Otaku Prayer

Page 6

"Dengdengdeng--" He left the rooftop almost full of anger, and he didn't even notice the vibrating mobile phone. Well, after the incident just now, there is no doubt that Licorice is even more angry, but this The side was resolved, and Mu Xiaoxiao also smiled slightly when she saw the appearance of Xueping Furano who couldn't stop laughing.

"How? Was it fun?"

"Well... that was indeed... er," after Xueping Furano slowly calmed down, he suddenly woke up and found that he seemed to be in front of outsiders just now... Thinking of this, her face quickly turned red, then turned from red to blue, and finally turned completely black.

"Mu Xiaoxiao...you just seemed to see it..."

"Uh... classmate Xueping?" Mu Xiaoxiao was stunned for a while, then took a few steps back unconsciously, "That classmate Xueping? What do you mean? Actually, I didn't see anything just now.. ..."

"It's useless to say more, die!!"


Mu Xiaoxiao suddenly grabbed the swayed Shou, who suddenly sighed and looked at her with a serious expression, "Don't worry, classmate Xueping, I will keep this secret. of."


"Or do you want me to speak out?"


Xueping Furano's cheeks twitched, and then he withdrew his hand expressionlessly, looking like he had compromised. Seeing this scene, Mu Xiaoxiao couldn't help but squinted her eyes and smiled, "Besides, I think this should be with you. Does it have something to do with your wishes? How about it? Keping-kun, have you considered signing a contract with me so that I can fulfill any of your wishes? This is not a joke."

"...Are you talking about this again?" Xueping Furano turned his head, "Even if it's true, I have no interest at all for the time being..."

"Eh? Isn't it? I'm not interested, this is an opportunity to fulfill your wish, why are you not interested?" Mu Xiaoxiao widened her eyes, "And don't you hate your way of speaking? I think I can still help you..."

"Hmph, I'm just not interested anyway," Xueping Furano's body was obviously shocked when he heard Mu Xiaoxiao's words. It seemed that he was right, but... with Xueping Furano's character, naturally he wouldn't In this way, she admitted that she ignored Mu Xiaoxiao after she finished speaking, and turned around and ran away.

"..." Did the contract in Koping Furano fail like this?


"Hey..." Chokola didn't have a successful contract, and so did Kuoping Furano. Sure enough, do the girls who get the contract mark rely on random luck to believe this kind of thing?Mu Xiaoxiao let out a heavy sigh, everything is difficult at the beginning, how do I get wish points now... I'm so worried...


Suddenly, there was the sound of the door opening, and Licorice walked back with a tired body.

"It's really slow." It was already dinner time. Qiu Kela and Mu Xiaoxiao were already hungry, and when they heard the voice, they couldn't help but raise their heads, "Why did you come back slower than us?"

"You also said that you are not being entangled by some gossip guys..." Licorice said angrily, "This is over, Mu Xiaoxiao, do you know that our relationship is already over? It spread all over the school, and everyone already knew that the two of us were dating, that kind of boyfriend-girlfriend relationship."

"Hey? Are we in that kind of relationship?" Mu Xiaoxiao blinked.

"So it's just what they think! Now I can't even explain it... Mu Xiaoxiao, it's all your fault!"

"I was shot even when I was lying down," Mu Xiaoxiao looked at her innocently, "I didn't do anything well, at most it was just saying that you were a lily girl, which is nothing... .."

"Also, you played with me once, that weird glove! My face still hurts!"

"Oh, you said that. It's really good people who don't pay well. I'm helping you. Didn't you realize that the task has been completed?"

"That's right...that time you let me go to make fun of Xueping...then why didn't you tell me clearly, so that I was being played around like an idiot... ...." Licorice looked at Mu Xiaoxiao resentfully and complained.

"..." I can't say that I didn't tell you because I wanted to make a contract with her. Who would have known that Xueping Furano's character was so arrogant that he didn't want to make a contract...

