Open World Online (O.w.O)

V1 Chapter 37: Elven Village 1

  • 1st Person POV (MC)

-Present Time-

Judging by these effects, Celestial Mage is a jack-of-all-trades master of none, type of class. Solar State can fill the DPS role but is not as well as a dedicated Elementalist. Lunar State doesn’t even compare to a Royal Guard tank role. Astral State is the most unique one enhancing the chance rate or causing detrimental chance rate to others.

I guess I’ll keep on to my role as a support in Astral State. I thought to myself.

Looking at a reflective surface, I can tell there are swirling stars atop my head signifying my state.

Other Celestial Mage players I saw have different states some choose Lunar or Solar. I guess it adds variety in playstyle...

With a shrug, I wonder what gear should I grind next. Preferably gears that increase my MP capacity, regeneration, and INT and/or WIS.

But that is all general gear that mages equipment already have as a start. I can easily buy them from a magic shop in Frontera or here if I only want to look for those effects.

I needed a little bit more... ‘Oomph’ in gear to give myself an advantage in battle. Let me check Pochi Mochi’s Wikia about it for a quick second or two.

-Logged Out and Logged In-

Alright!!!! After closer inspection and reading his Wikia. I concluded the dungeon that dropped magic casters' gear would be around Astera’s borders/areas. Although he didn’t grind any of it, he at least interviews other magic casters.

Especially the Elementalist the DPS meta of magic casters. They mentioned the dungeon ‘Elemental Plane’.

I’m guessing with that, dungeons fitting for other mages will be here too. I just need to explore more of this place...

Beside the spiralling towers, where mages advance their class or get a class. This city also provides many shops to peruse.

On my map, some buildings have been flagged as restaurants and cafes. Others would be an enchanter, alchemist, tailor, jeweller, hairdresser, etc. Even the public library here sells Spell Book.

After exploring the city, I found out that the only exit of this place was the southern gate. Knowing this, I venture outside.

-Outside Astera-

It is a beautiful sight to behold. Across my whole view, I see trees with varying colours of leaves. Not the usual green or orange in autumn. Rather they are several shades of blue.

Based on my map panel once I zoomed it out of view. If I go straight in this path towards the south, I will arrive at Frontera.

However... the trail dark areas on my map signify that it is a long travel time. So, I opted to not do that and instead explore my surroundings to clear up more of the map.

It is strangely peaceful around Astera, I can hear leaves rustling when the winds blow. But also I feel refreshed much like...

Much like when I drink an MP potion. My eyes widened with the realization as I quickly opened my {Status}.

I have a buff applied to me that increases my passive MP regen and slowly restores my MP. No wonder I feel refreshed all of a sudden. The buff was constantly applied for as long as I stayed within the city.

After an hour or more of walking straight west direction, I think the buff wears off indicating that I’m too far away from the city.

From here on, I can tell the immediate changes compared to the previous environment.

Firstly... I entered some kind of Forest but more wilder in terms of nature. The trees are tall easily reaching heights more than skyscrapers and their circumference are bigger than a multiple of me’s outstretching their hands together.

Secondly, the trees don’t have the usual bluish colouration. They are healthy green and their thick foliage still allows some sunlight to pass through, unlike my previous experience with a thick forest like this. I’m talking about when I first changed my race of course...

Upon setting foot in the soil, I was immediately notified of what I was going into.

-Lainore Forest LV50-100-

I was caught staring at the level range of the area. It is different than in Frontera as I expect. These new Cities, Kingdoms, Empires, etc. They introduced a new thing. I guess this is one...

Shrugging, I can hear players fighting against monsters. By spy- no I mean, *Ehem* observing them, these monsters are varied.

Ranging from mutated-looking wolves to tigers with moss growing out from their fur, Bears carrying honeybees and hives on their backs, et cetera.


They all seem to be within Levels 50 to 60 ish. I’m guessing Lainore Forest is a massive Area and I only scratched the surface of it.

I need to find a dungeon here and I can deduce if it is the correct one for me by comparing it to what I’ve read from Pochi Mochi’s Wikia.

It is particularly simple to avoid monsters' attention by casting a {Spell} [Muffle] on myself with an added Extend meta magic.

