Open World Online (O.w.O)

V1 Chapter 56: Letter

  • 1st Person POV (MC)

-Present Time-

Arriving at the familiar scenery of my home. I felt relieved with Gaia beside me and Oreo in the distance away slithering between the tree branches.

Come to think of it, I haven’t utilised Oreo’s {Skill} in terms of hunting specific monsters. Well, so far I do not have a broad idea of what monster I should pick to farm.

Hold on...

The gears in my brain started to turn as I distinctively remembered that Adventurer’s Guild bought monster loot. Players who are not hoarders can sell their loot in exchange for Zeni another way to get money without relying on the Players’ Market.


Might as well try, I need to check which monster drops the highest-priced loot. There’s probably a discussion of it somewhere in Pochi Mochi’s forum. I’ll search it up later.

For now, the important thing is to rest I feel a bit tired. Peppering Gaia with kisses as usual, I navigated the system towards ‘Options’ and logged out as my whole worldview changed.

-Exiting O.w.O-


I heaved a satisfied sigh, took off the helmet put it on the bedside table charged as I looked at the time on my phone. It is nearly evening so I probably need a good shower and early dinner. Before I can go back to the game.

While showering, I’m a bit cheeky by putting my phone in a zip lock bag and scrolling Pochi Mochi’s discussion forums.




I see it is in the forum. A monster named ‘Gold Ambassador’ drops the highest prize loot. Mainly from their gold crystals. Some even say they are walking Zeni but their spawn rate and interval is quite rare. Plus they ran away at an incredible speed.

The second one would be its lesser version ‘Silver Ambassador’ which drops the silver crystal with a higher spawn rate and interval. Still catching these ambassadors is hard due to their movement speed.

Both of these creatures are Earth elements and have high Defence and Magic Defence so the players gave a tip in using armour-piercing weapons or [Piercing] Meta Magic.

(“Ohhh!??? So there is a Meta Magic that adds Piercing effect to {Spell}”)

My lips curved upward in a smirk as I searched for more information regarding Silver and Gold ambassadors. And that promptly made my smile fade as they spawned in an entirely different place that I did not recognise.

Oh!!! A player asked where it was...




I see, these ambassadors spawned from a dwarven city in their massive cave system. Unfortunately, the discussion ends there as if the other players knew where it was.

I suppose I’ll discover it in my adventures.

Before I can finish my early dinner though a particular sound reaches my ears as I stop in my tracks.


My eyes looked at the notification that appeared on my phone. It seems to be an email... getting far too curious I put the dishes in the sink and looked at my phone.

Checking further, I can tell the distinct blue cube decoration around to know who sent it.

(“Let’s see... In a nutshell. They noticed that I’ve been using their R.M.S quite frequently so they asked if I am interested in opening a bank account associated with their company. What are the benefits though?”)

Hmmmm... it does not hurt to ask as I quickly write a reply.


(“That was super quick!”)

I’m reading their reply and suffice it to say, I think I’m going to open a bank account with them. Since they are offering one particular benefit that interested me.

Besides that, it is free to open a bank account. I do not have a ‘Cut’ on the amount transferred from the game to my bank if I used their bank account. Which is good, since now my income comes from this game.

(“Provided players bought my potions frequently of course! That is why I’m looking for other sources of money like selling loot to adventurers guild.”)

I nodded to myself feeling a bit smart from thinking about that.

I replied saying that I was interested in ‘it’, and they replied just as quickly.

Huh... They require not a lot of details. Mainly my name, address, D.O.B, and In-Game Name. Since this game is not by any means a scam and they have been transferring Zeni to real-life money I’m okay with giving those details. Well... If they suddenly decide that all of this is a scam, I can only laugh at my stupidity.


Got a reply back from them, they sure are quick. Hmmm... It says that they will give me the physical card later but for now, I can download their banking app through the link.

After downloading the app and entering its necessary details. I can see what the app has for me.

