Otherworld Management Manual

Chapter 99 - Wind Horse Thieves

Inside the castle, in the restaurant.

Zhang Feng, Caroline sat next to each other, and Amy sat opposite Zhang Feng, as if she was deliberately staying away from him.

Zhang Feng touched his nose, feeling a little helpless.

He originally thought that he touched Amy’s ear, maybe touched her inverse scale or something, and Amy should not appear in front of him, at least not for a while.

But I didn’t expect that just after the meal was cooked, Amy came to smell the smell.

Seeing this, Zhang Feng is naturally very happy. It seems that touching his ears is not a big deal.

Caroline didn’t know what happened between the two of them. She talked and laughed with Zhang Feng, but she did not neglect Amy.

Although this wolf-eared girl is arrogant and a little grumpy, Caroline doesn’t have any bad feelings towards her, and even treats her like a little sister.

Perhaps, this is really a face-to-face world.

“Amy, you seem a little unhappy today, what’s wrong?”

Caroline asked with concern.


Amy’s face was tense, and she answered coldly.

Caroline also cares about her attitude.

“That’s alright, lunch is still very rich, you are growing up, eat a little more, this is all made by Zhang Feng!”

Amy had already picked up the chopsticks, but when she heard Caroline’s words, she put the chopsticks down subconsciously.

“Cough cough.”

Zhang Feng was a little embarrassed, but his face was thicker. Zhang Feng picked up a large piece of pig’s trotter and put it in Amy’s bowl.

“Come on, this braised pig’s trotter is delicious. It’s made with all kinds of good spices. Just to make this, the spices you spend are all in gold coins. Try to see if it suits your taste. ?”

Following Zhang Feng’s words, Amy swallowed saliva subconsciously.

Zhang Feng snickered to himself.

But after he put the pig’s trotters in Amy’s bowl, he didn’t look at Amy again, lest she be embarrassed.

Sure enough, when Amy saw that Zhang Feng was not staring at her, she was relieved.

Taking a bite of the braised pig’s trotter, his eyes suddenly lit up.

good to eat!

This time, Amy was not able to eat one table of dishes at a time like before.

Caroline asked the reason, only then did she know that it was because Amy was too hungry before. After a meal of eating and drinking, she had made up for it. Now she is the one who eats two to three times larger than normal people. normal level.

Well, this “normal” is still not normal for Zhang Feng.

After lunch, Zhang Feng went to see his cement.

Caroline naturally followed, but Amy actually followed, which was somewhat beyond Zhang Feng’s expectations.

“Aren’t you angry anymore?”

Zhang Feng took a sneak peek, but Amy was still cold and expressionless.

When I went downstairs, I saw Pang Da, the giant panda, lying in a pile of bamboo, eating happily.

These bamboos were bought from other places, and they didn’t cost much gold coins, and Zhang Feng didn’t care.

“Panda, do you want to go out to play?”

Zhang Feng called it out.

Pang Da turned his head to look at him, then looked at the bamboo in his hand, and chose bamboo decisively.

Well, Zhang Feng had already expected this.

At this time, Amy was a little unhappy.

It’s called Xiaobai, not Panda!

Unfortunately, no one noticed Amy’s silent protest.

The three came to the cave, and as soon as Zhang Feng came in, he saw that the cement made yesterday had solidified.

“How about you try this hardness?”

Zhang Feng pointed to the column and said to Caroline and Amy.

Caroline tried it, and it felt like a rock, very hard, but still couldn’t attack on her own.

Amy even kicked it off.

“Ah I”

Amy herself was stunned. Although she hadn’t spoken to Zhang Feng, she heard Zhang Feng and Caroline’s conversation, saying that the cement was particularly hard, even harder than a stone.

She used a little strength herself, and it broke immediately, which is seriously inconsistent with the facts described by Zhang Feng!

Amy glanced at Zhang Feng secretly, a little apprehensive, afraid of ruining Zhang Feng’s affairs.

But Zhang Feng didn’t blame her either.

