Otherworld Management Manual

Chapter 109 - Maid Amy

Inside the Red Leaf City Castle, Zhang Feng was surprised when he looked out the window at the more than ten meters high city wall made of concrete.

He also stayed in the modern age for five days, how could he build it so high?

“Zhang Feng?”

A wolf-eared mother Amy’s unsure voice came from her ear.

“What’s wrong?”

Zhang Feng turned back and showed a good-looking smile.

“Yeah! It’s really you!”

The wolf-eared lady had a happy expression on her face, she immediately stretched out her hands and ran over.

But she didn’t know what to think, her face turned red, and when she was still about a meter away from Zhang Feng, she stopped the car instantly.

He quickly put his hands behind his back, his eyes turned to one side, pretending not to care much.

“Cough, I’m back.”

“Well, I’m back.”

Zhang Feng stretched out his hand, wanting to receive her hug, but she didn’t expect her to hug again.

However, Zhang Feng was not embarrassed. He took a step forward, and under Lang Er Niang’s dumbfounded gaze, he hugged Lang Er Niang gently, and then let go of Lang Er Niang before she could react.

“You you… I, I…”

The wolf-eared girl opened her mouth wide for a while, but she couldn’t say anything.

“In my hometown, the way to show welcome is to give a hug. Is there any problem? Don’t you welcome me back?”

Zhang Feng looked at the wolf-eared girl suspiciously.

The wolf-eared girl subconsciously shook her head:

“No, no, I welcome…”

“Then another hug?”

Zhang Feng stretched out his hands again.

“No, no! I’ll call Caroline!”

Seeing the wolf-eared girl running away, Zhang Feng laughed a little. He thought it would be interesting to tease the wolf-eared girl. Of course, the premise was that she did not have to be kicked away by the wolf-eared girl.

Not long after, Amy came with Caroline. Caroline was naturally very excited when she saw Zhang Feng. Like the wolf-eared girl, she ran over with her hands outstretched.

However, unlike Wolf-eared Niang, she did not brake and hugged Zhang Feng tightly.

“Lord Zhang Feng, welcome home!”

Zhang Feng also hugged her.

“In my hometown, the way to welcome each other is to kiss each other.”

Caroline was a little shy when she heard Zhang Feng’s words, but she boldly stood on tiptoe and kissed Zhang Feng’s face lightly.

Zhang Feng also kissed back.

The wolf-eared girl was stunned from the side.

“He didn’t seem to have said that just now…”

Zhang Feng held Caroline’s hand and asked with concern:

“I’m not here for a few days, how are you two?”

“I’m pretty good. With the tasks you assigned, I might be a little busier than before, but I’m also a lot more fulfilled than before. Watching the city of Hongye slowly change in my hands is a feeling I’ve never experienced before. …”

Seeing that Caroline was happy from the bottom of her heart, Zhang Feng was also very happy.

“What about you, little Amy, are you still used to being in Hongye City these days?”

Zhang Feng asked Xiang Xiang, who was secretly observing the wolf-eared girl.

“Ah? I… get used to it, I can eat enough!”

Seeing the wolf-eared lady like this, Zhang Feng felt a little distressed. Seeing how hungry this child was outside, she was satisfied just by being full.

“By the way, your efficiency is amazing. I have only been away for a few days, and I have built such a high city wall!”

“Lord Zhang Feng, it’s like this. Not long after you left, a large wave of refugees came to Hongye City. Because you were not there, I made my own decision and settled these people in Hongye City, promising to give them food, but We have to help us work, and those refugees are naturally willing, so after we have a group of people, the efficiency has improved a lot.”

After listening to Caroline’s explanation, Zhang Feng suddenly realized, he said, even if it is concrete to build the city wall, the speed is a bit outrageous, because there are no various machines here, it is all done manually.

It turned out to be because someone joined the construction.

“How many refugees are there?”

“There are more than 600 people in total. After coming to our Hongye City, a few people fell ill and died. Now there are still 632 people.”

The medical conditions in the other world are so poor that even a common cold can kill people.

“More than 600 people, this is not a small number, have you arranged it?”

When Zhang Feng took over Hongye City, there were only more than 1,000 people, and now there are half of them. If the management is not good, there will be serious problems.

