Chapter 7: Chapter 6.1
There were many things Percy didn't believe in.
He didn't believe in true altruism, there was always a hint of selfishness in an action, no matter how small.
He also did not believe in happiness, a feeling of joy that does not diminish for a second and lasts a lifetime was something indescribable and impossible for him to obtain.
I didn't believe that there were "good" and "bad" people because you can see one person as "good", but another can see them as a "bad" person. In the end, there were just people subject to different perspectives.
And finally, he definitely and irrefutably believed that pizza should NOT have pineapple.
Seriously, that's disgusting, how can there be people who like that abomination? That shit... It made him sick just thinking about it.
Anyway, among the many things that Percy didn't believe, destiny is one of them. He did not believe that a person was destined to perform an action. When he thought of the word "destiny", the word "death" came to mind. From the moment you are born, your destiny is to die, as simple as that. Nobody escapes from that.
That is why he did not believe the words of Halcyon Green, that son of Apollo who had the gift of prophecy, when he prophesied his future. And, despite the dreams he was having lately, dreams that prophesied his future, he decided not to believe in them.
He would live his life and die on his own terms. He had decided since the day he had started living on the streets.
He would never again be subjugated or subdued in any way.
As he slept, Percy thought he would have the same dreams again. Dreams of your future. But it was not the future he dreamed of, but the past; his past.
He dreamed of the day he discovered that, although he was capable of doing great things that no one else could, he was still human. A mortal.
He dreamed of the person who showed him that.
He dreamed about the day he met Sammy.
He remembered that day as if it had been yesterday. It had been over two and a half years since he had started living on the streets since that fateful day. The day he lost everything.
He was looking at a beautiful garden. The leafy trees cast a pleasant shadow on a well-cut green lawn. Flowers of all colors that danced to the soft rhythm of the fresh wind that tickled her skin.
While sitting on one of the numerous benches in that garden, Percy didn't notice the moment someone sat down next to him.
"Hello," a high-pitched voice brought him out of his state of appreciation.
Percy turned to look at her. She wondered how she could get so close to him without him noticing. He was always on alert.
"It's probably those damn sedatives," Percy thought.
Because of them, his head felt cloudy and his thoughts confused.
He tried to focus and look at whoever had spoken to him. It was a girl, she was approximately ten years old. With brown hair tied in two pigtails and honey-colored eyes. She was short, so short that her feet dangled from the bench where they were both sitting.
Percy simply frowned and looked away, not deigning to respond.
"Are you sick too? The girl asked innocently, not seeing the hard expression on Percy's face, or maybe she didn't care.
That question echoed in his brain.
Was he?
The doctors said that being sick does not necessarily mean that something bad is happening to your body, but also to your mind. If so, yes. Percy was sick. And if you put it that way, there is not a single "healthy" person in the world.
Percy simply nodded at the girl's question. He hadn't spoken in days, not since he had arrived at the hospital due to a car accident when he was on the bus. Everyone died, everyone except him. He was the only survivor.
He always was.
"Oh, that means we have something in common! "she said, excited.
Percy looked at her and raised his eyebrow, confused at the girl's strange logic and why she looked so excited about it.
"I see you're very hurt," the girl said, observing the state Percy was in. Were you in any kind of accident? Are you OK? Does it hurt you?
"What an annoying girl," Percy thought, irritably.
" How long have you been in the hospital? Do you come here often? Do you like the garden? The girl continued bombarding her with questions, much to Percy's growing irritation.
Unable to take it any longer, Percy stood up as abruptly as his aching body would allow and limped back to his hospital room, without giving the girl any kind of look or apology.
Percy slowly opened his eyes, slowly coming out of his dreamlike state.
He was lying in the back seat of the car. His arms crossed over his chest to avoid disturbing Sammy and Annabeth, who were leaning against each other's shoulders, Sammy on the right and Annabeth on the left, making a Percy sandwich.
In the front seat was Thalia, her legs raised on top of the dashboard and her black jacket like a makeshift blanket. His face was leaning against the back of his seat and his mouth was slightly open, giving him an amused appearance.
The seat behind the wheel was empty, so he deduced that Luke was standing guard until dawn, which wouldn't be long since Percy could see the dark sky beginning to lighten.
With a smoothness and stealth worthy of a ninja, Percy moved out of the back seat and managed to get out without waking any of the girls. He breathed in the fresh morning air and stretched his back, listening to the satisfying sound of his vertebrae cracking.
"You don't always have to get up so early, you know?
Percy turned around and saw Luke leaning against the car's tires, giving him one of his trademark mischievous smiles.
"I know, but I still want to do it," Percy said, as he stretched the rest of his body to get rid of the last vestiges of sleep.
"You're weird," Luke said, raising an eyebrow. Anyone would decide to sleep more instead of getting up so early in the morning.
Percy just shrugged.
"You get used to it. Plus, there's something I want to do before the girls wake up.
Luke frowned.
"I'm not going to lend you one of my special magazines so you can go into the woods to catch the goose.
- That...!? What the hell did you think I was going to do?! "she whispered loudly to Luke to avoid waking the girls. His face turning a healthy shade of red.
"Oh, you know," Luke said, as he made a fist and imitated a beating motion. Pull the neck of the goose, squeeze the sausage, peel the banana, you know.
Percy stared at him. Wondering how the hell Luke knew all those names.
"You're a damn pervert, you know that?
Luke gave him a cheeky smile.
"Have I ever denied it? But don't tell the girls, please. I don't want them to feel uncomfortable.
"Thalia already knows," Percy reminded him.
"Yes, but she's a closet pervert, so it doesn't matter. It's Annabeth and Sammy who worry me.
"As long as you don't try anything weird with them...
"I would never do it! "Luke said, in an offended tone.
"I guess not," Percy sighed tiredly. By the way, where is goat boy?
Luke yawned loudly. He was sleepy and Percy couldn't blame him for that, as he took the last watch until dawn. The previous watch had been done by Annabeth, since it always made it difficult for her to fall asleep, so she usually did the first watch until around 2 am, and then would wake up the next person she watched until dawn.
"Grover went to sleep in the woods," Luke said, pointing to a small forest that stretched along a road, which is where they had parked the car. He said he feels more comfortable sleeping in the "wild." Satyrs and their love for nature...
Percy just shook his head. It had been about a week since they had encountered the food-stealing satyr. A week they had left the cyclops lair with Luke's new weapon. One week he had discovered the existence of the so-called "Camp Half-Blood". And a week of Grover's constant insistence and attempted persuasion to go to this mysterious demigod camp.
