Open World Online (O.w.O)

V1 Chapter 22: Discovery

  • 1st Person POV (MC)

-Present Time-

-Entering O.w.O-

Greeted by the verdant grass plains within a white marble temple. I climb down the staircases to reach where my garden is.

Gaia’s happily nibbling on the leaves of each herb changing the visual of each leaf into one with a bite mark.

“Right! Today’s schedule...”

I opened my inventory and scoured around for those boss’ gift boxes. Seeing that I have two, I cannot wait to open up inside to see what they contain.

Clicking on it, I pressed the option to ‘Open’ and promptly the box’s icon vanished replaced by a new item inside my inventory I repeated the same action for the other box without checking the newly added item as I wanted to be a surprise.

Once I finished them all, I finally checked the item...


[Recipe for Potion of Incorporeal Form (Rare)]

Description: This piece of parchment contains the knowledge to brew Potion of Incorporeal Form.

[Chimera’s Dagger (Rare)]

Description: A dagger made from the teeth of the chimera’s snake tail. When dealing damage with this weapon has a chance to inflict a stackable [Poison] de-buff (Max. 10 stacks). Requirement: Rogue Class Level: 10


“Well, I can use the recipe.”

Without further ado, I click on the parchment item as it vanishes. Then I can see a little red dot appearing on my crafting {Skill}.

“Hmmm... what should I do with you...”

I am staring at the Chimera’s dagger. Since Me and Siegfried isn’t a rogue there is no point in stashing it.

I have the option to dismantle it, store it, and sell it...

Unconsciously, I already brought a thumb to my mouth for a little nibble. After realizing it, I hurriedly force my hand to stay still.

(“I thought, I have gotten rid of that habit!”)

Certainly not after the silly display of mine doing it. Nevertheless, I refocus myself back on the dagger dilemma.

Okay! Clapping my hands together, I decided to sell the dagger. I believe this is where... Aha!

Scrolling through the system tab panel, I finally reached a section named ‘Players Market’.

Upon clicking it, a huge panel appeared before me but was overshadowed by an additional panel saying.


Welcome to the Players Market. Players may purchase other players' items for Zeni!

Please put a nickname that you will use for Players Market.


They gave out a blank bar complete with a keyboard display for me to use as I type in...


I am not good with coming up with names, especially when it’s on the spot like this!!! I chuckled to myself at how ludicrous and obvious sounding that nickname is compared to my character name.

After pressing enter, the sub-panel vanished and l can access the entirety of the players' market.

Dropping in my Chimera’s Dagger, I am a bit conflicted on the price. By checking the prices of other daggers at similar levels without any special effects, I can tell that I should sell this for a higher amount of Zeni.

“Hmmm.... I think 100,000 Zeni?”

(“That would mean I got 100 dollars, I can get three portions of food at a restaurant with that. Hehe~”)

While having a devious smirk, I put the amount in then I pressed sell and the icon of the item faded with a smaller icon of stacked coins attached at the bottom corner of the item.

Okay, I believe this signifies that this item is being sold at Players Market.

With that in mind, I left it be and decided to open my crafting panel. Having so many herbs, I’m thinking of experimenting with potion-making and checking that new recipe I got.

Once I pressed the display button for Magicraft in the crafting skill. I navigate to the Alchemy section and ‘Auto Mode’ section to check the newly learnt recipe.

My eyebrows raised ludicrously after reading the requirement for Potion of Incorporeal Form.

(“I didn’t recognize any of this stuff! Hm... I think it’s from higher levelled Areas so it isn’t worth checking...”)

 Shaking my head, I went to my original plan which led me to use the ‘Free Mode’ section as a familiar sight quickly greeted me.

A cauldron filled with boiling water and surrounding it are sets of devices that resemble those found in a chemistry lab.

(“Why do they have these interactable tools?”)

That is one of the questions born from my curiosity after taking one of the potion containers from which a fresh new one replaces it instantly.

I stare at one that looks like a distillery...


With a frown on my face, I decided to boil 3 different kinds of herbs in the cauldron first. The standard process of making weak healing potion...

After they have dissolved, I scoop the scarlet liquid using the provided ladle into the ‘Receiving’ side of the distillery.

