Open World Online (O.w.O)

V1 Chapter 35: New Stuff

  • 1st Person POV (MC)

-Present Time-

Taking off the helmet, I set it aside and squinting my eyes. Sunbeams pierce through the blinds on my window accompanied by the sounds of chirping birds telling me it is indeed early morning.

Slamming my head to the bed, I heave a heavy sigh of both relief and exhaustion. Not physical exhaustion but rather a mental one as if they are now catching up to me.

My eyes fluttered shut and like a snap, I fell asleep easily.





My vision is still hazy while I’m waking up. I could feel something wet and sticky underneath my lips towards my chin as I wiped it using my hand.

“Ha... I slept so well, that I ended up drooling.”

Chuckling, I gaze at the clock that says 2:00 PM. With a sigh of defeat, I accepted that my sleep schedule has been screwed.

Yet, I felt normal I didn’t feel fatigued or my body aching like when I was in university, cramming information till midnight during exam day. Only sleeping 4 to 5 hours a day.


I shivered at the memories. That was hellish times but it is fun to learn...


I shake my head to get rid of those thoughts before they haunt me to no end.

Moving on, I guess it’s time for lunch. I’m not hungry but eating on a set schedule is healthy! After cooking, I mindlessly scroll Pochi Mochi’s forum and eat.

I know he allows players to open whatever topics in the forum. But so far most of them are +18 topics. I cannot believe how horny people are... they deserve some bonking in the head and help.


Consider myself piqued, there’s a forum titled ‘M&M shop potions are hella good’

I don’t know why they put it that way, but it earned a heartfelt smile on my face. The OP is mainly talking about cheap prices for such high-quality potions either healing type or buffing type. Causing many players to agree on the topic.

Can I say they are my customers? Heheheh~ I feel a bit happy.

Ohooo!? They also drop in what kind of potions they think would be nice to have.

I don’t want to tut my own horn but it made me proud to see my shop get a reputation at least. I guess it is not that someone purchased all my stock. Rather a lot of people keep buying them. It makes sense of course...

“Is there a way to increase the amount of ingredients added to Alchemy? 3 ingredients at a time is not enough now.”

I wondered that for a second before-

“Oh! I finished my plate already.”

With my belly full, I washed up to feel refreshed and return to the game again.

-Entering O.w.O-

The hustle and bustle of Frontera city resounded in my ears. NPCs going on with their daily lives, Players discuss what to hunt, grind, and party up.

Letting out a sigh, I teleported to my home.

As if Gaia knew I was here, he stood beside me while his tail wagged so fast that it blurred... Gaia is always happy to see me. I let out a giggle and gently stroke his fluffy head.

His antlers have been growing well, I can see something growing on it. These antlers reminded me of tree branches. I wonder what things will grow on his antlers...

While letting him snuggle beside me, I quickly opened my system panel. I recently reached LV 50 but haven’t checked what I got...


Congratulations you have reached LV 50 threshold!!!

UPGRADE {Trait}: Primordial Body III (Aspect of Creation -> Primordial Body IV (Aspect of Creation)

UPGRADE {Trait}: Words of Creation III -> Words of Creation IV

NEW {Trait}: Creation (Small)

Hint!! There is something to check in The Academy.

UNLOCKED!! [Safe Point]: The Holy Capital, Saintear.

UNLOCKED!! [Safe Point]: City of Magic, Astera.

UNLOCKED!! [Safe Point]: Union Empire, Gran Fortia.

UNLOCKED!! [Safe Point]: Martial Kingdom, Higashi

UNLOCKED!! [Safe Point]: Lawless City, Lowlight


Whoa... that is a lot of Safe Points. Before I checked on them though, I had something else on my mind.

Which is to assess what kind of upgrades and new {Trait} I got. Tapping each {Trait}, new sub-panels appeared explaining what it is.


{Trait}: [Primordial Body (Aspect of Creation) IV]

Effect: Your body doesn’t age. You do not need to eat, sleep, drink, and breathe. You are immune to poison and diseases. You can speak, listen, and write all languages.

Moderately decrease damage taken from magical sources. You have a moderate chance to resist hostile magical effects.

Moderately increased damage taken from physical sources.

