Opposite Morals

Chapter 8

“Okay, I can do this Levi. Just open the classroom door. The worst thing that happens is that they just eat you alive”

I stare at the door. Then after a moment, I force my hand on it, getting ready to knock

“And would that be so bad? I’m a healthy man with some serious muscles! I can literally do all those erotic sex poses! With this body I could totally carry them! A three some, four some, no, think bigger, an ORGY is something I would kill to be a part of! All I need to do is have a few women fall in love with me first…..yeah I’m fucked. From what I understand, all women want is dicks, cocks, and did I mention penises?”

A let out a long sigh

“Are women even into building a romantic relationships first? Not only that, would they even be okay with sharing their man? Not just sharing, but would they be comfortable having sex with their man while another woman joins in?”

Let's think about it for a bit. In my original life, gang bangs were a thing. Multiple men plowing a single female to oblivion. Not my cup of tea at all. The one and only dick I ever liked or want to see is mine and mine alone. If I ever saw my woman with another man's dick in her. The friendly neighborhood spider ma- I mean pigs would have some extra protein that night.

But in this world, where men are rarer. Then it should be possible…HELL NORMAL…for women to be into that sort of thing…There’s a reason why people are into watching their husband or wife getting sexually fucking destroyed as a fetish. I should really look at the porn in this world later tonight. Add that to my research list

“Okay, stop being a pussy and knock on the damn door”

Knock knock

“Come in!”

A lovely voice yells from the room. Now that I got permission, I slowly open the door and walk in

In front of me is a gorgeous young lady in her mid 20’s. As I eye her from top to bottom, she has shiny red hair that goes to her neck. A little short for my taste, yet again I belong in the group of “longer is better”. Her dark skin makes a wonderful contrast to her hazel eyes. As I look lower, she has a sports jacket on that does a terrible job at hiding her volleyball sized breast. She has long denim pants and rocking red sneakers.


But why does she look very similar to Ms. Smith? She's too old to be her daughter. Then maybe they are related?

An eerie silence. Fuck I must have been staring too long and I now look like a creep!

It's okay me. Stop being a coward and say your greetings! Then find an empty seat as soon as possible! Remember dad’s 10 rule’s with women! They have never led me astray! Worst come to worst, activate rule 10!

“Good after Ms. Nora! You are looking absolutely gorgeous today. Your beautiful silky red hair matches your outfit. I apologize for being late. I just came from the principal office”

FUCKING NAILED IT! WHO RA! If this was a score, It would easily be a 10/10.


Why is no one saying anything? Did I mess something up?!? I THINK I FORGOT TO SMILE!

With an unknown feeling of dread, I look back at Ms. Nora….her face bright red and her eyes are wandering around. She’s shifting back and forth on her feet. A sudden strong sweat…smell comes my way

Is it just me, or have I been seeing this a lot recently?

…..Did I do something wrong? Think Levi think! Lets see….During dinner last night I overheard them talking that I need to be careful about being kind…..oh shit…okay new plan tonight. When I get home I NEED to research modern men and how to act. I keep forgetting that women's hormones are totally out of control! I should really learn the damn side effects! I think I turned her on…I’m so…so sorry Nora

“Yeah...Thank you for noticing...Haaa...You really like my hair today?...I tried new shampoo. You're the only one who could tell…Haaaa….Wow…Men can really pick up on those things…Impressive”

Suddenly there was a lot of background noise

“....That's Levi?...what happened to the Ice Prince?”

“Wow, I heard that he was in the hospital for a week but…”

“He wasn’t a mute?! I never heard him talk before!”

“Did you see what he’s wearing?”

“Oh my god! He’s wearing tights! Look at his sexy legs!”

“Who cares? Look at his dick! I never knew that it was so big”

“I wish I could tie him up and ride it!”

Okay first, I CAN HEAR YOU!!! Second, there's more to me than my massive dragon! I have a personality!...Why do I feel like I have heard something like that being said before?...But what the flying fuck is going on? I could understand the shock of me being nice...kind of. I had a feeling I was cold to not only my family but females in general…But…What's wrong with WEARING FUCKING PANTS?? HUH? What did you want me to wear?? A skirt and dress up like a FUCKING princess??.....

