Open World Online (O.w.O)

V2 Chapter 77: Fiend Friend

  • 1st Person POV (MC)

-Present Time-

“That is quite a specific question... Why?”

I asked Booba who began flicking her nails as she scooted closer to us and whispered.

“Don’t be alarmed... I am uh... what you call a Fiend race. Specifically Succubus sub-race.” -Booba-

She cautiously assessed our reaction to the new information but then looked at us weirdly, from the lack of response.

Before I can tell her though...

“Yeah, we know. Mag already told me. Though I never heard of Succubus sub-race before.” -Siegfried-

He pointed his right thumb to me then rubbed his chin as I made a gesture of apology then pointed at my eyes to explain why I know...

“My eyes always have [True Sight]. So, I can see you have a disguise even from the start. Sorry for not telling you...”

She raises her hands and shakes her head.

“It is fine, it’s fine... It makes things easier to explain then. The whole reason I asked, it’s because as a Succubus I have a passive ability that made humans or humanoids near me get *ehem* Infatuated or charmed...?” -Booba-

She flicked her nails every so often, obviously nervous from this info dump.

“Hmmm... I’m immune to any effects like that.”

“And I’m too...” -Siegfried-

Then, Booba... after a long pause let out a sigh of relief.

“Haaaaaaa... I thought you guys were going to kick me out of the party.” -Booba-

Siegfried pulled his lips down and then asked.

“Why? What happened to your previous party?” -Siegfried-

“They get charmed to me and begin antagonizing other members. After the effect wore off they realised it was me and I got kicked out. Seriously! It is hard to solo things as a Priest.” -Booba-

(“Eh? How do you go solo until reaching LV100 then?”)

As if reading my facial expression, she then explained.

“Remember when you helped me find Minotaurs so I can ‘conquer’ them?” -Booba-

She air quotes the conquer part, earning a big “Oooh” from Siegfried as he realised something.

But what though?

I nodded...

“After being ‘conquered’ I can use them as my pets and summon them in battle. That’s how I can get by at least... until those rumours come up and make it hard for me to grind normally.” -Booba-

(“Oooohhh! Like a tamer class in a roundabout way, I suppose.”)

“Well, you have us that’s immune to your effects so all is good!”

I let out a smile and a rather small thumbs up using both hands. Booba giggled while Siegfried had a slight grin on his face.

“Yeah! Let's grind more. Pochi Mochi’s mentioned it is gonna be hard.” -Siegfried-

He slapped his thighs as he stood up from his cross-legged position. I too agree including Booba.

Pochi has already written in his wiki that Rebirth LVs grinding is a whole other level. As we began our EXP grind session

-After Grinding Session-

“Yep... He didn’t lie.”

We are currently resting amidst a clearing where tents for 3 have been built to set up a Comfort Zone courtesy of me!

“Yeah, 3 hours and only 2 LVs up. How did Pochi Mochi LV up so fast?” -Siegfried-

He pursed his lips in annoyance, sitting cross-legged and crossing his arms in deep thought for a second or two.

While Booba seems to be enjoying the environment humming every so often staring off into the distance of verdant green. Even taking some screenshots of the background.

I shrugged my shoulders and shook my head, in a way of saying ‘I don’t know’.

“Haaaaa... Anyway, I must log off for lunch and gym training immediately. What about you all?” -Siegfried-

Booba shaken out from her thoughts then had a realisation.

“Ah! Fuck... I almost forgot I need to prepare for my lines in the next set.” -Booba-

“Oh!? Booba, you’re an actress?”

I asked and got a confirmation as she nodded with a big smile on her face. It made me wonder about Siegfried’s work... I’m not going to ask though.

Before long, Siegfried and Booba teleported to their chosen Safe Zones before logging out. Leaving me by myself though they promised to OL again in the evening.

The sun begins to set, giving off its soft crimson-orange hue then soon after, navy blue begins to envelop the sky alongside countless glimmering stars.

