Orc’s Harem

Chapter 47 – One night with the strongest woman in Malena (Part two)

"Mwah~." The orc suddenly pulls back from the kiss, a single line of glistening drool still connecting his mouth to hers. Juliette can't do anything else but remain paralyzed like she was a statue, absolutely dumbfounded by the loss of her lip celibacy. "Hey, you have to kiss me back, Juli. Pucker your lips." The orc purrs, letting go of the woman's hands to grab her fibrous lower back and hug her as close as possible.

With her brain too mushy to keep protesting, she simply does what she is told. Her lips awkwardly push forth in a kissable pout, while her eyes shut down yet again to shield her from reality... "Gahaha, good girl." The ambassador contently praises her, then resumes eagerly and possessively slurping on her mouth like he was kissing the most beautiful and sought-after maiden in the entire kingdom. His deep satisfied groans, her agitated whimpers, and the vulgar, squishy wet sounds of smooching completely flood the steamy room.

Without separating from the woman's fair skin, one of Orok's hands slid downwards to lustfully squeeze on her round, well-toned buttcheeks, molded by years of intense training, remaining firm and hard under his dark-green palm. The other hand, instead, creeps upwards across her back, trailing her spine until it reaches her head to caress her tousled golden hair.

The tall Captain's body, lost in the brand-new sensations of intimacy, is like putty in his hands, barely able to stand upright. Her breasts flatten against the orc's broad chest, and his massive, erect bulge presses against her mound and lower tummy... The three pieces of underclothing still present on them remain as the only things keeping the makeout session from turning into full-on obscene debauchery.

Juliette struggles to breathe when Orok breaks the passionate kiss again, gasping for air like she was drowning. "Y-you... monster..." Is what she can bring herself to mumble, her azure eyes vacant as she opens them again. "Y-you won't... get away with your p-plan..."

"My plan? Gahaha, what plan?" He unconcernedly snorts, giving her plump, wet lips a hungry lick.

"I... uh, I-I don't know yet..." She shivers as she feels his slimy tongue. Olivia's words continue repeating in her tired, fuzzy mind, 'don't disappoint me'... wait, that's it...!

"Your p-plan must be to... weaken me, and make me look stupid, f-for some reason... You don't like me, you are just t-tricking me..." She scowls, trying to desperately convince herself more than she is trying to call the ambassador's bluff. "Shame on you..."

"Ugh, Juli..." The orc whines and rolls his eyes in annoyance. "Just come here." He commands, holding her strong arm and starting to drag her towards his bed.



This time, it's Pink the one spying through the keyhole of the suite's door without any kind of shame, though with a far more lascivious purpose than the elf...

"Uh-huh, squeeze her ass like that, big guy..." She softly murmurs in a degenerate frenzy, her skirt carelessly pulled up over her hips and her little hand buried between her thick legs, eliciting nasty squelching sounds. "Now, if you could turn juuust a bit to the right so I can see better..."

"Creep." Nova disapprovingly huffs.

"Luv, ya shouldn't be doin' that." Morgana sighs, her reproaching tone of voice motherly and gentle. "Imagine how embarrassed the Captain would feel if she knew ya were watchin'..."

"Yeah, yeah. I'll focus on feeling bad about it after I cum~." The succubus dismissively replies without even bothering to turn away from the peeping hole, her palm roughly clapping against her pubis, searching for a climax that is fastly approaching, until... "Wait! W-where are you two going? Aww, for fuck's sake, dude! Come back, please!"

The couple suddenly moves away from Pink's line of sight, denying her orgasm. She deeply groans, pressing her forehead against the wooden door in frustration. "I was so close..." She pouts, standing up again and lazily fixing her skirt, then directing her attention towards the grumpy elf with glasses staring at her. "Nov-Nov, my beloved, show me your bubble butt. Help me finish."

She simply crosses her arms and shakes her head. "No!"

"Hmph, fine..." She immediately switches her gaze towards the blonde ogre woman. "Morgs~ You'll help me, right? Show me those big titties of yours~?"

"Umm... I-I don't know..." Morgana blushes as she idly plays with her hair, tucking it behind her ear. "Ya really... need it that much, luv?"

"Morgana, we talked about this. Don't be a pushover." Nova interrupts. "Just say 'no' to her."