"Do you think what he says is true? Luke asked. Is there really a camp for people like us? Where can we be safe?
Skepticism seeped into Luke's voice, and again, Percy couldn't blame him for it. Both had lived on the streets for a couple of years. Percy more than him. Trusting the word of a stranger is not something that kept you alive. Even Percy and Luke hadn't trusted each other until a few months later, at first they had only worked together because they both benefited each other. Until a beautiful non-gay friendship blossomed.
"I don't know," Percy admitted. It sounds too good to be true. And good things are never free, they always come with a cost.
Luke nodded, sharing his point of view.
"I thought the same thing." He glanced at the trees where Percy assumed Grover was. Why does it appear now? Why not before? We've both been on the streets for years, but we've never seen another satyr, or heard about this secret camp.
"There is a possibility that he is deceiving us. It tries to make us trust and then lure us into a trap. "I've faced many monsters that act that way," Percy said. But it wouldn't hurt to take a look at this "Camp Half-Blood." Maybe it is the solution to all our problems. We can find others like us and stop living constantly looking over our shoulders. Sounds like a good life, doesn't it?
Luke didn't want to say it, but he didn't share the same hope as his friend. He didn't want to say it because of the excited and hopeful voice Percy had. His friend had been on the streets a lot longer than he had, so it was understandable that he wanted a way out. A light at the end of the tunnel, so to speak. But Luke, in his skepticism, couldn't see that.
"Yeah, that sounds great," Luke agreed, but didn't convey his doubts.
"Stay alert. If we want to get to that place, I wouldn't be surprised if we encounter more monsters than normal that prevent us from reaching the camp.
Luke nodded in understanding. He thought the same.
"I'll keep that in mind. Anyway, what are you planning to do before the girls wake up? I hope it's nothing dangerous and stupid, like you always do.
Percy chuckled.
"Today is a special day," Percy said. And therefore I will do something special. I'll go to town. I'll do a few things and be back in a couple of hours.
Luke raised his eyebrow in curiosity, but he didn't question Percy or anything. When you're in a group as special as theirs, it was important that each of them had their own space or moment to themselves. He had them too...sometimes.
"Farewell," Luke said with a wave of his hand. Just make sure you come back in one piece or the girls will kill me.
"Yes, don't worry," Percy said, as he walked towards the city that was a few kilometers away. I am the living image of caution. How do you think I managed to survive all these years?
¨Well, he has a point,¨ Luke thought, as he watched Percy walk along the side of the road with a relaxed gait.
It only took Percy a little over thirty minutes to get into town. The sun had peeked over the horizon in the time it took to arrive.
As he walked, the sidewalk began to fill with people out for their morning runs, those going to work or school, he couldn't help but think that he felt comfortable with a familiar sight. The same streets full of people full of confidence and ambitions. The same polluted air that plagued the city and hit you in the face like a punch from Mike Tyson. And, if he looked closely in one of the alleys, he could see the shadows move and begin to form a shape that Percy knew all too well.
"Hounds of hell," Percy thought, as he unconsciously reached for his knife in the back of his jeans. "Great. Anyway, I needed to vent. And what better way to start the day than by killing a bunch of monsters? ¨
His fingers trembled with anticipation, and his heart began to pump faster at the thought of battle. A defiant smile began to spread across his lips as he walked towards the alley.
"One...two...only three?" ¨ thought Percy, slightly disappointed. ¨It doesn't matter, it will be good for stretching the muscles.¨
Stealthily and quickly, Percy entered the dark alley. The buildings were so tall that it seemed like night had returned. Dirt and grime took root in the walls, and the humidity made the atmosphere heavy. But that took a backseat as Percy focused on the place where the shadows seemed to gather and get darker.
The three hellhounds were huddled over something Percy couldn't see, but when they heard the sound of approaching footsteps, they looked up and gave him a guttural growl when they recognized him.
"Firulays, Fyfy, Milo, how many times have I told you not to run through the streets? "It's dangerous, there could be very ugly monsters roaming around," Percy said, as he took out his knife, causing the dogs to growl when they recognized what it was made of. Now I will have to punish them... very severely.
With a bark of challenge, the three rushed towards Percy, who wasted no time in waiting for them. He moved quickly towards the first dog that had lunged at him with its claws extended. Percy dodged the claws at the last second and with one unerring movement, plunged his knife into the creature's neck, dissipating it into a cloud of dust.
The second dog, who had been left behind for a few seconds, couldn't react in time to Percy's kick in the chest like a soccer ball. The dog crashed into a garbage can with a loud crash, leaving a dent in it. Taking advantage of his extended leg, Percy withdrew the bronze dagger he had kept in his boot, turned around, and threw it at the third dog that was trying to attack him from behind. The dagger embedded itself up to the hilt right between its eyes, killing the monster and dissolving it into dust.
Percy walked over and picked up the dagger that had fallen on the floor. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see the last dog beginning to shakily stand up. He tightened his grip on the dagger as the dog lunged at him again. The monster didn't even see when Percy threw the dagger that ended up embedding itself in his head, with accuracy and speed improving with years of practice. The monster exploded into a cloud of dust before hitting the ground.
"Well, that was easy," Percy sighed.
As he went to pick up his dagger again and sheath it in your boot, he realized the reason why the dogs were crowding and raised an eyebrow in curiosity.
Hidden on the side of an old garbage can was the much smaller, but unmistakable, shape of a hellhound. He was so small that Percy could have mistaken him for a normal dog, but one look at his red eyes and his body that seemed to want to blend into the shadows of the alley revealed him as a dog from hell.
"Wow... this is the first time I've seen such a small hellhound," Percy commented to himself.
Normally, the hellhounds he encountered were the size of tigers, like the ones he just killed, cars, and even the size of a garbage truck. I had never seen one as small as the one in front of me.
The dog... or little dog from hell, gave him a frightened look as he tried and failed to get away from him. Taking a closer look at his body, Percy could see that his front leg had a nasty cut that almost reached his body, causing him to limp weakly. He recognized those types of injuries.
"So those dogs from earlier were attacking you," Percy said.
The little dog let out a pitiful whimper as it lowered its head and licked the wound. Percy sighed tiredly and put away his knife. It was the first time I felt even a little sorry for a monster, a hellhound no less.
-Alright. I'm not going to kill you when you're hurt and can't even defend yourself.
