Otherworld Management Manual

Chapter 8 - Baron Zhang Feng

“Ma’am, we may be in trouble.”

Early in the morning, Knight Marlowe, led by his servants, met Mrs. Caroline.

“What’s wrong?”

Caroline had dark circles under her eyes, and her face was a little haggard.

“Some of the people in the city hall have already left Hongye City.”

“Ah? Left! When?”

“It should have been last night.”

“Damn…Aren’t these people willing to stay for one more day!”

Caroline bit her lip lightly, her tone a little dissatisfied.

“And… they also took away a lot of supplies, including grain, meat, etc.”

Marlowe added again.


Caroline was startled at first, and then her eyes slowly turned red.

If the already difficult Red Leaf City loses these supplies, it won’t even wait for winter!

“By the way, why didn’t the more than ten knights of your knight order stop them!”

“Because…because they were escorted away by knights.”

Marlowe was ashamed, and his tone was a little embarrassed.

“Now there are only two knights left in Hongye City, Knight Baker and me.”

If the departure of the group of villains in the city hall was still expected by Caroline, then the betrayal of the knights made Caroline completely desperate. There are a total of 11 knights in Hongye City, and now 9 have left at once, then Got it!

“How long can our food last?”

Caroline can only force herself to calm down. It is useless to be angry and sad now, she can only find a way to solve the problem.

“Except for a part of the castle, there is almost no grain left now. Even if the wheat is harvested in a few days, it will be enough for the entire city to eat for a month at most.”

“One month…”

Caroline bit her lips with blood.

There are still more than two months before winter, and it will take at least three months for the winter to pass. That is to say, Hongye City must have at least half a year of food storage, but now it is only enough for one month.

Marlowe thought about it and said:

“The only way now is to disperse all the people in Hongye City, give them some food, and let them go to other lords. Maybe there is still a chance.”

As for selling the titles and territories to those great nobles for asylum, Marlow didn’t mention it again.

“If they are dismissed, these civilians will become refugees. When the various lords are gathering supplies to prepare for the winter, it is estimated that no one is willing to accept these more than a thousand refugees.”

As for Caroline’s words, Marlow didn’t refute it, because he knew it was a fact. He had personally experienced the scene a few years ago, when the arrogant lord shut out the refugees and froze thousands of people to death.

He couldn’t forget how helpless and sad those people’s dead eyes were.

“Madam, let me and Baker **** you away.”

Knight Marlow persuaded again.

Caroline shook her head silently. She has long since lost her home, so where can she go? Especially when she thought that more than a thousand civilians in Hongye City might starve to death, she felt that she was sorry for her father’s expectations of her.

If there is really no other way, she can only take the last way – sell Charles’ title and territory!

“Lord Marlowe, Baroness, there is something I think you should know!”

Suddenly, a hurried shout came from outside the house.

Knight Baker rushed in quickly.

“what happened?”

Marlowe asked with a sullen face. At this time, he didn’t care about Baker’s rude behavior.

“Baron Charles’ title has been sold!”


Hearing this news, both Marlowe and Caroline were in disbelief.

Caroline was even more shocked. Although she already had such a plan, she hadn’t had time to sell it!

“Impossible, Charles is gone, and his noble medal is still with me, no one can sell his title!”

Caroline didn’t believe it.

If it was her own choice, she would occupy a part of the initiative and could choose to rely on a noble with a better reputation, but now a new city lord has appeared inexplicably, making her a little confused.

After all, inheriting the title of Charles means that at the moment of signing the contract, everything in the territory belongs to this heir, including Knight Marlowe, Knight Baker, and even herself!

This is also the reason why she is unwilling to sell the title unless it is a last resort.

“Uh… It seems to have been sold in the name of Baron Charles and the witnesses of all the city hall…”

Baker scratched his head a little. He had not been a knight for a long time, so he didn’t understand these operations very well.

Caroline seemed to have remembered something, she quickly lifted her skirt, and without caring about her manners, she quickly ran to the second floor.

She found the house where Charles lived and opened the door. What she saw was a mess, with all kinds of things scattered all over the place.

Although I expected it, I still felt a chill in my heart – the baron inheritance contract and the noble medal have disappeared!

Watching Caroline go downstairs in despair, Marlowe could already guess what was going on, and said with an ugly expression:

“It should be those villains in the city hall. Now… we can’t leave!”

Since someone bought Charles’ title and fief, they now belong to the new lord, and if they leave without his permission, they will be hanged on the gallows!

“If these people are alone, they want to make a fortune at the end, but if the new lord is one of their people, or a former mayor, if he forces us to stay in Hongye City, Then we’re almost dead.”

Marlow is accustomed to thinking of things in the worst way, although he thinks the probability is very small, after all, he and those greedy villains just have different ideas, and there is no direct conflict of interest, so he can’t be so vicious, but everything is uncertain. , in case.

“Ah? How can this be good!”

Listening to Marlow’s explanation, UU reading www.uukanshu.com Baker realized the seriousness of the matter. From now on, their destiny no longer belongs to them.

As for leaving without the permission of the lord, it is not impossible, but you can only pray that you will not be caught in the future, and you will lose your knight status, and you will most likely become a refugee. The most important thing is. No nobleman wants to hire a disreputable knight.

Caroline is a little helpless now, she doesn’t know what will be waiting for her and Hongye City.

From the moment the new lord signed the sign, she couldn’t leave.

Now she can only pray that this new city owner, who she has never met before, is a good-natured and easy-to-communicate person who can lead Hongye City out of the current predicament, treat the civilians of Hongye City well, and even treat her well…

Although she knew that her thoughts were completely extravagant.

Because she knows the ugly faces of these nobles too well, it is very likely that the new city lord just likes this large territory and doesn’t care about the lives of these commoners…

“Baron Zhang Feng, won’t you leave Hongye City for the time being?”

Pan Xi stood at the gate of the city and bowed to Zhang Feng.

“Of course, I won’t leave Hongye City for the time being.”

“Then let me give you a piece of advice. If there is a shortage of food in Hongye City, these untouchables are very hungry, and it is very likely that they can do anything. You have to be careful!”

Zhang Feng raised his brows, it seemed that the situation in Hongye City was worse than he expected.

“Thank you for the reminder, I will pay attention.”

“That’s good, Baron Zhang Feng, see you next spring!”


Watching Pan Xi lead the convoy away, Zhang Feng touched the baron medal in his hand, feeling a little nervous and expecting to come to the gate of the castle.

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