"Mooooorgs, pretty please..." Pink takes a step forth towards her, hands pleadingly pressed together. "I could like, die, if I don't cum from seeing your huge milkers. It's pretty serious."

"Cut it off." The elf angrily glares down at her. When her amber eyes return to the ogre, she is already beginning to unbutton her shirt. "M-Morgana!"

"But I don't want 'er to die..."

Nova takes a deep breath, then removes her glasses to rub her forehead with irritation. "Ugh, she is obviously bullshitting you. Just look at her."

Before the smug succubus is able to continue egging her on, the frenetic sound of tiny heels clicking against the floor interrupts her. They continue getting louder and louder across the hallway until, in what seems like a flash, their wearer is right in front of her.

"HEY, have you forgotten our deal, idiot!? After all the vile, disgusting things you forced me to do..." Princess Francesca of Malena snaps, ignoring the two other girls as she stares at Pink's bang-hidden eyes with utter disdain in her sharp gaze. "I'm SERIOUSLY starting to lose my patience!"

"U-uh... what...?" Pink nervously laughs, feigning ignorance as she glances at her pair of surprised companions and then at Francesca again. "Heh, sweetie, I don't know what- Eeek!"

"Don't you dare play with me, you filthy lesbian pervert!" The ginger teen furiously grabs onto the collar of the succubus' shirt, shouting directly at her face. "If you don't fulfill your promise, I'll personally make sure you suffer the worst possible kinds of tortures and humiliations before I have you executed and then put your destroyed body on display for everyone in the Capital to see. Understand!?"

"...L-loud and clear..." She gulps.

Francesca growls like a crazed rabid dog, her adorable short figure and colorful dress strongly clashing with her dark, violent words and actions. "Now, where is he!?" She demands.

"He is, uh... a bit busy right now." Pink makes a crude gesture with her hands, finger-fucking her fist with rapid thrusts. "You know."

"W-with who!?" The teen's stomach drops, heart skipping a beat. If these girls are waiting outside... then...

The succubus seems a bit reluctant to answer, a second of stressful silence passes before Morgana decides to approach the girl. "U-um, 'ello! Is everythin' aight over 'ere?" She carefully asks, exhibiting the most disarming smile she can muster on her expression, trying to put her at ease. "Ya must be the Princess, ain't ya? Such a cutie! Can I ask how old are ya, luv?"

Francesca suddenly grabs the tie hanging from the ogre's neck and roughly yanks on it, forcing the ogre to bend down to her height. "I'M AN ADULT WOMAN, DON'T TREAT ME LIKE A CHILD." She fiercely roars, one of her emerald eyes twitching madly.

"I-I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" She gasps, eyes widening in alarm as the necktie constricts around her throat. "Yer roight, yer an adult!"

"That's better... Now tell me who is in that room!"

"I... I shouldn't, luv... That would be- hnng!" She isn't able to finish her sentence as the wrathful princess' frown intensifies and the grip around her tie gets even tighter, hindering the amount of oxygen able to comfortably reach her head.

"TELL ME! TELL ME! TELL ME!" Francesca shrieks with murderous intent on her gaze.

"Princess, please stop." Nova reluctantly steps up to save the scared ogre, sighing deeply before continuing. "I-It's, well... It's Captain Juliette."

"What...?" She freezes, her fingers sliding off Morgana's necktie, causing the ogre to hurry away and hide behind Nova... Absolute disbelief coats each one of the freckled ginger's features, her whole tiny body violently trembling like she was just mere seconds away from bursting like a volcano. "J-Juliette... JULIETTE... FUCKING JULIETTE...!? ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?"

The elf, the succubus, and the ogre all take a prudent step back at the same time.


The ginger rushes towards the suite's door with pure desperation. "DADDDDDYYYY! PLEASE STOP! PLEASE STOP! SHE ISN'T- EEP!" Her cries are cut short as one of her heels slip on the small transparent puddle of cunt-juices left behind by the succubus' previous masturbation session, making her unceremoniously stumble to the floor.

Disgraced and heartbroken, the princess, who is now dead silent, remains down on the cold marble floor. Her eyes teary and her lower lip puffy. "U-uh, Princess? Are you-" Nova slowly tries to reach her hand towards her...

"WAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH." She begins weeping in the most exaggerated way possible, burying her face in her open palms as she stands up and simply runs away from the situation.

