Chapter 38: Theatrical Entrances & The Triwizard Tournament Announcement
The Hogwarts Express rattled along the tracks, filled with chatter, laughter, and the occasional hex from overexcited students.
The Trolley Lady appeared at the door of their compartment, pushing her snack cart.
Trolley Lady: "Anything from the trolley, dears?"
Ron immediately dug into his pockets, producing a handful of sickles and knuts, eyes locked on Drooble's Best Blowing Gum.
Ron (excitedly): "I've been waiting for these all summer!"
Harry offered to pay for everyone, but refused to buy anything for himself—his usual "no unnecessary spending" mentality.
Then, Cho Chang entered their line of sight, buying two Pumpkin Pasties.
Harry (suddenly very aware of his own existence): "Oh. Uh. Hey… Cho."
Cho (smiling politely): "Hi, Harry!"
Ron and Hermione exchanged knowing looks, while Harry tried not to combust on the spot.
Hermione expresses frustration at the Ministry for not detecting the Dark Mark's conjurer.
Ron mentions his father's concern over the event happening under heavy security.
Harry's scar hurts again.
Hermione insists that Sirius Black should be informed.
Raja blinked into existence, wearing a doctor's coat and a stethoscope, looking completely serious.
Raja: "Doctor Raja has arrived. Patient Potter, your scar is acting up again, isn't it?"
Harry: "Uh… what? How did you—"
Raja (completely ignoring him): "I sense high levels of DARK MOJO ENERGY™ around your forehead."
With zero warning, Raja produced a giant magnifying glass, inspected Harry's forehead, and took notes on a floating clipboard.
Hermione tried to hold back her laughter, while Ron was wheezing at the dramatics.
Raja (suddenly serious): "I prescribe these."
He dramatically pulled out a pair of enchanted glasses, handing them to Harry.
Raja: "These glasses will block any evil eye energy and dark thoughts from entering your mind."
Harry (putting them on, eyes widening): "Whoa… my headache's gone!"
Raja (smugly): "You're welcome. That'll be 50 galleons for the prescription."
Ron: "That's robbery!"
Raja: "How dare you to refer this doctor to Robber and Sirius is loading with money he will pay."
As the train sped towards Hogwarts, Hermione convinced Harry to write to Sirius about his scar hurting and money for the glasses, and Hedwig flew off with the letter.
Raja, meanwhile, leaned back with his feet on the table.
Raja: "And now, we wait for chaos to strike."
The Hogwarts Express finally pulled into the station, and the students boarded carriages to the castle.
The sky lit up with movement—something huge was approaching.
With a loud thud, a massive flying carriage touched down near the castle grounds, guided by giant winged horses.
Hagrid, tasked with clearing the runway, did his best…
…and got completely bulldozed by the carriage.
Ron: "Did Hagrid just…?"
Hermione: "He's fine. He has main character immunity."
Then, the lake began to bubble.
A gigantic ship emerged from the Black Lake, rising like a scene from Pirates of the Caribbean.
Students from Durmstrang stepped out onto the docks, showcasing spinning staffs and breathing fire.
The entire hall turned as one to see—
A magnificent white unicorn, galloping majestically down the Great Hall, its hooves not making a single sound.
Atop the unicorn, dressed in immaculate white and gold noble attire, sat Raja.
Gasps filled the room.
Slytherins: "Of course he makes a grand entrance."
Ravenclaws: "How is his hair so perfect?"
Hufflepuffs: "He's literally on a unicorn."
Gryffindors: "Is that even allowed?"
Madame Maxime (impressed): "Is he always like this?"
Dumbledore (grinning): "Oh, my dear Maxime, he's just getting started."
Raja leaped off the unicorn, landing with flawless precision.
Raja (command the unicorn): "Badshah, return."
The unicorn neighed dramatically and vanished into thin air, leaving a faint trail of golden sparkles.
Raja snapped his fingers, and his attire transfigured into his Slytherin uniform.
He sauntered over to his seat, winked at the ladies, and sat down like he owned the place.
Madame Maxime: "Your students are… wild."
Dumbledore: "Not everyone acts like Raja, because to act unruly, one must earn it first."
Madame Maxime: "So this is the famous Shadow King?"
Igor Karkaroff: "Is this the same guy who said he would be King of Wizards?"
Raja smirked.
Raja: "Correction—I will be the King of Wizards."
The hall erupted into laughter, disbelief, and excitement.
Dumbledore stood up, raising his arms.
The hall fell silent.
Dumbledore: "Welcome to another year at Hogwarts! But this year is different. We have the honor of hosting the legendary Triwizard Tournament!"
Excited murmurs filled the air.
Dumbledore: "Three schools, three champions. The tournament is dangerous, deadly even—"
Raja rubbed his hands together.
Raja: "Finally, some real action."
Hermione (horrified): "You want to risk your life?!"
Raja: "Risk? No, no, Hermione. I thrive in chaos."
The Goblet of Fire Appears
With a dramatic flick of his wand, Dumbledore revealed the Goblet of Fire.
The goblet burst into blue flames, flickering ominously.
Dumbledore: "Those wishing to enter must submit their names. Only those over seventeen may participate."
Fred and George looked at each other and grinned.
Fred: "You thinking what I'm thinking?"
George: "Absolutely."
Raja watched them with a smirk.
Raja: "I'll give you two five galleons if you actually manage to get past the age line."
Fred: "Challenge accepted."
The night ended with whispers of competition and excitement.
Raja leaned back in his chair, watching the flames flicker in the goblet.
Raja (smirking): "This year is going to be super fun."
Somewhere in the shadows, a certain Dark Lord sneezed.
And just like that, the real chaos had begun.