Otherworld Management Manual

Chapter 34 - Zhang Feng teaches etiquette

Of course, Warren was not the only one who received Zhang Feng’s small gift.

There are 13 merchants who are still in Hongye City, regardless of their strength, and Zhang Feng gave him a small gift.

The people who gave gifts were naturally male slaves who had only trained for less than a day. Zhang Feng had not many male slaves, only less than 30. Although the training time was short, it was not difficult to do errands. It’s still possible.

Similar to Warren, the other businessmen were shocked and excited when they saw the small spoonful of snow-white salt sent by Zhang Feng.

Although they didn’t do the salt business before, but now such an obvious business opportunity is in front of them, how can they do it if they don’t try it.

At the same time, Zhang Feng also received feedback from the male slaves. These merchants said that they would definitely arrive tomorrow afternoon.

In any case, Zhang Feng is also the city lord of Hongye City. These merchants will definitely appreciate his request. Besides, no one can refuse the small spoon of salt he sent.

Since a small auction is going to be held, the preparations must be done in advance.

Although Zhang Feng has no experience in this area, but with years of experience in reading novels and film and television dramas, he can probably speculate a little. It is nothing more than venue construction, catalog production, pre-auction publicity warm-up, related manpower, monitoring and security, etc.

But Zhang Feng was only holding a small auction, and it was rather rushed. There was only one day of preparation time, so many things were unnecessary.

Now all you need is a venue, the items to be auctioned and the relevant personnel.

Zhang Feng chose the venue directly at City Hall.

The City Hall is the place where all administrative work of Hongye City, including industry and commerce, transportation, environment, infrastructure, etc., is under the jurisdiction of the City Hall. Its functions overlap with the City Lord’s Mansion, that is, the castle, but the City Hall of Hongye City can only Manage things in Hongye City, while the City Lord’s Mansion rules the entire baronial territory.

Now, because almost all the officials in the city hall have left, and Blanche is the only one left, she is too busy with many things, so some orders Zhang Feng can only let Caroline, Marlowe, and even do it herself.

For example, the notices on the bulletin board were all written by Zhang Feng himself. After all, there are still too few management personnel in Red Leaf City, and no one is available.

The City Hall is a two-story building. The second floor is the residence of the mayor, and the first floor is where the mayor works.

In Zhang Feng’s opinion, this layout is not reasonable at all. The food, lodging and work are all together, which is too awkward and too dignified, and it is said to be work, and there is not even a hall.

Just like now, there are a lot of applicants who come to apply, and they all line up to the old outside.

When Zhang Feng and Caroline arrived together, soldiers naturally opened the way, and soon he saw Blanche who was so busy.

“Lord City Lord! Madam City Lord!”

Seeing Zhang Feng and the two arriving, Blanche quickly got up and greeted Zhang Feng and Caroline respectfully.

Hearing Blanche calling her the lady of the city lord, Caroline’s ears felt a little hot.

Zhang Feng didn’t pay much attention, but asked kindly:

“Well, how is your work, are you busy?”

Seeing the long queue in front of her, Blanche replied bravely:

“……It’s not bad.”


Zhang Feng also found that the question he asked was a bit repetitive. After all, it was his first time as a leader and he had little experience.

Caroline snickered at the sight of the two embarrassed by each other.

“Cough, what, prepare me a bigger room, I will hold a small auction tomorrow.”

“Yes, Lord City Lord.”

Blanche quickly put down her interview job and prepared for Zhang Feng first.

Zhang Feng is also a little embarrassed, after all, Blanche is very busy now. But she is the only one left with the mayor. She must be the one who knows more about some municipal affairs. She can only test others. After the test is completed in two days, Zhang Feng can use the person will be more.

The venue problem is solved, the auction items are also ready, and the rest is the personnel.

It’s easy to say the staff, after all, this is not a high-level technical talent. The female slaves from yesterday can almost come in handy, and they don’t need to do anything, just bring tea and water.

When he left the messy city hall and saw these female slaves again, Zhang Feng was very satisfied with Erica.

Although it only took one day, if you didn’t say it, you would never have imagined that it was a group of slaves.

They were all young, dressed in neat sackcloth and sackcloth. They were clean and had no peculiar smell. They were no different from ordinary people except that they were thinner.

Erica only taught them aristocratic etiquette for one day. Although there were no conspicuous results, their spirit and energy were completely different from yesterday. Simply put, at least they are no longer submissive and a little more confident.

Of course, when Zhang Feng arrived, these slaves immediately knelt on the ground to express their respect for Zhang Feng.

Including Erica also knelt on the ground, no matter what her previous status was, now she is just Zhang Feng’s slave, and the rules cannot be forgotten.

“Get up.”

Zhang Feng personally held Erica up, which made her a little flattered.

“It’s a good performance. If you train them to have the temperament of 50% of the noble ladies, I will let you out of slave status.”

Hearing Zhang Feng’s words, Erika’s eyes lit up.

If there is a chance to break free from slavery and become a free person~www.mtlnovel.com~ she will definitely not let it go, it seems that she will have to work harder!

“You choose ten women who look more temperamental, I’ll be useful.”

Erica selected ten female slaves from the more than 100 people. They were all in their teens and twenties. They were tall and good-looking. Zhang Feng was very satisfied.

Then I took the ten female slaves to a room alone and taught them something different.

For example, when you meet someone, say welcome, and you have to smile. It is best to be respectful to others, but not flattering.

Then there is the issue of standing posture, such as keeping the head upright, the neck straight, the shoulders sinking, the abdomen tucked in, the waist standing up, and the hips raised.

When it comes to etiquette, Zhang Feng actually understands it quite well. When he was in college, because of his outstanding appearance, he was fooled into the etiquette department by a senior sister. He trained with a group of young ladies every day. few.

Hearing Zhang Feng’s explanation, the faces of these ten slaves, including Erica and Caroline, were all red.

After all, people in this world are relatively conservative. Zhang Feng said it so bluntly that it was somewhat embarrassing.

However, they also gradually discovered that what Zhang Feng said was quite reasonable. According to Zhang Feng, the slaves stood there, and it seemed like that.

Although these ten people did not have Erica’s aristocratic temperament, they were much better than the average person.

“Well, not bad!”

Seeing these ten beautiful women standing straight in front of him, Zhang Feng nodded. After all, it was just a temporary experiment, it was almost done, but Zhang Feng always felt that something was missing.

“By the way, Caroline, who is responsible for the clothes of our City Lord’s Mansion?”

Zhang Feng knew what was missing, and he still needed a suitable dress.

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