Aside from the standard capabilities of other banking apps. It shows an account of my In-Game name Magie Magia with how much Zeni I have in there. There is the familiar conversion icon from Zeni to IRL money and vice versa.

I guess through this account number I can transfer my money from my old bank to this one but let’s keep it separate... Don’t put all the eggs in one basket as they would say.




Now, what was I doing? OHHH!!! THE DISHES!

In a hurry, I quickly cleaned them up and then brushed my teeth.  

Soon after, I can finally dry my hair so I can lay on the bed with my helmet on and start to press the big button.

-Entering O.w.O-

“Master!!” -Gaia-

“Welcome Back, Master.” -Oreo-

Both greeted me with their personality as I petted them both. Oreo’s scales are shiny and smooth an odd feeling but not an unwelcome one.

(“You know it felt like I am a villain of some stories.”)

I imagined myself wearing a dark robe with Oreo coiling around me intimidating my opponents with their hiss and me casting dark {Spell}.

Chuckling, I waved the idea off from my head as I looked to the side since the system had a red exclamation mark indicating I had something to check.



- just got your message.

-Heh, got the same letter from the adventurer’s guild. Do you want to go right now?



-Let’s meet up in Saintear’s Adventurer’s Guild, I’m omw! ^•^


-*Thumbs Up*


Closing the chat panel, I looked over to my home, Gaia, and Oreo as I asked Oreo about something.

“Oreo, can you hunt a creature named ‘Gold Ambassador’?”

Their eyes shined underneath the sunlight recognizing my words. As if the prospect of hunting a creature excites them.

“We certainly can, would you like us to?” -Oreo-

Through their reply and harmonized voice, I nodded.

“Then we shall do our master’s bidding.” -Oreo-

They slither away so silently somewhere far from my view as their figure vanished. However, I noticed Oreo has a spring in their slithering movement.

In the meantime, I turned towards Gaia and he tilted his head in confusion.

“Take care of the house all right?”

He gave an enthusiastic nod as I too navigated the system to teleport myself away.

-Saintear’s Adventurers’ Guild-

Entering the familiar place, I saw Siegfried sitting on the provided sofa currently reading a book.

“Yo! What are you reading?”

“Oh... This?” -Siegfried-

He waved a book that I recognised from its cover.

“Are you looking for Saintear’s monsters?”

“Yup!” -Siegfried-

He grinned showing off his pearly whites. Even if his eyes are covered by the bangs, I can tell he is excited about the prospect of discovering monsters {Skill}.

(“Hmmm... Maybe it’s good to grind in Saintear after this meeting.”)

“Right! Let’s not dilly dally.” -Siegfried-

He put the book down and slapped his thighs upon standing up as we set off to Saintear’s Basilica.

-Saintear’s Basilica-

“Whoa...” -Siegfried-

He wowed in amazement seeing the architecture of the Basilica as do I even if it’s my second time inside.

We’re looking around for somewhat important-looking NPCs until there’s a lonesome figure wearing quite a lavish priestly robe.

She’s draped in a white silken robe decorated with golden embroidery. On her shoulder lies a fancy-looking scarf dangling at the end of her waist. The embroidery on that piece of cloth depicts all six Deities worshipped in Saintear.

Of course, just from this, I can deduce that she’s an important figure. Upon approaching her and showing the letter, she had a look of recognition from the letter.

“Ah! I’m glad the letter has reached you. Come, we must meet with the Holiest of Holy.” -Cardinal of Dark-

She elegantly turned and began to walk deliberately so while giving me a stare as if saying ‘Follow Me’.

I turned to Siegfried who was still looking around and my eyes squinted for a bit as I noticed he was peering at the back of the hallway murals and even touching anything that resembled a button.

“Psttt, Sieg!!!”

“Hm? OH!” -Siegfried-

He quickly scooted over cancelling the refractive skin and catching up rather quickly beside me.

“Fiuf... I’m afraid you’ll get caught doing those things out in the open like that.”

“Haha, well as long as no one sees it.” -Siegfried-

He scratches the back of his head sheepishly as we continue to follow this NPC.

