Opposite Morals

Chapter 12

The world works in fascinating ways, you know? Everyone has demons that they struggle to fight and overcome. Some are fighting addictions, others are traumas, while some can’t find it in themselves to let go of the past and look forward. But why is it that almost every time you finally take that first, impossible step…to better yourself, to change yourself, to throw away your past demons and move on…every time…

…Life just decides to FUCK with you? She isn't even nice about it. No warning, no safe words in place. Not even a fucking hello. No, she just bends you over and shoved a big “fuck you” right up your ass without consent!

As I stare at this….tiger, I can’t help but remember reading that somewhere. Because right now, that mistress is already challenging my FUCKING convection that I literally just made

“Why….why is she here?”

As I watch this…predator walk towards me, I can’t help but wonder…why am I already facing the final boss?

“There you are, Ice Prince! You left school so quickly that I didn’t have a chance to thank you!”

She licks her bright red lips, a smile full of excitement...Or is that passion?

“Hey…Aurora…What’s up?”

As she walks closer, I can’t help but find her incredibly attractive. Her long blonde hair that goes all the way to the bottom of her slightly wide butt. When I look at her white eyes, I can’t help but feel a cold shudder run through me. With excitement and fear growing, I take a few steps back

“You should really stop acting like that”

The closer she gets, the more I step back. But just like the cliché movies, my back hits something hard. When I glance backward to see what I’m against, her perfectly smooth and slightly tan hand slams next to my head

“You have realized that what you're doing right now is seducing me right?”

“HOW AM I DOING THAT?!?!? Please tell me! I’ll stop whatever that is!”

Now that she's right in front of me, I noticed that even though her skin is smooth, she has a few freckles on her face that add to her charm

“You know why I’m here right?”

Her face slowly gets red, her breathing getting ragged and hotter, and she slowly starts to look down and feast on my body

“You see, Ice Prince, I want...yo- to thank you. Lets get some food”

Then like it never happened, she backs up and starts to walk away, with a bright red face she turns around and smiles

“C'mon you sexy thang, I know that you didn’t have lunch. I’ll treat you”

She then continues to walk forward with no hesitation

“What….what the fuck just happened?!?”

Her voice then echo's out

“You are getting free food, now stop complaining”

I just can't understand this woman! No, that's not right, I don’t understand this world's women!!

As we walk down the sidewalk, I watch her hips swing back and forth, hypnotizing me

“Hey Ice Prince, what are you in the mood for?”

“Burgers. I am always in the mood for some delicious burgers”

Damn it STOMACH! SHUT UP! I need to figure out a way to leave and escape her claws!

“Oh? A meat eater are you? Perfect!”

She then glances back at me, the smile never leaving her red face

“Do you prefer your burgers to be…mmmm…spicy, or generic?”

“Spicy! That hot kick always have me coming back for another bite”


As if hearing wonderful music, I swear her eyes start to smile too

“I just knew you and I are a good match”

She then gently grabs my hand and pull me forward

“Stop hiding behind me, I don’t bite that hard”

Her smile looked so genuine that it stole my breath away. After a few more blocks, we walked inside a mom and pop’s restaurant.

As we sat down at the booth with menus, I scoured the exits. We have the door behind me and an exit to the right. Remember dad's ninth rule of women. Always have an escape route in place and know where the bathrooms are! You never know what could happen! The place could get robbed or the women could be crazy! Always over prepared than under! Knowing the bathroom can save or ruin a date! Perhaps things are going well and you need to quickly brush your teeth? Maybe your stomach turned and you need to use the restroom! You never know when you need a quiet place for a few minutes!

“I come here often, they have some amazing food here. The best part is that it’s usually pretty empty.”

As I look around more I concur. Even though the place is a little small, the only people I see are us, a women in the corner on her phone who keeps stealing glances at me and the female owner behind the counter

“So why exactly are you thanking me?”

She then take the menus and lightly chucks them to the side, not even reading it

“Acting innocent? You totally get me”

She then pulls out a pill bottle and throws a handful of pills in the air, before catching them with her mouth

“Thanks to you, school is now way more enjoyable”

Then without even needing water, I hear her swallowing

“After all, there's only 3 classrooms that aren’t gender-isolated”

She then looks into my eyes, her eyes getting dangerously sharp as she refuses to look away

“And you, only you, are allowing "that" specific rule to be changed, I wonder why?”

Right when she said that….A strong feeling like I just fucked up screamed throughout all my brain cells

“I-Indeed I wonder why”

As I stutter and look away from her, she leans forward, resting her right hand on her cheek

“Oh, I have a feeling why, and I quite enjoy it”

She stares at me with that white tiger look in her eyes… Her face is bright red as she blows her hot and slightly moist breath in my direction….And the dragon that's hiding in my tights is enjoying the terrifying challenge without his master consent

As we walk out of the restaurant, I can’t help but think Aurora knows her burgers! I haven’t had such an amazing buffalo burger in awhile! The burger was full of juices, the burger bun was toasted with garlic butter and it had a nice crust. Who knew the adding blue cheese would make such a difference too! That tang mix with the spiciness just took me over the edge! Not even Aurora's scary predator look could stop me from enjoying that wonderful sandwich bliss!