"However, it can be regarded as helping me once, this time even if it is even," Licorice felt a little better after his task was solved.

"Miss Zou! I've been told this, we're here waiting for your dinner," Jokera, who was starving, complained, "Hurry up and make dinner!"

"...This helper... is even more useless," With such a sigh, Licorice also turned around and walked into the kitchen.


"Speaking of which, I feel so bored..." Seeing Qiu Kela's expression as she stared at the TV intently, Mu Xiaoxiao sat beside her in every possible way bored, "Zao, you don't have a computer here. Something like that?"

"Sorry, I don't have that kind of thing, and I don't use it much... But I do have a game console... Do you want to come and play?" Licorice looked at Mu Xiao Small.

"Game console," Mu Xiaoxiao looked at the game console that the other party took out, her eyes lit up, "Just right, Nao, go out with me."

"Ah? What are you going to do?"

"What? Of course I went shopping."

"You can buy things by yourself, why did you ask me to go with you?"

"I don't have money, and I don't know the way, so of course I'm going to ask you to go," Mu Xiaoxiao rolled her eyes, "I don't want to be bored sitting here at night to pass the time..."

"Well then... what are you going to buy?"

"Buy a game CD, and stop by Akihabara to see it!" Holy Land, no matter what, you must go to see and see.

"...It's actually an otaku, okay," Licorice didn't refuse, told Qiu Kela a few words, and went out with Mu Xiaoxiao. I have to say that these two people really have a date when they go out. But no one thought it was a date, Mu Xiaoxiao just wanted to buy some games, and Licorice just brought him out, who didn't know the way.


"I don't know much about games or anything," Gancaozuo looked at the crowd around, "Mu Xiaoxiao, are you going to... Hey!"

"Ah? What?" Mu Xiaoxiao turned back to look at her, "What did you say?"

"...Is it so strange? It's just Akihabara..."

"But? It's a holy place for me... A real maid cafe... I really saw it! I really want to go in and see..."

"Let's talk about it first, we're just here to buy games, you're not allowed to think about anything else."

"Just talking, there will be opportunities to visit in the future, let's go, just go to that game store." After walking into a game store with the licorice play, the store owner glared, these days, still I have never seen a girl or girlfriend come to this kind of game store.

In the eyes of others, Mu Xiaoxiao and Licorice are equal to boyfriend and girlfriend.

"Are you two here to watch the game? What type of game do you want? Can I introduce you to it?"

"Well... ah! I found it, over there, the boss doesn't need you to introduce it, I'll see it myself," Mu Xiaoxiao's eyes suddenly lit up, she walked over with the licorice play, and saw them In the direction he was walking, the boss froze in place for a moment, and even Licorice Play, after being pulled over, was suddenly stunned and stunned.

I saw that all around me... were all game discs with limited screen, no doubt... [-] banned games...

"Mu Xiaoxiao..."

011 Dating out of nowhere

"Mu Xiaoxiao, what is this..."

"Huh? What did you say?"

"..." Licorice stared blankly at Mu Xiaoxiao's selection in those adult games without any change in her face, her face flushed red, and she shouted, "So...you say I came to buy a game, and it turned out to be a game like this!!!”

"Yeah, I can't help it. In fact, I bought some H-games like this, and it's not illegal to buy such games, right? Why make such a fuss..."

"Yeah, it's true that I didn't break the law, but..." Noticing the strange look of the shopkeeper over there looking at him, Licorice only felt a fever on his face, and wanted to leave this place immediately, "But I am A girl! You actually want a girl to buy this game for you?!"

"Uh...I know I might be a little embarrassed," Mu Xiaoxiao sighed deeply, "but because of that absolute option, I think you should have experienced the shameful thing, and you should have been tempered with a lot of effort. To a certain extent, even if you buy this kind of game with me, it's not a big deal, right?"

"...Hey, what does it mean that I have been tempered to a certain extent, and I am still very thin, okay? Even if there is that abominable absolute option, I am still a girl!" The body, said angrily, "No matter what, I won't stay here anymore, bye."