“Cough, this is normal. I use a small amount of cement in this area, and the cement is mainly used for connection. If it is directly impacted, it is still not that hard.”

At this level, Zhang Feng is already very satisfied.

After all, it is impossible for all those horse thieves to have the strength of knights.

“Okay, the cement is okay so far, and the construction of the city wall is about to begin!”

For the threat of horse thieves, Zhang Feng did not dare to forget for a moment.

“Erica should have been free recently.”

Zhang Feng turned to Caroline.

“Yes, her slaves are almost trained. After you awarded her the position of a mayor last time, she has been in the city hall, dealing with personnel issues. It will be available soon.”

Erica is the most capable of the slaves Zhang Feng bought before.

Zhang Feng promised her that if he could train these slaves well, he would restore her status as a free citizen.

Erica didn’t disappoint Zhang Feng either. Every slave was well trained. Even if they didn’t know it, they thought they were nobles.

Naturally, Zhang Feng would not break his promise. Not only did Erica regain her free status, but she also gave her the status of a city official.

“Let Erica do the recruitment for the construction of the city wall.”

I can’t trouble Caroline with everything, and I have to train a few assistants for her, and Erica is very good.


The labor in the other world is very cheap, and even a copper coin can find someone to do the work for you.

After Erica communicated with Zhang Feng, she immediately posted a recruitment notice.

“The Lord of the City is going to recruit people!”

This piece of news immediately spread like a fly throughout the entire Red Leaf City.

Everyone in Hongye City knows that the positions posted by the city master are very generous, and there are countless people competing for each position.

But Hongye City is so big. It is a city, but it is actually a village.

There are not so many positions. What Zhang Feng lacks the most are talents and soldiers. Talents are hard to come by. After all, those with a little ability have been hired by Zhang Feng long ago. The rest are ordinary people, and soldiers require physical fitness and people. product.

These thresholds stop a large number of people.

Therefore, when Zhang Feng released the recruitment information this time, it immediately attracted the attention of the whole city.

“Recruiting workers, the salary is 5 silver coins per month, and the number of people is not limited. As long as there is no serious illness, anyone can come to sign up.”

Seeing the information on the bulletin board, many people were moved.

The main reason is that there are no restrictions, and anyone can sign up.

The monthly salary of these five silver coins seems to be a lot less than those of those who had a dozen or so silver coins before, but those positions have various conditions, and there are only so many people, one recruits one less.

Besides, five silver coins are not a lot. You must know that the monthly salary of soldiers in Hongye City was only two silver coins.

“I want to sign up!”

“I want to sign up too!”


After a little thought, everyone immediately signed up.

Winter is coming, and there are still many homeless people in Hongye City.

As for the restriction that there is no major disease, it is not a restriction at all. Those who really have major diseases will not live to this time.

Erica had already anticipated this hot registration method, and under her command, the scene soon became well-ordered.

The tea room in the castle.

Zhang Feng sat opposite one person.

This man is the stone merchant Brown.

“Lord City Lord, it’s really not easy to see you!”

Brown respectfully bowed to Zhang Feng.

Zhang Feng smiled, he knew that these businessmen wanted to see him, just to see if there were any business opportunities to take advantage of.

But this time was too busy for Zhang Feng to take care of.

I took time out today to meet with Brown.

Of course, it was actually Zhang Feng who needed his help, but in order to take the initiative, Zhang Feng naturally couldn’t express the attitude that he needed him first.

This tea room was specially prepared by Zhang Feng to receive outsiders.

The decoration of the tea room is very elegant, giving people a sense of tranquility.

Brown was still a little anxious at first, but after coming here, he seemed to calm down immediately, especially when he smelled a faint fragrance, he felt that his whole body was relaxed.

“Lord City Lord, this is”

Brown still couldn’t contain his curiosity, looked at the set of exquisite utensils in Zhang Feng’s hand, and asked curiously.


Zhang Feng spit out a word softly, which seemed very inscrutable.