Not making any sounds, the monsters ignored me as I slowly but surely brightened the dark of my map panel.


A big open clearing and I can access my Safe. That is a good indicator I am near a dungeon. Leaning my head left and right, I saw groups of players hanging about.

Screaming either ‘Need DPS’ ‘Need Healer’ ‘Need Tank’ ‘Need Support’ and the like. It sure brings back memories...

Within this Safe Zone, a single rotted tree stood taller amidst the tall trees and near its roots. A chasm leading to an empty abyss. My gaming sense is telling me that’s the entrance and this dungeon must be...

“Dead Root”

I got the notification once I hit the threshold. Dead Root is a dungeon littered with dark and earth-element creatures. The rewards consist of gears for the Archer class and the Mage class that uses Earth element {Spell}.

So it is not the dungeon I’m looking for but I’m glad I discovered it as it is marked in my map.


I left the vicinity and continued my journey.

-The Depths of Lainore Forest-

Hmmmm... did I get lost somewhere?

My eyes are looking above, where the sun is being blocked by foliage. Everything looks the same with trees and all...

In fact... this is odd, I didn’t hear the usual players screaming their {Skill} or {Spell}. Just complete silence. I kept moving on for an hour or so until-


I know that sound well enough as I instinctively raise my hand in the direction of that sound.



Something was blocked by my magical shield and that thing fell flat to the soft soil below. A simple arrow as the attacker reveals themselves.

“Why are you here outsider?” -Elf NPC-

Adorned with tight-fitting green armour, long silvery blonde hair tied into a ponytail, height taller and skinnier than me focusing on agility, a face more beautiful than Greek statues, and Ears as long as a kitchen knife, and Eyes as green as the leaves in the forest. The person in front of me is an Elf. I saw players like it but this is an NPC instead. He nocked his bow in a guarded position aimed at me.

“I am simply a traveller lost in the woods.”

I replied in a clear voice, as soon as I did that though. I noticed his ears twitched and his expression scrunched as if in pain.

Is my voice too loud for his ears? I mean... ears that big must be sensitive. I spoke again and in a more hushed tone hoping to not agitate him further.

“Are you alright?”

He retracted by stepping back as if my voice was hurting him even more.

“Kh...Stay where you are! Outsider.” -Elf NPC-

 I can hear the bowstring being strained to its utmost limit. Hahaha... it looks like I’m at gunpoint. I have my [Star Shield] so it is not worrying me in the slightest.

Although I’m curious about why is this elf here.

“I meant no harm to you. Please calm down.”

I truly didn’t want this escalating into a full-out battle. Especially encountering an NPC inside an Area. They are known to give quests and rewards after all...

It seems my wish was conveyed, with the elf scrutinising my face and letting his bow down. I am quite confused by the situation at hand after all...

“How can you speak our language?” -Elf NPC-

He genuinely seems confused, ah... It is because of my {Trait}. But I cannot explain why, they wouldn’t recognise it. Hmmmm... What to do...

“My voice transcends the language barrier. I suppose.”

Half-satisfied by my answer, he at least not being hostile to me.

“Where is this?”

I waved my hand to indicate my surroundings. A completely silent forest no rustles, birds chirping, distant bellows, or even howling like prior.

“You are in our territory outsider. Hm... your magical capabilities explain why you’re able to enter our home so easily. Still, my question remains. Why are you here?” -Elf NPC-

“I am here to bring aid.”

I guess that’s a keyword that NPC will recognize as ‘I am ready to help so give me a quest please’.

This elf's eyes widened for a bit, muttered a few words then returned to his calm and guarded stance.

“It seems you might be able to do so.” -Elf NPC-

He then began to walk and I followed suit. This is a new experience, my movement speed is much slower than this elf so I backed it up with [Haste] {Spell} to keep up. Usually, players are faster in movement compared to NPC. I left all my AGI {Status} as 1 hahahaha...

-Lainore, Elven Village-

Arriving at our destination after the notification and unlocking an additional Safe Point.

I see a clearing amidst a wall of these tall trees. Almost like an enclave, the trees here grew strangely and bulging accommodating as houses for elves to stay in.

