Open World Online (O.w.O)

V1 Chapter 28: Gift!

  • 1st Person POV (MC)

-Present Time-


“Good Afternoon! Is this K?” -Caller-

“Yes, may I ask the occasion?”

“Ah! My name is Juniper, from H.R. I am going to ask if it is okay for you to tell me about what happened to your sudden laid off from Company X? We wish to hear from you.” -Juniper-

“Ah, sure...”

I told her about what had transpired that time emphasizing that I was just taking care of the Q.C issue that time with the help of a Colleague. Although I omitted my speculations regarding The Boss and Colleague working together. After all, it is just my speculation...

“Thank you for your cooperation. Perhaps may I ask, would it be possible for you to work in Company X again?” -Juniper-

My heart already tells me the answer as I firmly say.

“No, thank you for the offer.”

“Understood.” -Juniper-

With that, she hung up as if my body had given up. I turned to mush, I didn’t realize that I already sitting up straight and tense while trying to speak as formally as possible.

(“What was that all about? And... OH SHOOT! I forgot to ask about severance pay!”)

Eh... it's already too late and it would be rude to call back just to ask that. I shook my head to get rid of unnecessary thoughts then wore a helmet as I pressed the button.

-Entering O.w.O-

Right! I have a goal to do this time.

I have decided to make an amulet for Siegfried on the occasion of his upcoming tournament.

Clenching my fist, I headed to The Academy to read up on enchanting. I’m thinking of trying to imbue multiple {Spell} within one item and my conclusion dictates either multiple enchantments come from a {Skill} or depend on the item’s EP or both. Who knows...




So far my search has been fruitless regarding multiple imbuements even reading some ‘Legendary Artifacts’ and stuff in the library doesn’t come up on how they make it.

Nevertheless, maybe if I ask around? Perhaps The Academy receptionist has a recommended book.

Climbing down The Academy’s spiraling staircase I finally arrived at where the receptionist here. Their signature crow-like appearance stood out amidst the other beast-man or humans in this building.

“Uhm... Hello?”

They turned towards me before tilting their head like a bird seizing up something.

“*Kawk!* *Kawk!* Anything I can help with?” -Receptionist-

“Ah yes! Are there any books you can recommend regarding multiple enchantments in an item? Particularly on how to do it please...”

The raven person bends their arms in a gesture of thought before pulling out a feather from their bird-like plumage.

From what I saw, they threw the feather into the sky and it transformed into a small pudgy bird it flew to the second floor ‘The Library’.

Soon after, it returns carrying a worn-looking tome on its tiny claws. Dropping it on top of the receptionist's table then vanishing away.

“*Kawk!* Here... *Kawk!*” -Receptionist-

“Thank you, I’ll be sure to return it after reading.”

Immediately, I scooted into a nearby chair and read the book. The title is ‘Grand Enchanter’ which is aptly named after the author herself, Grand Enchanter Fay. She wrote this book in a biography kind of way as I continue to read.

Ahhhhhhhhhhh, I see now...

With her words, she simplified the process by giving a comparison between Enchanting and Baking.

First, you have a big dough that you have flattened and ready to be cut using a mould cutter. That big dough is how much mana an item contains or in-game terms would be ‘EP’. Each of the mould cutters is {Spell} that you want to enchant.

Second, the more complex a {Spell} is the bigger they are to ‘Cut’ the dough. This also includes multiple {Spell} which leads to multiple ‘Cut’ on the dough.

To solve this issue, one would just use a bigger dough or in this case. A better item that contains a higher amount of mana either by discovering the item, making it with rare materials, using a Core to enhance it, or all of it.

Closing the book, I hum in understanding. I already have a hunch on how but I need to confirm it and this book did.

That is why iron isn’t the best stuff for enchanting. Hm~ Hm~ Hm~ let me see if there’s a higher material for crafting besides iron.

I opened the players’ market and navigated myself to the miscellaneous section and sorted it to ‘Materials’ different from ‘Ingredients’. This one relates to making armour and weapons. While ‘Ingredients’ relates to alchemy or cooking.

From the item’s border colour and rarity. I can tell there are countless rare materials used for making armour and weapons that players have already done.

“Hmm... what about the weapons and armour in question?”

I backtrack and navigate to that section as I see myriads of those things with many zeros in the price.

(“Yeah, right... not easy to get those things.”)

I nodded to myself and then returned the book. As I did it, I heard the characteristic ping of notification. It was triggering me to check the system panel.


NEW!! {Skill}: <Enchanter I>

Description: Slightly reduced {Spell} cost for Magicraft.

Requirement: Read the book ‘Grand Enchanter’


Huh... that is pretty handy. In addition, this {Skill} has an I suffix so it can be increased. I wonder what will change if I upgrade it? Let’s think of that later down the road... It is a rare grade {Skill} after all. I need those expensive Skill Upgrade Books.

Hm? what else? I navigate to the inventory section that has red dots on them. Ouh... It appears an item has been added as well.

Beside my copy of ‘Origin I’ and ‘Origin II’ I have another copy of ‘Grand Enchanter’. Maybe important books I have read are automatically added as a copy so I can re-read them?

