Otome Game: I, The Heroine Will Be Your Savior! (GL)

Chapter 2: The Villainess, my knight in shining armor!

Chapter 2: The Villainess, my knight in shining armor!

To recap what has happened for the past hour.

The Japanese streamer that has a lot of fans sent her a really horrible otome game that for some reason became famous for being well... horrible.

She has found herself living at the body of the heroine named Analissa Blanchet while being pinned down at the wall by the- oh so beautiful and elegant Villainess!

Lady Evelyn Alarie.

On the other hand now she has to adapt to her new role as the commoner with blessed magic. It goes as to any otome game. She has that sweet heroine halo ability to attract many men even if they are a kilometer away just because she's the main protagonist or maybe that's just an overreaction.

The two of our ladies are going back to their classroom by walking into the pathways and halls of the school. The game design and the actual place were so different after all it's a huge step from 2D flat pictures to 3D.

Analissa walked behind her ladyship while gasping in awe for the décor!

The game has never shown their audiences the details of the school now that you can look at them more closely or even touch it! There's even gardens, old looking vases, antiques and trophies surely belonged to many students who has won an award for being so excellent at their magic studies.

"They're really pretty..." she muttered while continuing to aimlessly walk and admiring the place all in the same while.

Lady Evelyn couldn't help but overhear her and became even more confused. "For the past week of being into the academy you're still impressed by such mediocre designs?" she asks in a taunt and Analissa blushes a little not expecting to be heard.

She can't blame Lady Evelyn for thinking like that. After all she is a noble who most likely have a more fantastic mansion with grand designs. It made her think the expression on Lady Evelyn, the moment she has fallen on her route.

The memories of the game runs through her mind, the look on her face when the crown prince held the Heroine Analissa by the waist raising his sword and announcing that all of Lady Evelyn's possession would be transferred to her for a plan of treason.

She was wronged, the crown prince set everything up for Lady Evelyn to die. Recalling the past made her stop walking for a moment and frowned. The modern woman that she is right now, wanted to stop that from happening. "I..." her voice faltered.

The color of her skin paled and it looked like she was even trembling.

"Are you unwell? Miss Blanchet?" (Lady Evelyn) stops walking to look at the girl behind her, her brows furrowed in a worry. What is wrong with Miss Analissa Blanchet? She has been completely normal before- why the sudden-

Analissa coughs, "Ahem pardon me. Something must've gotten stuck in my throat." she thought of an excuse and didn't realize her emotions slipped out, that was a mistake and she would remember to be more careful in the future. "Yes, I am your ladyship. I quite admire things that are pretty and things that are easy on the eyes." Analissa replied, it was as if she's implying something with how she stared at the Villainess for a moment before smiling innocently.

"I just don't want to take things for granted." she continues and the other girl scoffs, what a commoner thing to say.

"Commoners. I don't understand how your mind works. Things of the school can be easily rebuilt or make another copy of the material." (Lady Evelyn) says coldly, somehow it sounded so personal instead. "It won't matter in the end. You'll graduate and then forget about this place."

"Perhaps not if I suddenly decide to work here." (Analissa) replies out of curiosity to what Lady Evelyn's reply would be. "It depends on the person, your ladyship. You are right as well, people will come and go and forget where they've been or perhaps not if the place is surely etched into your heart."

The dark hair girl rolled her eyes and saw the little miss innocent perfect student that everyone loves, eyes twinkled with curiosity and stride.

Hmm... for some reason she couldn't insult Miss Blanchet this time again. Was it those cursed puppy eyes that she was making? "I suppose you're not wrong, Miss Blanchet. If that will be all, I would prefer our conversation to be as silent as the night can be." (Lady Evelyn) instructed not to waste her energy in conversing with the commoner, and of course our Analissa followed the instruction to whatever Lady Evelyn wishes.

"As you wish, your ladyship."

Well she did what she was told, for now she has to play nice if Analissa wants the Villainess to ever butter up to her at all. Lady Evelyn looked forward and tried to ignore the girl's presence behind her, walking with much speed.

For now while Lady Evelyn was being herself Analissa had to come up with an understanding of... why and how she even came into the world of an otome game?

One, she never wanted to be in here in the first place- oh never mind... before blacking out she remembered wishing that she could save the Villainess by herself- that wish was fulfilled. I suppose that's why she was put in this world but now the next question is, who even put her there?

A god? A goddess? Deity? Some system with endless tasks she has to complete and if she doesn't comply she'll be punished? Some other being that she hasn't known about? Or was she just put in here by accident?