“Now... I need to heat this part...”

My eyes were looking around at the myriads of tools until I landed on a small portable burner. It also doesn’t connect to anything rather the ‘Knob’ is made from a beautifully carved red gem.

After taking one, as per usual another one takes its place nearly instantaneously.

Putting the burner below the ‘Receiving’ side of the distillery, I turned it on and the fire set alight. Waiting for a few seconds, I can tell something has changed to the reddish liquid.

It steamed into two different coloured gas, one is whitish clear and the other is scarlet red. Oddly enough, the red steam follows through a channel of the distillery to the other side while the other one merely passes through the holes of the ‘Receiving’ top flask of the distillery.


My mouth is wide open in amazement, even if I have seen a distillery at work many times in the lab.

When the red steam passes by that glass channel, somehow it is being condensed into a liquid. I know that IRL you need some kind of cooling to do that. I wonder how they did it? As I glanced at the burner it gave fire even if there was no ‘fuel’. The ‘channel’ is layered by a slight tinge of bluish wrap.

The scarlet liquid produced from condensation dripped into the other glass container at the end of that channel.

Its colour is more... vibrant, I can tell it is more concentrated as I wait for a bit longer until the container is more or less adequately filled.

Transferring the rest into a potion bottle. The leftover liquid, dirty containers, murky coloured cauldron, all of them abruptly vanished as if it had been magically cleaned in an instant.

Only leaving behind a single potion bottle with vibrant scarlet liquid.

(“I have a question on the mysteriously spawning crystal topper of this potion bottle but... eh... Game Logic I suppose.”)

With a shrug, I inspect the potion bottle and a ping can be heard.


[High-Quality Healing Potion (Unique)]

Description: A potion made from high-quality herbs. When used, moderately restore HP, SP, and MP. In addition, increase recovery effect taken and adds [Regeneration] buff for a set duration.


“Hm. Hm. Hm.”

I nodded to myself, knowing upon discovery the recipe for this potion had been unlocked at the ‘Auto Mode’ with the methods as well.

A flash of ideas goes through my mind as I repeat the very same process but! I use the ‘Resulting’ red liquid and pour it down to the ‘Receiving’ part of the distillery once more just want to know if I can do this twice to increase potency or something...

Even if the burner continued to heat the container, that vibrant red liquid didn’t boil for a good 5 minutes of waiting. So, I decided to scrap the idea and change the base composition.

Using the normal quality herbs I foraged in Deep Woods. The resulting potion is a normal [Healing Potion]...


I let out a hum of satisfaction after discovering that the normal healing potion did not have the added regeneration effect and increased recovery was taken.

“That makes sense, of course, a high-quality version provides better effects.”

My eyes glance at the tools provided in the ‘Free Mode’ of Alchemy. The distillery is one thing but I also see another big device that looks like a ‘Spinning Top’.

I guess I can compare it to... Uhm... A crude centrifuge... Odd, I didn’t see any motor or anything to operate it. Rather the bottom is inlaid by green coloured gems and the inside of it has empty grooves where I can put a flask in.

Shrugging, I decided to start the whole process anew after distilling the concoction and leaving behind a vibrant red liquid. I started to put the flask on the centrifuge and balanced it with another flask containing just water.

“I am amazed that they provided a lid for all these flasks with different sizes to boot.”

I gave out an excited smile as I twist the knob of the centrifuge. It began to spin slowly at first before blurring so quickly then slowly stopped.


Taking out the flask, I can see two things. First, at the top layer is a clear liquid while at the bottom is a deep and darker shade of the usual vibrant red.

Learned from my chemistry school and work, I skilfully tip the flask and drain the top layer from the flask to another container. Then began to pour the bottom layer into a potion bottle. It is incredibly viscous akin to a sweet soy sauce kind of viscosity as such it takes some time until I finally fill the potion container to the brim.

With that done, a magically clean up occurs. In the blink of an eye, everything returned to default including the big devices I have used.


[High-Quality Strong Healing Potion (Unique)]

Description: a potion made from high-quality herbs and has been through a refining process. When used, greatly restores HP, SP and MP. Greatly Increase recovery effect taken and add [Greater Regeneration] buff for a duration.


“Oh wow...”