Requirement: Primordial Race (Aspect of Creation) Level: 50

{Trait}: [Words of Power IV]

Effects: Changes the way {Spell} works and you can influence a {Spell} cast. {Spell} cast this way ignore restrictions. {Spell} you cast will be upcasted to the utmost limit of your known elemental {Trait}. {Spell} can be silently cast.

Requirement: Primordial Race (Aspect of Creation) Level: 50

{Trait}: [Creation (Small)]

Effects: (3/day) You can create a certain amount of small-sized objects or living things. The amount depends on your INT and WIS (3).



I have several questions. Firstly, I can speak, listen, and write all languages. What does that mean?


“Yes?” -Gaia-

I heard it loud and clear. Gaia’s voice resounded in my head as if I had a second inner thought. His voice... I describe it as like the rustling leaves when winds pass through trees. It is completely different from what I usually hear of his bellows and bleats, a refreshing and welcomed change.

“Hahahaha, we can talk now. Finally.”

“What do you mean? We always have been?” -Gaia-

Really? Maybe Gaia can understand me from the start. I guess that is true but!

I ruffled his head eliciting a satisfied grumble from the deer-like being.

Now then... On to the second part. Which is the ability to silently cast.

Moving to an empty lot, Gaia is around me as usual.

“You don’t need to follow me everywhere, you know?”

Gaia shakes his head and in turn, I heard his voice in my head.

“No, I’ll follow the master. No matter what.” -Gaia-

He’s very firm on the answer. I don’t think I can change his mind. With a sigh of defeat, I accepted it and let Gaia stand beside me.

Now... How does it do it? Do I just... like my experiment in not moving my hands or gesturing? I simply stare at the ground.

Then firmly, I declared in my inner thoughts.

(“[Lightning Bolt]”)

Then I can hear it! A cast bar is filling up and with it...


4 bolts of lightning appeared surrounding me targeting the ground I was staring at. I don’t know how the game did it, but it seems they are capable of interpreting what I’m thinking. Brain scan am I right?

Originally, I needed to manually decide which target to choose but with this upgrade...

I glanced at several spots on the ground and then firmly declared it.

(“[Lightning Bolt]”)


Each spot that I have glanced at and chosen has been hit by lightning bolts leaving behind scorch marks before returning to its original state.

(“Wow... that is pretty strong. Though, I’ll keep this as my hidden card. The unspoken rule of saying your {Spell} still applies in group battles PVE or PVP.”)

Nodding to myself, I’m satisfied with the upgrade of my {Trait}. The last one would be the new ability I just gained.

[Creation (Small)] eh? Hmmm... It is per day kind of thing so it must be pretty overpowered.

“*Ehem* [Create: Death Defying Amulet]”

The very same amulet, I gave to Siegfried. I wanted to check if I can produce it easily like this.

Nothing happens...

I expected it, there’s no way it will be that overpowered.

What if...

“[Create: Cold Iron Ore]”


I extended my hand and opened it as if I was receiving something. I felt a heavy pressure on it.

In an instant, after I said it, three chunks of cold iron ore appeared on my hand.


So does that mean I can create any small-sized materials and ingredients? It said living things right? Hold on...

I can tell even Gaia was surprised by this ability of mine.

“[Create: Forest Squirrel]”

Like a snap of a finger, three squirrels are perching on the top of my hand. They look confused before leaping away towards my Mini Deep Woods biome recognizing their somewhat similar home.

That is... I’m going to check again!

“[Create: Adamantine Ore]”

Three hunks of black metal ore just appeared on my hand. I gave out a smile... Slowly turning into a wide grin.

Adamantine Ore is acquired from higher-level Areas like LV 80 or above kind of thing. Yet... I simply got it by just using this ability. Incredibly convenient and overpowered if you ask me!

The ability is now on cool down stated by its limitations. That means I can just browse players’ markets and simply spawn them in! There are tons of things to spawn...


“Master, why are you laughing like that?” -Gaia-

His voice broke through my train of thought as I scratched his neck.

“Just amazed by my power, I suppose...”

Oh yeah! There is a hint in The Academy I need to check too...

Unconsciously, I scratched Gaia’s neck.

“I like it when Master do this.” -Gaia-

He gives other happy sounds while being scratched. I can tell since his small nub of a tail wags so fast.

“I’ll get going, I need to do something. Do take care of the house alright?”