The three women glance at each other as the histrionic, orange-haired teenager finally disappears and it's just them again, though the tension that surrounded the event still clearly lingers in the ambiance... It isn't long until Nova's frown focuses intensely on Pink and she promptly presses for answers. "What the hell did you do...!?"

"Uh, well...You want all the details~?"



Oblivious to the mess outside, the orc gently guides the musclegirl to his bed, making her lay on her back over it. "Good girl~." He purrs as he suddenly joins her, letting his humongous body rest prone over her equally gigantic one, pinning her down on the mattress.

The touch-starved woman gasps as Orok grabs the sheets and pulls them over their intertwined bodies. "T-this is so wrong..." She shakes, her palms pressing on the orc's strong shoulders to push him away, but she quickly finds herself unable to do so... Feeling so warm, and so comfy, and... and so safe...

"Stick your tongue out for me, Juli."

Juliette hesitates for a second, before timidly complying. Her pink, twitchy tongue very slowly presents itself until it finally is right in front of the orc's tusked mouth. Before she is even able to wonder about his intentions, his lips strongly wrap around her tongue and he begins slurping on it like it was a pacifier.

Loud, squishy 'chup chup chup' sounds accompany the hungry, lewd movements of Orok's lips as he takes as much of Juliette's organ inside his mouth as possible, twirling his own in circles around it while he eagerly sucks... The disgustingly erotic act now crowning itself as the most indecent thing Juli has ever done in her life...

She squeaks in bewilderment, and he groans in pleasure. Both eyes remain closed as he bobs his head back and forth, his hands grabbing at her thick wrists and pinning them down against the mattress at both sides of her head.

After some more moments of tongue-sucking and spit-drinking, the orc ambassador has mercy on the poor virgin Captain and finally pulls back, freeing her tongue from his hold, exposing the strands of shiny saliva messily adorning both of their mouths.

"Shhhluuurppp! Fuaaahhhhh~." He lets out a content sigh. "Gaha, think I would ever do something this lewd with an uggo? No way, only the prettiest girls get their tongues sucked~."

"...uuuuuuu..." Is everything Juli can answer. Her doe eyes like two glistening plates, while her long golden hair lays splayed in a circle around her head, mimicking a divine halo in yet another unintended display of chastity and purity.

"Fuuuck, I love these huge blue eyes of yours so much, Juli... Gahahaha, you know what? You should be the princess around here, not that creepy, carrot-top brat. You are way cuter than her."

"D-dont... don't disrespect P-Princess Francesca again..." She seems to regain her bravado slightly, maybe from the sudden urge to prove her loyalty to Malena, pulling her wrists from the orc's grip and deeply frowning. "I'm not a...! I could never be a princess! I-I'm a warrior, the strongest in this country... And I won't let you t-try to turn me into something I'll never be..."

"Ughhhhh." Orok sighs, disappointedly shaking his head as he simply rolls off Juliette's body and lays by her side on the bed. "Why do you care so much?"


"About being the strongest, defending your honor, and all that." He softly asks, resting a palm on the woman's stomach and rubbing her firm abdominal muscles in circles. "You don't have to be so dramatic about it."

"I just... I-I just... listen..." She makes a pause, taking a deep breath and trying to ignore the ambassador's hand. "I don't have noble roots like everyone here, I was born in a small town far away from the Capital. I've never met my mother and my 'father', if you could call him that, was an angry alcoholic who hated me... This scar isn't from some combat, it's from a bottle that he smashed on my cheek, which also managed to cut a chunk of my tongue, giving me this dumb, ugly lisp..."

The woman traces her fingers across the poorly healed X-shaped scar on her face, her expression resentful and her gaze distant.

"He woke me up by pouring cold water on me, beat me with his belt, barely fed me... When I was ten years old, I finally decided to escape. I shoved him out of my way, ran out of home, and hid in the back of some potato-carrying wagon that was leaving town... After a few days, the driver eventually discovered me and kicked me out... Though, fortunately, I was fairly close to the Capital, so I found a cave nearby and took shelter for the night, planning to walk the remaining distance the next morning." She turns her head to the side to face the listening orc, her cheeks regaining a deep shade of red as she is reminded of the intimate situation she is currently in. "T-that cave... uh... well, do you know what a wyvern is?"

"Uh, not really."

