Open World Online (O.w.O)

V1 Chapter 70: Further Class Advancement 2

  • 1st Person POV (MC)

-Present Time-

“Where was I now?

Oh yeah... I was looking for ruins where golems naturally spawned and began to read their inscriptions until a faint silver line asked me to follow.

Until I was led to the centre and that familiar notification appeared asking if I wanted to enter the dungeon ‘A Point in Time’.

The answer would be a definite Yes, and my whole worldview changes to the familiar dark dome of a starlit expanse.

Then... into a modern cityscape revealing several figures wearing fancier robes and impossibly beautiful architecture walkways, arches, parks, and towering buildings like skyscrapers.


A thing piqued my interest... the atmosphere here was not the same as when I first came here. First of all, there’s a red hue or mist? Enveloping this city in scarlet red.

(“Pretty ominous...”)

I looked up to the skies and the sun was blood red shining its ominous light towards the city.

The people here... instead of their relaxed posture, these figures seemed to be tensed as if waiting or anticipating something to happen.

It’s not an excited anticipation rather they are dreading...

“What thing they’re scared of?”

I wonder as I continue to follow the crowd who pushes their way towards the centre.

(“Ouhh!? That’s a new addition.”)

There is one incredibly large pylon constructed to look like a spiralling tower and it is not the teardrop crystal on top but rather some sort of pyramidal prism hovering and rotating.

It shines like a beacon as I see several figures floating encircling it. They raised their hands and even from this distance, I can hear faint chants.

The crystal pylon glowed once more as the barrier protecting this city became visible and I could tell that it was strengthened. Then one figure levitates higher than the others. They shouted in loud words ‘Rise’ and in doing so, I heard in the distance...


It’s kind of like the sound of machinery whirring and turning online as golems begin to patrol the edges of the barrier. Some people also helped by creating another layer of barrier, sensors, and even magical traps beneath the main one.

(“What kind of disaster they’re anticipating? Why the need of this much defences?”)

The red sky turns dark as if the sun has been blocked and the familiar sounds of something hitting the barrier several times echo even louder.

*BAM* *BAM!!!* *BAMMM!!!!!*

I can see pulses coursing through the barrier several times as it cracks like spider webs. The more pulses that impact noise the more it spreads.

(“It is not going to hold!”)

Several robed figures on land began to chant in panic and urgency, as it is done. A shimmering barrier resembling that of a moon was created around them.

My heartbeat picked up several paces until finally...


The barrier shattered like glass as the pieces fell dispersing into dust to be blown away by the winds. I also hear several breaking glass knowing the barriers surrounding all mages fail to protect them.

Almost immediately upon being exposed, all the robed figures clutched their head and crumpled to the ground in pain. The celestial marking on their forehead began to fade...


The ones who float seemed to fall several paces down before continuing their flight. Though faceless, I can tell their sense of urgency and desperation.

I tried to touch the prone figures but my fingers simply passed through. Knowing I cannot do anything to help them and this is a playback video from ancient times, I can only watch.

Oozing blood came out from their nose and ears including red tears as some seemed to be lifeless on the spot.

Golems immediately fight against strange invading creatures resembling monsters I know with strange tumour-like growth growing on them, undulating and beating.

It reminds me of what I encountered in Forbidden Tower...

The sun darkened and brightened which is strange of how quick was it. I have an inkling it’s not a simple cloud passing through. Piquing my curiosity, I looked up to see the scarlet red sun that blinks...





The sun blinks!?


I squint my eyes allowing them to adjust and begin to see that it is not the sun...

Rather it's an eyeball and I can see a silhouette of a creature. In this distance, it’s like a blanket that ruffles as if descending from the skies.

“What is that???”

Looking at robed figures clutching in agony, I think it’s managed to attack them with what? Psychic energy????

The floating figures gather around and raise their arms all together as massive constellations suddenly appear in daylight and shine in intense silver.

Those constellations then move in front of that creature, covering one another like layers creating a cocoon of sorts.


(“They’re trying to seal the creature.”)

I can hear the sounds of metal creaking and rattling chains as floating figures increase the volume of their chants.



The cocoon of overlapped constellations breaks away, launching off into the distance like an explosion of stars. As the creature continues to descend...

Changes occurred all around me, greenery of plants wilt and perished into grains of dust. Tops of scry-scraper buildings in this city dislodge and float towards the creature as if it has its gravitational force.

Its single eye stares at the entirety of this city. It’s sucking all the life out of this place and spreading far beyond...

It is... a catastrophe. I was stuck in both awe at how big the destruction was and sadness at seeing a civilisation ending.



A cold jolt hit my right leg as I looked down to see one fallen figure looking right at me with all of its pores bleeding out. Straight up from a horror movie as I steeled myself.

“Do not make our mistake.” -Robed Figure NPC-

Before I can reply...


I get jettisoned back to the familiar black dome and the starry night sky amidst vast dunes. Allowing me to digest what had happened and the end of that vision.

(“Mistake? What mistake? Did they summon that creature accidentally?”)


Maybe there’s lore about them if I just ask the Headmaster of Celestial Tower.

-Astera's Mages Tower-

“Ah! It seems you have gotten stronger. I presume you have seen it then?” -Headmaster of C.T.-

I nodded as I asked about what mistake they meant. His old wizened face and eyes with crow feet softened.

“The mistake... *Ehem* before we tackle that, let’s start at the beginning.” -Headmaster of C.T-

He stands up from his chair and waved his hand as a chair & a table appear. Gesturing for me to sit, I sat.