This is a set of tea sets. There are a lot of tea rules, tea spoons, tea leaks, etc., all of which are made of purple sand, and they look very tall.

“Tea? Is it milk tea? But it doesn’t look like it?”

Brown thought of those milk teas he drank before, and the difference in aroma is still very big.

Zhang Feng did not answer him, and poured a cup of tea for Brown himself, which made Brown a little flattered, and he took it carefully.

“Thank you, Lord City Lord!”

Brown took a light bite, the entrance was slightly bitter, and later the taste was thick but not bitter, astringent but not astringent, and the aftertaste was long, refreshing and sweet.

Compared with the pure sweetness of milk tea, the taste of this tea is obviously richer, and Brown prefers it.

After drinking, the whole body and mind have a feeling of relaxation.

“Lord City Lord, this tea is delicious!”

Brown thought for a while, but couldn’t think of any adjectives to describe it.

Some people like tea when they drink it for the first time, and some people don’t feel anything after drinking too much.

Zhang Feng actually belongs to the latter. He can’t drink the quality of tea, nor is he particularly fond of tea, but the quality of tea is not comparable to ordinary things.

No, it caught Brown all of a sudden.

Especially when he touched the texture of the teacup in his hand, Brown didn’t know what material it was. It felt like pottery, but it was much more delicate than the pottery he had ever seen, and he couldn’t put it down.

As a businessman’s instinct, he knew that this was another business opportunity.

But today’s main purpose is not this for the time being.

“Lord Zhang Feng, do you have any more sugar here?”

Brown went straight to the point.

“White sugar? There should be a little more.”

Zhang Feng’s tone was somewhat uncertain.


Although it was expected, Brown was still overjoyed when he heard the news.

White sugar has become popular in the aristocratic circles now, and when the white sugar they bought in Hongye City changed hands, they made at least five times the difference!

I have to say that these noble men are rich!

There are even many people who inquire where these white sugars come from.

Brown and the others naturally wouldn’t tell the news about Red Leaf City, they didn’t want to add competitors to themselves.

“I don’t know what price the Lord of the City is going to sell at?”

Brown knew that the price of these sugars would definitely go up, but as long as it wasn’t too outrageous, he could accept it, even if it was another auction.

“I heard that your stone business is quite big?”

Zhang Feng asked suddenly.

Brown didn’t know why the city owner talked about his business, but he replied respectfully:

“The city lord is wrong, I am just a small business, how can I compare to you, the city lord!”

Quietly, Brown flattered.

“I want to rebuild the city wall recently, but the stone thing seems to be very troublesome”

Hearing Zhang Feng’s intention to buy stones, Brown’s eyes lit up immediately.

“No trouble, the stone is no trouble at all! Come to me if you need it!”

There are actually a lot of stones in the Blackstone Forest, and they all belong to Zhang Feng. He can use them unconditionally, but there is a problem with this, that is, he has no manpower.

He hired a lot of gold coins for the construction of the city wall. If they were to go all the way to carry the stones, it would take a lot of time, not to mention whether people could stand it.

Zhang Feng is not short of gold coins now. What he lacks is time. After all, he doesn’t know when the horse thieves will come. If he can quickly build the city wall, he will have more security.

Besides, there are jadeite mines in the Blackstone Forest. He doesn’t want to use those jadeite rough stones to build the city wall. What a waste!

“Then how many stones do you think can be exchanged for a bowl of sugar?”

“What? The Lord of the City is willing to replace it with sugar!”

Brown was stunned at first, but then ecstatic.

Stones are worthless at all, mainly because of the human and material resources for transportation, and for Brown, the most valuable thing in his hands is people!

If you can get the sugar in Zhang Feng’s hand, let alone give him stones, that is, give him all those coolie slaves, Brown is willing.

“Looks like we can have a good talk.”

“Of course, of course!”

In fact, there is no need to talk about it. Brown really wants this batch of white sugar so much, he said directly to Zhang Feng.