“Okay Aurora I need to go now. Thanks for the food! BYE!!”

Without even looking at her, I bolt towards my house. That was one of the scariest dates I have ever been on! The burger is the only thing that saved me! I never felt so small and insignificant before! She kept changing between spicy and sweet! From looking at me with those gorgeous white eyes full of happiness and interest, to passion and a desire to consume what in front of her!

“Haha, God you knows just what to do to turn me on!!”

Once I heard that yell full of happiness and desire, an ice cold feeling washing over me, when I glance behind me, I see one arm in her pants while she licks her other hand, her face extremely red with one of the scariest smiles I have ever seen in my life

After running for a while, I stop in front of my house

“Wow, This body is seriously awesome, even though I ran for like 15 minutes I’m still not out of breath! Hell, I could keep going!”

After glancing at the gorgeous setting sun, I walk inside the house

“I’m home everyone”

By habit I speak this out loud. As I take my shoes off, I hear a reply

“Oh? Welcome home stupid. Your home late. What, got brain damage and couldn't find your way home?”

Luna laughs at her own joke….but to me….

“...What's your problem? Why are you crying? Haaaa, men are such a pain”

It….it has been so long since someone welcomed me home…it has been 10 years, 7 days, 16 hours and 23 minutes….give or take an hour

While I wipe my tears, I can’t help but feel a warm, fuzzy feeling take over me

“Yeah, I’m home Luna. Thank you so, so much for welcoming me back”

Fuck I can’t stop the tears! I never knew I missed hearing those words so much. Stop being a bitch me! This is just the start. I have so much to do. First I need to learn where everyone sleeps in this house, then I got to clean, afterwards I got to start cooking and have us eat together. I’m sick of cheap take-out. That’s not even talking about all the stuff I need to research too! As I glance up, Luna has a confused and shock look

“Wow, your brain must have been really rattled up after you fell”

With a sigh she starts to walk upstairs

“I see you later Luna!”

After not getting a reply back, I finish taking off my shoes and head to my room. After inside I go to my computer, open a word document, and write down everything I need to research

(What are the male social norms?)

(What are the taboos? Like in my original world, incest is considered incestuous)

(How does dating work?)

(What is a permanent lover that Nora mentioned? What exactly is a lover in general?)

(Is masturbating an open thing? If so, just how “normal” is it? Can men do it too or is there a double standard?)

(What are the double standards?)

(How exactly do these hormone pills work? Are there different kinds?)

(How exactly do hormones affect a woman? Does it “force” them to act against their free will when they are extremely horny?)

(How does sex look in this world? Look into the porn, all the porn)

(What rights do men have? Are they considered oppressed? Why are they only ⅓ of the population?)

(Do words still mean the same? Like does bitch still mean female dog, and if so, would it still be considered a cuss word?)

“Fuck me with a chainsaw. That’s a lot to research and learn”

I sit back and glance at the long list I just made. After glancing at the time, I decide that I might as well start at the top and work my way down

“So, the male social norms it is then, this will take awhile….yay”

After a sigh, I open another word document and start cracking. After a long while I grab my pounding head and sit back, rubbing my eyes in the processes

“So, let me get this straight…Men are supposed to be adaptable, nurturing, and emotional. We are…literally women from the 1950’s…almost exactly like that actually. There are a few changes though. Men are allowed to work some jobs. If they have a lover, then it’s our responsibility to control our women's hormones, married or not”

I lean backwards and stare at the white ceiling

“Once we get married, our rights change. We are only allowed to work if all of our wives agree to it. Men usually stop having lovers or wives once they hit two. They literally can’t keep up with the women's sex drive. Because of that, men are picky and have high standards”

After thinking for a bit, I rub my eyes and look out the window

“What's even more crazy is that, that WAS the male social norm. Something happened 30 years ago to changed all that”

I look back at the computer screen

“The Suicidal Iron Will”

Whatever that thing was, or is, it completely flipped society

“Which leads to how things are now”

I go back to the computer screen, clicking on a new internet tab

“Now, men seem to have more…rights? Free will? Right now it’s being pushed that if a man has many lovers and enjoys the traditional “male” roles, they are looked down upon. And who's pushing that mindset? Who else but other FUCKING men”

As I exit out of the tab, another one takes it place

“We will never be slaves! We will no longer be sex objects!”

As I read the new header, I can’t help but think that the men in this world are all….FUCKING STUPID!

“We don’t need to work?? Having multiple wives is normal?!? There’s no social limit on how many wives you can have!? SO LET ME GET THIS STRAIGHT!! We can have sex every FUCKING day, multiple TIMES a day?!? AND THATS A FUCKING PROBLEM?!?”

The more I talk, the more I think about it. The more pissed off I become!!

“So what if we need to watch the house? There's the door! GO FOR A FUCKING WALK! In my old world people would LITERALLY beg for that! Hell, there’s a reason why “stay at home” jobs are becoming more accessible! So what if we need to handle the women's crazy sex drive? Men in my world WOULD KILL FOR THAT!!”

As I slam my hand on my desk I stand up

“FUCK the men in this world!”

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