Orc Tyrant

Chapter 1121 - Tyre Incident (5)

The **** moment came so abruptly that all the expressions appeared on the face of all Oaks present after more than ten seconds of the incident.

Quel’Sana seemed to know that it would be so common, just sighed softly.

“Veil Goddess will.”

She paced to Camille’s body, opened her clothes, and found a symbol in her abdomen.

It was a purple symbol composed of a circle and crescent.

“What will?”

The boredom in Beirut’s hands slipped to the ground, and he was completely confused now.

“A church organization serving an evil deity, it was their cooperation with the Decaying Brotherhood that led to the disaster of Tyre today. His Excellency Liya noticed their actions very early, but because these believers hid Very good, so it’s extremely difficult to get it out.”

Quel’Sana regretfully wrapped Camille’s head in silk, then put it in his hand and came to Beiruf and handed it to him.

“We also discovered her identity shortly before we knew it. In order to be able to wipe out all these cult organizations, we could only do so. I hope that you can understand.


Beiruf took the head, and the feeling of being deceived made him feel like a fool.

“Your Majesty Guk did not directly tell you about this matter, it was because you were afraid that you wouldn’t take it… I can feel that Carmel was really treating you, she would never hurt you, but something rooted in the soul It’s not so easy to erase, once the goddess of the curtain will join, you can’t

To be able to leave again, maybe… this is the ending she wants most. “

At this time, there were also gunshots everywhere in the Sun Palace, and it was the guards who began to hunt down the suspected Hawks.

“And do you know.”

Grak twisted his neck and came to Beiruf, pointing to the helpless master who was standing in the corner and said:

“If the goods are opened, it is definitely not the reinforcements of the waste city, but a lot of things that do not know what to call.”

Quelsana then added:

“Carmel worked on the portal. Once activated, it will draw the main force of the Decaying Brotherhood. They have always wanted to have a place in the New World. Tyre is a very good position.”

“But this is just your remarks. I can also believe that you are trying to create a rebellion, just like the guy who tried to challenge the overlord.”

Despite such a blow, Beiruf is still a determined warlord and an unyielding warrior.

“You know what will happen, and then let it develop, and see how many kids fall into your plan! If these conspiracies are also reasonable, then I can’t imagine what is unreasonable!”

“You almost became a traitor.”

Chalkin said, stepping into the hall.

“There is nothing to betray.”

Beirut retorted that even after everything happened, the word betrayal could still ignite an unending anger in his heart.

“I’m sorry for you, Bellev.”

Chalkin continued.

“The whole world is so simple for you, and still believes you are right.”

“I know I am right!”

Belluf shouted.

“Annihilate the whole city and kill so many boys? All this can be wrong! What happened, Chalkin, made you look like this?”

The head of the guard stepped forward, and because of his exclusive armor, he looked a bit taller than Beiruf.

And Beiruf judged from his own witness of Chalkin’s performance in the battle, the other party still possesses all the skills that any Ouk big man without protective gear can show, and the impact of the bulky armor on him Very little.

“Do you think that I participated in all this and stood here because I enjoyed killing the boys? Chalkin, like you, I work in accordance with the will of the overlord, but there are some powers here, even if it is The power of the overlord cannot be fully understood. If we are not careful, those forces will engulf us… Can you understand the concept? Anyway, the overlord can understand, and this is why Grak must take your place to deal with it. These threats.”

“Handle them?”

Asked Beiruf, shaking his head.

“You are a fool, Chalkin, I saw with my own eyes what Grak did… He deceived you all, and the birds next to him are in serious trouble.”

“Do you think we are stupid and blind? The overlord expected that there might be a day before you became a beast. Your relationship with your bird is very abnormal. Don’t you realize that Beirut? Even the overlord He will never share all the secrets with his bird, but you will, you will tell everything you know, you are somehow bewitched, we can only be their masters, never friends.”

Chalkin’s words made Quel’Sana frown slightly, but did not speak.

The guard leader approached Beiruf with a smile, and the opponent picked up the weapon that fell on the ground.

“Victory, Beirut, that is the only thing that makes sense. You should spend more time on the role of warrior, or maybe you will also stand on the side of victory.”

Beiruf raised his sword and tried to predict Chalkin’s actions.

“There is always time to decide which side will win.”

He could see that Chalkin was tight all over, ready to go, and knew that the provocation of the guard chief was only covering up his intentions.

“Beruf, after so long, you still don’t understand what we are doing… Not many kids have good ideas in their minds. I used to appreciate you, but you can not only understand the goal that the overlord is trying to achieve, A lot of mistakes have been made… this is unforgivable.

“So what’s the mistake you made, Chalkin?”

“Too much nonsense.”

The guard chief replied, and then rushed towards Beiruf, the blade of his long-handed battle axe covered with deadly energy.


One huge hand grabbed Chalkin’s axe handle, and the other pressed against Beiruf’s chest that had already rushed up.

Then two trunk-like arms pushed hard. www.mtlnovel.com~ Chalkin and Beiluf stumbled back together. The former stepped back three steps, and the latter stepped back five steps.

Grak stood among them, like an arbiter.

“Stop this thing! Boss didn’t let you cut him down, I already taught him a lesson.”

Chalkin snorted, and put away his weapon, while Beirut looked at Grak in confusion for a moment, as if standing in front of him was not the familiar rival, but another guy pretending to be his appearance. .

After more than ten seconds of silence, he asked cautiously:

“What do you want to do?”

“Nothing, let you see something, come over.”

Grak waved his hand and then walked out of the door. Beirut froze for a moment before he followed.

As he passed the gate, Grak reached out and dragged the trembling tyrant next to him.

“Take me to the door you made!”_

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