With a shrug, I decided to go to the shops, especially the ones that dealt with jewellery. Of course, I wouldn’t buy any of them I merely wanted to see the process of making one or even better, purchasing a recipe to make one.

Like many shops, I can enter and interact with the shopkeeper. I try to tread carefully on the almost real-like conversation.

I thought that if I just barged in and declared ‘I want your method on how to make jewellery and medals’ would cause a big commotion, possibly leading me to jail.

“It seems you have the knack kid, I’ll teach you.” -Shopkeeper-

“Thank you.”

I nodded gratefully as I left the shop. The shopkeeper is kind enough to explain things I cannot understand.

Great! I got the recipe to make jewellery, process gems, and the like in Artisan crafting.

Similar to Alchemy, that auto mode also provides step by step on how to make it if one wants to do it in ‘Free Mode’. That is the main reason why I desire the recipe so I can have a ‘Guideline’ on making it, unlike Alchemy or Enchanting where I go in blind.

I am opening up the players’ market once again. I purchased an uncommon version of iron. Named ‘Cold Iron’ from its description, it boasts higher capabilities to contain mana.

By pairing it with a gem... let's see here... Aha! Most of the gems I mined are ‘Flawed’ while higher level Area gave polished versions. I’m here for a black gemstone...

After doing a round of material purchasing, I had little Zeni left and decided to end my shopping.

Soon after, I quickly teleported to My Home and greeted Gaia and Mr. Golem.

His muscle and bulk seems to be getting better and better each day I encounter him. I smiled seeing Gaia’s growth and moved my attention towards the crafting skill.

Not a moment was wasted, I navigated to Artisan Crafting and tried to memorize the crafting method from the ‘Auto’ list.

All right! Let’s start!!!!!!

With a wave of my hand, the screen changed from ‘Auto’ to ‘Free’ when after I pressed confirmed it vanished and now I have a rather large workbench different from the Enchanting one.

This workbench has a small smelter attached and I can see several ‘Moulds’ of amulets, rings, etc. From the recipe, I knew what to do.

Bringing up the cold iron, I put it on top of the smelter and let it burn. While it is melting, I put up those moulds and press them on the malleable clay-like blocks provided.

Once I made the ‘Print’ and the cold iron melted, I poured it in and let it settle until I got the desired ‘Amulet Print’.

Hmm... I guess that’s where this comes in.

On my left hand is a pen-like device, which when I press the top button spins rather rapidly. It allows me to file any imperfections and also create grooves.

It needs dexterous work which I’m a disaster at so I did try my best. At least it looks... presentable at the end I suppose. Plus players have the help of the ‘Guideline’ It’s not as good as a master jeweller but it is adequate.

I added my signature of M&M with a flair at the back of the amulet.

In one of the drawers, there are tons of metal fittings including another pen that emits a small fire to melt a particular spot.

That pen is useful for fusing metal fittings to the aforementioned jewellery. After putting the black gemstone in I can easily fuse fittings to hold it in place.

Hmmm... I know I left my trademark there but I felt like it was missing something. What is it?

Ahhhh! I know~

I need to put a quote or a phrase. Hmmmmm... what phrase I’m going to add though?

I delved my mind regarding quotes I know at the back of my head. ‘Live, Love, and Laugh’ would be terrible... maybe something else?

Something with more, flair!  Aha! I know.

Picking up the filing and engraving pen, I clicked the top as it spun and began writing as usual.

Tada!!! ‘Amat Victoria Curam’ is a phrase I heard a lot regarding victory. I think it meant victory favours the prepared or something. I knew this phrase because some schools I pass by have that as their motto.

With a satisfactory nod, I took the amulet and the workbench was perfectly cleaned as if returned to its original state and I obtained the item.

Changing the crafting, I went to Magicraft and navigated to the Enchanting. Moving to the imbuement process, I have several ‘Core’ that I can use.

I think I’ll choose the elite core ones instead. I have one from Arch Specter’ and Goblin Chief.

Hmmm... I’ll choose the Arch Specter.

Once I grind the Arch Specter’s core into dust, I can drizzle all of it on the amulet which absorbs them until there’s no more. I also got the ‘Auto Mode’ for grinding Elite monster cores.

The EP bar glowed vibrantly since I used an elite monster core. It has a particular dark purple colour on it like someone used a highlighter. I wonder why?

Anyway, time for Enchant!

Picking up the prismatic quill, I began to write some {Spell} that I knew from The Cathedral.

“[Empow-] Hm?”

The EP bar has a red hue blinking in and out as if saying it is rejected.

Thinking deeply, I wonder why it got rejected...


Is this related to elements? Arch Specter is a dark element type of monster.

Hmmm... For the previous iron sword, I used a goblin core and they are earth elements. Yet, I managed to enchant fire {Spell} on it.


Like a bolt, it struck my head and I realised what was going on. But also I feel a bit disappointed as I want to gift this amulet to Siegfried. I think this amulet has become a dud.

In my conclusion,

Monsters have their corresponding element, and their cores relate to it. By imbuing one’s item with that core, it attunes them to that element.