Then it dawns on me….yes…yes they do. They want me to wear those clothes and be a pretty princess…well, a pretty prince in their eyes…I can’t believe I’m going to say this….I….I wish I wore the long skirt now…

I feel like I lost a part of me….Is that the feeling of my man card slowly disappearing?...It hurts…all the way to my soul

In my distracted mindset, I felt someone gently touch my shoulder. As I look up, Ms. Nora’s bright red face takes over my view. She then points to an empty seat next to the window

“Your normal seat is over there. I know about your…side effects. After class today, please come to the office…we need to talk”

She then lets go of me and walks to her desk. As I walk to my table, the sound of pill bottles getting open are heard…quite a few of them in fact

I glance over and the shock and awes of the female students are clear to see. Some of them are in the middle of swallowing pills

Once I sit down, Ms. Nora re-starts the class

“Okay ladies, you perverts look up here. As you may know, Levi was absent for a week due to personal reasons. I know I didn't enforce it when he was gone, but everyone makes sure you take your pill within 5 minutes. And unfortunately, now that he's back, you are no longer allowed to masturbate”


A loud groan is heard though the classroom

“Ugh, Really Ms. Nora?? You know how hard it is to focus when we can't relieve ourselves!!”

“Yeah, can we change that rule please?? I’m positive our grades were higher last week!”

The voices get louder before Ms. Nora holds up her hand

“LADIES! You know the classroom rule! When you're in a room with a male, you will conduct yourself accordingly! If you can’t handle it, then another girl will gladly take your place! You know how lucky you are to even share a classroom with a man! We only have a few dozen! And most of them are in male only classes!”

Another loud groan echo's out after she said that. Ms. Nora then looks at me with a nod and a wink

I think that's her way of either informing me about common knowledge that I may have forgotten, or she was saying she has my back? Either way I appreciate it.

Once class starts, things appear...normal? I mean sure, if your version of normal is when you ignore how the women keep glancing at me, or when some of them have red faces, a pen in their mouth to stifle their moans as one of their hands disappear in their pants. Wet noises echo silently out as they attempt to go incognito mode. While others…

“How many times do I need to tell you?? HUH Aurora?? You can’t use a vibrator in this class!!”

Ms. Nora's loud voice echoes through the classroom and out the window. Oh look! What a pretty blue butterfly! You won’t judge me for only my looks right? Right? Wait! Butterfly comeback! You can blame it all on me!

As I watch the adorable butterfly fly away, the debate between Aurora and Ms. Nora intensives

“Well you know another way to relieve myself?!? HUH? I care about my grades!”

“Yes. I know you do! You have the highest score among the class, but”

“Then you tell me what I can do?? Why can’t we just talk to the ice prince and get this rule changed!”

Ice prince? HEY! That’s-a-me!

Once I heard my name. Well, title getting thrown around, I turn my head to the argument. Most of the women in the class keep looking between Ms. Nora and Aurora. Some even glance my way before quickly looking elsewhere

“Aurora, you know the rules! It’s up to the men of the classroom to decide if that rule is in place!”

“Yeah? Well how about I ask him if we can change it!!”

Aurora then marches to the back of the room and right to my table. As I watch her come at me with a fiery passion in her eyes, a slight fear grows inside me

Is this what women feel when a man walks to them like this? With either anger or sexual passion in their eyes? Fuck this shit is terrifying!

“Hey. Ice prince!”

I’m literally right here girl! No need to yell! Please lower your voice! Your terrifying! Remember the 10 rules Levi!

“H-hey Aurora, It’s..ummm…so nice to talk with you! How…Can I help you today?”

Annnnnd smile!

Her red face changes from anger, to embarrassment!...? I think? It’s hard to tell. The only thing that might give it away is how her eyes struggle to focus on my face. Then after a few moments of watching me shift in my seat, she focused on me…..is that a smirk? I’m getting deja vu right now…and not in a good way

“Prince…I…have a question”

Did she just lick her lips?? That deja vu feeling is growing at a rapid rate!!

