Otherworld Management Manual

Chapter 13 - Antiques from 0 years ago

“Young man, are you sure you found this on the mountain?”

“That’s right.”

“Or is it our country’s mountain?”

“Yes, that mountain is not very far from Xiacheng.”

“This… this is unscientific!”

Wang Boyu’s face was a little confused.

Zhang Feng didn’t know what was going on. He asked carefully:

“Master Wang, is this an antique?”

Wang Boyu nodded affirmatively, but his tone was a little tangled.

“I preliminarily estimated from the appearance of this bowl that it may have a history of 300 to 2,000 years.”

“Uh, is the difference so big?”

Zhang Feng was a little surprised. He didn’t expect this thing to be an antique after being brought here. After all, in another world, this bowl is estimated to have only been produced for more than ten years.

Maybe it’s because of transmigration?

What surprised Zhang Feng even more was that Wang Boyu’s assessment of this bowl was too long over the span of three hundred and two thousand years. As a professional, isn’t it a bit unprofessional?

Wang Boyu heard the distrust in Zhang Feng’s tone, and he said a little embarrassedly:

“Young man, I don’t hide it from you. It’s the first time I’ve seen this style of utensils since I’ve been in the business for so many years. Judging from some of the patterns above, it’s not like our own. Maybe I don’t have a deep understanding of foreign cultural relics. The reason for this, I rummaged through the memory in my mind, but I couldn’t tell which country or dynasty this fell to the ground… So I can only give a rough range, ashamed, ashamed!”

It turned out to be so.

Zhang Feng, who understood the whole story, snickered in his heart. This is a dynasty that does not exist in this world. You can only see it if you can see it.

But then again, if the dynasty cannot be identified, is the value discounted?

“Master Wang, how much do you think my bowl is worth?”

Sure enough, when Zhang Feng asked this question, Master Wang’s brows furrowed deeply.

Wang Boyu feels that this is definitely an antique, and it is not too young, but since I don’t know which dynasty it belongs to, the price is hard to say.

After all, the difference between hundreds of thousands of years is still very big.

“Young man, otherwise, this bowl was purchased by our Lin’s Antiques, and the price is set at 30,000 soft sister coins. I will take it away and use a professional machine to verify how much this bowl has been around since then. Year, we can judge the region and age it describes. If the price of this bowl is finally estimated to be worth 3,500,000 to 80,000 yuan, even if we took advantage of it, we are considered to be friends. If the price of this bowl exceeds 100,000, then how much money should be paid, we will supply you with the excess, that is to say, if this bowl is rated as worth 100,000, I will supplement you with 70,000 yuan, you see how?”

This is also because of Lin Yulan’s sake, Wang Boyu just said that, if it was someone else, 10,000 yuan would be sold or not!

Before Zhang Feng came, he also made up for some knowledge of antiques. He knew that the price difference between antiques and antiques was quite large. Take domestic porcelain as an example, the simplest ones are official kilns and private kilns. , but this price and may be more than ten times the difference.

The reason why this antique is valuable is to combine factors such as the time, background, origin, etc. at that time, it does not mean that it will be valuable after a long time.

Of course, if Zhang Feng can come up with something that was thousands of years ago, or even tens of thousands of years ago, it must be another matter.

Wang Boyu could give 30,000 yuan. To be honest, it was a bit beyond Zhang Feng’s expectations. He thought it was at most 1,000 yuan, and even others didn’t want it. After all, they also have human and material costs.

“Of course there’s no problem. Anyway, I’m sure I won’t lose money, kid. Here, I’d like to thank you, Master Wang!”

Whether it was for Lin Yulan’s face or not, this decision was at least made by Wang Boyu. Of course Zhang Feng had to be polite, but his voice changed again:

“I wonder if Master Wan Wang will accept it?”

“Oh, young man, do you still have it? If there is, of course you will charge it! The more the number, the more information we have, and we can make a better assessment.”

Wang Boyu was a little surprised. To be able to pick up an antique in the wild is a blessing from eight lifetimes. Is Zhang Feng so lucky to be able to pick up one?

Zhang Feng didn’t talk nonsense, he just pulled the backpack away completely.

One, two…three bowls, that’s not even counting, there are actually four cups, and these bowls and cups are well preserved, none of them are exactly the same, each one is more or less different.

Wang Boyu’s eyes suddenly lit up, these bowls and cups are obviously a style, and they look similar in age.

It may be difficult to infer something from just one bowl, but with a set of bowls and a set of cups, there are so many antiques here, Wang Boyu feels that if he can’t figure out the calendar, then he can retire directly!

“Let’s do it, little friend, we don’t have any ink, we will count them according to 30,000 yuan. There are eight antiques in total. I will give you 250,000 soft sister coins. The conditions are still the same as before. If the value of a single piece exceeds 100,000. , we’ll make up for you! What do you think, little friend? Of course, I’m not empty-handed and will sign a contract.”

“no problem!”

Zhang Feng immediately agreed and exchanged 250,000 soft sister coins for a bowl that was of little value in another world, but the fool did not agree.

“Oh, by the way, I still have a little thing, Master Wang, will you give it to Zhangzhangyan?”

Zhang Feng suddenly said as if he had remembered something.

“Oh? Also!”

Wang Boyu was taken aback, this young man is hiding!

Zhang Feng reached into the empty backpack, and a bronze-colored coin suddenly appeared in his hand.

Of course, this was taken from his storage space. After all, coins are still a bit heavy, and it is too troublesome to carry, so it is more suitable to put them in the storage space.

“This is… a copper coin!”

Wang Boyu recognized at a glance that it was a copper coin, and he was immediately excited.

If the bowls and cups just now can increase the probability of him speculating on the origin of these antiques by 20%, then with this coin, the probability will increase by at least 90%!

After all, UU Reading www.uukanshu. There are patterns and text on the com coins!

He has already thought about it. Tomorrow, he will invite a few old friends to come to the archaeology together. This is not only for help, but also to show off. If he can really find a forgotten dynasty, his name Wang Boyu will definitely be left in the history books. Pen!

“This copper coin has a preliminary estimate of 250,000! Add the bowl and cup, and the price is 500,000!”

For a single copper coin, Wang Boyu paid 250,000 yuan, which was beyond Zhang Feng’s expectations. He looked at the silver and gold coins in his storage space. Would you like to take out more?

Forget it, I’ve already taken out so much, it’s too much to go too far, I don’t have money or power now, so I’d better keep a low profile.

Even if Zhang Feng trusts Lin Yulan, who knows what other people in this store are like, and it is imperative to be defensive!

“Okay, the deal is done!”

Both of them were very happy.

Zhang Feng was happy that he earned 500,000 yuan in vain, and he earned 500,000 yuan in a few days. This was something he never dared to think about before.

Wang Boyu is glad that he brought a set of antiques that he has never seen before to the company. According to his preliminary speculation, this is likely to be a forgotten dynasty. If the inference is true, making money is secondary. After this, his reputation in the antique circle That’s going to add a lot!

“Little friend, this is the contract. Take a look at it. You can sign it if there is no problem. The company will transfer it directly to you later.”

Zhang Feng watched it carefully for a while, and it was almost the same as what Wang Boyu agreed, and Lin Yulan had been sitting beside him all the time. I believe no one dared to do anything on the contract.

“By the way, regarding the origin of these antiques, don’t write about what you found on the mountain, little friend, just write… write about your family’s ancestry!”

“Uh, I understand, I understand!”


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