Orc Tyrant

Chapter 1170 - End (1)

As early as when the Seed of Destruction was besieged by the totem warriors, Thira realized that this was a trap, but a smile appeared on his face.

Conspiracy and planning are exactly what he is least afraid of, and he has already planned to start mobilizing another force.


However, when he started calling for a relic in a distant place, all he got was a silence.

It disappeared.

A variable appeared. After Sila was silent for a moment, he finally realized that his master might have made a joke with himself. In desperation, he had to concentrate all his strength in the present world, trying to tear the gap apart, only Only in this way can the seeds of destruction get out of trouble.

As he slowly rose to the sky, Thiela’s blood-red skin gradually shattered, forming a vortex behind him.

In just one minute, he can completely release his power.

But the second variable appeared.

He started to fall-not at the physical level.

An existence dragged his spirit out of the body, pushed it into the torrent behind the curtain, into the boundless melody itself of the vast ocean.

They washed his soul, burning, boiling, like molten iron pouring into his throat, flooding his lungs.

As a member of the vast ocean, he naturally rejected this invasion and concentrated on forming a barrier of resistance.

However, this does not work.

If there is really any difference, it is to make this fire-like invasion more burning the essence of his soul, but also let him recognize the truth of this power.

This is undoubtedly the rude waaagh position of Okna.

Thira was aware of the existence that dragged him into the battlefield of this spiritual realm. He tried to focus his perception on the invisible existence. In this illusory world, his vision could decompose the opponent into a manageable image.

He finally saw clearly that he did not fall, but was dragged down, dragged down in the darkest tide.

Then, the light appeared, a glowing presence inside him potentially dragging him down.

A masked Ok.

Through its essence, Thira realized that this is a very ancient existence, even older than the many stars he had seen.

It is wearing a thick armor with a weird style at the moment, with blue and green lines on it, and the logo of the three Oak skulls in the back of the shoulder-this is an ancient mark that has long been abandoned. The oblivion in the tomb of memory.

Mogduogen even forgot what he used to be. Only when this spirit reunites into one can he truly regain his self.

He is still the guardian of the ancient dynasty.

No need to say much in this field, the moment two spirits perceive each other, they charge at each other.

Tomahawk vs. long sword, the sound of iron and steel colliding together made of heart, rippled in the non-physical tide.

“It turns out that you are just the echoes you once had.”

After a brief confrontation, Thira gained a deeper understanding of the things in front of her.

“A void soul.”

Mogodzhogen raised his arm in the tide and then fell heavily.

“We are fire, flame, and we are all one”

Their weapons struck together again and again, and countless ripples rippled through the vast ocean. After each conflict, the chaotic void itself responded with a scream.

This battle became a contest of will. During the constant confrontation and collision of weapons, both sides of the battle had to endure the pain of mental dissipation.

Numerous claws came out of the turbulent torrent, tearing the soul of both.

Thira’s response was to focus on pushing them back violently, but Mogdrogen suffered from their attacks, because all his attention was focused on Thira.

The claws scratched Mogdzhogen’s spiritual armor again and again, and a plume of white smoke like blood spread out.

The short sacrifice allowed Mog Drogan to gradually gain an advantage in the wrestling.

“You want to drown me in the heavens.”

Thira began to admire:

“You are strong, I admit this, but unfortunately I will only get stronger and stronger here, I am the master here! Ghost!”

Mogdrogen began to sink, his shoulders resisting the long sword slashing towards him.

Weak! Weak!

Suddenly, a roar came from Mogdhogan’s throat.

Then his attack speed exceeded the perception of Thira.

I saw him split like a broken firefly, the entity dissipated in the tide, followed by the wave of Thira’s long sword, but found nothing.

All the obstacles disappeared, and Mog Drogan suddenly appeared in the trajectory drawn by the long sword, his hands stretched out and tightly choked Thira’s throat.


This time Thira was caught off guard. His sword slipped from his hand and disappeared when he touched the skin.

Helpless to execute, Thira can only stretch out his hand to choke the other person’s neck, but in comparison he suffers more. 516

The conflict immediately became fierce, instinct against death.

When the two of them beat each other with murderous intent, tumbling in the tide of the vast ocean, Thira saw what he was really fighting against from Mogdrogen’s burning eyes.