“Don’t worry, my lord, Knight Marlow has experience in this regard. He specially isolated an area in the west of the city to house refugees. If these refugees perform well, they are eligible to be promoted to official residents of Hongye City, but if they do not perform well. , you can only stay there, not come out.”

“very nice.”

Zhang Feng nodded. The west of the city used to be a place similar to a slum, and the poorest people in Hongye City would live there.

Later, after Zhang Feng took over Hongye City, he deducted some meaningless taxes and added a lot of jobs. Everyone’s life was much better, and the slums over there were not worthy of their name.

What’s more, Zhang Feng didn’t want to have any slums in his city. The residents all lived in the places that Zhang Feng re-planned.

Many places in the west of the city were freed up to accommodate these refugees.

“What about the concrete? Is there any problem?”

After Zhang Feng got out the concrete, he went back without looking at it. Judging from the construction of the city wall, there should be no problem, but he still needs to understand it.

“I have to say, your concrete is amazing! It used to take several days to build a wooden house, and a stone one would take longer, but with your concrete, it only takes three days to build it. , and solid as a stone!”

Caroline’s tone did not conceal her admiration for Zhang Feng.

The house of a commoner in another world was not big or complicated, and there was no decoration, so Zhang Feng expected it to be completed in three days.

“not bad.”

Now the official residents of Hongye City have been divided into new residential areas by Zhang Feng. A two-story building will be built here for them to live in. Of course, it has not been built yet. This is just Zhang Feng’s plan.

“Oh yes, there is one more thing.”

Caroline suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

“whats the matter?”

“It’s about the panda Panda.”

“It’s Xiaobai!”

Lang Erniang interjected very unconvinced. This is Xiaobai that belonged to her originally, but if she keeps being called Fat Da, she feels that Xiaobai doesn’t belong to her.

“Okay, Xiaobai, Xiaobai!”

Zhang Feng perfunctory, and then asked Caroline:

“What happened to Panda?”


The wolf-eared girl’s silver teeth creaked loudly.

Caroline was a little amused. She took Amy’s hand to comfort her, and then continued:

“Didn’t Pangda show up before, it attracted a lot of people’s attention, those businessmen have been asking Pangda to sell it through personal channels, naturally I can’t sell it, but they didn’t give up, they wanted to come and visit Look at Fat Da, the kind that gives money.”

Hearing this, Zhang Feng opened his mouth in disbelief. Caroline continued:

“Panda is so smart, it is impossible for them to abduct them, so I agreed to their request, which is considered to want them to give up. I stipulated that they can come to visit Panda, but each time they need a silver coin, and only In ten minutes, I thought this would make them retreat in spite of difficulties, but I didn’t expect that they were actually willing to pay a silver coin…”

Zhang Feng was completely speechless.

So, in the end, do you still have to live like this by being cute?

“You have to pay attention to them and don’t let them touch Panda. This is not only for Panda’s sake, but also for their safety.”

Poisoning or something, although the possibility is small, it has to be guarded against.

And although Pang Da has a good temper, it doesn’t mean that he won’t get angry. If one is upset, he shoots people to death directly, which is also a hassle for Zhang Feng.

“Don’t worry, my lord, I have taken all of these into consideration. I asked Amy to explain to Pang Da, not to eat food of unknown origin, and not to hurt anyone at will. If it does well, I will give it extra food.”

After listening to Caroline’s words, Zhang Feng felt relieved.

“Not bad.”

This may be the only wild giant panda he has encountered, and he doesn’t want Panda to be in any danger.

Pang Da has started to make money, Zhang Feng is very pleased, and it is not in vain to support him.

“Let’s take a look at the construction of the city wall first.”


The three came to the south of the city in a carriage. This city wall is currently the highest city wall in Hongye City.

The other city walls are still laying foundations, and this city wall started as a pilot project.

Going under the city wall, the city wall with a height of more than ten meters is not too high in Zhang Feng’s view, but compared with the surrounding low houses, this tall feeling came.

Many people are busy with their duties under the city walls. There are many people whose clothes are obviously different from the local residents of Hongye City. Those people are already refugees.

When recruiting people at that time, Zhang Feng set the salary, in addition to the basic salary, there is an additional performance salary, which means that the more you work, the more money you will get.

Performance pay is valid for everyone, no matter whether you are aboriginal or refugee, as long as you come to work for the construction of the city wall, you can get this part of the coins.