“We all know that as a Celestial Mage, we attuned ourselves to celestial bodies and then harness its Mana creating our {Spell} and abilities. In addition, it is also our interest to discover the mystery of the universe...” -Headmaster C.T-

He faces the decorated stained windows, depicting the night sky full of stars, moon, and rising sun.

“Have you ever wondered why the ancient mages at that time are capable of attuning themselves to all indefinitely?” -Headmaster C.T-

“No... But I can imagine how difficult it would be to maintain that condition continuously.”

He nods his head before continuing.

“Yes, it would be difficult if you do it by normal means.” -Headmaster of C.T-

(“Normal means?”)

I wrinkled my forehead in confusion upon hearing that statement from the Headmaster. So... that ancient civilization achieved their capabilities using abnormal means then? Using what?

Then... like being zapped by electricity I made a connection. That creature must have a relationship with that ancient mage. Whatever they did angered that creature resulting in their downfall.

“I see it in your face, you made the connection.” -Headmaster C.T-

He put his hands on his back and let out a heavy sigh.

“As Celestial Mages, we are more intertwined with outer space, capable of projecting ourselves to explore its depths, and in doing so not just discover the meaning of the universe but also creatures inhabiting the outer space. Strange and powerful ones hidden in its expanse...” -Headmaster C.T-

He then faces me.

“Just like creatures in this world that may or may not be hostile. What they met within outer space isn’t inherently hostile but...” -Headmaster C.T-

He walked to the side for a few paces with indecipherable emotion adorning his face. Before levitating a pile of papers and books out from his desk towards my table.

“These are records and findings from the excavation team at Starlit Sands. It shows that the ancient mages managed to make contact with a creature from outer space using a relic they found. It spoke of promises like bringing ‘Gifts’ towards them. We assume it resulted in their capabilities of attuning more to the celestial bodies and possibly many more. Allegedly, they can also turn imagination into reality creating impossible structures you see in that vision.” -Headmaster C.T-

“Judging by what we have seen, I can only surmise that relationships have ‘soured’ and we witness the full capabilities of that creature when it’s hostile.” -Headmaster C.T-

I nodded in agreement, that creature seemed to be a powerful big boss ‘type’.

“Huh... has anyone wondered about the relationship between those ancient mages and that creature. If you know its name?”

“They do not have a name and I prefer to not know it. I do not want to repeat what ancient mages did and deal with those things far in space. Though...” -Headmaster C.T-

His old wizened face scrunches stopping in before continues.

“My colleague did not learn from those visions.” -Headmaster C.T-

“What do you mean?”

I tilted my head to him as he responded.

“Have you ventured into the Forbidden Tower?” -Headmaster C.T-

(“Should I be honest?”)

Let's shoot the shot. I’ll handle the consequences later.

“Y-yeah, I have. Though I stepped out the moment I see-“

He chuckles interrupts my defensive words and gently smiles.

“No need to defend yourself, everyone deserves to be curious about something. I understand that very well...” -Headmaster C.T-

He remembered something ages ago that piqued my curiosity. I wanted to know what made him say it.

“When I was young, l had a colleague who was very interested in the existence of this creature beyond our world and what ‘Gift’ it bestowed. He was stationed in that tower along with me and many others who had similar interests. Because of the ‘Gift’ the creature gave... of course that would entice everyone.” -Headmaster of C.T-

He continued.

“I am sure you have seen what happened in that tower.” -Headmaster of C.T-

He paused to let it sink in.

A flash of memory appeared on my face, a man with fleshy tumours growing on his face and undulating. Cackling in profound madness...

His image burned in my eyes and I’m probably not going to forget it.

“Yes, it was... an experience.”

“Haha... You can be upfront, it is horrendous.” -Headmaster of C.T-

He chuckles at my attempt to downsize what I saw. Though almost unseen, I can tell the headmaster let out a sweat as if seeing things firsthand in his memory. Before letting out a sigh to calm his nerves, his shoulders from upright curved down as he asked.

“May I ask for a favour of you?” -Headmaster C.T-

Then all of a sudden, a familiar notification noise can be heard and a panel appears.


[Rebirth Quest: The Observer]

Description: The Forbidden Tower, in its deep dark mysteries, wants to be uncovered. Discover what has befallen it.

Accept: Yes / No

Requirement: Solo Venture


My eyes go wide, it’s a rebirth quest? What do you mean by giving me a Yes or No answer!? Of course, I’ll say Yes!

With certainty, I clicked Yes and accepted the quest as the headmaster continued.

“I wanted to know what happened to him. As Celestial Mages, he and I wanted to uncover the mystery of the universe. He.. driven by mad obsession begins to push everyone away as he finally managed to make contact with the creature...” -Headmaster of C.T-

“If only we hadn’t discovered that relic... Bah, we cannot change the past.” -Headmaster of C.T-

He gestured to the tower in the window and sighed heavily. The tower is easily seen from this height.

“As a result that tower is now off-limits for any students. But you... you are different, you might be able to discover his fate.” -Headmaster of C.T-

I nodded, clearly this is a personal favour for him so I’ll keep a lookout for pieces of lore left in that tower.

“Well, no promises but I’ll try to figure out what happened to him.”

The headmaster nodded, then went back to stare at the silhouette of the forbidden tower.


“Haaaaaa... there goes my schedule to explore Forbidden Tower with Siegfried and probably my new friend.

Nevertheless, I shook my head and went to do my preparations! I expect it to be challenging...

Gathering my potion supplies, I read up on some Spellbooks to increase my Elemental {Trait} to the max. So, the description of it is that I can cast all {Spell} paired with my artefact I am a walking encyclopaedia of {Spell}.

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