"It's like a dragon but smaller, with only two legs and a pointy tail... And there was one occupying the cave I had just walked in..." The orc surprisedly raises his eyebrows as the woman continues. "I turned around to run away, but it quickly blocked the exit, so I was forced to head deeper into the cave... I was... r-really scrawny back then, so I was able to squeeze through the tightest passages. I tried to confuse the wyvern, tried to get it stuck... until, finally, it worked..."

"It couldn't move its body any more, it could only stretch its head forward and try to bite me... It's fortunate that wyverns don't have fire breath like dragons do, I would be dead if they did..." She squeezes her large hand into a fist, firmly staring at it. "Seeing that angry creature like that, desperate to kill... I knew I had to end it, to fight back. So I grabbed the biggest rock I spotted on the ground and... simply jumped at it without thinking too much... I kept hitting and hitting its head until it stopped moving... t-then just in case, continued hitting it for a while, until the rock shattered and my hands hurt..." She grunts, relaxing her balled-up fist before resuming her reminiscence.

"It turns out this wyvern had been causing trouble for some travelers passing through the nearby roads, so the next day, when the Capital decided to send a group of men to take care of it, they simply found a crying young girl, still covered in blood, sat next to the corpse of a creature ten times her size... I was then brought to the city, where Olivia saw me, heard about the situation, and... she decided to, uh... adopt me, I guess..." The corners of her lips rise, unable to hide a little smile. "Not in an official way, she already had a biological daughter to focus on... but she gave me a room, gave me proper food, paid for my very expensive education and training, and... well, she is the closest thing to a mother I've ever had..."

"The moment I turned of age, I joined the military. And, thanks to Olivia spreading it around, I already had a reputation around the soldiers about being 'the child who slayed a dragon'... S-she thought it would be better to say it was a dragon..." She adds with some embarrassment. "So, I worked very hard to live up to the rumors, and climbed ranks, until... well, I ended here, being the Captain leading Malena's forces..."

Juliette sighs, making a pause and considering her words before deciding to continue. "The reason I'm telling you all of this... is because I need you to understand..." She stoically looks at Orok's face again. "My entire life I've been fighting, and I plan to keep doing it until the day I die. When I became the Captain, I promised to protect every single innocent person living in this country, to never let anyone else feel as defenseless and scared as I did when I was a child... and for that, I need to keep getting stronger, I need to act decisively and truly be the leader my soldiers deserve... Which means I can’t afford the luxury of being a 'normal' girl, I don’t have time for makeup, romance, or any other stupid distractions, like you trying to manipulate me, or cheating in an honorable duel and making me look like a fool..." She exhales heavily as she finishes her rant, the frown on her face stays pronounced yet some relief courses through her body as she finally brings herself to express her thinking.

"Oh, that's, uhm... I-I didn't cheat, though. I won fair and square." The orc says, pretending to be offended. His usually grinny expression a bit blank at the moment as he processes the woman's discourse. "Still, I just... uh, I guess I'm sorry for breaking your sword..."

"...I have more swords..." Juliette sighs.

An awkward silence forms between the pair, both of them lost in their thoughts as they share the perverted ambassador's mattress. But, just when the blonde-haired amazonian woman believed she had talked some sense into him...

"Ugh, you really need a boyfriend... I'll help!" He simply smiles from ear to ear, giving her bare stomach a playful tap. "You are welcome~."

"E-EHHHH!? Don't say that!" Juli roars, absolutely startled. "Y-you...! Didn't you hear everything I just said!?"

"Gahahaha, yeah, I did! That's how I came to the conclusion that you definitely need a boyfriend." Orok laughs, removing the sheets from their pressed bodies, just to take advantage of the woman's surprise, leaning down to grab her panties and slide them down across her long, toned legs, revealing her glistening, adorable virgin pussy and the muff of golden-colored hair arranged above it. "Ah, this is the only part of your body that you don't shave, huh? Cute~."

"W-wait...! D-don't look...! Ngggh!" The flustered blonde gasps, her body too exhausted from all the lewd, brand new things that it had experienced through the night to even struggle. "Y-you...! Eeeek!"