“Of course, please ask away!”

But before she could ask me, the peanut gallery gains a voice

“I thought his cold face was handsome but”

“But his bright smile is so...so sexy!”

“Look at him! His face is a little red! It's so cute!!”

That is not me being cute! She is truly terrifying! Someone take her to the dungeons! With new found confidence, she moves her body closer to me…you're in my personal bubble!

“You probably heard what Ms. Nora and I were talking about. When you are here, we can’t masturbate. You don’t understand how distracting and hard it is to focus when all we want and think about doing is to fuck the shit out of you! Can you please send us your kindness and allow us to masturbate during class again?”

As she stares at me, I swear it’s like my eyes are looking at a tiger. Her eyes look at me like I'm her pray, my dragon slowly awakens from its slumber


And just my luck, when her eyes go from my eyes to my chest, her breathing intensifies, then after a moment, it goes lower to my waist. It is clear to see through my pants that my massive dragon is slowly awakening and ready for action.

And what happened? Well, my dragon attempted to grow three sizes that day, but my tights forced that away! Instead of stopping at one, it settled on two!


With fear bubbling, I look away and answered her, hiding my embarrassment

“Yeah, I’m okay with that. I live with 4 sisters and I know how hard it is to get your hormones under control when a man is around”

A silence overtakes the room…before the women exploded

“REALLY?!?! He said he’s okay with it?!?!”

“There is a god! The Ice Prince had a change of heart!!”

“Aurora your our fucking hero!!”


Once I looked back at Aurora, she had a dangerous grin. Then while the rest of the women are cheering, no one paid any attention to what she said to me

“I see. So the Ice Prince likes it when a real woman takes control? Eh?”

My chest tightened after hearing that. Now she’s not wrong. I always desired a woman to just dominate me. Think about it. If they are like that with you, then that means that they want you to the point of getting a little forceful. As long as the woman who does it truly loves and desires me and we have a safe word, then you can force yourself on me all you want! Bring it on bitch! But I bite back!

After saying that, she lightly blows warm air against my ear and walks back to her table. Ms. Nora glances at me then Aurora, then she gives me a happy and relieved smile.

Once the argument was over, Ms. Nora took back control over the class

“Okay everyone! You heard the wonderful news!! However! We can only masturbate starting tomorrow! I still need to get Levi’s signature and formal consent! And that can only happen once school is over. Till then get your shit together! Levi can change his opinion at any time before then!”

The classroom cheered before focusing back to their school work

“Now, today we will spend that whole day talking about the deadliest war on American’s soil!”

The saying time flies when you're having fun is completely true. Because when you are fascinated about the subject, you never realized how short a class could be. Ms. Nora’s class about history was eye opening!

Who knew that in this world, the major war between the north and south, the greatest and deadliest war on American soil happened because the ladies in the south had access to free, cheap, and more dick?!

Apparently, during that time frame, most of the men didn’t have rights. Because of that, a lot of them were forced into slavery.

Just like in my original world, the northern states were a titan of Industry. Pushing technological advances like the railroad and manufacturing copper and Iron.

While the south was a titan of agriculture. Focusing on plantations, farming, and growing cash crops.

While the north had more progressive viewpoints with the idea of owning men. In other words, the north did not enslave the men and they were given more rights. While the south heavily relied on slavery.

Before you know it, most of the men were living in the south.

That means that if you were a female in the north, your chances of finding a man were borderline impossible! If there was a man in the north, they were either very successful, or had a powerful background. Better yet, they had a massive harem and could literally fuck anyone they wanted. Which made it even more difficult for the hardworking women to get any dick action!

While the south was a completely different story. Because men were way more exorbitant, females could literally grab any male they wanted and ride them like a fucking bull! He didn’t want it?


Even if the female was low on the totem pole and worked a low end job, they could, for a very small sum of money, go to any female that had a slave and get dick for a low low price of 5 god damn cents!

The northerners, who also had more people mind you, got so enraged and sexually frustrated, they raised an army and brought blood to the land!

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