Within a month, Zhang Feng will send as many stones as he wants, as long as he can use them up! Even after a month, the slaves who transported the stones were also given to Zhang Feng!

Brown has seen the city wall of Hongye City. It is very low and thin. Even if it is the size of the black stone city wall built into the north city wall, it does not use many stones at all. He can afford it!

The price Zhang Feng needs to pay is a bowl of white sugar.

Zhang Feng readily agreed.

For Brown, this bowl of white sugar can bring him tens to hundreds of gold coins, and as long as he sells it far enough, the price will get higher and higher.

So much income, for some broken stones, it is really a big profit!

For Zhang Feng, it is also very profitable. For him, this white sugar can be regarded as a business without capital, and everything that can be exchanged is earned.

What’s more, the city wall built by Zhang Feng is not that kind of petty.

After negotiating with Zhang Feng, Brown left immediately. Although he still wanted to drink a few more sips of tea, as a businessman, it was obviously more important to earn gold coins.

At this time, Amy and Caroline came together.

“Do you want tea?”

Zhang Feng asked the two of them.


Caroline did not refuse, but Amy looked at the tea set in front of Zhang Feng curiously. It was the first time she had seen such delicate pottery.

Zhang Feng took two cups again and poured tea for the two of them.

“Try it.”

Caroline took a sip. This kind of bitter taste in the mouth, but a little sweet aftertaste made her eyes full of surprise, as if thinking, how can something like a leaf have such a strange taste.

As soon as Amy took a sip, she almost sprayed.

“Bah, bah, it’s so bitter!”

Obviously, the wolf-eared girl is not a person who can drink tea.

Seeing both of them looking at her, Amy felt a little embarrassed.

Zhang Feng didn’t mean to blame either. He took out two pieces of chocolate and handed them to Amy.

“Just eat this for kids.”


Amy hated people saying she was a child the most, but in the face of the chocolate handed over by Zhang Feng, she still took it obediently.

With Zhang Feng, you can always eat good things!

This is the truth she has researched in the past two days.

“Well, this is also a bit bitter, but this is delicious!”

Seeing Amy’s eyes squinting, Caroline fondly touched her head.

“Hey, don’t!”

When Zhang Feng saw it, it was too late to stop her. Caroline’s hand was already on Amy’s head.

He thought that the next thing was a battle of Mars hitting the earth, but the result surprised Zhang Feng.

Caroline looked at Zhang Feng strangely, and Amy looked at him innocently.

The pointy ears of the wolf-eared girl trembled in Caroline’s palm from time to time.

“What’s the matter, Mr. Zhang Feng?”

“It’s all right”

Zhang Feng felt that he was being targeted, why should Caroline just touch it, and he was kicked away when he touched it?

Butt still hurts.

“By the way, I almost forgot, someone reported to us that a person of unknown origin came to Hongye City, suspected of being a horse thief!”

Caroline was patronizing and drinking tea, and then she remembered her purpose of looking for Zhang Feng.

“Huh? Are there horse thieves?”

Zhang Feng was shocked.

“It’s a suspected horse thief. The person who reported it is a businessman in Hongye City. He has many years of business experience. It’s still very accurate to see people. I think it’s very possible.”

Zhang Feng touched his chin and fell into contemplation.

He was worried that there would be horse thieves coming. All the people who had issued a reward order in Hongye City, if they found horse thieves, or people who were suspected to be horse thieves, they could come and report them. According to the actual situation, the City Lord’s Mansion would give certain rewards.

Of course, this reward order cannot appear openly, otherwise, if there are horse thieves, they may be alarmed.

This is the reward that Zhang Feng asked Caroline to announce among the merchants in Hongye City.

Most of the merchants are local businessmen in Hongye City, and they naturally have some feelings for Hongye City. In addition, Zhang Feng has managed Hongye City so well, and they do not want Hongye City to be plundered by horse thieves.

Caroline said that this was reported by an old businessman. If he has been a businessman for so many years, there must be two brushes, so the horse thief is likely to be real.