“Yes, Master!!!” -Gaia-

-Frontera, The Academy-

We logged out quite in a hurry too so I haven’t picked up any ingredients or materials in Fields of Sorrow.

I scouted the bookshelves, trying to find a glimmering signal that I used to see. As my eyes landed on one spine of a book.

Picking that up, the title is ‘The Concept of Sun, Moon, Stars, and Celestial Bodies 2’ and began reading it.

Besides the usual lore regarding celestial bodies, it tells me about a facility that focuses on learning the movement of celestial bodies. Like an observatory I guess? Where is it?

Ohhhh... It is located in The City of Magic, Astera. I see I see. Now they prompted me to leave Frontera and travel to other cities. I guess that’s why I have a lot of Safe Points unlocked.

Upon finishing my read, I got a copy of that book in my inventory. I used [Teleportation] to immediately move towards the Field of Sorrow.

-Fields of Sorrow day-cycle-

It is as others expected, complete and utter nothing of a wasteland. Sun shines brightly and rains its beams over to the bones that have been bleached white.

I can see a crude graveyard made from stones without any carving to signify the name. I gave a short and silent prayer to whoever was in this grave in hopes, they have an easier journey travelling to the adventure named ‘Afterlife’. In hopes to trigger something yet nothing happens. Might be due to my class, maybe a cleric would cause something?

Ahhh! Our camp disappeared, which must be due to the daily clean-up. I crafted a new one and I’m still listed in the party list with Siegfried so it spawned 2 tents.

I enjoyed the entire cycle of lazing around in the tent while revising my players' journals. I suddenly got reminded about something...

I forgot to ask the librarian raven NPC about how to make a grimoire or book that contains {Spell}.

I’ll do it after this run then...

I do not plan to hunt monsters rather I want to get ingredients there must be plants growing in here and I want that!

I have prepared several {Spell} focusing on infiltration and information gathering.

-Fields of Sorrow night-cycle-

“[Arcane Eye]”

It takes a bit of time before the cast bar finally fills up. It is not a {Spell} to use in combat...

Once it is filled, I can see it with my own eyes. An eyeball made from crystal hovering silently. Translucent and moves its pupil as if it is alive.

Controlling it in my mind, is like playing with drones as they move around according to the orders I mentally gave them.

But also... I can see what it sees in the form of a panel. That is the important bit of this {Spell}. I know that my [Star Fragment] can do the same thing but it is visible, minus the panel as [Star Fragment] imbibed the image to my head and I need to manually cast [Invisibility] to it first.

While [Arcane Eye] is already invisible in the first place...

I ordered it to hover away from the graveyard I encountered at the start. From here on, like a bird POV, I see several groups of players challenging the World Boss. It... beautifully chaotic in a way I suppose...

Some sort of headless cavalier knight with armour blacker than night and what’s left of its head are pale blue flames. It carries a halberd and its horses are just pure skeletons.

I let Arcane Eye stare at it for a few seconds. I got notified of what creature these players are battling.

Dullahan, that is its name. The last time we fought one, it was over far too quickly. I think there were high-level players within the group.

Then I ordered the Arcane Eye to move again. Towards closer inspection of the defiled land near the world boss and there... I see it!

A beautiful flower like a blooming rose amidst the dead and corpses of the graveyard where players fought. In the night-cycle, the original clean graveyard is littered with corpses. Knights that have fallen, maidens who’s butchered. Since they lay down face flat, I couldn’t see their face nor did I want to.

Staring at the flower, I identified it and knew the name.

“I see, it is named ‘Black Rose’ and I hope the effect is the same difference with ‘Snow Root’ and ‘Wind Blume’ probably some sort of resistance.”

I cannot pick it so I’m not fully sure about it.

Let’s discover a bit more...

I commanded the Arcane Eye to keep moving as I saw players tackling a horde of zombies and another group fighting against a Banshee. I kept scouring through the Area...

I didn’t expect [Arcane Eye] to have a massive range. This is an amazing discovery indeed!

Hm? An abandoned shack?

It must be quite far away, even originally I haven’t charted this on my map. But with Arcane Eye around, it started to chart it for me.

A simple shack destroyed by time engulfed by thorny black vines and only the entrance to its door is the clear path from its thorny defence...

It certainly piqued my curiosity and I command the Arcane Eye to move closer. To take a peek at what is inside the shack.

