Open World Online (O.w.O)

V1 Chapter 61: A Point in Time

  • 1st Person POV (MC)

-Present Time-

From the endless expanse of Starlit Sands, I’m transported into vast, flat grounds with the same night sky full of shining stars and moon.


A strange noise was made after tapping my foot to the ground. Unlike the dunes, the sound echoes around as if I’m hitting a hard surface.

With a thud, I tapped the end of my staff to the ground as its tip glowed in bright white light like a lamp as I cast a {Spell} internally brightened the place.


Soon after, the [Light] radiating from my staff is slowly dimmed until it snuffed. Which means any kind of illumination magic is suppressed in this dungeon.

Putting my foot forth, I started to begin exploration bu-



The flat floor brightens like neon lights including stars above making me shut my eyes for several seconds from the intense light my heart jumped for several beats.




A second or two passed and I opened my eyes.

My eyes were blown wide as I heard echoes of laughter and conversation. Even with my {Trait} these conversations mix into a slurry of nonsense almost as if the game is telling me that it’s just random conversations used to add atmosphere.

Seeing what around me are buildings; from skyscrapers, well-paved streets, fancy-looking street lamps, and man-made parks that are well taken care of.

From here, I deduced that I was on the main street of an advanced city. Where the main hustle and bustle of life gathers and remarkably gives a similar feeling akin to my IRL city.

Looking around I take in what I see inhaling it to bask in for a minute. The architecture of this city... it’s sleek and modern with glass windows. I can see a one-storey house arranged in neat order with roads dividing them.

Yet, Something was quite different from than modern city I knew as my eyes wandered above to see the skies. A thin force field is enveloping this city and it is translucent allowing bright sunlight to pierce through.


The electrical sound echoes and causes pulses here & there causing that thin force field to flash.

Seeing that, I look around to gauge the reaction of the people here. Although their faces are hidden, I can tell that they ignored these pulses and went on about their day.

Almost all of these figures wore different robes tight fitting to their body and adorned with elaborate stitches.

Staring at them I noticed one characteristic that I recognised on their forehead there were several symbols that I individually knew as a Celestial Mage.

Blazing Sun, Moon’s cycles, and Glittering Stars. All in one highlighted on their forehead. Which made me think about how they managed to use all <Celestial State> at once.

Another question appeared in my mind seeing these people around me as I walked with them and they did not notice me, treating me like air even if I tried to wave my hands in front of their faceless faces or block their movements as their figures simply passed through my body.

(“Are they? My predecessors?”)

I mean the dungeon is called ‘A Point in Time’ I suppose this is when the civilization thrived? Then how does the civilization end?

Those questions swirled in my mind as I turned my head left and right, I moved forward wanting to see more of this place to at least glean information or hints to complete my Class Advancement Quest.

I wandered off reaching to the edge of the force field that protected this city.

(“What is this?”)

A structure laid beside me is so similar to a lamppost yet rather than bend at the end it’s simply reached to a point. Where at its tip lies a teardrop-shaped crystal being held by metallic claws and upon squinting my eyes, I can see some sort of glimmers inside it and its connection to the barrier as it lies so close almost touching the thin membrane.

Turning my head forward, I finally take a look at the sight beyond the thin membrane.



I gasped and let out a sound of amazement after witnessing what was beyond this barrier...

Green... green all around as I see a lush forest teeming with life, verdant canopies, and birds leaving their nest to take flight outside of the barrier. Waterfalls turn into rivers that lead to somewhere far in the distance. There’s a rainbow glistening from the sunlight.


A gentle cold breeze billows through my face as I take it in and take a deep breath. My shoulders relaxed as I smiled. In my eyes, this place looks like Paradise on Earth with how naturally beautiful it is. Stretching far wide and to the edges of my view that verdant green colour still encompasses my eyes.

I’m trailing the edge of the barrier as I continue my exploration. It’s so strange to see so many Celestial Mages living in this futuristic city. Those... *Ehem* I’ll call them pylons are neatly arranged at the edge of this thin membrane which made me deduce it has some kind of interaction with the barrier.

I decided to move towards the central area of this place wanting to see more of the city.

(“I wonder if there’s-“)

*BAM!!!!* *BAM!!!* *BAM!!*

My train of thought was broken as I heard it...

A loud thud similar noise to a some kind of hard object hitting a wall. It gets louder and louder from each hit as if somewhere beyond the barrier wanting to enter with force.

Hushed whispers, concerned gasps, and slow rumbles into a river of panic as those humanoid figures began to run towards the centre of this city.

Not knowing what to do, I decided to pinpoint the source of that noise. As my head turned towards the sound, the whole area lit up like the sun blinding me momentarily as I instinctively closed my eyes.




Opening them again, I am greeted with flat surface grounds and a ceiling filled with glimmering stars in the night sky. Before they all fade alongside the sensation of a gentle breeze brushing my face.

Changing the whole area into the familiar dunes at night-cycle.


A notification noise familiar to me and following that sound I opened the system. Seeing the tick right beside [Class Quest: Sea of Stars] made me certain I’d completed it.

(“Hmmm... I think I’ll get a chain quest out of this one.”)