The orc yanks the woman upwards into a sitting position and moves behind her, hugging her muscular body close against his front and using his own legs to keep her pair spread wide, resulting in her chaste entrance being in full display. "Listen closely..." He whispers directly to her ear, sending goosebumps all over her fair skin. One of his hands grabs onto one of her ample breasts through her tube bra, semi-transparent by how soaked in sweat it is, fingers squeezing on her hardened nipple while he cups the soft boob flesh. His other hand, meanwhile, keeps tracing the contour of her washboard abs, teasing her with the anticipation of not lowering yet between her parted legs like she is afraid of him doing. "I'm your boyfriend now, Juli. In public, I'll stop treating you like a woman, I'll let you be as tough and serious as you want, but when it's just you and me... when we are alone in this room... I'll make sure you can act like the adorable needy girl you really are and satisfy those feminine urges of yours. Alright~?"

"U-urges!? I-I don't have-" She twists her neck to the side in an escape from the orc's hot breath and assertive words, gripping his forearms to try to stop him from caressing her figure. "Ngh! I... I don't need... a-anything from you...!"

"Shh, relax..." He continues calmly purring. "Do you masturbate, Juli? Say the truth to your boyfriend~."

"I... yeah..." She admits in a soft, ashamed mumble. "b-but..."

"Show me how you do it."

"U-umm..." The blonde lets out a tiny little whimper as a complaint, her strong hand very slowly and hesitantly moving down between her legs, sliding through her grown pubic hair until finding her puffy, bubblegum-pink clit... The orc amusedly stares over her shoulder as the woman begins, timidly and clumsily, to repeatedly poke at her pleasure button with just two of her fingers, making her gigantic body shake and contort on its own while stifled moans fight to escape her thick, pursed lips. "A-ahh... hng... ahnn..."

"Gahahaha, that's how you masturbate? You just tap your clitty with your fingers?"

"N-nnghh... y-yes... uhm..."

"Thinking about what? Weapons?"

"N-no... ah... c-cute boys..." She yelps the first thing that comes to her scrambled brain, causing the ambassador to laugh loudly.

"Gaaahahaha, oh yeah? Well, you can only do it thinking about your boyfriend from now on... And you have to do it like this!" He suddenly rests his hand on top of Juliette's, forcing it to go lower to reach her twitching, tight hole, making the woman massage herself. "You have to give your pussy some attention too, you know?"

The orc then guides the woman's other hand down to her clit. "And you don't simply tap this like you were scared, you should rub it hard!" He exclaims, promptly moving her palm in a circular motion against the sensitive little nub. "There we go. This is how you make yourself cum properly."

"W-WAIT! AH, WAIT...! NGGGHHH!" She pleads, the steered movements of her own hands on both erogenous zones at the same time sending what feels like electric shocks all across her entire inexperienced body, her lower stomach burning like she was about to wet herself yet the only fluids that waterfalled were her own arousal juices, clinging to her fingers and dripping down into the mattress, forming a puddle between her spread legs. "T-TOO MUCH! AHNNGGG! WAITWAITWAITTT!"

The orc contently hums as Juliette's screams reverb across the entire suite... A new lewd sound quickly joins the collection when he presses down on her middle and ring finger to slide them into her sopping cunt, making the girl finger herself while she rubs her clit, coaxing loud, plunger-like squishy noises from the needful, mushy virgin hole. "SHHHTOOOPPPP! OooOOOooOHHhhh! NonoNOOOnooo! PLEASHHHEEE NO!" She slurs her words and incoherently moans her lungs out, shaking violently and kicking her socked feet in the air while her toes strongly curl. "AaaaAAAAAAaaaahhhnNNnn!"

Orok continues to make the Captain churn the spot between her legs. "Cum for me, Princess Juli. Cum for your boyfriend, okay?" He gently whispers, licking and kissing her scarred cheek, trailing his tongue across her old, loathed wound.

"N-nuuu... Oh nonoNONOnono... Don't make me- P-please DON'T MAKE ME!" She whines loudly, her hips thrashing on their own as she approaches her most intense climax yet in her twenty-three years of age. The first one that's not lonely and secret, product of just knocking at her pleasure bump. Her expression a complete and absolute crimson mess, drool hanging from the side of her mouth while her pale blue eyes roll back into her head. "O-oh! OoooOOOOoooooh! OOOOOOOHHHHHHHH~!"