Looking up to the starry night sky. I decided to log out too after all it’s lunchtime IRL! A healthy body needs a healthy routine or so they say. This reminded me of a time when I ate instant noodles almost daily.


My eyes glance at the vast grass plains and hills, towards the outer edge where many trees clustered into a forest. Though... there are groups of players fighting against monsters, it seems they are busy with monsters rather than paying attention to me.

(“I swear I felt something.”)

It feels like someone is watching me... strange, but I see no one? Maybe it’s my imagination. So, I brought out the system and navigated to the Safe Points then teleported to my home.

Scenes of multiple biomes confronted my view as I knew this place well and...

(“Any minute now.”)


“MASTER!!!” -Gaia-

(“There we go...”)

His small tail wags so fast it blurs as I am greeted by Gaia who enthusiastically asks for head pats and scratches. In my eyes, Gaia is like a puppy and he acts like one too so it’s very endearing.

I guess I can indulge myself for a bit as I dive into Gaia’s soft and warm fluffy fur. Then logged out after asking Gaia and Oreo to keep this place safe as usual.

-Exiting O.w.O-

Putting the helmet on the bedside table and charging it, I stretched my body until my whole muscles trembled crazily.

“Time for Lunch!!!!”

I cannot wait because I have prepped breadcrumbed chicken, homemade teriyaki sauce, some vegetables for the side, and a bowl of rice.

(“I have been craving Japanese food no doubt influenced by MeTube stories and I admit they are incredibly delicious.”)

Though... oddly, I’m not hungry, usually at this time my stomach would already cry out and growl.

Eh... I shrugged my shoulders and began browsing my phone while eating. Of course, I’ll wander to Pochi Mochi’s website for any tips or guides on best levelling for Rebirth Players.

They recommended doing Quests that reward EXPs from NPCs since Grinding is time-consuming but another player counter argument that completing the quest is equally time-consuming.

(“Why not do both then?”)

Just as I thought about that, another player already mentioned some quests that asked players to hunt tons of monsters besides utilising Adventurer’s Guild Requests board.





“What is this!? Ohohohohohohoho???”

I think I made weird laughing noises after discovering some new stuff within their {Spell} section.

New Meta Magic options!!! I see I see I see...

Almost immediately, I committed all of this in memory plus making notes in my phone for a refresher.

(“Later in-game, I’ll put it in my journal”)

Continue to scroll in Pochi’s discussion forum. I saw a topic regarding the ‘PKers group.’ My eyebrows raised in interest and clicked on it to display streams of people commenting.

Haaa... even in-game world people get racist. I’m a bit reassured though that the moderator ended up banning players that were spouting racist remarks on others between humans and ‘non-humans’.

What’s the fascination of being humans anyway? In my opinion, being Human Race is... white bread kind of plain. Sure it is good with butter and toppings but why not have sourdough or focaccia? They’re all equally good with butter and other toppings too.

That’s why I don’t understand, the ‘non-humans’ hate...

(“Ugh, don’t get in too deep with this.”)

Finished with my lunch, I cleaned up the dishes and started doing my house chores, especially cleaning. It is therapeutic once you get the hang of it...

I mean, I left it dirty for two weeks now! Curse my procrastination tendencies.


There! All clean, time to go shower and do the business then back to the game!!!!

“Huh... How odd, did I drink too much water?”

I noticed the colour of my business No.1, it’s... incredibly clear as water and that is somewhat okay but can be concerning in the long run.

The clear colour indicates I have taken too much water and that could lead to water intoxication but I didn’t think I drank so much water though.

Hmmmm... I’ll try to restrain my water intake and check again after.

Looking at myself in front of the mirror, I played around with my long straight black hair courtesy of my Asian genes to check if I had any split ends.

(“Good... All of that cutting and hair care works well.”)

