Open World Online (O.w.O)

V1 Chapter 26: Things to Learn

  • 1st Person POV (MC)

-Present Time-


I’m currently browsing the spell book displays in the Academy in hopes of learning Tier 3 {Spell} related to golems.


I sighed in disappointment as none of the Tier 3 {Spell} have any correlation to summoning golems and the likes.

Overall though... I found unique and interesting spells added to my player’s journal.

Hmmm, I don’t have a lot of Death Bell, Life Bell, and Creeping Bell seeds. The last item is the uncommon variant of Death Bell and its alchemical effects aren’t what I usually see that’s why I’m hoping to get more of its seeds.

Unlike the dark purple colour of Death Bell or the white petals of Life Bell. Creeping Bell has an ominous bloody red colour with a single blue bead. And further inspection describes that it is a ‘Catalyst’ in Alchemy.

When combined with other things, it can make the potion effects last longer. Which made me think of a myriad of things I can use. No wonder it is described to be ‘Sought after by alchemists’.


It’s currently daytime in the swamplands as I navigate the treacherous Area with a combination of [Detect Life] and the new {Spell} I got called [Find].

The [Find] {Spell} allows me to locate objects that I knew or already obtained within a massive Area of Effect combining it with Widen meta magic it is like my map pin points where the items are. Although the {Spell] constantly consumes MP if left unchecked it could be dangerous as it will make me drowsy after half an hour or so.

Life Bells are similar to Mana Herb as they spawned at nighttime but it isn’t what I’m looking for at the moment and I don’t want to be crowded by Zombies thank you very much…


I side-stepped a marked outline of a snake within the mud avoiding triggering the ambush as I continue.

Oh! Don’t forget to collect some wood and stone from this Area.

-Back to Home-


In my inventory, I have an adequate amount of seeds and bells. Including building materials from Swamplands to recreate it in my home.

I already renovated the section where I farm my herbs into a mini Deep Woods. Complete with their sturdy trees, boulders with mosses, decorative mushrooms, and constant streams here and there. I also have taken some small critters after knowing that the ‘Pickaxe’ every player have can change into other tools like a net to capture.

I can see Gaia bumping his snout to the small critters as if saying hi. I chuckled, watching him interact with other things beside me.

A small sigh of satisfaction came out from my throat as I started the crafting for Artisan to make ‘Swampland’ decoration.

While waiting, I’m currently in deep thought.

Of course, there will be a lot of Areas in this game. As such I don’t know if I’m able to put every Area into its miniature version inside my home. So far I have 12 sections; 4 Small, 4 Medium, and 4 Large in my home I can renovate.

Eh... I shrugged, still a long way to go. Let’s cross that bridge when I get to it.

I then return to the usual spot I usually experiment which is at the centre of my home. Where the temple is located...

Opening up the Alchemy crafting, I navigated to the ‘Free Mode’ and began experimenting.




I see... Death Bell makes Poison Bottle, Life Bell make Cure Potion, and Creeping Bell cannot be used on its own.

What if I combine my herbs with Death Bell?

Using the same method of putting it in the cauldron I put them together and once I stir it a few times.

“Blegghhh! What is this?”

A black murky viscous liquid is in my cauldron as the strong smell permeates. Immediately, I scoop one and transfer it to a potion bottle. Even Gaia reacted to it as he stayed away from me for good several steps.

Once the usual instant clean effects from this action came into effect. The dark viscous potion flask is then in my hands and the pungent smell vanished instantly.

“Ah... It’s trash...”

It’s the description of the potion and it doesn’t have anything at all.

“I guess it’s understandable after all some ingredients cannot the mixed.”

My eyes continue to stare at the black oozy liquid of the potion that’s labelled as trash. In my mind, a vile thought began to resurface.

(“What if I drank it?.....  NO!”)

I almost recoiled from the sheer disgust and decided to just stash it in my Safe at the bottom corner away from my vision. Then I began experimenting in using Life Bell and Herbs together to see what happened.


Hmmm... I see...

The effects of Life Bell ‘Cure’ still exist but now have an additional effect of restoring HP, MP, and/or SP depending on different herbs I can place. Including their respective given buffs.

And also I learned something new!!! I can only add 3 ingredients at a time. More than that would result in the... Ugh... Black sludge potion labelled as ‘Trash’.

Now onwards to the next experiment, Let’s see the effects of Creeping Bell...