So when these people work, they are not lazy, and they even work hard to get more money.

For this situation, Marlow did not stop it.

After all, Hongye City is now under the threat of horse thieves. If you can quickly build the city wall, it will all be worth it.

“Sir City Lord!”

Marlow, who was working as an overseer, saw Zhang Feng in the carriage, and hurriedly explained to the subordinates next to him, then came over to salute Zhang Feng.

The two talked about the construction of the city wall.

At present, everything looks good. It is estimated that it will not be long before this 20-meter-high city wall can be built.

“Very well, the construction of the other three city walls will also begin.”

In Zhang Feng’s opinion, the black stone city wall to the north is still a little small and has to be rebuilt. However, this wall is still useful for the time being, so it has not been pushed.

Moreover, there are a lot of jadeites here, Zhang Feng had to look for a chance to get these jadeites out.

“Yes, but with our current manpower, if the four walls are built at the same time, the speed will be much slower.”

“It’s okay, just take it slow.”

This is not a game, this city wall is built layer by layer, even half of the city wall can be used.

“Regarding refugees, I heard that there will be more refugees during this time?”

Zhang Feng asked.

“Yes, because winter is coming soon. According to past experience, there may be more refugees these days, but if there are no refugees these days, there will not be any this year.”

“Well, if there are refugees coming, you should pay attention. Your current method is good. Let them be alone in a place and not let them affect the normal life of our Hongye City residents.”


Zhang Feng also let people drive a carriage to inspect the city of red leaves.

On the whole, it is very good, all kinds of construction are in full swing, a thriving scene.

Faster, the new house has already been built.

Back at the castle again, Caroline went to arrange lunch. Zhang Feng first went to the treasure room alone, put the things he brought from modern times into it, and then walked out with several sets of beautiful clothes.

“Amy, I brought you some clothes, do you like it?”

Zhang Feng called the wolf-ear lady.


Amy asked curiously, she was still wearing Caroline’s clothes, although it was changed, it still didn’t fit.

Although the wolf-eared girl didn’t care, it was much better than the animal skins she used to wear.

Zhang Feng unfolded the clothes.


These clothes are all in Lolita style, Zhang Feng thinks the wolf-eared girl is very suitable for this.

Of course there are other types of clothes, all in the treasure room.

“so beautiful!”

Amy stared at these clothes, she wanted to touch them, but she was afraid of getting dirty.

“This is all for you, try to see if it fits.”

Zhang Feng put these clothes on Amy’s hand.

The wolf-eared lady quickly caught it.


“It’s okay, you can choose slowly. If you are not satisfied with these, they are still in the treasure room. You can ask Caroline to accompany you to choose.”

While Lang Er Niang was a little lost, Zhang Feng quietly reached out and touched Lang Er Niang’s head. Of course, it was mainly the two pointed ears.

It’s not that she didn’t react, Amy didn’t dodge, and let Zhang Feng’s big hand touch it.


As he got his wish, he got to Amy’s wolf ear, and he hadn’t been attacked yet. Zhang Feng left contentedly.

“Hey, where’s Amy?”

Caroline brought the food and asked curiously.

“I gave her some new clothes. I guess she’s trying them on now. I put a lot of them in the treasure room, and I’ve reserved them for you.”

“Thank you, sir!”

Caroline came over and lightly pecked Zhang Feng’s lips.

Before Zhang Feng could taste it, she trotted away again.


Zhang Feng licked the corner of his mouth, he decided to teach Caroline a deep lesson at night.

“Zhang Feng…”

Hearing someone calling him, Zhang Feng turned around and saw the wolf-eared girl in a black and white maid outfit, calling him awkwardly.

Zhang Feng opened his mouth in surprise.

He gave Amy many sets of clothes, but unexpectedly she chose this black and white maid outfit.

A wolf-eared girl in a maid outfit?

The second dimension comes to the third dimension?

Zhang Feng felt that he was going to be killed by cuteness!

“No, doesn’t it look good?”

Amy asked a little unconfidently.

“It’s beautiful, it’s so beautiful!”

Zhang Feng leaned over, then looked at her fair calf, and suddenly frowned.

“But there’s still something missing.”

“Ah? What’s wrong?”

In addition to clothes, maid outfits also include headbands and stockings.