"Hey, hey? Wait, don't go," Mu Xiaoxiao hurriedly grabbed her, "Zao, don't rush to leave, help me sell the game first? You can't leave without anything when it's all out. Go back as you do?"

"Hurry up and let it go! I don't buy that kind of thing!" Licorice struggled, "No matter what, I can't afford to lose face..." Yes, no matter what, she would never Compromise, buy [-]-ban games or something... Hehe, looking at the strange look in the shopkeeper just now, Licorice would rather die...


"Uh..." In an instant, Licorice's body suddenly stiffened in place.


①Help Mu Xiaoxiao buy a CD of the [-]-ban game

②Have a date with Mu Xiaoxiao. "



"Hey~ It's an absolute option again," Mu Xiaoxiao followed behind Licorice Zou calmly, "The timing of this is really..." To be precise, that absolute option can be regarded as Two- Dimensional is a good teammate, nice assist, but Mu Xiaoxiao still has the words 'boring' written on her face, "Compared with dating or something, I still want to buy some [-] forbidden games... "

"No Road Race! It's so noisy! You guys are still picky," Licorice turned his head and glared at Mu Xiaoxiao, "You think I'd be willing to date or something, if not... It's all your fault!"

"...and my strength depends on me," Mu Xiaoxiao shrugged with an innocent look on her face.

"If you hadn't come to buy that kind of game, the absolute option wouldn't have appeared! Of course it's all your fault!"

"Even if I didn't come here, wouldn't there be an absolute option? You are wrong, hey, it's all my fault anyway, I feel like I'm going to be Shi Chen's successor," Mu Xiaoxiao shook her head weakly.

"...What time, well, don't talk about that, since it's a date now, let's have a good time nearby, and don't you like Akihabara very much?"

"Okay! Let's go to the maid cafe?"

"...You like maids very much?" Licorice asked silently.

"Cut, a maid is an otaku's dream..."

"Well, um... let's go to a normal coffee shop."



"Then what? I didn't drink coffee when I came to the cafe," Licorice sat in the seat, looking at Mu Xiaoxiao who threw the coffee aside, and said sadly.

"I hate drinking bitter things, so forget about coffee," Mu Xiaoxiao twitched her cheeks and pouted.

"...Then you said you were going to the Maid Cafe."

"You're a layman at first glance," Mu Xiaoxiao rolled her eyes, "The point of a maid cafe is the maids, not the coffee! And those cute maids are much more pleasing to the eye than the waiters here... ."

"Yes, yes, whatever you say is right," Licorice took a cup of coffee and took a sip of coffee, ignoring him. At this time, the two of them didn't notice that outside the cafe, a handsome young man with blond hair seemed to be Seeing the figures of the two people, he stopped and stood there for a while without moving, seemingly looking at Mu Xiaoxiao.

After a while, the handsome blond boy turned around and left.

"Speaking of which," Mu Xiaoxiao, who was bored in the seat, suddenly thought of something, "Why weren't you surprised when I brought you fighting gloves before?"

"Huh? What are you surprised about?"

"... Fighting gloves, don't you feel surprised by those kind of strange gloves?" Mu Xiaoxiao was a little dissatisfied, and the dignified fourth-dimensional props were actually ignored.

"Oh, you said that. Ordinary people may be surprised, but I've been exposed to all kinds of strange things for a long time, and I'm not too surprised," Licorice sighed, "In addition, this kind of Occasionally, the Acura comes out with weird props, so it's alright, not too surprised."

"...You Wang Zi's Acura," Mu Xiaoxiao hung up the dead fish eyes, "I actually used most of the four-dimensional props of A Dream to compare with those children's toys in You Wang Zi's Acura... ...really..."

"Doraemon? Four-dimensional props? What?"

"Don't you know? Doraemon?"

"Sa... not very clear, never heard of it."

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