Glancing at the corner and sees my array of hygiene products. I assessed if I needed anything for my next grocery run.

(“Conditioner, Hair mask, face moisturizer...”)


I opened the drawer and checked my mini fridge. Hmmmm... I need to buy more face masks too. I wonder if they are in promo today? Probably not...

Upon passing the mirror once more, a stray thought comes into my mind.

(“Did... Did I get chubbier?”)

Pinching at my sides I felt my love handles. I’m sure I’m hallucinating, they are not getting bigger, are they?

I’ve been maintaining my diet and what would cause it? Oh....

I always walked to and back from work and because I’m not working any more I didn’t do any of that. But though... that quick? Nah, it’s me being delusional.

(“Haaaaaa... Though it doesn’t hurt to renew my gym membership since I’m not doing any exercises.”)

But... It’s been ages since I went to one, maybe I can ask Siegfried about beginner’s gym tips?

Coming out from the bathroom refreshed, my body eager to start playing the game as I make myself comfortable and wear the helmet once again

-Entering O.w.O-

Opening my eyes, I am greeted by an open blue skies. Massive clouds with a myriad of shapes have begun drifting as time passed.

Soft grass acted as a bedding since I was lying down. I took a moment to enjoy the occasional gentle breeze brushing past my face and expecting this...


(“There it is...”)

Soon after, I felt warmth across my face and fluffs as Gaia positioned himself to snuggle.

Without even thinking about it, my left hand already moved and gave him back scratches earning a satisfied bellow from this herbivore...

“You know... I think it would be nice to take an afternoon nap.”

“That’s a great idea master!” -Gaia-

He’s all too happy to indulge as Gaia snuggles up closer to me and rests his head on top of my stomach.

His massive antlers become what I see above, like trees in different seasons as branches sway from winds.

My eyes flutter about...

(“Hoammmmzzz... Yeah, 1 or 2 hours of naps after a meal would be good.”)






I woke up, realising that I had fallen asleep.

Gaia roused from his slumber, blearily opened his eyes and his antlers swayed while he raised his head.

“Master?” -Gaia-

“Hoaaamzzzz... sorry Gaia.”

I automatically give Gaia several scratches on his butt as he bellows in happiness.

(“Hmmm... what should I do in the meantime?”)

Looking at the IRL time in the system, it’s around 2 PM-ish...


An idea appeared in my mind, so far in the new Areas pre-Rebirth. All of the natural materials are repeats of other Area plants.

Maybe... maybe it would be a different thing in Rebirth Areas? I hope so!


Let's start with the Beginners Challenge Area, I haven’t had the time to check their plant life.

Waving my hand in mid-air and uttering ‘System’ as the familiar panel emerged I then navigated to the Safe Point Section and teleported to Frontera.

-Beginner’s Challenge-

Back again in the Area, I probed the air a bit with my hand and whispered...

“[Discover: Materials]”

As soon as I delivered my intent and uttered those keywords. The air began to flow and twirl around me lifting my robe while my hair gently swayed. Then...


It dispersed... marking the start of the magic.


In my map, several dots are highlighted between Verdant Green, Metallic Grey, and Blood Orange each representing specific materials.

This {Spell} cannot discern which type but it helps by searching general gist. Green for plant materials, Grey for metals and minerals, and Orange for meat materials.

Seeing a green dot close to me, I decided to explore it.

Upon arrival, I see a tree being highlighted by a somewhat faint white glow indicating that it is affected by my magic. In closer look though, I can tell that this is an apple tree.

Oh well... it’s the downside of this {Spell} anyway. So, I take it upon myself to slowly and methodically discover each of the green dots while avoiding monsters.

This one? No, it’s vegetables for cooking.

That? Nah...


I do not know how long have I searched, minutes or hours. But so far it’s food materials, since I’m hoarded by nature I picked them including getting their respective seeds.


What about this green dot then? I hope it’s alchemical materials, please!

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