I guess it is easier to enchant a corresponding element {Spell} to the imbued item. I always thought it was just increasing the EP gauge.

I assumed wrong, for non-elite cores I can still apply contradicting elements {Spell} with less efficiency. This explains why I can only enchant a single fire {Spell} and the EP gauge ran out.

It works differently when I am dealing with Elite Cores like from Arch Specter. This is only speculation, I will try to confirm this hypothesis once I have more money and cores to spend.

Because of this, the amulet can only receive dark element {Spell}.


“*BA??*” -Gaia

He bellows while tilting his head with one of worry and confusion etched on his face. Extending my hand, I ruffled his head and gently scratched his neck eliciting a satisfied rumble.

“Now what should I do with you?”

I stare at the amulet on top of my enchanting workbench. I guess I have no choice but to enchant them with what I have in my arsenal I suppose.

Opening my players’ journal, I displayed all the {Spell} I have ‘Learnt’.

Hm~ Hm~ Hm~

I started to write the ‘Keyword’ of the {Spell}.

First, I wrote [Life Drain]

A {Spell} that gives the caster a buff. Whenever they deal damage, a portion of that will be used to restore HP to themselves. A Tier 3 {Spell}...

Knowing that I glance at the gauge and see only a third of that bar has been used up.

(“I see... I can add in total three dark elements Tier 3 {Spell}. Maximizing efficiency is the way to go!”)

Second, I wrote [Life Transfer]

This {Spell} allows the caster to choose as many targets and sacrifice a certain amount of HP to restore the others. Of course, with multiple targets that amount of HP will be divided accordingly.

It works because, in a party scenario, it can make Siegfried shine in a myriad of ways.

Third, I wrote [Death’s Door]

A {Spell} that makes the caster not ‘Die’ when they receive lethal damage by making their HP not drop below 1. It works like a buff and wears off when the effect is triggered based on the description when I read it.

Once I finished writing these, the EP gauge was empty and with it. The amulet faintly shines as if the words have engraved themselves.

“Hahahahaha... the name of this amulet is so freaking long. What’s with, ‘Amulet of Life Drain, Life Transfer, and Death’s Door’ its literal to the extreme.”

I laughed out loud that Gaia got startled as I calmed him down. I renamed it into something else.


[Death Defying Amulet (Unique)]

Description: A handmade cold-iron amulet imbued with the core of an undead being. The black gemstone in its centre emits a captivating hue. When worn, the user will have the effect of [Life Drain] and [Death’s Door] applied to them. They can also cast the {Spell} [Life Transfer].


Oh? That is a different kind of effect, I thought the enchantments would just lead to the wearer casting those {Spell}. In terms of giving a buff, it is more practical to make it into a passive kind of effect. Maybe it’s because I used an Elite core? That can explain it...

Now that begs the question, how does the buff [Death’s Door] work in Enchanting?

I wore the amulet and in my {Status} I can see both [Life Drain] and [Death’s Door] buff have been applied.


I moved to an empty grass plain in My Home. Gaia kept following me and as a result, I asked him to give me a wide berth.

“[Fire Ball]”

“[Lightning Strike]”

“[Ice Storm]”

“[Earth Spike]”

A cluster of magical attacks centred on me as I targeted myself. I took damage but it was less than I thought my innate magical defence is already high coupled with my {Trait} made it harder. Plus, the effect of [Life Drain] made me gain a little bit of HP each time defeating the purpose of ‘Killing Myself’. It also means the effect of that spell works on any type of damage for as long as it’s damage from a player.

Before I can cast a round of {Spell} though...


Gaia gallops and hurl himself at me. My waist aches from his bump but my mind is elsewhere focusing on Gaia. From his high-pitched bellowing. I can tell he’s incredibly worried and his eyes turn reflective.

“Ah... It must’ve been terrifying. I’m sorry.”

“BA! BA!” -Gaia

He retorts with short bellows and I don’t know why, I can feel that he’s upset and pouting.

“I promise to not do that again, all right?”

(“Not within your view at least.”)

“*BAA!*” -Gaia

It seems he has calmed down somewhat. I’m sorry Gaia... Intentionally, I crossed my fingers while feeling a bit guilty. I am curious about what difference between casting manual {Spell} and enchanted items with the same {Spell}.

Ruffling his head, I teleported to Frontera and went to the private ‘Training Room’ in the adventurer’s guild.

After making sure that no one’s here, as ‘Private’ is supposed to do. A smirk grew on my face.

Let’s start!

-After further experimentation-

I see...

The passive effect of [Death’s Door] has been triggered knowing my HP is only a sliver and 1% left. But the buff is still there and not worn off...


Now I get it. The amulet’s EP has been reduced by a third and refreshed [Death’s Door]. Does that mean, I ‘technically’ cannot die three times?

I know it’s a rhetorical question and the answer is yes. The weakness would be constant chip damage like DoT eh?

Nevertheless, this is a good gift for Siegfried. I’m taking the amulet off and storing it in my safe until I see him again this evening.

“Haaa... time to rest from gaming for an hour or two.”

-Exiting O.w.O-

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