Otherworld Management Manual

Chapter 18 - lead by example

Zhang Feng is very angry, very resentful, very helpless, what the **** is going on in this world!

Even if you inherit someone’s property, you still have to inherit someone’s wife?

How can there be such a shameless rule!

This bad habit must be abolished!


Zhang Feng chose to compromise.

In life, there are always some things that are forced.

Now that I represent the privileged class, I can’t sacrifice my own life.

As the saying goes, there are no rules and no circle.

So some rules still have to be followed, and Zhang Feng, who is a noble, has to lead by example!

“Please, please move to the castle.”

Caroline lowered her eyes, her cold voice trembling slightly.

“Cough, easy to say, easy to say, you can talk about how Hongye City is now, sit down and talk.”

Zhang Feng coughed twice. He remembered that three days ago, the situation in Hongye City didn’t seem to be very good. I wonder if Caroline and the others have made any adjustments in the past three days.

Caroline sat respectfully beside Zhang Feng, and when she mentioned Hongye City, her tone was a little sad.

“There is still no way to get out of the predicament in Hongye City now. I issued a law before that each person can only eat one meal a day—”

“Cough, what are you talking about? You can only eat one meal a day, or is it the law?”

Zhang Feng almost choked on his saliva. What kind of strange law is this? As a citizen of a food country, Zhang Feng felt that three meals a day were a bit small. If he wasn’t afraid of gaining weight, he would be willing to eat five meals a day.

“Those civilians have no voice of opposition?”

“Almost none, mainly because they don’t have much food in storage, and our city lord’s mansion can’t distribute food. They just want to eat two meals a day and have no food…”

Zhang Feng felt a little pained, and then asked:

“Then do you have any plans or ideas?”

After all, Zhang Feng has only been in this world for a few days. Although he has some ideas about the situation in Hongye City, he may not be comfortable with the situation. It may be better if he can combine the ideas of these local people.

“What we in Hongye City need most at the moment is food, and some big businessmen in the city may have food in their hands, or they have channels to get food. If you are willing to borrow some from them as a noble, Hongye City’s It will be much better, of course if they are willing to borrow.”

“You should have tried this method? Didn’t it work?”

Zhang Feng believed that if those businessmen were not stupid, they would definitely not lend food to Caroline, because they did not see the benefits, and the current Red Leaf City has a bad prospect.

And even if he borrowed food, he didn’t think Hongye City would be able to tide over the difficulties.

Zhang Feng just took a brief look. Although he is only a baron with a fief, this fief is not small.

Hongye City is currently the most prosperous place in his territory. In addition to Hongye City, there are many villages in Zhang Feng’s territory, which are dominated by Zhang Feng.

A village can have as few as 10 or 20 people, as many as hundreds of people. These people seem to have little to do with Hongye City, but some of their food comes from Hongye City. If Hongye City has no food, their situation will also be not good.

“Ah? How do you know? No one is willing to lend us a loan, but I think if you go, they will definitely give you face.”

Caroline was a little surprised. She only talked to those big businessmen yesterday, but Zhang Feng guessed it. However, she believes that she is not the city lord after all. If Zhang Feng goes, those businessmen will definitely not perfunctory him.

Zhang Feng, however, waved his hand. As a nobleman, he would not do such a low-key thing. Even if it is to talk, they must take the initiative to talk.

Zhang Feng already had some ideas in his heart, but he asked again:

“Apart from this method, is there any other way?”

“I think it is possible to gather soldiers to go hunting in the black market forest. If a certain amount of prey can be hit, it will also ease the situation in Hongye City.”

“Then have you assembled?”

“Uh, no, because Blackrock Forest is your private property, soldiers can go hunting only with your consent. And…”

“And what?”

Zhang Feng estimated that it was another bad news.

“We don’t have many soldiers in Hongye City. Originally, we had 6 knights and 120 soldiers in Hongye City, but because the former city officials and four other knights took away the food and a large number of soldiers that had been stored for half a year, now we only have Two knights and twenty soldiers…”

Caroline’s tone was a little ashamed. If she had known that these white-eyed wolves would leave and take away so many things, she would not have said anything to let them leave so easily. Redleaf City has today’s situation, and she herself has a part of the responsibility.

“Two knights and 20 soldiers, can you defend Red Leaf City?”

Zhang Feng asked with some doubts.

After all, Hongye City is its own home base. In this era, conflicts between forces are very common. There are conflicts between nobles and nobles, there are conflicts between nobles and horse thieves, and there are even conflicts between nobles of their own country and soldiers of other countries.

The easiest way to measure the strength of a force is to see how many knights and soldiers the opponent has.

“Red Leaf City can barely hold…”

Before Caroline could finish her words, Zhang Feng already knew what she meant. If he wanted to go hunting in the black market forest, Hongye City would be empty. Although Hongye City was a remote place, there were almost no horse thieves or anything, but Zhang Feng did not want to take the risk. This risk.

Moreover, the amount of hunting is an uncertain event. If there are not a few prey, and the castle is occupied again, Zhang Feng will lose a lot. After all, this is what he bought with a bottle of beer and a few compressed biscuits. !

“This method has been put on hold for the time being. Are there any other options?”

Zhang Feng is still looking forward to hunting. After all, he has such a big life, and he has seen it in TV series. UU reading www. uukanshu.com He would love to experience one, but now is obviously not the time.

“It’s also a way to ask other nobles for help, but I think it’s better to count on those arrogant and selfish nobles to help us than to count on these cunning businessmen to find out…”

“Or ask for the help of a superior lord, but we don’t have a superior lord, we only obey the king. Because our Red Leaf City is too remote, many years ago, this place was independent, and no big nobles and lords are willing to I want our tow bottle…”

Well, this Red Leaf City is still an autonomous region!

“Then why don’t you ask the king for help?”

“We are too far from the capital. Even if the king promises to help us, by the time they arrive, the winter will be over…”

“Okay, Red Leaf City is really bad.”

“I’ve thought about so much for a while…”

Caroline blushed slightly, and answered with some embarrassment. In fact, these were the results of his discussions with Knight Marlowe and Lady Blanche.

“The problem of food shortage, apart from some unexpected reasons, the main reason is that Hongye City has no money, so you don’t think about making money?”

If there are enough gold coins, what kind of food can’t be bought?

“Making money? You mean raising taxes?”

Caroline was taken aback. In her impression, the way the nobles make money is nothing more than war and taxation. The current Red Leaf City must be unable to compete with others for territory, so the only thing left is taxation.

She was afraid that Zhang Feng would raise taxes, so she quickly and euphemistically stopped her.

“Our people in Hongye City are already living very hard. If taxes are raised again, I’m afraid they would rather become refugees than stay in Hongye City…”


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