Does she need to act like a vessel to play the role of the Heroine?

What if she doesn't follow the story? Of course that could change tides even to some routes but to what extent? Can she find another route more safely? Like a friendship route or something like that? "Hmm..." (Analissa) couldn't help but hum in thought to show that she's really thinking deep about something.

So many questions on the first day and Analissa has to worry about magic class. Its literally blowing her mind! She never have expected to actually come in here- and actually save the Villainess but now- she can!

There were another pair of footsteps in the hall. Lady Evelyn stops her tracks staring at the man she calls her fiancé and felt something bump her uniform in her back. "Oof! Ow..." (Analissa)

She has forgotten she had Miss Blanchet in tow behind her- oh curses! They had to meet here together in all places? The crown prince of the Human Kingdom [Remalia].

The dark blonde hair, chiseled, perfect and handsome face. Very well built body, one should be singing praises being engaged to such a fine man of physique but to Lady Evelyn as long as she's married and follows the order of her father, this is just a bonus point of having him as a husband.

"Good evening, your highness." (Lady Evelyn) curtsies politely to him but he didn't even spare a moment to look and instead his attention went to Analissa who was holding her nose awkwardly. She was in a little pain from the bump but- now she has far more greater things to worry about than her nose.

"Lady Blanchet!" the crown prince calls out to Analissa to which she quickly hides away her hand that was holding her nose and smiles widely.

"Greetings to his highness." (Analissa) copies the curtsy the villainess did perfectly, evading the case of not showing proper decorum. The crown prince smiles happily now that he has seen the love of his life in front of him.

"Greetings to you as well, pray tell what are you doing here with- her of all people." The crown prince stares at the Villainess with discontent who gives him the cold shoulders but still Lady Evelyn needed to play her part of his future wife and replied with a sweet tone, "Nothing you should be concerned about, dear fiancé. We were just taking a nice stroll out in the back. The air is really sublime in this time of season, you could feel the nice breeze wanting to blow you away when it wants to." (Lady Evelyn)

The crown prince looked like he was refusing to believe Lady Evelyn's words. After all, that girl is nothing but trouble! From her possessiveness to the crown prince, her shady personality and glaring eyes. Nothing good can certainly come with her attitude as well!

"Lady Evelyn Alarie. It has come to my attention that you are bullying Lady Analissa Blanchet by planning to corner her and thus I order you to stay away from her fiancé. If you know what's good for you." he holds Analissa's hands as if it was his.

Was the Villainess hurt by his actions? Yes, she thought his childhood friend of so many years would understand the responsibility and burden of their marriage including the worry of their family.

If someone were to see Miss Blanchet and the crown prince together- she was afraid rumors will spread and people will target the blonde girl next.

Meanwhile our Heroine on the other hand was looking at the crown prince's hands and going- ew, ew, ew, ew!

What is this?! Has the game route opening started already?! Oh this scene! Analissa can remember this as the first route opening with the crown prince!

"Can't you see what problems you'll put her through if you continue with this farce Crown Prince Dereck-?!" (Lady Evelyn) glared at their hands holding and remembered the consequences if any other student saw them both together holding hands in front of the fiancé might I add!

"I don't need you to tell me what to do. It's clear of your intentions that you're going to bully her- please. I've known of your jealousy when it came to our relationship but I never thought you'd go this far, Evelyn." (Crown Prince Dereck) replies holding onto Analissa's hand tighter and for some reason it just makes Analissa shiver in fear.

This crown prince was secretly a yandere after all- who wouldn't be scared!

Slowly the holding became even more tighter. Analissa was wincing in pain, "Um, your highness-" she tried to speak.

"Do not fret Lady Analissa. I will protect you at all costs. I swear on it." (Crown Prince Dereck) swore proudly smiling to Analissa but she wasn't too charmed. Actually, she was pissed and clearly in pain!

'Bitch save me from yourself first! Ow! Ow! My hands are going to die at this rate!' the thoughts ran through Analissa's mind but she tolerated it for she didn't want to humiliate herself in front of the Villainess she admired so much!

The Villainess noticed Analissa's face of discomfort and walked forward to yank the Heroine out of his arms. "She does not belong to you." (Lady Evelyn) puts her arms around her shoulder and waist gently after watching this little tyrant almost squeeze her to death.

The crown prince moves forward to hold Analissa's wrist, "Nor does she belong to you."

Lady Evelyn and the Crown Prince Dereck had a stare down for a moment before Analissa cries out, "Please both of you perhaps class is starting soon again- we wouldn't want to miss it right?" She tried to divert the tension and it seemed to have worked. Nobles hate to be seen as late after all.