Ahhhhh... Based on the words displayed in the potion I made. It seems Creeping Bell has a ‘hidden’ effect of reducing potency either it’s because it is a catalyst or just the ingredient special effect I don’t know.

The description changes from ‘Greatly’ to ‘Moderately’ in exchange though granted I only have a restorative type of effect in my arsenal. Nevertheless, it increases the duration of the buff given by the potion.

For example; High-Quality Mana Herb provides an additional buff to increase magical power besides its usual MP restoring properties. By adding Creeping Bell. It added a ‘longer’ description to the buff’s duration but reduced the potency of that restorative properties…

Hmmmm... The gears in my brain started to turn as I began to think regarding on increasing the variety of potions I sell in the players' market.

After all, more options mean more customers and leads to more buyers!

I re-planted them using the utility {Spell} that Mr. Golem used. I am sure I will have more after another harvest due to Gaia’s {Skill} and mine.

It is also due to Gaia {Skill} that I cannot get any normal quality plants anymore including the wild berries.




Fiuf... I forgot how long is the day and night cycle of the game. As I wipe my forehead at the imaginary sweat.

Mr. Golem handled the herbs while I manually handled the bells and now I have enough to experiment including selling some of them.

Higher Quality version of the Bell plants enhance their capabilities such as deadlier poison, longer duration effects, and more status that can be cured.

With that, time to discover more potions!


[High-Quality Strong Potion of Magical Power (Unique)]

Description: A Potion made with the highest quality herbs and refined. When used, moderately restores MP and gives a longer [Magic Up] buff.

[High-Quality Strong Potion of Physical Power (Unique)]

Description: A potion made with the highest quality herbs and refined. When used, moderately restores SP and gives a longer [Physical Up] buff.

[High-Quality Cure Potion (Unique)]

Description: A potion made with the highest quality herbs. When used, cures major status effects.



I chuckled, the potions’ names were too long!

With them and their crafting method, registered in the ‘Auto Mode’ plus the steps I took on how to make them. I began to use the function to automatically create a full stack for each of them.

(“Good... with this, in 24 hours I have another batch of supplies to sell.”)

“Hmmm... what should I do in the meantime?”

Checking the IRL time in the game’s system. It’s 1 AM, but due to me having a 6-hour nap. I didn’t feel tired at all rather I felt refreshed. I mean... 6 hours is practically a full-blown sleep.

Eh... might as well increase my Adventurer’s Rank then. After putting all the important stuff into my Safe. I teleported to Frontera and quickly navigated myself to the adventurer’s guild as I browsed their requests board.

Maybe... This and this... and that as well.

I picked up requests that don’t involve slaying monsters or bosses. All of them are simple gathering requests which means it doesn’t give much reward in terms of Zeni or items but it is quick!


My eyes squinted as I tried to discern a path of utmost safety in the day-cycle of Swamplands after using both [Detect Life] and [Find].




“Hm~ Hm~ Hm~”

Humming in contentment, I have finished the adventurer’s guild requests and navigated the system towards the safe point list that I’ve unlocked.

Once I clicked on it, as per usual I got teleported back to Frontera as I reported all the completed requests and repeated them until I reached 100 out of 100.


“Oh! It appears you’re eligible for a promotion quest!!” -Wolf NPC-

The one talking to me is a humanoid male with wolf-like ears, facial structure, and a tail. Soon after realizing this, he stepped back from the long reception table and rummaged something at the back end.

“Where was it?” -Wolf NPC-

He seemed to be in trouble before turning his head and asked with a louder voice.

“Anyone knows where the ‘Promotional Papers’ are?” -Wolf NPC-

Before long, I heard a cacophony of sighs from the rest of the NPCs. As one exasperatedly reminded the wolf NPC.

“Argus, you didn’t read the announcement did you?” -Bunny NPC-

He stares at the bunny NPC with raised eyebrows.

“What announcement?” -Wolf NPC-

She pinches the bridge of her nose and lets out a heavy sigh. Seemed to be a common occurrence for the wolf-man over here.

“Haaa... The guild master will personally hand the promotional papers so we just need to refer them to him.” -Bunny NPC-

Then, the wolf-man opened his mouth into an ‘O’ as realization dawned on him.

“Ohhhhhhh... Thanks, Mel!” -Wolf NPC-

He quickly left and came towards me.

