Open World Online (O.w.O)

V1 Chapter 46: Reporting

  • 1st Person POV (MC)

-Present Time-

Not risking anymore, I teleported to Astera’s Safe Point and headed straight towards the adventurer’s guild.

Knocking on the door a few times. I simply waited in the lobby.


The door slightly opens revealing the familiar face of Vice GM. She recognized me...

“Ah! You’re back! Come in.” -Vice GM-

Entering the place, I didn’t expect several new faces besides the usual GM and Headmaster of L&D tower.

“Magie, welcome! I presume you have met the Headmaster of Celestial Tower.” -GM-

My eyes glance to the corner, seeing a rather older gentleman wearing robes that depict the night sky full of stars. Oh! I remember him, the one that gave me the 100 multiple-choice questions.

I nodded and gave a respectful bow towards him as he gave a slight nod of acknowledgement.

“And here is the Head Guard of Astera.” -GM-

She extends her hand to another figure. A tall imposing lady dressed prim and proper. Her weapon of choice seems to be a rapier resting on her waist. It’s inlaid by many polished gems at the handle. Though, I didn’t see any wand like those guards in Astera...

“Since you’re back early, may I assume that you managed to find information regarding them?” -GM-

Her announcement broke my train of thought as I turned my gaze towards GM.

She clasped her hands in a gesture of pondering as the Headmaster of L&D Tower, Headmaster of Celestial Tower, Vice GM, and Head Guard took their corresponding seat.

After taking my seat, I began to recount my story regarding my usage of [Detect Thoughts] and discovering a hidden necromancer within Frontera’s church. Leading to my encounter with the cave where they reside.

Then when I discussed the ominous ritual those necromancers did and its result of summoning that shade.

Even I can see the change of expression from the Headmaster of L&D tower. From his usual intense listening into a dire frown as he said.

“So it is true! This is grave news indeed.” -Headmaster L&D-

“Care to enlighten us?” -Vice GM-

Yet the ones who explained weren’t Headmasters of Life and Death Tower (L&D). Rather it's Headmaster of Celestial Tower.

“Long ago, after the creation of Thelea and mortals within it. The Creator Deity delegated their representatives in what we know as Gods and Goddesses in hopes of leading the mortals. This era was known to be the Age of Myth where mortals were close to divinity.” -Headmaster of Celestial Tower-

He scrunches his face a bit, recalling what seemed to be ages ago. Probably in a book that he read...

“Well, that is until conflict began to arise between Gods and Goddesses with their differing ideals causing strife to the mortals below. And so, disappointed and angered by their actions. The Creator decided to banish the Gods and Goddesses to another plane limiting their influence to Thelea in hopes to restore peace resulting in the end of the Age of Myth.” -Headmaster of Celestial Tower-

He rubbed his chin before deciding to continue.

“As you can see with miracles from priests and priestesses although limited those deities can still influence Thelea even if they are banished. What you saw there is a projection of a God. The God of Undeath particularly...” -Headmaster of Celestial Tower-

He purposely gives pauses in between to let his words settle but also gives a side glance to the Headmaster of L&D whose expression darkens. I can tell the atmosphere here is tense.

I meant literally, that the game covers the headmaster’s face with shadow to make it more impactful. Before he continues once more...

“The God of Undeath believes in immortality and being undead as a better form of mortals as such it will give its followers the blessing of Undeath that you are familiar with seeing within old abandoned crypts. Now! Who do you think that blessing will be most appealing to?” -Headmaster of Celestial Tower-

I think all of us here know the answer almost immediately. Of course, it would be the necromancers and other magic casters who would gain the most benefit as one would be able to enjoy an infinite time of research and observation. As he waves a hand towards the Headmaster beside him.

“My friend here is an ardent follower of the God of Dark, who ruled over the cycle of death and life. Which means he is a direct enemy of The God of Undeath and vice versa.” -Headmaster of Celestial Tower-

“I see, does that mean their forces will attack the tower?” -GM-

With a simple nod, the Headmaster of Celestial Tower confirms the GM’s suspicion. Then finally, the Headmaster of L&D tower spoke while staring at me.

“You... if they managed to summon a fragment of God like what you have seen. It means that it’s already too late.” -Headmaster Of L&D Tower-

“What do you mean?” -Vice GM, GM, Me, Head Guard, and Headmaster of Celestial Tower-

My brows furrowed in confusion including the other NPCs as well who squinted their eyes to the headmaster.

I did not understand what he meant. All of a sudden, a panel appeared before me.


(Unique Quest: Dark Tidings 2)

Accept? Yes / No


Raising my hand, I tapped at the ‘Yes’ button as the panel vanished and instead. I heard it! So clearly in my ear as if someone is speaking beside me. I recognised the voice as the go-to voice the Devs used in advertising the game.

-System’s Voice-

Players from all over the world.

A Player has triggered a Quest!!!

An Invasion has been triggered in Astera, the City of Magic.

Participators will be given massive rewards for successfully defending Astera from destruction!

-System’s Voice-

It is like a broadcast but before I can process it further. I heard something... in the distance.

The GM, Vice GM, Headmaster of Celestial tower and L&D tower, plus Head Guard of Astera. Stood up abruptly as if in shock as they stared at the windows.