Juliette lets out howls of ecstasy that only an absurdly neglected girl like her could produce. Her pussy aggressively quivers as a long exaggerated spray of glistening femcum squirts a good distance away from between her trembling loins with a hissing sound, leaving behind a lewd, vertical damp spot on the ambassador's sheets. Juliette groans like a wounded animal, dazed and on the verge of passing out, her thick legs stretch in the air and her feet femininely arch, every powerful muscle in her sweat-drenched form tensing and contracting. "UUUUuuuuuu... uuuUUUUuuu..."

"Gahahaha, that's a good girl." Orok praises her, letting go of her hands and planting yet another kiss on her burning-hot cheek. "You have to do this a lot from now on, okay? Just like I showed you... If you don't, you might go stupid when I fuck you, that pussy is too sensitive!"

The woman doesn't answer, looking like her brain was in a completely different galaxy. Her muscular body limp like it was melting down when the ambassador gently drops her on her back over the wet mattress, letting her rest for a while as he stands up and stretches his limbs, proudly smirking as he stares at the colossal warrior lady basking in her after-orgasm and continuing to leak juices like a broken faucet.

After a lengthy amount of time passes, the ashamed blonde's brain seems to begin working correctly again, her senses returning as she rises from the bed with wobbly legs and silently begins picking her clothes off the floor and dressing herself up.

"Hey, want to take a bath before leaving?" Orok casually offers.

Juliette doesn't even look his way, sliding her gambeson over her torso and moving towards the door, now fully outfitted. Her face still on fire and her hair even more disheveled than usual... She doesn't even know what to think anymore... W-why does it... feel so good...? The act of just being a normal girl, having a cute nickname, feeling desired, and having... intimacy with a man... She ignored it for so long. Always thought of herself as made for things more important and transcendental than those, but... t-that orgasm... Was her own body conspiring against her? Was having the body of a woman her curse and burden? N-no... No more distractions, no more doubts... Maybe in another life she would have been a good young maiden, but in this one, she is a warrior. She is the Golden Ox... Only capable of fighting and leading... fighting and leading... fighting and... Hmph...

"Y-you are-" She starts saying with a weak, shaky voice, then pauses and clears her throat before continuing. "You are not my... boyfriend. And I'm never going to interact with you again, if you need to discuss something about Garro with me, talk to Olivia instead."

"Uh, I am, though?" The orc smugly chuckles. "And the reward of the duel that I gracefully won was having sex with you. And guess what, Juli? I haven't fucked you yet. So you have to keep coming here until I decide to do it~."

Juliette struggles to find her words. Her jaw opening, yet nothing coming out... She then simply lets out a deep grunt of frustration, pushing down on the door handle and sliding it open.



"YOU. STUPID. BITCH!" Nova screams, holding the little succubus up in the air by her horns and angrily waggling her around as hard as she can.

"Ah, it's not a big deal, Nov-Nov! I already know how to make that brat- Ouououou!" Pink tries to say before being shaked again like a weightless ragdoll, causing her big vulgar titties to bounce around violently and threaten to bust open her shirt. "W-waaah, stop doing that, four eyes! You are going to make me puke!"

"Uh... L-luv...?" Morgana uncomfortably stands close, watching the frightening scene. Her hand slowly and hesitantly approaching the furious elf's shoulder to calm her down. "Everythin' is goin' to be fine, aight? Just... put 'er down, please...?"

Nova makes a pause, staring daggers at the succubus' face before letting out a heavy sigh. "...UGH." She unclenches her fists, unceremoniously letting Pink fall to the floor over her pillowy ass.

Before she is able to keep complaining, the door of the ambassador's suite finally opens. Walking strangely and with her face made a complete flustered chaos, Juliette steps out. "...g-goodnight..." She embarrassedly says to the trio of women, before starting to hurry away through the hallway.

"Hey! Wait a minute, you need to-!" Nova aims to chase her down with her bag of contraceptive herbs, but she is interrupted by the orc stepping out and firmly holding one of her pointy ears to stop her.

"Ah, no need for that. I didn't fuck her yet." He says, still half-naked and with a raging erection hiding under his briefs. His focus then shifts to the red-skinned ogre woman, looking at her from head to toe, hungrily licking his lips... "Morgana, tell me... you are not a virgin, right~?"

"Uh, I'm... I'm not, luv... Is that okay?" She tilts her head to the side in some confusion, the orc just grins from ear to ear.

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