The both of them looked at Analissa and agreed, the crown prince removes her hold to the Heroine and the Villainess slowly removes her protective hold onto hers as well. "Fine, please Lady Blanchet let me escort you to your classrooms- my student council duties can wait." (Crown Prince Dereck) offers sweetly with a charming smile.

Lady Evelyn was about to pounce on him again with crampy arguments to why these two shouldn't be seen together but it was Analissa who took charge of the moment this time. Analissa shakes her head in reply, "I have already made a promise to Lady Evelyn that I would accompany her. I cannot be rude as to break such a promise, good day though your highness. May our paths cross again."

The Villainess widened her eyes slightly in surprise. She didn't think she of all people would refuse a request of escort by the prince- after all she never even got that kind of treatment from him even if they were already engaged.

Analissa held Lady Evelyn's hand pulling it slightly. "Shall we go, your ladyship?" she smiles pleadingly to her.

Lady Evelyn nods slightly, feeling unsettled with how her hand was holding hers. It felt like she had no choice but to agree and- for some reason the smile just made her want to agree. "If you'll excuse us, your highness. We ought not to be late now, don't we?" She grinned widely, taking the girl no longer behind her but walked by her side, leaving the Crown Prince to stand in the middle of the hallway until he could no longer see both of the girls' figures.

When the two girls were walking hand in hand, Lady Evelyn stopped when she knew it was safe. Looked both left and right to see if anyone else was watching and took this time to pull Analissa's hand to inspect. "Your hand..."

Analissa's heart thumped. Lady Evelyn- was she worried for her?! Oh my goodness! She's leaning her face more closely to her hand as if she was going to kiss it!

"Now it has red marks from the crown prince for holding it too tightly. It must've been unpleasant to bear and tolerate such an act." (Lady Evelyn) mutters looking rather irritated but resolved. While she herself has put her in a pinning position in a wall before, her hold has never been that tight that it left marks on her body.

Analissa looked disappointed that it wasn't a kiss but then again- they're not at that stage yet. "Can you heal it yourself? I heard you possess the magic to heal others." (Lady Evelyn) asks curiously wondering what kind of skill does the commoner possess. After all, the only reason she would have attended the academy was because of her rare light magic that gave her the ability to heal people and even if it's strong enough.

Save someone in a brink of death and even grow out broken limbs even if it's years old.

Analissa's face falters into a wide smile not knowing Lady Evelyn's true intent and just thought that she was just worried about her.

How unfair it was for her, to be stuck in a game coded by a bunch of psychopaths to die at every route just because you were given the role of the villainess- when really.

She's not all that bad... all that she was given, it was injustice!

"It is alright, your ladyship. I do not think I am worthy of such worry like yours but mine will heal normally. The marks are not permanent and his highness most likely did it without knowing." (Analissa) tries defending the crown prince even though it was utterly useless since he was made to hurt the heroine.

"I see." the other girl lets go of her hand, the warmth slipping away as well. Lady Evelyn crossed her arms contemplating on what she'll do next. She can't let the girl in pain after all that ruckus but it looked like this girl was pretty stubborn as well. Lady Evelyn groaned and pointed at Analissa's hands, "After class make sure to get that checked up by the nurse's office if you are not planning to heal yourself. Even if you claim it wasn't that bad, a woman must always take care of her beauty."

The mind of the Heroine right now has three little braincells running in circles. All of them were having signs written, Oh my goodness- I'm whipped-I can't help it.

"Since you've shown yourself true to your words. You're not going near anymore to my fiancé and will only remain by my side. Tell me if he does get near and I'll... do something about it." (Lady Evelyn) shyly looks toward Analissa with a firm resolve.

Analissa's face was now beet red. To be by Lady Evelyn's side- to think those words of offering to stay with her would come out of her tantalizing lips! She could feel the excitement beating at her heart every second. "Y-Yes... your ladyship. I will not stray far away from you as promised."

At that moment, it felt like... the Villainess was her shining armor and not the crown prince. She felt... safe. How ironic that she planned to save her first but it felt the opposite right now yet she enjoyed it very much.

"Now we must get on with our walking and head into the classroom." (Lady Evelyn) continued and Analissa followed, a little sad they were no longer walking hand in hand but still not bad progress for the first day.

"Yes, your ladyship." (Analissa) happily settles her pace now walking behind the noble girl and reminds herself one day, she'll be able to walk by Lady Evalyn's side.

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