Through the cloudy windows, I see a skeleton lying peacefully on the rickety and dusty bed. They slept with both hands in a prayer and thorny vines enveloped them in a cradle of thorns. Then... A single white rose blooms where their hands are interconnected.

It is an ethereal view but I wanted to know if that flower is merely a decoration or an ingredient.

With that, I navigate through the holes in the abandoned shack to come closer and identify it.

“Ohh... It's the uncommon variant or should I say ‘Wild Card’ one. Aptly named ‘Innocence Rose’. How very fitting...”

Same as ‘Black Rose’ and other items, I didn’t know what its effects were until I obtained it.


A player! He appeared to be a magic caster class like myself entering the shack. His expression brightened after seeing the white rose blooming on top of this skeleton.

Upon picking it up... an immediate change occurred.

Thorny vines surrounding the shack withered into dust and the skeleton crumbled along.



A horrifying visage of a woman appeared in its place and emerged the Banshee that we had fought prior.

Time for my Arcane Eye to go... See you nameless players thanks for the info! Besides I cannot do anything as Arcane Eye cannot cast a {Spell} unlike [Star Fragment]. But knowing he’s a magic caster, he must’ve some kind of backup plan.

Moving on, I continue my drone travel with Arcane Eye until I see a literal army of zombies conglomerating around a mound.

Judging by structures on the mound, I think... this is a place used for executions. Explaining why there are a lot of undead beings here in all different stages of rot and attire. All of them share in common though, a missing head...

On the top of this mound, I see a patch of roses glimmering with dark specks of dust. I almost say pollen but I don’t think that’s it.

In a closer look, I finally identified the rose. Aptly named ‘Death Rose’. The rare variant, I suppose will have a similar effect to the ‘Ice Root’ and ‘Thunder Blume’ kind of thing...

With that in mind, I don’t want to trigger a Banshee to spawn. Nor do I want to infiltrate a horde of zombies. And! Entering a World Boss’ Field to get ingredients, they are dangerous alone...


Opening my players' journal, I reassess my makeshift {Spell} list. If I remember correctly based on Pochi Mochi’s Wikia. A ‘Normal’ magic caster would’ve an auto sort kind of thing and you can select Tier to make it easier time navigate through all the {Spell} you learnt.

I don’t...

My player journal dedicated to {Spell} is a sorted mess. It looks nice since it is sorted based on elements and Tier. But I cannot quickly sort or click to check what the {Spell} does. All I put was damage, protect, support, and utility including a short description of what it does.


Which {Spell} will be good to pass through all of that? [Invisibility] is a most likely can, but I think the undead can see through it. With whatever kind of supernatural sense they have. [Incorporeal]? No... [Disguise]? Improbable.

Why not all of them then? Maybe that could work. Even if I died, it is different when being killed by players.

Died from Monsters doesn’t have a penalty, I can choose to spawn in this camp or a City without any item loss.

“[Extend: Invisibility]”

“[Extend: Incorporeal]”

“[Extend: Disguise]”

Dunking down an MP potion, I feel the drowsiness that has seeped in fades away and my energy returns as I’m now wide awake.

In the words of a Mage player in Pochi Mochi’s Forum. ‘Once, you feel heavy drowsiness settles that is the moment you get fucked. Remember! Don’t fall asleep first when you’re with the homies.’

I understand where they are coming from since I recently experienced it myself so I abide by those words.

My body has turned translucent and my looks are similar to those of a zombie. Incorporeal made me able to pass through solid objects as if they were air and provide resistance against physical damage.

I went out from my camp and headed out ASAP to where my Arcane Eye had passed.

Picking up ‘Black Rose’ unnoticed by boss and players alike. I simply pass through straight towards the shack and pluck the ‘Innocence Rose’ spawning a Banshee that screams.

I am thankful that these ingredients have respawned which is good...

After, I resisted her death scream. It doesn’t register my presence at all just crying while meandering around.

So, I quickly make my exit and sprint to the execution mound to collect the last piece ‘Death Rose’.

Ewww.... ewwwwwwwww...

They smell really bad and the feeling of passing through them it’s super icky but I persevere until I reach the mound and pick ‘Death Rose’.

Without wasting a single second, I simply dash away to other places, and repeat this, until I have enough ingredients and seeds.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.