In my brain, I’m thinking of the possibility that in LV100. I’ll probably receive Sea of Stars part 2 or something like that since I felt that ‘Cutscene’ or ‘Experience’ isn’t full.

With a shrug, I waved my hand in mid-air navigating towards the Safe Point System to teleport towards Astera with many other players doing the same thing once they returned from that dungeon.

-Astera's Towers-

“Ahhhh... Interesting.” -Headmaster of C.T-

He rubbed his chin with a slight smile adorned his face after I told him what I experienced. He nodded a few times as if recalling an experience.

Through that reaction, I asked in curiosity.

“So you saw that too Headmaster?”

“Hm” -Headmaster of C.T-

He hummed before starting to explain.

“Well... what you see there, is a glimpse of the past experienced by many Celestial Mages who explored Starlit Sands.” -Headmaster of C.T-

He continues while taking a short walk in his office around the tower.

“Those pieces of the past allow us the current Celestial Mages to learn fascinating secrets regarding our universe from them.” -Headmaster of C.T-

He stood up from his seat and wandered to the bookshelf he picked up a book caressing its spine then faced me before telling me.

“I am a vehement believer that practical experience offers greater value than theoretical ones as such I urge you to visit Starlit Sands once more after you get stronger. At the moment though, I shall teach you on what I saw.” -Headmaster of C.T-



I stretched my body to its fullest after enduring the barrage of information hurled by the Headmaster.

In short, he and I saw the same thing in that dungeon but he noticed how that ancient civilization harnesses the power of celestial bodies. In the form of pylons erected around that barrier.

(“I guess I got too distracted by the new sights.”)

Once he was done, I received a System notification as a panel appeared in front. Displaying what I have got from completing [Class Quest: Sea of Stars].


  • UPGRADE!!! <Celestial State>

Description: Harnessing mana from celestial bodies. You attuned yourself to them giving you a state reflecting which celestial bodies you have chosen. You gain new effects while attuned to a celestial body. As you learn their secrets, they grow more familiar to your body and mind.

Solar State: Attuning yourself to the Sun. A symbol of the sun will be engraved upon your forehead. While in this state, greatly enhance your damaging {Spell}.

A solar ring will be glowing atop your head. Upon casting damaging {Spell} to a target or targets. Two smaller and weaker versions of the {Spell} will be simultaneously cast dealing a quarter of the damage from the original {Spell}.

Lunar State: Attuning yourself to the Moon. A symbol of the moon will be engraved upon your forehead. While in this state, greatly enhance your defensive {Spell}.

Phases of the moon will be displayed atop your head. Upon casting a defensive {Spell}, you will gain temporary HP called ‘Ward’ based on your INT {Status} and the Tier of the {Spell}. Whenever you take damage, The Ward will take the damage for you and if it is reduced to 0, you’ll take the remaining damage. The Ward will last until it is reduced to 0. You can share The Ward with other players divided by the number of targets you choose.

Astral State: Attuning yourself to the Stars. A symbol of stars will be engraved upon your forehead. While in this state, greatly enhance your supportive / utility {Spell}.

Glimmering stars will swirl atop your head. Upon casting a supportive / utility {Spell}, you will gain [Guidance] buff. You can freely transfer the buff to an ally or an enemy. If an ally and/or you are under the buff [Guidance], non-detrimental chance effects will be affected (for example; resist status effect chance rate, dodge rate, critical rate, drop rate, etc). If an enemy is under the buff [Guidance], the detrimental chance effects will be affected (for example; reduced status resistance chance, reduced drop rate, reduced dodge rate, reduced critical chance rate, etc). [Guidance] buff can exist two on allies, one on an enemy, and you.

Duration: Infinite

Cooldown: 15 Minutes

Requirement: LV 75 Celestial Mage


My eyes glint noticing new changes in my Class {Skill}. But most of my joy comes not from this change but rather in the assortment of exclusive {Spell} for Celestial Mages being taught by the Headmaster.

(“Hehehe... I can’t wait to use them!!”)

My lips curved upward to form a mischievous grin and started rubbing together in anticipation. I’m going to practice these {Spell} with the training dummy and myself.



Ending with a huff, I’m satisfied with the results. As the training dummy HP recovered to 100% again. I ruminated on what I learned...


I grinned at this sudden information. Each time I play around, I always discover new stuff about [Words of Power] {Trait}. Particularly the sentence ‘Change how {Spell} work’ since I can use {Spell} that targets allies to Training Dummy who’s supposed to be identified as Enemies. I have confirmed that Training Dummy has been assigned as Enemies before I cast the ally targeting {Spell} so it isn’t my delusion.

I have a myriad of things that can be combined to get an advantage! Especially with the new arsenal of {Spell} exclusive to Celestial Mage.

Rubbing my hands together I felt like a supervillain hatching an evil plan to my enemies. Before I can entertain those thoughts much further...


(“Oh! A message.”)

That recognisable noise caught my attention as I opened the chat system.



-Hello? You there?



-Of course!

-Let's go grind to LV100 ^•^


-*Thumbs Up*

-Meet at Lowlight! I have a quest there that I’m gonna share with you.


-O_O??? I’ll be there ASAP!


Without wasting a second, I manoeuvre to Safe Point System and tap in mid-air for confirmation to Teleport to Lowlight.

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