The dog raised its head, as if it understood, and gave a weak bark, perhaps in gratitude or understanding, Percy didn't know. He turned around and prepared to leave the dark alley, he had to go to a couple of stores to buy a couple of things, and to do that he had to "accidentally" bump into some people. It would take him a couple of hours to raise the necessary money.
As he walked down the sidewalk, he realized that he was being followed. Maybe it was just his imagination, but when he turned around he could see that the same wounded hellhound was following him. When he looked at him, the dog stopped and sat up on his hind legs and gave him a bark, while his tail wagged happily.
Percy had a hard time imagining him like his other relatives, huge and wild. With a malice and bloodlust that had come to be associated with them. But the dog in front of him had none of that, he could almost pass himself off as a normal dog the size of an adult Saint Bernard. Even his face resembled one.
"Why are you following me? "Percy asked him, as if the dog could understand him. But judging by the small gleam of intelligence in his eyes maybe he could. You know we are enemies, right? I killed those dogs from before, and I killed hundreds more. That is the relationship between your species and mine.
The dog gave a couple of happy barks, as if he didn't care. Percy approached and stood on his hind legs, while he rested his front legs on Percy's body. His tail was wagging happily all the time.
"You're... weird. "I've never seen a dog like you," Percy told him, receiving a bark from the dog. You're not going to attack me suddenly, are you?
The dog barked happily at him again. She stretched out a little and began to lick Percy's face enthusiastically, eliciting laughter from him.
"Okay, okay. "I understand," he said, gently pushing the dog away from his face.
Tentatively, he reached up and petted the dog behind the ears, causing the dog to stick out its tongue and wag its tail even faster.
"You're weird," he repeated again, while chuckling. And I think that's why I like you. Come on, come on, boy"the dog gave him a disapproving whine". Hey... girl? "he barked at her as a sign of enthusiasm.
As he walked down the city sidewalk, looking for the things he had come to buy accompanied by a supernatural being, Percy couldn't help but laugh at himself.
¨This really is a special day. A hellhound just got attached to me. And it's a female. I'm quite a gallant¨
Thalia angrily took a bite of her ham sandwich. He lifted the water bottle to his mouth and took a deep drink, not caring that some of it dripped down his chin.
"Where did that idiot go? "she snapped, as she finished drinking the water before attacking her sandwich again.
Luke, who was sitting across from her on a stump, calmly eating his peanut butter sandwich, responded:
"Thalia... that's the fifth time you've asked this in the last hour," Luke responded, with the little patience he had left. And the answer remains the same; Don't know. He went into town, and said he'd be back in a couple of hours. Get over it.
"Well, I'm worried! How do we know he didn't get into some trouble!?
"I'm sure Percy could handle it," Annabeth commented, taking a bite of her vegetable sandwich. She insisted on eating that, claiming that she was growing and needed as many nutrients as possible. Children of Athena, always worrying about the details.
- Yeah! Percy won't lose to anyone! "Sammy exclaimed, excited". Not even before you, who have a sword! He said, pointing at Luke. And not before you, who have a shield as ugly as your face! "he ended up pointing at Thalia.
"What did you say, brat!? Thalia shouted, standing up abruptly. Repeat that if you have the courage!
"It's your face that scares monsters, not your shield! "Sammy yelled, before running away while laughing out loud.
" You'll see when I catch you!
Thalia ran after her, ready to catch the elusive mortal who was laughing loudly at her anger.
"Are they always like this? "asked a new voice, timid and a little afraid.
Grover staggered out of the bushes. He was still wearing the same clothes as a week ago, just a little cleaner. Looking at him closely, he looked like any boy entering his teens, the acne that was beginning to adorn his face was proof of that.
"Sammy is always looking to annoy someone, and Thalia is always the most temperamental of us," Luke explained, without giving her a second glance or stopping to eat his sandwich. The only way they could interrupt their meal was if they were under attack.
"Yes, the children of Zeus are always temperamental. "It's in his nature," said Grover, sitting on a stump a little away from the rest.
" Do you know any? "Annabeth asked, always curious.
"No, I have never met a son of Zeus, but I have heard stories about them. The last children of the Big Three were born more than fifty years ago, and... let's just say it didn't end very well.
- What are you talking about? Luke asked, gaining curiosity about the conversation. What happened?
"World War II, that's what happened," Grover said, in a somber tone. It was mainly a brawl between the children of the Big Three, and we all know it wasn't very pretty.
"Oh..." was all they both could say.
"No, Thalia, let go of me! You're going to make me bald! "Sammy shouted, in protest.
-I won't do it. Let's see if we can learn a little respect, brat" said Thalia, with a malicious smile. He had Sammy in a firm lock while he patted Sammy's head.
"You are not the best one to teach me respect! Sammy exclaimed, trying in vain to free himself from his grasp.
Everyone shared a laugh before Grover frowned and abruptly stood up from his stump, catching everyone's attention.
"Grover, what's wrong...? "Annabeth began.
"A monster..." Grover said, his voice low as he sniffed the air. It's getting closer...
- That!? Where!? Thalia said, releasing Sammy and placing her safely behind her as she held her spray can, ready to unleash her spear.
"Over there, but... he's not alone...
Before they could ask him what he meant, the bushes in front of them began to rustle, causing everyone to be alert, but that feeling disappeared as quickly as it appeared when they saw Percy emerge from the bushes. He was carrying a new dark green backpack on his back, while he calmly ate a tube of Pringles potato chips, although he almost slipped from his hands when he saw the alertness of his friends with their weapons drawn.
"Hey, guys, what's up...? Wow, calm down! Where is the fire? "Percy said, raising a hand to try to calm them down.
For five seconds, no one said anything. They just stared like idiots until Thalia broke the silence.
"Percy, damn it! Where the hell have you been!?
"Uh... well... I was...
- WOW!
"Percy, behind you! "Luke shouted, alarmed.
Everyone watched as a hellhound emerged from the bushes, but it did so calmly and it was... small, like a normal dog. Even his tongue was hanging out like one and his tail was wagging happily as he sat on his hind legs next to Percy. One of its paws was completely wrapped in bandages, which they found curious.
- WOW! "He barked again, energetically.
"A... hellhound? "Thalia asked, doubtful and cautious.
"Yes, it is," Grover assured, as he hid behind Luke. Why isn't he attacking us?
"It's because he's become quite fond of me," Percy explained, with a smile, as he stroked the hellhound's head, to the terror of those present. Isn't that right, Miss O'Leary?
