Orc’s Harem

Chapter 23 – A small talk before bed (Part one)

Pink amusedly giggles as the pair of panties perfectly land on Nova's face. "...W-where did you get this?" The elf shakily asks after removing the fancy undergarment from her nose, terrified of the answer she might get. "You stole them!? Or..."

"The princess gave them to me, that brat is very insistent... Gahaha, I was thinking of making you wear them."

"What!?" She gasps, her pretty face immediately contorting into a furious frown. "Y-you...! Are you serious!? You idiot!"

"Did you say 'Princess'!? Oh-hoho, let me see!" Pink excitedly snatches the purple panties from the elf's hand, examining them for a pair of seconds before pressing them against her nose and taking a deeeeeeep eager whiff. "Sniff sniff... Four foot nine, ninety pounds, A-cup titties, little bubble butt, virgin, ginger hair... Sniff sniff... What a cutie!"

"Y-you... You know all that just by smelling her panties?" Nova confusedly raises an eyebrow.

"Yeah! Pretty cool, huh~?" The succubus smugly grins. "I know she is a ginger because of this pube, though..." She proudly raises a tiny strand of bright orange hair that was stuck to the panties.

"T-that's disgusting!" The elf hisses, trying to avoid gazing at it. "Get rid of that."

"Bwahahaha, it's just a little pube, dude. It isn't going to hurt you. But alright, as you wish..." Pink chuckles, opening her hand and simply letting the hair fly away.

"If she is cute now, imagine when she grows up, Gahahaha!" Orok laughs, excitedly rubbing his hands together.

"Uh? But she is already eighte-" The oblivious succubus is about to say but is interrupted by Nova hurriedly covering her mouth and angrily taking the pair of panties away from her. "Heh, what's wrong?" She confusedly tilts her head to the side.

"Master, did you want me to wear these?" The frowny elf puts her dignity aside to try and divert the orc's attention away from what Pink almost said. "I'll... I'll do it."

"Gahaha, yeah! Go ahead!"

Nova sighs, sliding the used panties up her slender legs and thighs until they reach their intended place and... G-goddess, they feel great... She lets out a little sigh of comfort as the extremely soft lacey cloth, which probably costs as much as a whole ship, clings to her creamy skin. "T-there."

"...H-holy fuck, they look great on you!" The orc ambassador amazedly exclaims, the crotch area of his pants bulging out as he eagerly circles around the elf, eyes fixed on her lower body and the way that luxurious underwear perfectly outlines her round butt and shapely legs... The succubus quickly joins him in the exhaustive visual examination...

"Ugh..." Nova embarrassedly sighs, awkwardly walking towards her desk and checking the map she was given. Both pairs of horny eyes behind her shamelessly following every jiggle of her asscheeks. "This is... huh..." Her pupils slowly slide from spot to spot, a soft smile forming on her plump lips. "Her orthography is not the best... But it seems that she is a tactical genius. This is an amazing plan, I- Aaah! Heeey!" The elf yelps as she is easily lifted up in the air.

"You are too erotic and got me too horny. Time to fuck, Gahaha." Orok laughs, holding his slave over his shoulder and carrying her toward the bed in the middle of the room. Pink happily follows behind.



Now well into the night, a deeply asleep Orok contently lays on his back over the mattress, hugging the elf and the succubus close against his sides as he loudly snores. The trio completely naked and drenched in sweat mixed with love juices.

"...Yo, Nov-Nov. Are you awake?" Pink whispers.

The fucked silly elf, resting her head on top of one of the orc's pecs, slowly open her eyes with a grunt. "Mm-hmm... I am..." She tiredly says in a hoarse voice tone. "...Nov-Nov?"

"That's your new nickname~."

"...Please never call me that again..." The elf sighs. "What do you want?"

"Well, I was wondering... Why did you shut me up when I was going to say the age of the princess...?"

Nova takes a second to ponder on her answer, taking a deep breath before starting to talk. "...If Orok starts... some kind of relationship with her, then we are all screwed. I don't even want to think about the diplomatic catastrophes that would result in... Do you understand? I beg you to never-"

"Ha, yeah, I think you are right. It would be fun... but also pretty dangerous. This big guy could get into a lot of trouble..." The succubus snorts, playfully sliding her tongue across one of the orc's nipples, making him grunt in his sleep. "So don't worry. I won't say a thing."


"Yup! I wouldn't lie to you, Nov-Nov~."

"Well... That's a relief..." Nova says, burying her head deeper into the orc's chest as she is able to relax again. "I appreciate it."

"Sure~! But I need you to do something for me too..."


"Tell me a story!" Pink smiles. "I can't sleep."

"A story...? I don't know, I'm not a great storyteller..."

"Come ooonnn, please?" The succubus pouts and probably does puppy eyes behind her ridiculously long bangs. "Tell me the story about how you and Orok met!"

"...Alright..." Nova defeatedly sighs. "Let's see..."



Years ago. Five, to be exact. Nova finds herself sitting on the back of a simple, discrete carriage, firmly holding a small locked-up iron chest between her hands.