“They’ve already begun!!” -Headmaster of L&D Tower-

He clasped his hands in prayer as I finally saw what he meant by ‘Begun’

It's so far that I witness only a speck of black. But! Through the usage of [Farsight] {Spell}, I can see that it is a horde of undead so massive that it’s like a swarm of ants.

The siren blaring sounds have been echoing for a while now distributed from the streetlights allowing the citizens to hide in their homes and a line of guardsmen defended the border of Astera.

(“Oh shit! What did I do!??? Is this a global kind of event?”)

Almost immediately, I saw multiple players spawned right on Astera’s road fully geared and quickly assessed the situation as they went out from the gates.

Even some left behind, waving to a blue cube in mid-air. I can tell they are using the video recording system to document this so they can post it on MeTube later.

Both Headmasters cast [Sending] {Spell} while the GM and Vice GM made contacts with adventurers. The Head Guard was already out of the room issuing orders to the others.

(“Eh!? Uhm... What should I do? Maybe I participate like other players?”)

Though... before I can turn back to the door. I heard the headmaster.

“Wait!” -Headmaster of L&D-

Turning around to him, I awaited his response on why he was cutting me off as he continued.

“You! Y-you have a connection as you saw the shade and survived...” -Headmaster L&D-

He quickly made a gesture for me to follow him as he promptly left the place.

“U-uhm... Yeah?”

I tilted my head in confusion and kept on following him until we reached the Tower of Life and Death.

“Why are we here?”

This seems to be a private study as I see a desk and an idol depicting the God of Dark.

I asked in confusion while the headmaster waved his hand in mid-air as I heard some kind of metallic jingle. He urged me to follow him down to the unlocked hatch.

Upon doing so, I climbed down to what seemed to be a hidden room.

I see... this is a place of worship. Even if the area is a bit dark where only candles illuminate the place. I noticed an altar with some kind of thick book.

The headmaster had begun drawing an elaborate magic circle and I know what its purpose is as I can read the writings on it. This is a [Sigil] containing the {Spell} [Gate].

Standing up from it, he stared right into my eyes and said with conviction.

“Let me reiterate, you bore the connection towards God of Undeath. With this, I am capable of instantly teleporting you and your party members to fight against their forces to disassemble them internally. Facing this massive horde of undead upfront would be foolish, there must be a controller within their lair. I didn’t sense the God of Undeath’s presence so it must mean that this was a plan hatched by one of the necromancers. -Headmaster of L&D-

I needed to blink several times after hearing his words and a panel confirmed what I heard.


(Necromancer’s Den LV60-70)

Enter? Yes / No

Highly Recommended with a Party.


Reading that last part, I opened my friend list to check on Siegfried. Hoping to see that the black dot beside his name glows green.

Unfortunately, it wasn’t and I closed the panel. Feeling a bit down from it...

I asked myself next.

(“Should I shout? But... I am more comfortable in doing things with someone I trust.”)

Either that or I use my summons...

I sighed as I began to raise my hand to tap on the button yes.



I heard a notification.



-Did you hear the broadcast?

-Someone triggered a big Quest, wanna party up to defend?


-Sieg!!!!!!! T^T speak of the devil.


-What? What?


-No time to explain!!

-Accept the Invite!!!!!!


In a hurry, I send out my invitation to Siegfried and fidget while waiting for him to accept. I already prepared my hand in mid-air to tap his name when it popped into the party system. Just so I can share my Unique Quest with him.


He accepted the share!!! In turn, Siegfried replied almost instantly.



-Oooohhhh, You’re the one who triggered it.

-Where are you right now?


-I am in Astera’s Tower of Life and Death. You know? With the fancy smancy visual effects.

-Please Hurry T-T, one of the big wigs is staring at me.


I did not joke at the last part, the headmaster simply stared at me like a hawk while I was fidgeting in front of the magic circle with the prompt to enter still ‘Hanging’ around.

(Sieg!! Please hurryyyy.”)

Unconsciously, I began to nibble on my nails out of nervousness. While waiting for him...

From above, I heard some kind of footsteps as my expression brightened hoping that it would be him.

“Sieg!!! Sieg!? We’re here!”

I shouted making the headmaster turn around to the stepladder where the hatch is.

The figure of a shaggy and rugged man slowly came down and waved his hand to me.

“Is that your party member?” -Headmaster of L&D-

I nodded earning a look from the headmaster. I wanted to say ‘What?’ in retort but I did have not time! Especially with the sirens outside blaring around like that.

“So, what do we expect?” -Siegfried-

“Necromancers and Undead, a whole lot of them... probably higher LV and big boss too.”

After explaining the circumstances, Siegfried nodded a few times and then clenched his fist before bumping them together with a big grin adorning his face.

“Lets go!” -Siegfried-

I nodded along once we took the necessary things from our Safe to Inventory. I even took my M&M potions and gave them to Siegfried for the ‘Just In Case’ scenario.

Upon facing the headmaster and [Sigil], the old man said once more.

“Are you ready?” -Headmaster of L&D Tower-

We nodded and I pressed the ‘Yes’ on the panel simultaneously Headmaster raised his hand. Causing the magic circle to shine bright covering our vision.

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