- WOW! "the dog barked at him, his tail wagging happily.
- Ms. O'Leary? Did you give it a name? "Thalia asked, incredulous.
"Everyone needs a name, Thalia. Now, come closer. I have gifts for all of you.
- Gifts!? "Sammy exclaimed, excited.
Percy gave a kind smile as he sat on a stump, and placed his new backpack on the ground. From the noise it made, there were several things inside. Everyone had forgotten the hellhound that curled up at Percy's feet.
-Of course. I haven't forgotten what day it is today.
"What day is today? Annabeth asked. It's Saturday.
"Ask Sammy," Percy said, with an amused smile. She knows the answer very well.
"Sammy, what day...?
"Today is Saturday, August 9! Sammy exclaimed, as he went and hugged Percy. It's my birthday! Percy, you didn't forget! You are the best!
Percy returned the hug with a hand.
"Of course I wouldn't. I even brought gifts for everyone.
"For everyone? "Luke asked, a little uncomfortable". But, Percy...
"My birthday has passed," Annabeth said, slightly depressed.
"And mine is still a long way off," Thalia said.
"No one really thought much about it," Luke said. There are more important things than celebrating the day we were born"It ended in a somber atmosphere.
"How to survive monsters? Percy asked, rhetorically. What's the point of surviving if you don't appreciate the little things in life? A good meal, a chat with the people you appreciate, a sincere hug, watching the sunrise... although those are the things I appreciate. Sammy likes gifts. And since today is your birthday, what better time to give it to you than now?
Percy reached into his backpack and rummaged for a few seconds until he pulled out a box wrapped in wrapping paper.
"Happy birthday, Sammy. You are now twelve years old, and you will soon enter adolescence, so good luck with that!
"Yeah, it's not pretty at all," Thalia grumbled. I'm still having a hard time getting used to all this shit.
"Not everything is so bad," Luke said, with a reassuring smile.
"You say it because you are a man. You don't know what women suffer.
– What do we suffer from? Sammy asked, innocently.
"That's a topic of conversation for another time," Percy said, changing the subject. He reached back into his backpack, pulled out a small wrapped object the size of a cell phone, and handed it to Luke. I think you will like this.
"Percy, I..." Luke began, not knowing what to say.
"Thank me later. Now, the next one.
He pulled out another wrapped package, this one a little wider than the others, and handed it to Annabeth, who looked between him and the gift dumbfounded.
"I know this is your style and you will like it.
"I...I..." She didn't know what to say, the stuttering when she spoke and the blush on her cheeks made her look incredibly adorable. In the end, he settled for saying, in a choked voice, "Thank you."
"Consider it my apology for not doing anything on your birthday. "I didn't know," he said with an apologetic smile. She reached into her backpack and pulled out a small box, no bigger than her fist. "Now, Thalia." Finding you a gift was problematic because your tastes are strange...
- Hey!
"...But I think I found something that will look perfect on you. And, furthermore, it fits your tastes. So that's a bonus.
Thalia took the small box with trembling hands, and clutched it tightly to her chest.
"Thank you, Percy," she said, with a warm smile.
He gave her a crooked smile before reaching into his backpack one last time.
"And lastly, don't think I've forgotten about you, goat boy.
- I? Grover asked doubtfully as he pointed at himself. Are you sure? I'm only with you for a week and I ate your saved food! "he finished, followed by a pitiful bleat, before covering his mouth in shame.
They all chuckled, but Luke could tell that Percy's smile was forced. It was the same smile he had when he was forced to talk to some mortal; a fake smile.
Faker than Mia Khalifa's breasts.
"I didn't want you to feel left out in any way," Percy said, handing her a wrapped package. Very good... Now, open them!
Immediately, the sound of tearing paper filled the small clearing where they stood, followed by gasps of surprise and appreciation, but none louder than Sammy's excited squeal.
"It's... It's... It's a camera! "she shouted excitedly, while jumping slightly where she was standing.
"Not just any camera," Percy said, boasting. It is an instant camera. The moment you take a photo, the camera will print it.
"Percy, you are the best! Sammy shouted, lunging at Percy, wrapping his hands around his neck.
The next to react was Annabeth, who gasped in surprise when she saw her gift. He immediately recognized it when he looked at the image printed on the cardboard box.
" A chessboard! "she said, her gray eyes shining with excitement. "I always wanted one! But... I don't know how to play," she finished, slightly depressed.
Percy just gave her a comforting smile and stroked the top of her head.
"Then it's lucky that I know how to play," he said.
The sparkle in Annabeth's eyes returned and she looked at him hopefully.
"Would you teach me!?
Percy chuckled.
"Of course," then he turned to Luke, who had unwrapped his gift and was looking curiously at a playing card. As a son of Hermes, I thought you should know how to scam people. What better way to do it than playing poker? Much of the money I won was from poker games in deadly bars. They are laminated cards, so they will last you several years.
"Percy, I..." Luke looked at Percy, then at the letters, not knowing what to say, his lips trembling slightly. I... I don't know how to play poker.
Percy just laughed good-naturedly.
"Then I'll teach you too," he said, when he finished laughing. Wow, who knew I would become a teacher? Luckily, I don't have to teach you anything, Thalia. What do you think?
Thalia didn't respond immediately as she was appreciating the gift Percy had given her. Inside a small box, there was a pair of skull earrings. Nothing too fancy, but Thalia found a certain elegance in it.
"Percy, this is..." she began, feeling a strange lump in her throat as she spoke and a warm feeling settling in her stomach. It's incredibly cool.
Percy scratched the back of his head, a little embarrassed if the slight blush on his cheeks meant anything.
"I know they're not the best gifts, but I wanted to give everyone something. And I thought you would like it...
"And we love it! Luke said quickly. It's just... it's the first time someone other than my parents has given me something. It's the first time a friend has given me something, so I feel a little... overwhelmed.
Thalia and Annabeth nodded in agreement, still looking at Percy gratefully.
"Even I can't help but feel grateful," said Grover, drawing everyone's attention with his new dreadlock cap that hid his curly brown hair and gave him a hippie look. By the way, I like the color combination, but... why a cap? It's not that I'm being ungrateful or anything like that! It's just curiosity.
"Well, by the way," Percy said, raising an eyebrow. I think you would attract too much attention when mortals see little horns growing out of your head.
Grover blushed and tried to hide behind his new cap, causing everyone to laugh amusingly.