Once a simple accountant in Lavanda, land of the elves... Now someone on the run, escaping from her country towards the north, as far away as possible...

Suddenly, the carriage violently bounces as one of the wheels hits an uneven area, making the elf gasp as the chest almost slides from her grip. "Hey! Be careful!" She angrily yells at the driver.

"Sorry, ma'am!" The human man exclaims, gripping the reins of his horses and focusing on the road. "We are currently near Garro, the roads here are pretty bumpy."

Nova sighs, resting the chest over her lap and opening it up to check the state of the item inside... A pocket watch made of gold with shiny decorative emeralds laid across it, the hour marked on it randomly switching positions on its own.

Just a pair of weeks before, the current reincarnation of Queen Filaurel the Undying decided to start a ruthless persecution of anyone in Lavanda who had possession of magical artifacts of any kind, from the most harmless glowing stones to the most powerful ancient grimoires...

Nova carries the last remaining memory of her family. A peculiar watch infused with magic that passed down from member to member until it finally reached her hands. And she isn't going to lose it to a narcissist, authoritarian queen...



"Woah! Dude, you were like, fighting the law! I thought you were a huge nerd but you are kinda cool!" Pink excitedly exclaims.

"I-I just ran away... heh..." Nova tries to hide a little smile. "May I continue?"

"Yeah, yeah!" The succubus lays on top of the sleeping orc's stomach, resting her chin over her open palms and listening with attention. "Continue."



Nova hugs the chest close against her, leaning back against the seat of the carriage and closing her eyes... Her rest isn't able to go on for very long, though... The carriage roughly bounces again on an irregular spot and the wheel flies away with a loud crack sound.

"Fucking hell!" The driver grunts and prompts his horses to stop, annoyedly rubbing his forehead before stepping down and checking the damage.

Nova takes a deep breath. "You have to be kidding me..." She mutters to herself, taking a second before stepping down the vehicle too and walking next to the human, possessively holding the chest under her arm. "...What now?"

"We need to put the wheel back in. Give me a hand." He says, walking towards the scattered wooden wheel and crouching down.

"Give you a hand? I'm paying you a shitload of money for this ride!" Nova frowns, pushing her glasses up. "Do it yourself."

"Ugh." The driver grunts, trying to lift the wheel into an upright position while the girl watches. "It's true what they say about elves. You are a bunch of-" Before he is able to finish his sentence, a precise arrow flies towards his direction and pierces his skull from behind in a perfect hit, the sharp metallic tip coming out from his eyesocket. Nova lets out a terrified scream, stumbling back and landing over her butt. The man dies instantly, blood pouring everywhere as his lifeless corpse unceremoniously falls over the grass.

Whistles and horse hooves can be heard in the distance, quickly getting closer and closer. "Fuck! F-fuck!" Nova panics, cold sweat running down her back as she grips the locked chest close and does the first thing she can think of, hiding under the broken carriage next to her, hoping the horses attached to it don't decide to try and run away...

Just a few seconds later, Nova can see from her hiding spot a bunch of horses circling around the unmoving vehicle. At least five of them. The dark-looking human men on top of them dismount and calmly walk towards the fresh corpse on the ground, its rigid hands still gripping the wooden wheel. "Ahaha! Look at this shit. The arrow came out through his fucking eye! " One of them gruffly laughs. Nova shivers in fear, covering her mouth with her palm to muffle her heavy breathing.

"Check his pockets and the inside of the carriage." The leader of the group of raiders commands. "And take a good look around the area, I don't think he was alone..."

While one man carelessly loots the corpse, another one promptly crouches into the back of the carriage. Nova feels the heavy steps right above her, staying as still as possible. "Nothing, boss." He sighs, stepping down again after some moments of searching.

"Fuck's sake... What about his pockets?"

"Just a bag of coins, boss!" The bandit searching the dead man exclaims, letting go of it and tossing a brown linen bag towards the leader's direction.

He swiftly catches it in the air, then puts it inside his pocket. "I was expecting more from this piece of trash." He grunts, giving the corpse's head a vicious kick. His men cruelly laugh. "Should we leave a little display for anyone who finds him?" He mischievously grins, sliding his sword out from the scabbard on his hip.

His goons keep loudly laughing as he violently brings down the blade on his arm, separating it from his body, then going limb for limb, leaving behind an utterly grotesque scene. Nova isn't able to contain a horrified sob, tears dripping down.

"Huh? I heard something." The man stops his sadistic act, holding the bloody sword over his shoulder.

Nova freezes up and stays as quiet as possible, closing her eyes and mentally reciting every elvish prayer she can think of... A few seconds passes and she thinks she is safe... until...

Her ankles are grabbed from behind and her body is roughly pulled from her hiding spot. The men around her clap and roar in laughter. "Hahaha! Look what I found!"



"AAAHHH!" Pink loudly screams.

"W-what!?" Nova bounces in surprise, almost falling off the mattress. "You are going to wake him up!" She irritatedly hisses, checking on her master. Still sleeping like a baby.

"S-sorry, I got scared..." The succubus pouts. "...You didn't tell me this was a scary story."

"Because it isn't. Just keep listening."

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