Otome Game: I, The Heroine Will Be Your Savior! (GL)

Chapter 13: The Crown Prince’s unexpected visit!

Chapter 13: The Crown Prince's unexpected visit!

Analissa takes in a deep breath before going out with Lord Ein who accompanies her outside of the kitchen. "Lord Ein, may I have a word?" she asks the dark blue haired boy and he sighs tiringly already knowing what she's going to ask.

For safety measures they stood to the side where neither the crown prince nor Farrah could hear their conversation. "Obex Clastrum." he snaps his fingers and a small magic circle pops up and glows to a faded color before fading away.

An invisible barrier formed that protected their voices and now they can talk freely on whatever they wanted to say.

"First it's not my idea it was the crown prince's, second I'm not enjoying this like you are and third- he seems to be hell bent on wanting to visit you. What did you feed him so that he became this obsessed?" (Lord Ein) was now the one asking questions and cornered Analissa speechless.

Certainly it offended her that Lord Ein thought of her batting eyelashes at the crown prince! Feeding him some love potion or something- well over her dead body before she does that kind of shameless act. "I didn't feed him anything! If anything I don't want to feed him anything!"

Analissa would rather wish he choked on a sausage while he feeds himself with his own sad hands!

"Believe me, Lord Ein. My heart belongs to someone else and I assure you it's not that pretty egotistical blonde boy over there." she points to Crown Prince Dereck who was impatiently waiting for Analissa to serve him.

Oh how would she love to see her in a cute uniform too. Propose to her and such but he felt like that was moving too fast- even Lord Ein commented on his plans being too quick on the act on marriage.

Right! He's right!

They have definitely held hands together that one time though!

If only his fiancé was not in the way of their love he would've escorted the lovely Analissa on the way back to her room and was so sure that she would have fallen in love with him then and there using his princely charming charms!

"It seems that he's smiling while waiting at the table like a madman." (Lord Ein) fearfully covers his mouth looking at the poor little sheep in front of him and fake cries even doing a little teary sniff sound effect while feeling someone else's gaze behind them.

"Truly he has fallen deep. You vixen... look at you just hooking men wherever you go." he teases the girl while still keeping his guard up. Lord Ein noticed that the muscular tall lady over there with bright brown hair was watching their every move.

How fortunate it was that she won't be able to overhear what they're talking about because frankly she feels this restaurant staff was rather a nosy one. "Agh! Lord Ein! Not funny. I don't even desire to hook any of them I swear! I've been bombarded with them wherever I go."

The heroine crossed her arms and wondered, "You seem to be the only sane man I've met ever since I came here- I mean transferred here." she turns to Lord Ein who raises his eyebrows a little sassily looking offended that this blonde girl had the audacity to assume-

"No offense but you're not my type." (Lord Ein) raised his hands in defense, shoving it in Analissa's face. The Heroine didn't seem to be dejected at the thought but she was happy about the news!

"Oh thank you lord whatever deity exists in this world for making this man sane!" (Analissa) almost kneeled and prayed.

Oh! Her three brain cells are doing it right now actually, thanking the heavens for making such a good companion friend on her journey on saving the Villainess from her doom! But- then again, things are going off route.

This whole crown prince visiting her at a work event was not in the game last time she checked.

"Thank no one but me for being sane, however Miss Blanchet. What do you plan on doing next- I don't see why the need for a private conversation with me." (Lord Ein)

"I panicked- and the last time I came across the crown prince he sort of hurt me without knowing." (Analissa) confessed looking over to her wrist remembering the first time he encountered a love interest. 

If the Villainess was not there to save her, who knows what might have happened.

"Please Lord Ein. If you think things are getting out of hand- just- convince him to get out of the restaurant. I don't want the good people here getting involved in any trouble with me." she pleaded with the noble with the best puppy eyes she could do. One would have no problem as a normal person being infatuated with the Heroine.

However with people that has some sort of immunity for her charms.

It might need some more persuasion.

"Lord Ein- come on I'll owe you a favor." (Analissa) was practically begging for her life here and finally Lord Ein sighs giving her a nod.

"Fine, this is all rather amusing for me but seeing you in this state makes me pity you." (Lord Ein) snaps his fingers, the barrier disappearing around them and Analissa did a little happy dance that he said yes to helping her! "Thank you!"