At that moment, while Grover was babbling incoherently and everyone was laughing at him as they tried to calm the agitated satyr, Percy smiled wistfully and sadly, but determination shone in his eyes.
This was what I was fighting for. The reason why he didn't give up day after day. The smiles and joy of his friends. Their well-being and safety, he would make sure they survived this hell.
Even if it cost him his own life as Hal had predicted.
Have you ever woken up with a goat's hoof in front of your nose when you opened your eyes?
Well, then they won't know what Luke felt when he woke up abruptly from his little nap. I was sleeping on the hard floor of a forest in... I didn't even know where the hell I was exactly. All he knew was that he was somewhere in Ohio, headed toward New York State, more specifically, Long Island.
Grover, who was lying next to him, showing him his dirty hooves followed by his hairy legs that he was proud of, had been leading them for the last two days. Two days since Sammy's birthday, and a day that The Evil Machine had fallen in battle due to lack of fuel.
But it wasn't because of Grover's smelly feet that he had gotten up, but because of a scream. A scream of terror that he recognized very well.
He immediately stood up and walked out of his small tent. As he left, his eyes widened in surprise and fear. Fear not for himself, but for the situation he found when leaving the store.
He could see Thalia, with her spear and shield released. A completely angry expression adorned his face, while flashes of electricity erupted from his body.
Several meters in front of them, Luke watched as a figure towered over them. The lower part of its body was long, thick, and full of deep green scales; the body of a snake. It was the upper part that left him stunned, it was that of a woman, slender and that many would consider desirable, but that beauty ended when you saw her face. What should be a serene and beautiful face, was one deranged and full of madness. His eyes were wide open, with pronounced black marks around them, as if he had never even blinked. It was a rather chilling sight, but that mattered little when Luke saw who he had trapped in his arms.
"Annabeth! Luke shouted, concern evident in his voice.
-Luke! Thalia! "Annabeth screamed, scared. Please help...!
" Silence, girl! The monster snapped, in a hissing voice, as if a snake had learned human speech. Stay quiet and calm, and maybe consider not eating yourself alive.
"You will die if you don't put it down right now! Thalia shouted, full of fury as electricity sparked through her body.
"Oh, but what do we have here? He asked, looking appreciatively at Thalia and Luke. A couple of demigods, and they're all such cute kids! So... appetizing. And a girl from Zeus! Know? I used to go out with your daddy... Until that bitch Hera became jealous and envious of my beauty and turned me into this! Now, I just can't resist demigod meat when I see it...
He opened his mouth and a long forked tongue emerged like a snake. He ran his tongue over Annabeth's face, who shuddered at the contact.
"No doubt they will be a delicacy, but unfortunately, I don't have time for you.
"Then set Annabeth free and go! Leave us alone! "Luke yelled at him. His hand firmly gripped his caduceus pendant, ready to release Backbiter.
"Oh, why would I do that when she's my ticket out? "he asked, caressing Annabeth's face with his long fingers.
Luke felt a little uncomfortable looking at this strange monster. His eyes were completely open and he never blinked, like a predator waiting for its best moment to pounce on its prey.
"What the hell do you mean? "Thalia asked. His eyes subtly scanned the surroundings. He seemed to be looking for something, or someone.
That's when Luke realized something. Where was Percy and Sammy? They weren't inside the tent, and they weren't anywhere in the clearing. He wanted me to be here. Percy always found a way out of desperate situations.
"You'll find out soon," the snake woman hissed hatefully.
Thalia and Luke looked at her, feeling strange that the snake woman was looking past them. They both turned, but saw nothing more than a group of trees and bushes that were silent.
"Wait... silence?" ¨Luke thought. ¨If there's one thing I've learned, it's that the forest is never quiet, unless...¨
The sound of a hiss brought him out of his thoughts as he watched a thin, elongated object sail through the air until it crashed in front of the snake woman's feet, or tail. Those present identified it as an arrow.
The snake woman backed erratically and fearfully towards a tree, Annabeth still trapped in her arms.
"Damn you, hunters! The snake woman growled, venom dripping into her voice. Always sticking their repulsive noses where they are not wanted!
"The only repulsive thing here is your mere existence," said a new voice that came from the place where the arrow emerged. And the presence of the boy standing there.
If it were another time, Luke would complain about that comment, but he decided to keep his mouth shut when he watched as a group of people dressed in a similar way emerged from the forest; white shirts with silver jackets, silver camouflage pants, and black combat boots. A group of girls; a dozen, more or less. They held bows with arrows that were aimed at the only monster present. They surrounded her in a deadly semicircle, cornering her against a tree.
"Release that young maiden," demanded one of the girls, who seemed to be the leader. If the silver diadem around her head meant anything.
If he looked up the meaning of "beauty" in the dictionary, Luke was sure he would find an attached photo of that girl. She was tall and graceful. She had silky black hair that was braided over her shoulder. Flawless copper skin and hard, cold black eyes. Everything about her, from her posture and expression, radiated elegance and mortality.
"I will not repeat myself again, beast," said the beautiful girl, with a deadly voice.
"If you don't want this innocent girl to drown in her own blood, you will back off! The snake woman said, bringing her long, sharp nails to Annabeth's exposed neck.
The beautiful girl's face wrinkled in conflict. Apparently, he wanted to kill that monster, but he didn't want to hurt Annabeth in the process.
"Lower your weapons! "she ordered the other girls, while gritting her teeth in frustration.
"But, Zoё...! -protested another, reluctant to lower her bow.
" Silence, Phoebe! Zoё hissed, with a hard look. I will not put a young maiden at risk. Lower your bow, it's an order from your lieutenant.
Reluctantly, Phoebe lowered her bow, but still had her arrow ready to launch into the slightest opening.
"My lady will not let this threat pass," Zoё said, with a voice as cold as ice that, despite not being directed at him, sent a chill down Luke's spine.
"I have no fear of that pathetic excuse for a goddess," the snake woman mockingly hissed, causing all the girls to tense up and glare at her. I'm not afraid of anyone...! AGGGHHHRRR!
The snake woman screamed in pain as something embedded itself in her left shoulder, causing the arm she was holding Annabeth with to fall limp and limp, freeing the girl.
A black blur shot out of the bushes and grabbed Annabeth, pulling her away from the snake woman who was writhing in pain. Luke recognized Miss O'Leary with Sammy riding on his back. The bitch from hell was holding Annabeth by the hood of her sweatshirt, like she was some kind of puppy.