I didn’t expect it to be this strong! Granted it takes a lot of time to process all of it but in the end, it will be added to ‘Auto Mode’.

(“I bet this would fetch a lot of Zeni in players market. Especially for higher level players...”)

With a devious smile, I swipe in mid-air changing from ‘Free Mode’ into ‘Auto Mode’ and click on the ‘+’ icon multiple times for this type of healing potion as much as I can which is 99...

Then I stopped as the timer kicked in. ’23:59:37’

“1 full IRL day...”

Well, that’s that. I suppose it’s time to do my other schedule for the day...

(“Discovering my {Trait}.”)

Especially with the new portion of [Words of Power II].

First thing first, I have a sneaking suspicion that players cannot see other players cast bars. This hypothesis is made by me delving into the forums and discussions that Mage class players have.

The fact that I can see what they are casting and when it will be cast is purely advantageous in PVP but the term ‘influence the {Spell} cast’ means I can do something else.





“BAAAA!”  -Gaia

Unconsciously, I gently stroke Gaia’s head as if it were my second nature whenever he made those pleading sounds. While I’m still in deep thought...

I began to wonder about the word ‘Influence’... Where have I heard that before? Hm...


I unintentionally let out a shout that made Gaia flinched for a bit before I scratched his body to calm him down.

A flash of recognition jolts my head and a memory of me reading Pochi Mochi’s Wikia regarding the Spell section.


It wouldn’t hurt to try. At worst, the spell just fizzles out and I would feel drowsy...

Licking my lips, I moved to an empty lot where Gaia followed. I suggested the herbivore stay back as I began...

“[Double: Lightning Bolt]!!”

The cast bar appears and that already gave me a sense of relief as it means my {Spell} is working fine.

Once the tip of my staff crackles with electricity and the cast bar is filled. Instead of shooting one bolt of lightning, I simultaneously shoot two bolts each side by side to my target.

Which is why there is a patch of grass that was scorched by the impact of the lightning. Continuing further, I began to recast the same spell but...

I intended for it to ‘branch’ to hit another target as it seems the system recognizes the intent in my brain and does accordingly... a similar sort of thing when I use [Star Fragment] and control its movement.

I do not dare to question it, after all, it is a high techy stuff. I wouldn’t be surprised if it could scan my brainwaves and interpret it as a command for the game’s {Spell} mechanics...


The resulting end is two scorch marks on different sides... Huh...

OHO! Wait a minute what if!???

“[Star Fragment]”

Since I used my ability so blatantly, I can see the visual effects of it.

From here, at the top of my hand currents of air being sucked into a single point and then emerging from there...

Is a singular diamond-shaped crystal that ever so slightly hovers above my hand.

With a single thought of command in my head while focusing on the crystal. I ordered it to ‘Move’ and the crystal began to float in the direction that my mind ordered it to do.

It still felt weird, this sensation felt like I had an extra limb.

(“Such a strange sensation... I’ll get used to it after a while.”)

Now! Onto the next experiment~

Cheerfully, I started to cast a spell.

“[Double: Ice Bolt]!!”

I ‘ordered’ my Star Fragment to use as the medium of spell and lay down my staff.

(“I see... If I stop my action, the {Spell} continues.”)

I glanced at the cast bar of my Star Fragment that’s present even if I am standing still...

The crystal began to accumulate chilly air and blue mist as the cast bar filled up. Once, it is done. It shoots two icicles side by side to the ground.

(“What if...”)

I whispered without taking any action and did not use Star Fragment as my medium. Just a small whisper...

“[Lightning Bolt]...”

A sphere of electricity appears beside me and shoots lightning into the empty ground leaving behind scorch marks.

(“Hmmmmmmmmmmmm... I don’t need to have the ‘flair’ of pointing to the cast. I have been following other mage players or my common sense but it seems my {Spell} mechanics are different compared to them...”)

I repeated the same thing by whispering low and actively choosing in my head to ‘command’ Star Fragment to cast it.

Once it switches, Star Fragment begins casting a [Fire Bolt] to the ground. Hurling a small ball of flames leaving behind scorch marks...

(“There is still more to learn about my {Trait}. To think... I am capable of doing all of these....”)

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