"You owe me one, Miss Blanchet." (Lord Ein) smiles at the girl and escorts Analissa towards his childhood friend, the crown prince. The blonde girl was really nervous not knowing what to expect while holding the menu in her arms.

The crown prince noticed the most beautiful girl laid upon his eyes and was utterly paralyzed by her beauty in that- uniform! W-What a sight! And to think its all for him to see- it almost made his nose bleed from the utter excitement.

"Miss Blanchet, I present to you the crown prince Dereck Louvecroft of our kingdom." (Lord Ein) introduces Crown Prince Dereck who straightens his back proudly while giving one of his charming smiles that can certainly charm any lady he flashes it into.

"I suppose we meet again, your highness." (Analissa) responds with her polite business smile not giving the crown prince any misunderstanding hints that she'll be willing to accept his courtship move on her. "What brings you here if you don't mind me asking?"

The crown prince instantly fell in love with her some more with just that friendly polite smile that Analissa did. "I came here to see you, of course. Our meeting from before was rather brief because of my fiancé-" his eyes were now full of concern the moment he remembered that his fiance actually dragged her out of their conversation from before.

"Are you alright actually? She must've been one piece of work to deal with. She hasn't been bullying you right?" (Crown Prince Dereck) asked, assuming Lady Evelyn of such acts even though there wasn't any evidence for him to back up on.

It made the blonde girl angry! Lady Evelyn actually saved her when he was hurting her! How dare this prince assume of such things-

"Whew..." (Analissa) decided to take a deep breather remembering that if she loses all of her emotions right now. Farrah and her family will be in danger, so she has to play around safely around this game and be more strategic.

"Your highness, Lady Evelyn has been rather considerate and fair towards me. You need not to worry about how she is towards me for I am safe and fine." she calmly answers still wearing her polite smile but there was a hint of malice behind her voice. Lord Ein seemed to be the only one who was able to pick up on it.

"Lady Analissa, please do not be so formal around me. No need to call me, your highness. I want to become closer to you so I would like it if you called me by my name." The crown prince suggested doing a little happy dance feeling that he might have the chance to become closer with the destined person he believes to be.

Analissa on the other hand wanted to smack the heck out of this one.

He's engaged- with Lady Evelyn of all people!

She likes the Villainess in an admiring manner but she's pretty sure she hasn't done anything like this... she thinks.

Her horrible memory is showing. In any case! He's dangerous, Analissa was racking her brain around how to pass this obstacle. Analissa would really prefer if she doesn't get too close with this love interest of a crown prince.

"Well your highness, such an offer but I'm afraid I'll have to respectfully decline." The blonde girl rejects the prince who almost choked on the water he was currently drinking and looked at her with widened eyes.

I-Is this reality?! A girl actually rejected one of his advances and didn't even want to call him by the first name- "But Lady Analissa, I thought erm... we were having a moment right then and there." (Crown Prince Dereck) tries to salvage the conversation but it was no use.

The woman in front of him was not like any other girls.

It will take a lot more than riches, titles and looks before you can even impress a gal like this.

"It is what you have thought, your highness but it's a one sided feeling for I am currently on a job. You might be the future king of our kingdom, but to me as long as you're in our shop. You are just any customer like the others." (Analissa) tells the prince who covered his mouth utterly speechless from her speech.

W-What a girl?!

To think she has the guts to be fearless and treat her like any other commoner there is- for some reason he found that utterly irresistible of her to think! After all, everyone in the noble circle would only pay attention to him because he's a prince.

But without the crown on his head, no one would ever pay attention to just simple Dereck Louvecroft.

Analissa knew that the crown prince was currently giving her the heart eyes and this could be a chance to say something that will make him leave her alone. Something hurtful to say but utterly valid to do so!

"Which is why if I'm being honest your highness. I disliked the way how you kept the restaurant all to yourself with no having another good reason than to just be with me, it just made me... think of you as an inconsiderate prince who uses his power for his selfish needs." she really gave the man no mercy because the crown prince right now is in pain.

Every hurtful truth she gave him, an arrow seemed to have struck.

