara. Aren't you a bit too excited going back?" one of her co-workers smiled at her complimenting her quick versatile work skills and she smiled back.

"Well it's most likely because the little blonde cockroach at milady's dorm room should be hungry now." (Liara) teased, she knows comparing Miss Blanchet to a bug would be an insult but jokes on them-

"You're going to feed... a bug?" her co-worker's head moves up slightly imagining the figure of a cockroach and grimaced. The hairs on her body stood up just the thought of a little nasty critter running around the dorm.

Liara puts a finger to her lips, tilting her head, she answered. "Well the bug back at the dorm is rather cute... it would be a shame to let her starve."

The maid almost cut her whole finger hearing her say- the cockroach at the dorm was cute and it would be a shame to let her starve?! How does this lady's brain work?! Who thinks cockroaches are cute?!

"Please tell me you're joking." She let go of the knife she was holding, and faced Liara who was almost done with the tray breakfast setting and smiled lovingly.

"Oh... I'm not~" The red-haired girl giggled and held the tray to deliver Miss Blanchet's breakfast.

The other co-workers who heard the conversation just stopped to stare at her back and sighed. Never have they seen a girl who actually liked bugs...

"She's a ten but she likes cockroaches... ugh... what a waste." the butlers muttered behind her back and the maids- even if they love Liara as a friend and co-worker they had to agree with the rest of the butlers.

Who the heck likes a cockroach with blonde hair?!


Knock! Knock! Knock!

"I'm back~" (Liara) knocks through the dorm room with her other hand balancing the tray. "Melody, are you here?" She searches for her little sister that was supposed to be sweeping around the living room but she wasn't there.

"Hmm..." the eldest maid was not sure but she ought to try finding her near Milady's bedroom where Miss Blanchet was staying. She looks around the room and finally sees Melody who was fidgeting with her hands as the heroine coughed in milady's room.

"Cough-! Stupid cough-! Ugh... I should try using light magic on myself but I feel too weak..." (Analissa) mutters to herself feeling cold so she takes the villainess' blanket and wraps it around herself feeling sad that she can't even smell Lady Evelyn scent on this.

Her braincells were alright, no coughing or anything but the real Analissa was suffering. "This sucks...'' She sniffs her runny nose and Melody was listening to Miss Blanchet talk to herself in such a manner- she wonders if talking to herself is a side effect of the cold.

Liara walks carefully taking in tip toes so her steps wouldn't be heard. Playing pranks is one of her favorite hobbies, being an uptight eldest sister does take its toll sometimes and the only way to relax is by asserting dominance over the fact that she was born first out of all of them.

"Oh Melody~ what are you doing~ Eavesdropping now are you?"


Melody gasps quietly, almost knocking down Liara's tray that had Miss Blanchet's food for breakfast but thankfully the maid had some high reflexes and dodged what we would call an unfortunate accident.

"L-Liara! Don't sneak up on me like that!" (Melody) blurts out too loudly and Analissa's ears hear two people talking just right outside her room.

"Sniff... Are they sneaking around there?" (Analissa) has already felt like someone was watching her every move. So it was them- she wasn't just hallucinating because of the cold.

Liara pats her sister's hair feeling a little guilty now that she's seen her sister's flustered face- well almost. Melody's long green bangs were in the way covering her whole face. "Apologies, sister. I was trying to find you back then in the living room but you weren't there and I worried you had escaped your maidly duties."

"N-No... I didn't..." (Melody) looks down and grabs the broom running away from her overly teasing elder sister. "I-I haven't finished sweeping the yard so I'll go now!"

"Alright~ have fun now!" (Liara) waves her goodbyes and knocks on the door.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

"Miss Blanchet? Are you awake?" she asks nicely and heard a weak response of.

"Yes... I am. You can come in." (Analissa) fixed herself after knowing someone was going to come into the villainess' room. She recognized the voice and it must have been one of Lady Evelyn's maids that came to fetch her that one time.

She wondered if it was one of those beauties that sandwiched her so she wouldn't be able to escape.

She fixes her blanket position no longer wrapping it around her whole body but only her lower half. When the door opened letting out a little squeak, Liara could be seen holding out a foldable tray.

"Good morning, Miss Blanchet. I hope you had a goodnight's rest after last night." (Liara) closes the door and walks towards the bed and curtsies before the commoner girl.

"Oh! Good morning- cough-! D-Don't mind me... I had a good rest, yes." (Analissa) made sure to cover her mouth every time she coughed and looked away considerately.

She really did wish at that moment that she has some medical masks over... does this world even have that?

And why does she feel this wasn't the first time she thought of such a thing.

Liara was glad the blonde girl was doing well, she folds the tray and makes it stand over the bed. There was a steel lid over the food so they'll stay hot, she raises it up and reveals the breakfast she has made this morning for Miss Blanchet. Veggie soup, bacon and eggs with some apple slices on the side.

For a commoner to eat meat for breakfast- it would mean such a blessing to them because meat is expensive and was only commonly served for nobility!

Liara was certainly spoiling her today!

"Your meal- Miss Blanchet. Please do enjoy it." She takes a seat and plops it down right next to the heroine who eyed the meal like a wolf.

"I-Is this all for me? I'm so sorry for the trouble... Isn't meat expensive? I don't think I should eat-" (Analissa) was cut off by Liara's humble hum.

"Milady has tasked me to take care of you, and I will be taking care of you. Meat is good, protein will help you recover. So please don't feel shy to dig in because right after eating- I'll make you take your medicine with no complaints." (Liara) tilts her head and smiles. So that was the reason for the meat!

It was for blackmail!

"Surely now that I have served Miss Blanchet the finest breakfast, she wouldn't struggle with me trying to drink your medicine right? Or call me a scary lady with a scary knife and demand an orange flavored medicine?" (Liara) has revealed everything that happened that night.


Analissa who was just reaching out for the spoon hesitated to move and slapped herself mentally hearing all the things she did last night. Her palms were sweaty and she felt like wanting to die.

The braincells were having a meeting- no wonder Lady Evelyn was upset!

"It's all your fault horny braincell!" (Normal Braincell) yelled and tackles her.

"I'm not the one who would demand orange flavored medicine! I bet it was you! You always put the blame on me anyway!" (Horny Braincell) fought back now she pulls normal Braincell's hair while the other bites her hand. "And I would rather have medicine flavored Lady Evelyn instead of flavored orange! You dumbass!"

"This is why my dignity will not last! Stop it, both of you! Stop fighting! The real Analissa is having a panic attack because of you two!" (Logical Braincell) tried stopping the two over their fighting but it was all for naught.

Analissa seemed to have been broken. She didn't look like she was hungry anymore and immediately regretted being born and transmigrated into the game.

"Oh! I'm just kidding~ why are you making such a serious face Miss Blanchet?"

"O-Oh you mean all those things were just- a joke?" she felt so relieved for a moment. I mean- a woman in her twenties mentally who was asking for orange flavored medicine and would go over a tantrum over it?

Isn't that totally embarrassing?

Analissa was so glad she didn't actually do it-

"Oh yes- well I'm only kidding about the knife part. I would never point a knife at a guest. You actually called me a scary lady with a scary spoon. My sisters found it really funny and even refused to come out of the blanket when I tried feeding you the medicine." (Liara) waves her hand while giggling at the hilarious blonde girl who was just so cute to tease.

The Heroine wanted to commit seppuku after hearing everything she just said.


Thank you to my patreon!
Andres Gtz

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