Otherworld Management Manual

Chapter 21 - The legendary dark cuisine

“Sir, is this?”

Marlowe took it with some doubts.

“This is a kind of medicated soap. It can be used for bathing, it can remove stains and germs on the body, and it can be used by them in turn.”

Zhang Feng naturally took out sulfur soap and medicinal soap, but he didn’t explain that much, and the other party might not understand what he said.

Hearing that this is for bathing, especially since it can remove stains and germs, Caroline’s eyes lit up, looking at the four bars of soap with some hope.

Zhang Feng briefly explained how to use it. After Marlow understood it, he personally handed these pieces of medicinal soap to the slaves.

The slaves naturally did not dare to refuse. What the master Zhang Feng said, they did what they did.

“It’s noon, it’s time for lunch.”

Zhang Feng murmured, and Caroline next to her heard it. Thinking of the polished rice porridge and white steamed buns she had eaten in the morning, she subconsciously licked her lips, but she couldn’t always rub other people’s rice. After all, food is too precious now. You have to express yourself.

“Sir, we have the best chef in Hongye City in our castle, you might try it.”


In the past few days, Zhang Feng traveled to another world. In fact, he has never eaten food from another world. The kind of black bread that civilians eat can be used as a weapon. Zhang Feng does not want to try it, but the food eaten by nobles is definitely better than that of civilians. There are a lot of them, and it’s not too bad to have a taste.

So Zhang Feng agreed.

After asking the soldiers to prepare rye bread as food for these slaves, Zhang Feng was led by Caroline to the castle.

This is the second time Zhang Feng has entered the castle. The people who came and went in a hurry before have not observed much. Now Zhang Feng has relaxed a lot and is in the mood to appreciate this castle that has been built for a long time.

But obviously, Zhang Feng was a little disappointed.

The castle looks good from the outside, and it has a heavy sense of history.

But the interior is not good. The entire castle is built of stone. Although it is very strong, it is less beautiful in appearance. Zhang Feng has not seen any gold carpets and gold coins decorations.

Not to mention, the windows in this castle are too small and the lighting is extremely poor, which makes Zhang Feng very uncomfortable.

However, the entire castle covers a large area, about one hectare, which is equivalent to the size of a modern community.

Zhang Feng thinks that the next time I go back, I can ask a question on Bihu: What is it like to live in a castle in your twenties?

Then I changed my account and responded: Thank you for your invitation, people are in another world, just woke up from a castle that covers an area of ​​one hectare…

“Sir, this way please.”

Caroline reached out and made a please gesture.

“By the way, you don’t need to call me an adult in the future, just call me Zhang Feng.”

Master Zhangkou, Master Shutup, although Zhang Feng felt a little relieved, but after a long time, it was still a little awkward.

“Yes, Mr. Zhang Feng.”

Well, Zhang Feng said it for nothing.

When I came to the restaurant in the castle, the restaurant was not big, and the table was not too big. I thought it was a private meal.

The servant immediately brought scented water for Zhang Feng and Caroline to wash their hands, and the tableware and napkins were also placed on the table. Zhang Feng felt quite ceremonial.

Caroline instructed the servant a few more words, and then she personally opened Zhang Feng’s chair and sat opposite Zhang Feng.

This was the first time the two of them had been alone in a room. Caroline sat upright and looked very aristocratic. Under the warm sunlight outside the window, her fair neck swayed and Zhang Feng’s eyes hurt.

It wasn’t until Zhang Feng saw Caroline’s red earlobes that he realized that he was a little confused, he looked away with a guilty conscience, and the atmosphere was a little awkward.

I don’t know how to do it. I have been baptized by all kinds of explosive knowledge. It can be said that I have read countless people. However, when staying with Caroline, Zhang Feng can’t control his eyes. This symptom seems to be Started after breakfast.

After a while, the servants brought all kinds of ingredients, including yellow bread, hard-looking cakes, black lumps, unknown meat, a pale-colored chicken, a purring earthen pot, There are also two crystal clear, simple-shaped glasses.

The two maids stood beside Caroline and Zhang Feng and poured wine for them in person.

Zhang Feng was very interested in these two glasses. He did not expect that there are still glass products in this world.

“I handed down this pair of crystal cups from my grandfather.”

Looking at Zhang Feng staring at the quilt, Caroline explained softly.

“Crystal cup? How much gold is this cup worth?”

Zhang Feng was a little surprised. He didn’t expect it to be a crystal cup. The value of crystal and glass is much worse.

“One should be able to sell for about thirty gold coins.”

So expensive!

Zhang Feng was a little surprised, and then thought that if he brought this crystal cup back to modern times, he didn’t know how much it would sell for. It must be more expensive than the previous ones.

The dark red liquid was slowly poured into the crystal glass. Although it was a little cloudy, it looked similar to modern wine. Zhang Feng picked up the glass and took a sniff.

Let me go, UU reading www.uukanshu.com What the **** is this smell!

Zhang Feng didn’t smell the aroma of the wine at all. Instead, the smell of various spices came to his face. Zhang Feng didn’t understand why a good wine should have so many spices. Is this a way to show off his wealth?

Until Zhang Feng took a sip, he didn’t know why he added spices.

It’s hard to drink, it’s too hard to drink!

The taste of this wine is indescribable. If I have to say it, it is sour. In Zhang Feng’s opinion, this is completely spoiled wine. It needs spices to combine the taste before drinking it.

Even after adding the spices, the taste was still very strange, and even Zhang Feng could smell the tea water used for boiling tea eggs.

Seeing Zhang Feng frowning and putting down the wine glass, Caroline didn’t know what went wrong.

Not to mention the crystal cup worth 30 gold coins, this spice wine is very precious. The entire Red Leaf City is estimated to have a few pots in the castle. The wine itself is very troublesome to brew. Adding spices that are comparable to gold , that is, she is reluctant to drink.

If Zhang Feng hadn’t been here, she would never have been so extravagant.

Caroline didn’t know what Zhang Feng was dissatisfied with, but she was too embarrassed to drink any more, she put down the crystal cup without looking, and then introduced these delicacies to Zhang Feng herself.

“Master Zhang Feng, this is white bread baked with the finest flour, this is fresh venison, this is black pudding made from pig blood, meat, fat, oats and bread, this is made of animal offal Made pie, this is chicken with grapes and herbs, this is boiled green beans…”

Caroline didn’t say anything, Zhang Feng might be able to eat it without knowing it, but after saying it, Zhang Feng lost his appetite instantly.

Looking at these so-called delicacies, Zhang Feng had only four words in his eyes—dark food.


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