In Zhang Feng’s opinion, this is the most complete maid outfit.

Of course, this refers to serious maid outfits. Those who are not serious maid outfits may have strange things, so we won’t discuss them.

“Come on, I’ll teach you.”

Zhang Feng pulled the wolf-eared girl back to the bedroom, and then helped her put on the headband in person. The wolf-eared girl blushed and did not resist.

Afterwards, Zhang Feng told her how to wear stockings, and she couldn’t get started with this, otherwise she would probably be kicked away.

“This is a set of short skirts, and there are long skirts. It’s going to be winter, won’t it be cold if you wear short skirts?”

Out of curiosity, Zhang Feng brought back many sets of maid outfits, both long and short. He didn’t expect the wolf-eared lady to choose a short one.

“Cold? No, I think this set is more convenient for activities.”

Amy said a little embarrassedly, pulling the corner of her skirt.

“Okay, it’s fine if you’re not afraid of the cold.”

After Amy put on her clothes again, Zhang Feng’s eyes lit up.

Maid outfit, animal ears, white silk… Most importantly, a tail.

This is how it feels! Awei is dead!

“Is that right?”

The wolf-eared lady asked nervously.

“Mmmm, it’s so beautiful!”

Zhang Feng said from the bottom of his heart.

When Caroline came over, she was also amazed by Amy.

“Amy, you look so pretty in this!”


Amy was very happy to hear that Caroline also praised her for her beauty.

It’s not that she doesn’t believe Zhang Feng, but she feels that Zhang Feng’s words are not so reliable, especially the way his eyes are shining, Amy always feels a little weird.

After not seeing each other for a few days, Zhang Feng felt that Amy’s temper was much better.

Although I occasionally slap myself with words, it’s fine if I don’t do it.

After dinner, Amy took the initiative to wash the dishes. She felt that she didn’t help much here, and it was not very good to eat and live for nothing.

But Zhang Feng didn’t let her go.

Just let the servants do this kind of trivial matter. Zhang Feng has more important things.

“Can you shoot arrows?”


Caroline nodded.

“Will not.”

The wolf-eared girl was a little embarrassed.

“It doesn’t matter if it will, you see how my thing compares to a bow and arrow?”

Zhang Feng brought something dark and long.

“This is?”

Seeing what Zhang Feng took out, both of them were a little puzzled.

“This is a crossbow, haven’t you seen it?”

“A crossbow? No!”

Both shook their heads.

Zhang Feng is a little strange. Could it be that there are no bows and crossbows in this world? Or say that I am too remote here, and everyone has less knowledge.

But that’s not right. Caroline used to be a princess. She should have a lot of knowledge, and she has never seen it before. So it seems that there is really no crossbow in this world.

Zhang Feng introduced the two of them how to use the crossbow.

“This bow is somewhat similar…”

But since it was the first time they saw a crossbow, the two did not know the difference between a crossbow and a bow.

Zhang Feng made a brief introduction to popular science.

The crossbow and the bow each have their own advantages, and there is no such thing as a saying that one is better than the other, but for Zhang Feng, he is used to defend the city. In addition, the operation of the crossbow is much simpler, and there is no need to train archers. , ordinary people can get started, and all crossbows are more suitable for him.

Zhang Feng handed the crossbow to Amy, then let her wind it up, and taught her how to shoot. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

Since this is a modern-day crossbow, it uses a pulley block, so it doesn’t take much effort to wind it up, and Amy just pulls it lightly.

“It’s so light, it shouldn’t be too powerful…”

Amy said subconsciously.

“Just try it.”

Zhang Feng casually pointed to a set of standing knight armor in the distance. It was an ornament in the castle, but it could also be worn on the battlefield.

“Try if you can shoot it in the head.”

Amy hummed, and then according to the method Zhang Feng taught her, held up the crossbow, aimed, and pulled the trigger.



The arrow was nailed to the helmet accurately. The poor armor was hidden in the castle for so many years, and finally the arrow was hit.

“Huh? I actually hit it?”

Amy was a little surprised, she had never used a bow and arrow, especially when he saw the arrow slammed into the helmet, he was even more surprised.

“This is what I shot? It’s so powerful?”


PS: Sad, I didn’t even collect 300 recommendation tickets today, but I have already written this chapter… After thinking about it, I will post it, sad-.-

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