“Come on, let’s go meet him.”

On the third floor of the tavern, Zhang Feng saw this tall businessman.

“Hello, Lord City Master!”

Lamb bowed respectfully.


Zhang Feng nodded, then asked straight to the point:

“You said you saw a horse thief?”

“Yes, Lord City Lord, I can guarantee that this person is a horse thief!”

Lamb looked confident.

“Oh? How are you so sure?”

Zhang Feng was puzzled, and even wondered if Lamb was here to deceive the reward. After all, people who swear like this usually either have real skills or become liars.

“Because I heard with my own ears that he sent a letter to the horse thief!”

Through Lamb’s communication, Zhang Feng understood the whole story, and at the same time he had to look at Lamb with admiration.

After a trade, on the way back to Hongye City, Lamb met a young man who gave him a silver coin and wanted to follow the caravan to Hongye City.

Lamb felt that something was wrong with the young man at the time.

After all, it is very rare to see a lonely person in this barren mountain, and he has a faint blood in his body, which is not found in ordinary people.

As an old businessman for many years, Lamb is very vigilant, but he did not directly refuse. In case the other party has accomplices or something, although he has hired a lot of thugs, it is better not to cause trouble.

This young man is naturally Quake.

Along the way, Lamb was observing Quick. Judging from his various habits, this person was most likely a horse thief.

Until one night, while resting in a dilapidated hotel, Lamb overheard Quick’s conversation, and the content of the conversation was to investigate the situation in Red Leaf City.

“You are very courageous, dare to eavesdrop on the horse thief’s conversation?”

Zhang Feng was a little surprised. In his impression, businessmen were very shrewd and even a little timid. It was rare for a person like him to listen directly to the horse thief.

“Hey, I was an apprentice knight back then, but for some reasons, I didn’t get promoted to a real knight.”

Hearing Lamb’s words, Zhang Feng suddenly realized that it turned out to be emboldened, which makes sense.

“Lord City Lord, if I guess correctly, this horse thief named Quick has left now, do you need me to catch him?”

Looking at Lamb’s expectant eyes, Zhang Feng immediately understood that he wanted to hire him.

However, Zhang Feng was not in a hurry, he said:

“Where have you taken him to?”

“Lord City Lord, don’t worry, the places I took him to are nothing more than restaurants, baths, places where everyone can go, like military camps, etc. I have warned him that he would definitely not dare to go directly.”

Zhang Feng was lost in thought.

A single horse thief, even if he is caught, will not help. What he has to face is not one or two, but a large wave.

“Oh, by the way, Lord City Lord, when I was taking a bath in the bathhouse together, I found the mark on his body. If I read it correctly, he is a member of the Tornado Horse Bandit.”

“The Wind Horse Thieves?”

It was the first time Zhang Feng heard this name.

“That’s right, and I also know that their den is in Shiliu Valley!”

Lamb said with a look of certainty.

“Where is Shiliu Valley? How far is it from our Red Leaf City?”

Zhang Feng is not very familiar with places outside Hongye City.

“In the lowermost reaches of the Senluo River, it is about a month’s journey from Hongye City. If it is fast, it will only take half a month.”

Lamb had been near Stoneflow Valley and knew what was going on there.

“A month, so far?”

Zhang Feng didn’t expect this gusty horse thief group ~www.mtlnovel.com~ to be able to radiate such a long distance.

Even if this horse thief named Quake rode back to tip off the news, and the horse thief came again, it would take a month for him to come and go.

a month?

Zhang Feng suddenly felt that he still had enough time?

If so, can the city wall be built a little higher? wider? Do you even have time to travel back in time to bring something good?

It seems to work!

: 6000 words three in one chapter! 12,000 words on the first day of listing, ask for a monthly pass!

Originally, I was ready to update 10,000 words on the first day, but because the book friends gave a reward of 10,000 words, according to the usual ten thousand words, the 2,000 words were added!

Also, don’t say I’m short, this is one chapter on top of three chapters, it’s very long!

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