-Ms. O'Leary, good girl! "Thalia said, as the dog approached her and gently released Annabeth. Earning a pet from Sammy and Thalia behind the ear, causing his tail to wag happily.
Another loud howl of pain caught the attention of those present. Everyone watched as both of the snake woman's arms fell limply to the sides of her body.
"But what...!? "Phoebe exclaimed incredulously, as she prepared her bow and arrow.
He didn't have time to fire when something fell on the snake woman's shoulders, knocking her to the ground and slamming her face hard into the ground from the back of her head being held. There was the sound of something breaking.
A lone figure towered over the fallen monster, planted both feet on the snake woman's shoulders and roughly grabbed her tangled, grime-filled hair, and forced her to look up, exposing her neck.
"So you were going to make Annabeth drown in her own blood, huh?" "he asked with an icy voice.
With his free hand he ripped out the object that had been lodged in the snake woman's shoulder, causing her to yelp in pain. He placed the object on his exposed neck, revealing a knife made of monster teeth.
"I think it's fair that I kill you in the same way...
- Wait! "the woman pleaded, with an expression of absolute fear". Please don't...!
His pleas fell on deaf ears as the knife traced his neck from side to side. A gurgle escaped the snake woman's mouth as she drowned in her own blood.
Thalia and Luke covered the eyes of Sammy and Annabeth respectively, as the snake woman died and then exploded into a cloud of dust, leaving nothing but a stain of still-warm blood on the floor.
Zoё, Phoebe, and the other girls watched with open eyes as the snake woman met her death, until they saw the cause and all, as one, raised their bows and arrows again as a sign of caution.
¨Who is this boy? I didn't feel it coming! ¨ Zoё thought, as she scrutinized him with her eyes. From his blood-stained hands to his bright, cold green eyes – some minor god? He called that girl by her name, so he's with them. But it doesn't matter. Whoever it is, it's dangerous.
She held her stance, with her bow and arrow ready to release if this boy turned out to be a threat. No, scratch that, he's already a threat, if the ease with which he killed that monster was any indication. It only took one wrong action or comment to turn this boy into a pincushion, but he just stood there, studying all the girls with cold, calculating eyes.
His eyes looked around, until they landed on Annabeth. All traces of coldness disappeared and were replaced by concern.
"Annabeth, are you okay?" "he asked, softly.
That puzzled Zoё and the other girls. The abrupt change in personality from one moment to the next... was very god-like.
"Yeah, just...a little scared," Annabeth confessed, her voice shaking.
Percy walked over to her and put a hand on her shoulder comfortingly.
"There's nothing to fear," Percy said, his voice soothing. The monster is gone.
-Yeah. Thank you for... saving me.
"I think someone else deserves the thanks, right?
Annabeth raised her eyebrow in confusion, until something gently pushed her. She looked to the side and there was Miss O'Leary, who was looking at her expectantly. She smiled at him and patted his head gently. Before, she was a little afraid of being around the hellhound, but he had proven to be very friendly, and now he just saved her. So he won her affection.
"That's... a dog from hell! "exclaimed one of the girls, paying more attention to the dog. He quickly raised his bow and prepared an arrow.
- No! Don't hurt her! Sammy defended her, standing protectively in front of Miss O'Leary. He hasn't done anything wrong! She's a good girl!
- He's a monster! It's dangerous! "Phoebe argued this time, preparing her bow.
"He's with us," Luke said, also protecting Miss O'Leary. It's not any danger. She is our companion.
" Partner? Phoebe asked, mockery evident in her voice. Of course, only a male would claim a monster as a mate. After all, monsters tend to congregate.
That comment bothered Luke and he frowned tightly and gripped the hilt of his sword tightly.
"What the hell does that mean? He asked, growing increasingly irritated.
"Typical retarded man," she snorted amused, although she had a malicious tone in her voice.
"What is your problem!? "he snapped rudely, taking a step forward.
Phoebe also stepped forward and looked with ill-concealed hatred at Luke.
"My problem is you and all your kind, boys" he spat the last word with disgust.
"Do you hate me simply for being a boy? Luke asked. That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard in my life!
- Enough! "exclaimed two voices in unison.
Everyone looked surprised at Zoё and Percy, who spoke at the same time. They both looked at each other and raised an eyebrow as a sign of curiosity, in Zoё's case more as a sign of annoyance, but they didn't say anything. They just walked over to Phoebe and Luke who looked like he was about to gut each other.
"Control your momentum, Phoebe," Zoё chided her. We are not here to instigate anyone, no matter if he is a poor boy.
The demigods looked at her strangely at her choice of words, but the huntresses simply rolled their eyes at their lieutenant's words, as if it were common.
"What... What did he say to me? Luke asked, torn between intrigue and annoyance.
"No fucking idea," Thalia said, just as confused.
"It doesn't matter," Percy said, with a tired sigh. Just...don't provoke them, will you? Obviously, they are some kind of group that hunts monsters, so it would be best not to provoke them.
"Listen to your friend, he seems to be more sensible than you," said a new voice.
Everyone turned and saw a new person emerge from the bushes. It was a girl. He was around twelve or thirteen years old. Her radiant reddish brown hair was tied up in a ponytail, with a few strands framing her face, which she possessed with a beauty so sublime that it left you breathless, she had a serious and incredibly menacing expression. But it was her eyes that caught Percy's attention, they were a bright silvery yellow. He compared it to the full moon shining on a dark night. An image that captivated him so many times in the past and continued to do so.
The moment he entered the clearing, the air itself seemed to change. It became heavier. Her very presence seemed to force you to prostrate yourself before her.
Everyone became alert at that. The girls immediately lowered their bows and struck a professional pose, with their bows pressed against their bodies.
Zoё, who had been scolding Phoebe, fell to one knee and lowered her head in respect and submission.
"My lady," he greeted. I didn't expect it so soon.
The girl, whom Zoё referred to as her lady, nodded in recognition.
"The information I received was too vague. False at worst," he said, with a tone that reflected his annoyance. The monster we are looking for is still at an unknown location, but that won't stop us from our current hunt. I have to assume they've already dealt with the elusive Lamia.
A sour grimace adorned Zoё's beautiful features before she responded:
"The Lamia has met her death, my lady, but... it was not by our hands.
A slight expression of curiosity graced the features of the auburn-haired girl.
"Oh, who was it? -asked.
"A... boy," he replied, with a frown. It's the one over there. The one with black hair and green eyes.
