Otherworld Management Manual

Chapter 24 - 100,000 times the value

Erica Green grew up in a happy aristocratic family, with loving parents and a doting brother.

She thought that she would spend the rest of her life so carefree, but God made a cruel joke on her.

Six months ago, the nightmare came.

The family was framed and owed a huge debt. In order to repay the debt, my father had no choice but to dismiss the servants and sell the title and territory.

She changed from a glamorous noble lady to an ordinary commoner.

But Erica has a good mentality. As long as there are family members who love her, even a commoner is very happy.

But he was wrong. When she was an aristocrat, she didn’t know the life of the people at the bottom, she didn’t know how hard the commoners lived, and she didn’t know that commoners might be threatened with their lives at any time.

During her second week as a civilian, her new home was attacked by horse thieves.

Her parents were brutally killed by horse thieves after handing over the only remaining belongings. In order to protect herself, her brother attracted the hatred of horse thieves alone. She saw her brother being brutally murdered with her own eyes.

She was in the weed pile next to her. She didn’t dare to cry. She couldn’t let down the opportunity that her brother bought with her life.

Maybe it was luck, the horse thief hurried away after looting the property without careful inspection. Maybe it was to loot the next family, or maybe it was to find a place to be happy. She didn’t know, but she knew that she survived and exchanged her family’s life for it.

Since then, Erica has been living in exile.

She is a woman with no skills and no physical strength. The only thing she can do is begging, and she is begging with some refugees.

She has traveled a lot in half a year.

The refugees around her also changed one after another. Those refugees either died of starvation or disappeared inexplicably. She was lucky. Although she lived a hard life, she barely survived by eating some food thrown by the nobles.

But luck will come to an end, she is targeted by slave traders!

The slave trader didn’t even bother, and caught her easily.

She thought that from now on, she would no longer have the freedom to become a dog at the feet of the nobles, or the other party found out that she used to be a noble lady, and the fate might be even worse.

But I don’t know whether to call it lucky or unfortunate.

After Erica followed the slave traders to this city called Hongye City, no one bought her!

Most of the male slaves who came with her were bought, but almost all of them were left.

Her selling price is only fifty copper coins, and a large piece of complete black bread is only fifty copper coins. In her opinion, this is extremely cheap, but no one wants it.

Only then did she know what waste meant.

In an accident, Erica heard despairing news from the chat of slave traders.

There is no food left in Hongye City, and it will not be long before Hongye City will collapse. The slave traders are ready to evacuate, but if they take so many slaves on the road, it will cost a lot of extra money, which is obviously not worth it. They are ready to give up these slaves and let them survive self-destruction.

Hearing this news, Ellie was relieved after despair. Maybe she died, but she would be sorry for her parents and brother who died…

Many slaves have heard the news, or these slave traders have not deliberately concealed it. They have their own thugs and are not afraid of these thin slaves resisting. After all, they can only eat an egg-sized piece of brown bread for three days, and they have no strength to resist. .

As for why these merchants don’t give up these slaves now, of course, it is to see if they can make the last money, in case the passing nobles need it.

In the end, this “what if” really made these businessmen meet, but it was not a passing noble, but the new city owner of Hongye City.

These slave traders don’t know why the city lord bought these useless slaves, and they don’t want to know, they just want to take action quickly and then evacuate.

So, just when Erica was a little confused, she met the Lord of the City of Red Leaf City.

Seeing Zhang Feng’s first glance, Erica had only one thought in her heart: This Lord of the City is too good-looking!

If she was still the noble lady from before, maybe she would shyly send a bouquet of pink roses.

It’s a pity that there is no if, she is just a dirty and despicable slave now, her only thought is to hope that the good-looking Lord of the city can show some mercy, buy her, and give her a piece of black bread, after all, she is dying of starvation .

Perhaps hearing Erica’s inner prayer, the city lord waved his hand and not only bought her, but also all the slaves!

Erica was surprised, but more of a surprise, no matter what purpose the city lord has, or what her fate will be in the future, at least now she will not starve to death, after all, the city lord spent so much money to buy it They, it is impossible to watch them starve to death.

However, there were some surprises in the development of things.

A knight named Marlow, at the order of the city lord, set up several large iron pots in front of them!

This move shocked Erica, not only her, but all the slaves.

Could it be that because Hongye City is short of food, the Lord of the City is going to let them make a cameo appearance on the food?

But fortunately, the Lord of the City has spoken, this is just to boil water and let them take a bath, they are so stinky!

It turned out to be a false alarm.

As for the city lord saying that they are smelly, the slaves don’t care. After all, being able to survive is better than anything else. It doesn’t matter to them whether they smell bad or not.

However, since the Lord of the City has asked for a bath, they naturally dare not refuse.

Erica found that the Lord of the City even thoughtfully separated them from men and women. After all, people still have a sense of shame. If a large group of people were naked and bathed in this yard, Erica felt that her last dignity would also be lost.

Fortunately, Lord City Lord is a good person.

And the process of taking a shower surprised Erica even more.

First of all, the bath turned out to be hot water. She hadn’t reacted to it before, but when she was really poured by the hot water from start to finish, she regained her senses.

When she was a noble lady, firewood was a very precious thing. Except for cooking, no one would waste firewood to boil water, and no one would take a bath with hot water. After all, taking a bath means a weakened immune system.

And now she realizes that a hot bath is so comfortable!

At this time, the maids of the castle brought in two pieces that exuded a strange smell. I heard that it was called medicinal soap, which was specially prepared for them by the Lord of the City.

When taking a shower, just pick up a piece and rub it on your body.

Since it was ordered by the Lord of the City, no one dared not to obey.

Erica is naturally no exception, but what surprised her was that after the baptism of this medicated soap, not only did the stains on her body disappear, but even the itchy skin problem many years ago was no longer itchy. Refreshed!

If someone told her now that she would get sick in the bath, she would spit on him resolutely, because she had never felt so good about herself.

It can be seen that this medicinal soap is definitely a fine collection of the city owner!

Then the Lord of the City also prepared clean clothes for them. Although the cloth is very ordinary, it is much better than the “slave clothes” they have been wearing for months or even years!

Originally, she thought she was lucky enough today, but she didn’t expect that the main event was still to come.

Unlimited black bread is open to supply to their slaves!

To know that she herself is worth a large piece of brown bread!

If it weren’t for soldiers to maintain order, all the slaves would probably go crazy.

The tall horseman Marlowe told her that brown bread can be eaten as long as it is full, but it cannot be wasted. For example, if it can’t be eaten, it will be forced into her mouth. If she finds it, throw it out to feed the fish!

However, Knight Marlow said, since they were all bought by the Lord of the City, they will naturally not lack food in the future. If the Lord of the City was angered by this first meal, then countless meals in the future will be missed by you.

The slaves finally calmed down at this time, and Erica agreed with Marlowe.

Although she is very hungry, she still eats slowly with the hot water next to her. She feels that her good day may be coming!

Even if she is still a slave now, because she sees from the actions of the city lord, these slaves are valued!

Putting on clean clothes, eating and drinking, Erica saw the Lord of the City again.

I don’t know if it was an illusion or not, but she felt that the current Lord City Lord looks better than the Lord City Lord two hours ago!

And the first sentence of Lord City Lord’s meeting made Erica stunned for a while.

“Your life is more important than you think!”

“I don’t actually need slaves, I just need people who can create value, and it is far more than fifty copper coins a hundred times, a thousand times, ten thousand times, or even a hundred thousand times!”

“And I think you can!”

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