“Please speak to our elder there and I warn you, outsiders, do not harm our people.” -Elf NPC-

He gave a death glare to me and I raised my hands in surrender.

“Sheeesh, the elven guards. Intense!” -Player-

He spoke out loud while commenting on that.

“Yeah... But they are guards after all.”

“Can’t refute on that. Even Frontera’s guards are like that.” -Player-

He nodded as I took a closer look at this person’s characteristics once I turned my head around to face him.

His voice is youthful so I expected that I’d be seeing a young-ish character but I digress.

Pointy ears, scars riddled on his face, black leather armour with a hood, and a twin set of daggers strapped on his hip. His face is rugged with wrinkles showing clear signs of aging. I think he edited the ‘Age’ section in Character Creation to have that look.

I stare at the players here in Lainore. Most of them are elven race but I didn’t miss some human players carrying a seed-like object on their hands. How odd, the race-changing item has already been removed right? If I remember...

“I guess this is a place where players change race to elf?”

“Yeppp~ Keen eye.” -Player-

He winked, unbefitting of the aged look on his character. As I chuckled then reminded of my task to ask the elder and find a dungeon for my gear.

“Well, talk to you later Mr. Rogue.”

“Sure thing, Mage pal.” -Player-

We parted while he was dealing with elven NPCs around him.


At the central edge of this enclave, a large bulging tree bark with an equally massive opening can be seen. Roots on that tree were growing in such a way that it became staircases to climb.

That tree is most likely a City Hall-like building, similarly in Frontera, there’s Frontera’s Castle. Upon entering the place, I can see several elves conversing with one another. I didn’t want to eavesdrop but I could hear what they were talking about.

Most of it is about ‘Who is this outsider’. ‘What are they doing here’.  Scrutinizing me, it’s kind of pricking but I can wave them off.

Until I find an older elf, with greying hair and wrinkles on her face and skin. A tiara made from woven wood adorned her head with a beautifully carved green gem that shone under the daylight. Her striking emerald eyes gaze at me before speaking...

“Outsider either you will bring calamity or prosperity depending on your next decision. Will you aid us or harm us?” -Elven Elder NPC-

“I am here to give Aid.”

Upon uttering my words in a mellow tone, her long ears wiggle then her expression turns into a heartfelt smile of relief.

Then... There is some issue regarding our water source. Can you help?” -Elder Elf NPC-



A panel appeared before me describing the quest that I’d taken. Hmmm... The map already highlighted the location so I can just follow it.



I put my hands on my waist after seeing what was going on with the water source. A well located near the enclave’s tree walls, looking quite ancient, to be honest.

The visual effects are... exaggerating it but it is contaminated. Extending my left hand, atop the well. I cast a {Spell}. Assuming this works like a de-buff, I think this would work.


A priest {Spell} that removes buff and de-buff, I can target either allies or enemies. Quite useful when fighting an enemy that keeps giving itself a buff. But I need to be careful as it will remove all buffs and de-buffs…

The well shines in starlight then the waters turn crystal clear, I can see the bottom of the well easily because of this.

The quest panel got updated it shows the words ‘Completed’ and reports back to the elder.

Before I go and report it though, I wanted to try drinking the water as I bring the bucket down. I mean... it must be very crisp water, especially with that crystal clear colour.

Cupping my hands to drink it, the water tasted funny. Like I have been leaving that water in a plastic container for a day in open sunlight.

While caught off-guard by the funny taste of water...


The previous crystal clear waters of this well turn darker as if black ink is being dripped into this well slowly. I can see how it changes ever so faintly...

Hmmmmmmmmmm... there could be something in the well that is causing this. That is what I’m thinking.

I decided to enter the well to see what was going on.


“[Extend: Water Breathing]”

The well’s water cleared up and after applying that {Spell}. It’s my chance to dive down. I did swimming lessons as a kid so I know how to swim.


“Huh? Did you that player just dive into the well?” -Elf Player-

“Uh-huh, it’s a simple clean and report quest. I wonder why?” -Elf Player 2-

-Inside the Well-


I can breathe just fine. Well, I can explore as much as I want then. At least until the buff wears off...

At the bottom of the well, there is a tunnel going towards some unknown location. I quickly went there and I could feel a shift in the water pressure.