Those were dozens of angry souls, wearing the same armor, each dazzling like the little sun.

They are all ancient Oaks that fell on the planet with Mogdzhogen during the ancient times, thus revealing a cruel truth-the real Mogdzhogen has long since died.

In the long dark time buried in the ground, the fallen ancient Ou Ke was not willing to be destroyed by the dynasty. Their strong obsession made them gather into a powerful spiritual entity, and found the complete body of Mog Drogen.

It became the last guardian of the dynasty.

A smile made Thira’s lips wrinkle, or rather than a smile, it was a grimace.

“You are bold.”

Thira hissed:

“Also smart, but—”

Thira suddenly loosened her clenched hands, and slammed her palm under Mog’s root.

Mogdzhogen suddenly shivered at the blow, but although the hands that choked Thira’s neck were slightly loose, they still maintained a tight grip.

Feeling that his mental entity began to gradually collapse, Thira also dared not carelessly, and his hands that penetrated into Mogdzhogen’s body clenched into fists, releasing a shock.

Then something broke out.


Thira and Mogdrogen raised their heads at the same time, directly above the tide, and the endless darkness cracked open a mouth.

Everything stopped.

Then, a huge force shook both at the same time.

Under the impact, Thira’s mental entity became a bit unstable, but Mog Drogan’s situation was obviously worse, because the opponent’s hands were holding a scorching liquid.

“What is it?”

Thira opened her eyes in the rain, and a burst of weakness followed, walking in his real body-this was the weakest moment he had ever had.

But reality has not passed for a long time, it seems that only a few seconds, the only proof is that he is about ten meters lower than the ground at the moment.

He looked up, obviously something interrupted their fight.

And when the fissure appeared, Thira’s eyes twitched violently-the third variable came.

“What stuff!?”

Feeling the deadly threat, Guck unconsciously swung the warhammer in his hand toward the running sword.


The strong sound waves caused ripples in the air. The lightning on Guck’s body dissipated for the most part under a violent impact, and the huge body was stabilized by pushing back more than ten steps.

The giant sword that appeared out of thin air was inserted in the position where he had just stood.

Guk glanced at his warhammer, which had a deep scar on it, almost splitting the hammerhead in two.

Even more critical is that the power accumulated to kill the seeds of destruction has been lost by more than half.


The irritable Guk couldn’t help but look up to the sky and howl, the next second he responded was a scream that was enough to freeze his soul.

“Keira! Mansa! Cain!”

Above the **** dome, the cloud turned into a huge vortex, and even the constant flash of lightning seemed to be sucked back into the cloud.

When the vortex gathers to the extreme, a large circle of purple flames suddenly erupts, raising a circle of shock waves on the broken sky dome, submerging the entire battlefield in majestic energy.

The demons and Oks noticed this anomaly, but instead of stopping the war in their hands, they fought even more violently.

At this crazy moment, the light suddenly ignited, as if a fire was trying to protrude from it.

A huge and dark body began to take shape in the light. It had a human-shaped outline, but its size was comparable to that of destruction.

When the flame expands to the limit, it begins to converge, and the burning rune mark is rolled in the air.

A brass arm with a glowing light first pierced the flames. When it bent, UU reading www.uukanshu.com made a sound like molten iron flowing, and then the whole body appeared from the passage.

Looking at the anomaly beside Shang’s giant sword, Gook’s eyes widened, and finally he saw the existence, which almost made his jaw fall to the ground.

The body of this powerful creature seems to be decorated with black iron, and the blood veins running on the surface of the body seem to be flowing as a river of magma, and the dense smoke and ash circling out of its skin, forming a lifelike flash of fire on the head crown.

It has a horrifying expression of roaring crying, burning eyes like iron ingots in the furnace, and fiery red hair floating in the air like a burning flame.

After stabilizing his body, the living death incarnation shouted out the promise of slaughter towards the sky, and then pulled out the giant sword on the ground, and the thick red blood oozed from its fingertips.

Blood penetrated into the giant sword, as if igniting it, and the sword was now pointing at Guk.

Although it was the first time to see him, Gook accidentally felt a familiar breath from the other party, or intuition made him realize what this existence was once.

“Are you… Diego?”_

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