The girl turned and looked at Percy. Her bright eyes seemed to look deep into his soul, but he didn't flinch. She approached with grace and elegance, but Percy likened him to a tiger advancing slowly to pounce on a rabbit.
She was the tiger, and he was the rabbit. And they both knew that very well.
"You snatched the prey from my hunters," said the girl. His eyes were colder and brighter than the moon in winter. A lethal and elusive prey that has taken us weeks to locate, and you dare to take it from us? "he finished with a dangerous tone of voice.
"That "prey" of yours kidnapped and threatened my friend," Percy said, unfazed by the girl's look and tone. It was more than enough reason to kill her. No matter who or what it was.
"Did that happen? "the girl asked, looking at Zoё and receiving a reluctant nod of confirmation from her.
"Who are you? "Thalia interjected. His spear and shield returned to their bracelet and spray can form.
The girl looked at her and her expression softened a little.
"I'm no enemy, if that's what you're worried about.
"Well, it doesn't seem like it," Luke muttered under his breath.
The girl didn't hear him, or more likely, she ignored him.
"The group of hunters that accompanies me, along with the purpose of hunting monsters, should give you a clue.
Thalia frowned in thought, but found no answer. His knowledge of the Greek mythological world was not very vast. That wasn't his specialty, anime and punk music were.
"A group made up of only girls... they hate men... they hunt monsters," Annabeth murmured under her breath, until her face lit up in recognition and she looked at the girl with a new light in her eyes.
"You mean you are...! You...! "he mumbled quickly.
"It seems you found the answer, my young maiden," the girl said, with a small smile that disappeared as quickly as it appeared. I am Artemis, goddess of the hunt, the moon, the wild, chastity, virginity, and maidens. And these are my jackets.
A dead silence settled in the small clearing. Everyone looked surprised at the little girl, now known as the goddess Artemis. No one noticed the little rabbit that entered the clearing and then ran away when it saw the number of people in one place.
The first person to break the silence was Percy, with a very intelligent response.
"That's a lot of titles," Sammy commented. That's great!
"As expected of an Olympian goddess," Annabeth said, admiring the goddess in front of her.
"A goddess... a loli goddess? "Thalia said, incredulous.
"I'm not familiar with the term 'loli'," Artemis said, her eyebrow raised in confusion. If you are curious about my appearance, I can take many forms, but this is the one I prefer. This is the age of my hunters and all the young maidens.
"No, it's just... it's the first time I've seen a god face to face, an Olympian goddess, no less! "Thalia exclaimed, in surprise.
Artemis nodded in understanding.
"I understand your astonishment. Not many have the opportunity to meet an Olympian. Now, I'd like to..." Her gaze drifted to the side and she seemed slightly surprised". A dog from hell?
- WOW! "Miss O'Leary barked at him, animatedly with her tail fluttering.
"He's grown quite fond of us," Annabeth reported. Especially with Percy.
"It's the first time, in all my millennia of life, that I've seen one tamed," Artemis said, in an appreciative tone. Studying the dog as an object never seen before.
"Did you hear that, Chief Seaweed? Thalia asked, hitting Percy's shoulder hard in a friendly manner, causing him to stumble. You have done something that no one has done in the entire history of humanity. Be proud, damn it!
Percy just laughed lightly in discomfort as he scratched the back of his head.
Artemis glanced at Percy for a few moments.
"No doubt very interesting, but we can talk later," Artemis said, then turned to her lieutenant. Zoё, we'll be here for a couple of hours. Put up the tents. They have not rested properly for days searching for the Lamia.
"So much hard work in vain," Zoё sighed, giving Percy an annoyed look before turning to Artemis and giving a small bow. As you wish, my lady.
"As for you three," Artemis turned to the girls in the group. Can you accompany me? I wish to speak with you"Despite being a request, it ended up sounding more like a demand.
The three girls looked at each other, weighing their options. They didn't have much to decide, a goddess, an Olympian, asked-demanded-to talk to her. They all came to the same conclusion that it was better not to push their luck.
With a shrug, the three followed Artemis and Zoё towards the group of hunters who began to prepare their tents, leaving two confused boys and a very happy supernatural being behind.
"I don't like them," Luke commented, as they looked suspiciously at the group of girls who completely ignored them as if they had Ebola.
"They don't have to," Percy said, with a shrug. As long as they don't endanger us and don't attack us, they can do whatever they want. I don't mind. I have more important things to do.
"Oh, yes? Like what? "he asked skeptically.
Percy took out the backpack he had from his back and from it he missed three dead rabbits by their ears. All three had a deep cut on their heads, as if something had been embedded there. It seems that Percy practiced a bit of knife-throwing with the little animals.
"I have to skin these rabbits to eat. How about I show you how to do it? It is always useful to know these things.
In just a few minutes, the hunters set up a medium-sized camp. Seven large silver tents arranged in a crescent shape around a bonfire. Compared to the huntresses' big, luxurious tents, Percy and Luke's tent looked like a place where a homeless man would live. The snoring was still heard inside, suggesting that Grover had not yet woken up. Yes, I was a heavy sleeper.
In the last tent, which seemed no different from the others, stood the goddess Artemis and her lieutenant, Zoё. They were both sitting in front of a golden brazier where a light fire was burning, sending a comforting heat throughout the place. At any other time, Thalia had been amazed and intrigued at how the fire seemed to burn with nothing to burn, or how the fire didn't throw up any smoke. But he couldn't take his eyes off the gleaming silver-yellow orbs of the goddess Artemis. The proposal he had made hung in the air like a smelly smell, or a very pleasant one, depending on the person's point of view.
"You... do you want me to join your hunt?" "Thalia asked, bewildered.
Artemis nodded, not looking away from Thalia. Intimating the seriousness of the situation.
"You are a powerful demigoddess, Thalia. A daughter of Zeus. "Which makes you my sister, in a way," Artemis said. You will be a great addition to the hunt. My hunters follow me on my adventures. They are my servants, my comrades, my companions in arms. If you want a more appropriate term, we are like a big family. We support each other in everything. The success of one is the success of all. And the sorrows of one are the sorrows of all.
Thalia remained silent, thinking about the goddess's words. His eyes became glassy, thinking of a place far away.
Artemis, recognizing Thalia's reflective state, turned to Annabeth and Sammy.
"My proposal also extends to you. I can see that each of you are special, in your own way. And that is precisely what I look for in my jackets.
"But, I... I'm not a demigoddess," Sammy said, in a low tone. I'm not powerful like Thalia, and I'm not smart and cunning like Annabeth. I... I'm just a mortal.