“Huh? Why is the Cardinal of Dark guiding those two?” -Player 1-

“Hold on... I think I kinda recognise them.” -Player 2-

I cannot hear them from this far away but it seems they are whispering something.

(“Uh... Oh.”)

One player made the tell-tale gesture of a screenshot. I couldn’t hear the *CLICK* noise but I am sure that’s the quick action gesture to do it.

I guess sooner or later it will get revealed. Looking to my side, Siegfried seems unperturbed.

Nevertheless, we continue to follow Cardinal of Dark NPC towards the grand staircase leading upward to the meeting chamber.

5 other figures already sitting on their assigned and it is placed in such a way that the massive statues behind them overlook the meeting.

“Please sit in those chairs.” -Cardinal of Dark-

Her voice was final yet gentle as she took her seat. We have been provided our own and we sat down.

Elbowing Siegfried to get his attention I whispered.

“Do you think we’re in trouble? They look so serious...”

Siegfried’s head scout quickly before shrugging his shoulders and shaking his head.

“I don’t know, but I get the feeling that it’s not directed at us.” -Siegfried-

(“That’s true...”)

Looking over to the gathered Cardinals, Their expression grew even dire as Cardinal of Dark explained to them what transpired in Astera.

That is until she ended the story by telling the others that we defeated ‘One of the Undying’s Chosen’.

Simultaneously, they heave a sigh of relief. As I heard a door being opened.

“Saint of All, Holiest of Holy has arrived!”

An announcer in the form of a priest stood between the door.

(“When were they stationed there? I didn’t notice.”)

On cue, all Cardinals stood from their chairs and faces behind me as I followed suit to see what are they looking at. I can hear Siegfried’s seat squeak as he too follows what the Cardinals did.

(“Remarkably enchanting...”)

That is the only thought that passes through my mind upon seeing this figure that has entered the gate.

First of all, it is his face. I can say that he is both beautiful and handsome at the same time. He has a chiselled jawline with skin as smooth as silk, white as a pearl, and long eyelashes complimenting his ethereal beauty. He has golden irises and eyes that reflect the daylight captivating anyone who looks into his eyes.

Second, He is dressed in a white silken robe decorated with lavish golden embroideries depicting their faith and on top of his head is a Mitra that has the symbol of every deity unlike what the cardinals wore. Carrying beside him is a staff that seemingly emits a golden radiance.

I wonder what kind of weapon that is… What are the effects?

“Ah... You must be the brave adventurers who defeated The Undying’s Chosen.” -Saint of All-

His voice resonated within this meeting chamber breaking my train of thought and all I can say is...

95% of people will swoon just from hearing his voice.

“Indeed, Saint.”

Siegfried nods confirming what the Saint have said. As the Saint nods...

“Then, on behalf of The Holy Order. We are thankful for your help. The Undying has been our greatest nemesis from The Age of Myth. To think They have now the capabilities to rise once again...” -Saint of All-

His forehead crinkled with worry and his eyes looked somewhere else as if he was listening to someone.

The Cardinals upon seeing that reaction change their expression into a silent serenity as if giving a moment for the Saint of All to focus.

Noticing my confusion, Cardinal of Dark approaches and explains in hushed whispers.

“Saint of All’s bond to our deities are so deep that it allows him to listen to their voices. That is how he can lead us to the prosperity of this nation. Not surprising to say he is our leader.” -Cardinal of Dark-

Finishing her explanation, the Saint of All nods to nothing as if agreeing.

Then like a snap of a finger, his eyes glossed over to pure white like a blank canvas and his hair faintly glowed in golden radiance as it moved as if in water.

At that moment too, a sudden notification sound filled my ears and a panel appeared before me. I turned my head to glance at Siegfried as he simply looked confused and a bit shocked by Saint of All's sudden change.


[Unique Quest: Prophecy]

Description: The Saint of All, Holiest of the Holy received the revelation from Gods. Are you ready to hear it?


Yes / No


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