He has never thought of himself as inconsiderate! This was actually the first time- someone had told him that! However, he's a crown prince and has a silver spoon personality to where he always got what he wanted.

And what he wants now- is the beauty in front of him.

"Lady Analissa, I apologize for the inconvenience I put you through but I did this only to give you a once in a lifetime offer." (Crown Prince Dereck) stands up to look at the Heroine with his reddened ears. How he wished to let her the way that his heart beats for her, this girl made him feel things he shouldn't as his duty of the crown and his engagement with Lady Evelyn.

"I can't wait anymore." he was about to reach for Analissa's hand. It feels like he's going to go crazy if he doesn't make her his bride.

Analissa looked at Lord Ein in a panic signaling him to do something! And he did!

"Your highness, how about we take things slow. I don't think Miss Blanchet here is interested in what you're offering at the moment. Remember, you're engaged." (Lord Ein) puts himself between them both and Analissa sighs thankfully towards her newfound dear friend.

"What do you think Lady Evelyn would feel if she saw you holding another girl's hands intimately?" He continues to try and persuade the prince but he seemed to have gotten even more angry hearing the name of his fiancé.

He blames that woman- the reason he can't get Analissa at all is all because of that damned marriage arrangement! "Ein, I brought you here to keep guard not meddle into my affairs. Lady Analissa was about to hear my prospects about-"

"Your highness. It's best to not say, I've known you almost all my life and have even protected you at the cost of my life but don't you think you're moving a little too fast for the little lady to handle?" (Lord Ein) gives a faint smile at the crown prince who stops and look over to Analissa who was looking at him in fear.

Ah... perhaps... he was moving too fast.

"A-Apologies." The crown prince apologizes and sits down immediately in his seat already regretting his actions from before but what is done is done- he has disgraced himself and most likely gave his second impression away in a horrible act.

"I would really love to know you, Lady Analissa." he says looking down at the table hoping that the blonde girl would take pity on a handsome prince like him. I mean- it always worked for him anyways.

The moment it looks like you've broken a prince's heart, anyone would give him a second chance with this tactic.

Analissa on the other hand, was praying that he would choke on a sausage but she can't say that out loud right to his face so polite a smile it is!

"No, I would rather not let his highness get to know me." she said casually and the prince looked surprised!

His reaction was actually expected and rather anticlimactic for the Heroine but come on!

At this point he was just wasting Analissa's time!

Crown Prince Dereck was just not believing the fact that his tactic looked pitiful and sad at the same time while acting truly genuine didn't work!

Is this woman broken for not falling into his charms?!

Analissa stifled a groan and explained as to why she can't be around the crown prince.

"I have promised Lady Evelyn that I would stay away from you at all cost, your highness. I'm merely doing my duty serving a customer right now so I would say you're pretty lucky I'm even talking to his highness." She gave him the menu and continued to wear a polite smile.

"The menu, dear customer. I would actually love it if you'd order quickly because our cook might have been waiting all this time in the kitchen."

The wellbeing of Farrah actually crossed her mind and intended to have this royal spoiled ass out of the restaurant as fast as she could!

The crown prince clenched her teeth- not this woman again! Always interfering! Both of his fits clenched tight glaring at the menu while muttering his fiancé's name in hate. "Evelyn... you sly little-"

"Ahem- your order please." (Analissa) takes her small notepad and pen, interrupting him because she could clearly hear the crown prince badmouthing the good name of the Villainess.

"A-Ah apologies. Right, I would just take whatever expensive dish you have here and your most expensive wine." (Crown Prince Dereck) not even looking at the menu, ordered and arranged on to visit his fiancé in the next few days without Analissa knowing.

He needs to have a thorough talk to his fiancé about this issue and he will intend to do it to persuade Evelyn that he shouldn't be blocking his way towards what could be his blooming romantic interest.

If only... he could just exile the woman in a far away place or just.. perhaps...

He grinned and at a sudden struck an idea on the top of his head. "Oh I am one smart prince." he complimented himself after seeing that the Heroine was no longer in earshot but his guard and proclaimed best friend, Lord Ein, heard all of his muttering.

With a cocky smile like that, he could only guess that his childhood friend is planning something big and he worries for the blonde girl in the future.

Thank you to my patreon!

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