Zoё looked at the little girl in a compassionate manner.
"You don't need to be a demigoddess to achieve great things. Our best trap-setter, Lizbeth, is a mortal. If I didn't know her better, I'd say she's a daughter of Athena because of her ingenuity. "He can kill a cyclops without lifting a finger," she said, proudly. Lady Artemis and the Hunt does not discriminate against anyone based on their birth. All those who honor the goddess can join us. Demigoddesses, nymphs, mortals...
"There are no discriminations in a true family," said Artemis, solemnly.
That seemed to hit a nerve with the three girls. Each of them had left their home due to a destroyed family. A family member who doesn't care about them and had abandoned them.
"I can see that they haven't had an easy life," Artemis continued. I can change that. I offer you the opportunity to leave everything behind and accompany me eternally on my journeys around the world.
" Eternally? "Thalia asked.
"Hunters are immortal," Annabeth explained, to the astonishment of the two girls. Once they swear allegiance to the goddess Artemis, they become immortal. Unless they fall in battle or...
His eyes widened in shock and surprise.
"You are perceptive. "You truly are a daughter of Athena," Artemis congratulated, causing a slight blush to appear on Annabeth's cheeks. There are only two ways for a huntress to lose her immortality. Falling in battle, very unlikely, or breaking his oath.
"What oath? "Thalia asked.
"Give up romantic love forever. They will not grow up, nor will they marry. They must swear that they will remain maidens forever.
That surprised the girls, except for Annabeth, who already knew. A silence spread through those present while the two demigoddesses and the mortal weighed the proposal. The silence was broken by the most unlikely of the three.
"If I accept, it means I'll have to follow you and abandon Percy, right?" "said Sammy. It was more of a statement than a question.
Artemis nodded.
"Boys are not allowed in my jackets. If you accept, you will no longer have to be with that boy to seek your security. I can teach you to hunt, to fight, to protect yourself without depending on any boy. You can be free.
"Being free..." Sammy repeated quietly, thinking about what that word means. He clenched his fists and looked up resolutely. So there's not much to think about. I cannot accept your proposal.
Artemis's eyebrows rose slightly in surprise, but she quickly returned to her serious gaze.
" Do you dare to reject my lady's generous offer for a boy? Zoё asked, her voice taking on a tinge of disgust.
Artemis raised her hand to stop Zoё. He looked at Sammy. His eyes seemed to look deep into her soul.
"Think carefully about your decision," Artemis said, in a warning tone. The opportunity that is presented to you is one of the greatest you will have in your life. It would be wise to think carefully before making a decision.
Sammy shook his head gently.
"There's not much to think about. I will not abandon the person who saved me when I had lost all hope. When I had lost my father who I loved so much, leaving me with my aunt who mistreated and beat me.
That information left everyone in shock. Even Artemis looked slightly surprised.
"A woman... mistreated you? Zoё asked, as if the idea were inconceivable to her.
"I did. "And he didn't mind leaving marks," Sammy said sadly, as he seemed to shrink into his oversized sweatshirt. One... one day, he went too far and caused me to be taken to the hospital. It was there where I met Percy. I thought he would sympathize and feel sorry for me like everyone else, but instead he looked at me disapprovingly and said in a hard voice, "How long do you plan to wallow in your pain?" If you have time to sit and cry, then you have time to do something about it. Tears have never been able to solve anything ››
A nostalgic smile settled on Sammy's face as he remembered the past. Percy's words were harsh, but it was what he needed to do something about it.
"Yeah, that sounds like something Percy would say," Thalia said, with a smile. I remember him saying something similar to me when Luke was kidnapped by that strange monster a few months ago. I swear, that idiot talks like a fortune cookie sometimes.
"That was what I needed to get ahead. "His words were harsh, but true," Sammy said. I escaped from that horrible place. And, ever since then, I've been with Percy.
Thalia and Annabeth looked at the girl in amazement. She never talked about her past. She acted so happy and cheerful that it was hard to believe she had gone through something so tragic. Although it shouldn't be surprising. A child does not live on the streets for years without good reason.
"Sammy, you...
"Don't worry, Annabeth." Sammy smiled comfortingly at her. I have accepted what happened. I'm not alone anymore. I have Percy, and I have you. I don't need anything else.
She smiled. Not in a friendly and fun way like he always did, but in a happy one.
"That's why I can't get your offer right, no matter how tempting it may sound. "I'm sorry," he finished bowing before the goddess as a sign of apology.
"Don't worry, girl," Artemis said. If that is the path you have chosen, there is nothing I can do to change it. Just hope you don't regret it.
- I won't do it! "he said, with a big smile.
Zoё didn't seem happy with the answer, but she accepted it anyway. Although he had a conflicted expression on his face.
"She has made her decision, what do you tell me? Artemis asked, turning to Thalia and Annabeth.
Both straightened their backs under the goddess's attentive scrutinizing gaze. Thalia felt uncomfortable under Artemis's gaze, as if she were being tested.
"I... I don't think I can do it," Annabeth said, after a few moments, but when she saw the scowl Zoё gave her, she felt like she needed to explain herself. It's not because I'm being ungrateful or anything! I feel very honored that a goddess offers me this opportunity, but... I feel like it's not for me. I have other plans. Other ambitions that I want to fulfill.
" Plans? Thalia asked, her eyebrow raised. You never told us anything about there being something you wanted to do.
"I never told you. Well...except Percy. He was the one who helped me decide when I felt unsure about what I wanted to do.
"That boy again," Artemis thought, intrigued. "What's so special about him?" According to Zoё, he managed to catch the Lamia off guard and kill her without problems. Not an easy feat, even for the most experienced of my hunters. In addition, he managed to tame a hellhound. Something no one had done. So that says a little about him.
"And what do you want to do? "Sammy asked, curious and a little excited.
"I want to be the best architect of my time! Annabeth exclaimed, proudly and resolutely. The Acropolis of Athens, the different archaeological sites of the Island of Delos, the Colosseum in Rome, the Great Pyramid of Cheops in Egypt... All of them represent the best of architecture and are a heritage for humanity. I want to create a monument that surpasses them all and lasts through the centuries!
When he finished his speech, Annabeth's eyes were shining with excitement.
[T/N: God damn! Thats a long chapter, part 2 is already ready for next week! If you like this chapter then leave a comment, drop some stones, and write a review! If you want to read some advanced chapters then check out my Patreon!]
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