“I think you heard her and me, so if you may go up to the third floor. There will be a big door where the guild master is. Just knock and wait.” -Wolf NPC-


I said gratefully before going up the stairs while the voices between that wolf-man and bunny-girl continued in the background until they faded as I was too far.

-Adventurer’s Guild Third Floor-

“Huh... Come to think of it I never went to the higher floors before. If I remember it correctly those doors on the 2nd floor lead to Temporary Homes.”

Temporary Homes work similarly to permanent ones with several exceptions of course. Like not regarded as Land, can be revoked if the payment isn’t paid, and many more.

Since I have a permanent home already, I didn’t bother checking in on this.

Oh! Focus on the task at hand, me. Shaking my head, I knock on the door three times and patiently wait on the provided chair.

From here, other players are waiting too as one by one is called into the room. Some came out with satisfaction or disappointment. I cannot tell which is next…

After a minute or two which I spent on revising my player’s journal regarding {Spell}. I heard the door creak open revealing a tall figure with avian-like wings as their arms yet capable of using a door akin to how humans did.

I’m not good in terms of discerning birds as the woman looked around and then found me sitting patiently.

“Ah... You must be the one asking for promotional paper. Please come in, the guild master is looking for you.” -Owl NPC-

She gave a gesture for me to enter and I followed her into the room.

It’s a plain wooden interior, neatly tidied, and windows at the back allow for natural light to brighten up the place.


My eyes locked on the lone desk in the middle of the room. An impressive stack of papers littered on it as the messiest part of the room.

Behind those pillars of paper, lies a figure seemingly drained from exhaustion as he gave a long soul-wrenching sigh.

Then, I felt he’d taken notice of me as he straightened his posture. I know it from this distance, that man must have been large.

He has intimidating scars and an incredible frown on his face as he glares at me. Normally one would get scared by this but...

The round-shape bear ears on the top of his head mellow down his presence making him... Uh... Might be rude to think about but ‘cute’ would be the appropriate word.

If I can touch it, I wonder how it fe-

“Ah, you must be Magie Magia. I am Guild master Ursa.” -GM-

His voice is gruff but polite as I reply.

“Likewise, Guild Master Ursa.”

Staring at the stacks and stacks of paper, I couldn’t help but comment.

“You must be very busy with that many things to handle.”

Hearing it, the guild master gives another soul-wrenching sigh and then glares at the seemingly nonchalant owl lady.

“Yeah, it is. Anyway *ehem* *ehem* this is the promotional paper for you. A challenge for you to prove to us acknowledging your increase in rank.” -GM-

Once I take a look at the paper he handed, a panel appears and it says...


You have received your very first Promotional Paper Request.

Whenever adventurers have reached the point where they get promoted, this paper will be given to them and in it, contains a challenge for them to solve and gain the right to be promoted.

Remember! All promotional papers provided by the guild have different challenges and scenarios depending on hidden requirements and some can be done solo or with a party.


With that, I read the content of the paper.


Firstly, the paper given to me revealed a Quest panel with an intricate border and an indication that it is a promotional quest.

Second, there’s a highly bolded font in it saying ‘Solo’ which means I need to undertake this quest solo.

Thirdly, It describes that within the Frontera’s underground lies a sewer system.

My task is to go there and investigate the issue of slimes. Plus, on the paper, a drawn map can be seen indicating where the entrance is and the layout of the sewer.

It registered itself to my map system as the paper vanished.

“Thank you...”

With that, I left as I noticed the request panel had an ‘X’ all over the panel. Preventing me from taking any request...

“Then it is better for me to finish this as quickly as possible.”

I was glancing at the bookshelves near the guild. Not many come to read it but some do... like me.

Coming closer to it, I took out the book that I read regarding creatures of ‘Thelea’ the name of this world. Immediately I went to the slime category. After all, my mission is to figure out the slimes in the sewers.

I see...

Slimes are scavengers as such they can be found where there is waste. It makes sense for one to appear at the sewers. This led to me thinking...

(“Why do they ask players to investigate then?”)

There must be something going on that is abnormal... and it made me wonder what it is.

With that, I stood up from the chair and began walking towards the entrance.

I lead myself into an unassuming sewer gate where upon approaching it a prompt appears.


You have discovered Frontera Sewers (LV1-10)

Enter? (Solo): (Yes/No)


Not wanting to waste any moment, I simply pressed the button ‘Yes’ and my view abruptly changed...

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