"Oops! I Stole the Isekai Lottery"

Chapter 15: Money, Research, Half truth and Detention

On a perfectly fine day, the Gryffindor Quidditch team, led by Oliver Wood, marched onto the field for practice—only to find their arch-rivals, the Slytherin team, already there.

"Oi!" Wood barked. "We booked the pitch for this morning!"

Marcus Flint, the Slytherin captain, smirked. "Did you, though?" He dramatically waved a note from Snape in front of Wood's face. "Professor Snape has given us permission to use the pitch."

At that moment, Draco Malfoy strutted forward, wearing a smug expression like he had just won the lottery.

"Ah yes, meet Slytherin's new Seeker—me!" Draco announced, puffing out his chest.

"New Seeker?" Raja muttered, suddenly feeling an ominous sense of déjà vu.

"And look at these beauties," Draco continued, as the Slytherins presented brand new Nimbus 2001 broomsticks. "My father generously donated them."

"Correction," Hermione said, folding her arms. "He bought your entire team."

Malfoy sneered. "Jealous, Granger?"

"Not really. Gryffindor players get in by talent, not money."

Raja, meanwhile, had already entered full drama mode. "Oh, the betrayal! The pain! Removed as Seeker just because of one tiny chaotic entrance to Hogwarts?!" He dramatically fell to his knees. "Lucius Malfoy, you wound me so!"

Everyone, including Malfoy, looked incredibly uncomfortable.

Ron muttered, "I think Raja just made this worse for all of us."

"Oh, undoubtedly," Harry replied.

Shrugging off the disappointment, Raja dusted himself off. "Well, if I'm not playing Quidditch, then I guess it's time for The Menace to do what he does best—research forbidden knowledge."

Later that night, Raja created a perfect clone to cover for him at the Slytherin dorms before sneaking away to the Seventh Floor Corridor.

As he paced, he muttered, "I need a place to research everything Hogwarts doesn't want me to learn."

A door materialized, and Raja grinned like a mad scientist.

MAYA: "Master, please try not to break reality again."

Raja: "No promises."

Raja ask to scan the room by Maya and she did and connected it self to the room to operate efficently and also lock the coordinates of the room and suggested he can apparate and disapparate hear any time he wants if he learn the Apparition.

Upon entering, Raja gasped. "IT'S BEAUTIFUL!" The room contained everything from thousands of books, ancient artifacts, and even a few bubbling cauldrons waiting to be experimented on.

Raja asks Maya to summarize and categorize the books she can summon in subject wise with Basic to Advance level and executed flawlessly.

MAYA, now fully connected to the room's magical interface, scanned everything. "I have mapped the entire library and categorized materials from basic to advanced."

The magical subjects taught at Hogwarts include Transfiguration (changing the form of objects), Charms (casting spells to add properties to objects), Defense Against the Dark Arts (learning to counter dark magic and creatures), Potions (brewing magical mixtures), Herbology (study of magical plants), Astronomy (studying celestial bodies), History of Magic (learning about the magical world's past), Divination (predicting the future through various methods), Arithmancy (magical number theory and predictions), Ancient Runes (deciphering old magical scripts), Care of Magical Creatures (studying and handling magical beings), and Muggle Studies (understanding non-magical people). Additional electives and advanced studies include Alchemy (mixing magical substances), Apparition (teleportation magic for older students), and Ghoul Studies (learning about ghouls and spirits).

Raja fell to his knees again. "Maya, you are the best system ever. I shall compose an ode in your honor!"

MAYA: "Master, please maintain some dignity."

Raja ignored her and got to work, creating multiple high-IQ clones, each assigned to master a different subject. In just one week, Raja mastered Apparition and even invented an advanced version—Blink, capable of continent-wide travel.

One fateful night, Raja visualized his American villa, locked in the coordinates, and blinked straight into his bedroom.

It was a perfect landing.

Until he heard the sound of a glass shattering.

Turning around, he saw his two business partners—Lady Investment Broker and Lady Lawyer—staring at him, jaws on the floor.

Raja: "Ah. Ladies. Fancy meeting you here."

Lady Broker: "Did you just…teleport?!"

Lady Lawyer: "Is this a dream? Did someone spike my wine?!"

Realizing the jig was up, Raja cast a quick Silencing Charm around the room. "Okay, listen. started to explain everything about magic and magic society and exempting the info he is a 12yr old kid like Magic is real. I'm a wizard. Hogwarts is a school of magic. You are now unofficial insiders to the magical world. Congratulations."

The two women stared at him.

Lady Broker: "...That actually explains a lot."

After an hour of rationalizing, telepathic persuasion, and mild panic, the ladies accepted their new reality. They then got back to business, discussing investments Raja Blinked to Hogwarts early morning and participate in school activates and acting like a menace he is and at night he with research on Runes, Alchemy and breaking curses and ancient Languages.

Raja Created a Magical Bracelets for the Ladies using Runes and Alchemy and Magical Circuit theory (MC created) the Bracelets act as Mobile phone with GPS system, Magic Battery (one month rechargeable Battery), Soothes Mind and Invincible Shield system activated when equipped person is attacked or in accident and send a distress signal to the MC. 

Because why not?

Back at Hogwarts, the next day took a turn when Draco decided to be the worst.

"You'll be next, Mudbloods," he sneered at Hermione.

The entire courtyard went silent.

Hermione's face paled. Ron, enraged, pointed his broken wand at Malfoy. "Eat slugs!"

His wand backfired spectacularly.

Ron promptly began vomiting slugs.

"Ugh, gross!" Raja grimaced. "Ron, next time—just punch him."

Harry knocked Malfoy back with a jinx. Raja, in the meantime, hit Draco with a hair-color changing spell.

Draco shrieked as his platinum blonde locks turned bright pink.

The Slytherins screamed in horror.


"Oh, I hope he does," Raja grinned.

After taking Ron to Hagrid's hut, Hermione asked, "Hagrid… what does 'Mudblood' mean?"

Hagrid looked disgusted. "It's a nasty term used by bigoted pure-bloods. Codswallop, if yeh ask me. Doesn't matter who yer parents are—yeh got magic, yeh got magic."

Ron, still weak from his slug ordeal, muttered, "It's disgusting. People like Malfoy are just… the worst."

Unfortunately for Raja and Harry, their punishment came in the worst form possible—answering Lockhart's fan mail.

"Now, boys," Lockhart said, flashing his teeth. "Fame is a burden, but it is our duty to handle it gracefully."

Raja, dead inside, muttered, "I hate everything about this."

MAYA: "Master, you should have expected this when you pretended to be his biggest fan."

Raja: "No regrets. Maybe some regrets."

Halfway through writing letters to Lockhart's adoring fans, Harry suddenly froze.

"Did you hear that?" he asked. "A voice just said, 'Come to me…'"

Raja's eyes lit up like Christmas. "Ooooh, ominous whispers? Now we're talking!"

Lockhart waved them off. "Ah, just your mind playing tricks. Continue writing!"

Harry sighed, while Raja grinned. "Harry, my friend, this is just the beginning of something interesting."

And for the first time, he was actually excited for detention.

To Be Continued…

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