After boring through the tunnel, I am greeted with open waters and above, there’s the surface as I swam towards there. The waters here are murky but not to the point I cannot see anything.


Coming out of the water, immediately I assessed where I was. Judging by this, I’m currently in a lake. As I looked around, I noticed a lonely isle in the middle of this lake where a single tree stood.

I recognize this image!!!

This is another dungeon, let me remember the name. U-uh... Ah!! ‘Trial of the Woods’. Then a shot of disappointment went through my head. It is a dungeon that drops gear for elves' race so I cannot wear it at all. However, I can see Elf players conglomerating nearby and then vanishing and entering the dungeon.

Right... Let’s focus on the quest at hand.

I swam to the edge of the lake and cast the {Spell} [Clean]. Which instantly made my wet clothes dried, clean, and comfortably warm.

Now then... I need to look at the cause of this persistent contamination. The lake’s water is the source and it is murky but not dark and viscous like what happened to the well.


A tree root is hanging off the edge of the lake and the location is right below where the tunnel to the well was.

That tree root is blackened as if necrotizing, the root keeps going down in the waters until I can’t see it anymore.

I decided to follow the root, it must lead to a tree somewhere in this massive forest.

“[Extend: Invisibility]”

Cloaked myself with {Spell}, I avoided many dangers like roaming monsters. Truly, LV50 have a lot of changes.

The terrain also has brambles obstructing my path, I need to use some {Spell} like [Blight] or [Incorporeal] to pass through.

Still following this tree root, I found myself presented with a decaying tree. Its bark has greyed and rotted away. Mushrooms spew their spores around creating a hefty mist and they grew over a lot of animal corpses and dead insects.

Pretty sure, I’ll get poisoned but since I have my {Trait}. I’m immune to it... hm, now that I think about it. I don’t even need a [Water Breathing] {Spell}... that is just a waste of MP.

Shaking away the thoughts, I refocus on the task at hand.

Okay, now what should I do? The black icky sludge came from this tree. So should I just get rid of it? Though... this tree is incredibly large... maybe a powerful offensive {Spell} will do.


Hm? My eyes are drawn over to the corner of my vision where usually enemies HP are displayed.

H-hold on a minute...

Does the tree have a name and its own HP bar???

Indeed as what I saw. The tree is named ‘Tree of Life’ and it has only a sliver of its HP left. Unmistakably, I spot a de-buff icon on the bottom of its name. Staring at the de-buff, a small and short panel appeared before me to read.

It is a de-buff that constantly drains the HP till it becomes 1%, it also affects surrounding creatures. This de-buff has no duration safe to say it has a permanent effect. A curse...

That is why I see dying insects and weakened small critters...

If it does affect the surrounding creatures, I didn’t see my HP reduced or inflicted with the de-buff either. I probably resisting it... but it is only a matter of time till I get it too especially since it is a ‘Chance’.

Wait... ‘Chance’

My eyes widened in realization for a quick second as I hurriedly checked on my {Status}. I already got the buff [Guidance], must be from when I cast [Purify]. Indeed, I can open a new sub-tab to assign the buff to someone else’s.

In this case, it’s best to leave it alone as I think it’s also affecting my chance of resisting magical effects.

Now then... Shall we?

I approached the tree and began casting a {Spell}

“[Maximize: Purify]”

I don’t know how Maximize meta magic will affect this {Spell} but I need to go all out. Silvery starlight engulfs the tree from the point I’m touching and spreads into the branches and then to the roots.

It took a while until the silvery lights fades leaving behind the still-decayed tree but the de-buff afflicting it has vanished.

To kick start it, I used another {Spell}

“[Maximize: Highness Heal]”

A Tier 5 Priestly {Spell}, a powerful version of the {Spell} [Greater Heal] plus meta magic maximizes to increase its power.

The visual effects are breathtaking to look at as it is engulfed in starlight and miniature planets orbiting the tree. From my view, its HP is being brought back to full and then I felt a strong sense of drowsiness begin to creep over. Prompting me to sit on the ground and rest... closing my eyes for a second or two before opening it again.

The tree brought back from the brink of death started to show its colours.

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