“Oops! I Prepped for the Apocalypse and Became a Zombie”

Chapter 16: Ability User or Mutant


Qin Luo had to go to the second basement floor to see a doctor, while Xu Duoduo was to follow Professor Ji and the Qiao sisters to the eighth basement floor. The research center was underground?

Xu Duoduo once again felt intrigued, as if she had entered a strange new world.

She obediently cooperated with the three of them for a simple examination, similar to before - routine checks, blood tests, CT scans, etc.

Finally, they came to a surprising conclusion, "Good girl, you might be the only zombie baby in our H City Survivor Base."

The examination revealed that although Xu Duoduo had no heartbeat, her other organs were functioning normally, and even her brain hadn't atrophied.

This would have been extremely strange before the apocalypse, but in the apocalyptic world, it seemed quite normal.

Xiao Qiao smiled and told Xu Duoduo, "I've even seen a person with only a brain left, and they could still talk~"

Xu Duoduo's silence was deafening!

How terrifying!!

A talking brain!

This completely defied science!!

But Xu Duoduo thought to herself, a zombie like her with no heartbeat who could walk and jump, with a clear consciousness, was also quite unscientific!

Well, fine.

The apocalypse was full of strange things; this world seemed to have collapsed.

Later, Professor Ji helped her check the reason for her inability to speak, but found nothing unusual, finally diagnosing it as a psychological issue.

This was a bit troublesome.

But Professor Ji was very gentle, saying there was no rush. "When you want to speak, it might just happen naturally."

Finally, they recorded a series of her physical data and used a strange device to check her ability, ultimately filling in "None" for her ability.


The current equipment couldn't detect spatial abilities? Xu Duoduo immediately felt relieved.

She liked hoarding things, but she didn't like others knowing what she had hidden. That would make her feel too insecure, and hoarding would no longer be enjoyable.

Fortunately, it couldn't be detected.

Later, they tested her agility and found it to be 1.5 times higher than normal humans.

In the end, they concluded that she was just a small, useless zombie who could potentially achieve immortality, but even this immortality was quite rare.

Professor Ji and the Qiao sisters only asked Xu Duoduo to come to the research institute once a month to donate blood. They were a bit disappointed about this.

But they remained gentle with Xu Duoduo, "Duoduo, what did you do for work before the apocalypse? We can arrange a similar job for you, or you could help out at our research institute? It might be a bit tiring though."

Xu Duoduo felt a bit lost, then typed out a line on the tablet, [I want to go with Qin Luo and the others.] and showed it to them.

The Qiao sisters immediately expressed regret, "Oh, wouldn't it be better to stay with us at the research institute?" "Yeah, even though you don't have an ability, you're the only human with a zombie mutation. Going to the front lines would be like cannon fodder. Why follow Qin Luo, that battle maniac? Stay with us!"

Xu Duoduo still shook her head, stubbornly wanting to follow Qin Luo. She felt uneasy in the research institute and was still afraid of these people walking around in white coats.

Professor Ji didn't force the issue, but asked Da Qiao to bring over a watch or what they called a wristband. "This is the latest communication tool. Most electronic products from before can no longer be used, but this one can."

This device was a combination of mobile Wi-Fi and various other functions. The tablet needed to be connected to one's own wristband to work, otherwise there was no signal.

Ordinary people in the base couldn't even connect to the internet with their wristbands; currently, only ability users could have this privilege, as the base heavily relied on their abilities.

Rescuing survivors and recovering resources all depended on ability users. Ordinary people simply couldn't face various mutant creatures; even the most common zombie virus could be fatal to them.

Therefore, the base's best resources were prioritized for ability users.

Ability users and mutants were two different things. Ability users were normal people with enhanced abilities and overall physical qualities.

Mutants, on the other hand, usually had bodies that were no longer normal, like the rock mutants repairing the wall earlier, whose muscles displayed rock-like properties.

Many things now couldn't be explained by science, but researchers still needed to work hard to understand them.

Those who could stand here calmly talking to Xu Duoduo, a little zombie, in the early stages of the apocalypse, all had to have extremely strong psychological qualities. Otherwise, they couldn't work stably.

Xiao Qiao gave Xu Duoduo a sensor key for a new room. Since she was Qin Luo's reserve team member, she would naturally live in the same building as him.

"We've also integrated the room card into your wristband. You can use it to enter and exit the community and your room!"

"Qin Luo should be done soon. You can sit here and wait for him to show you around."

Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao each left a parting word before leaving to continue their busy work.

Professor Ji also had new personnel to receive, so Xu Duoduo sat alone on a bench on the second basement floor, waiting for Qin Luo to take her away.

She wasn't the only one there.

Due to genetic mutations, whether ability users or mutants, everyone's body had changed to some extent. For example, ability users had become taller and stronger.

Consequently, even the benches in the research institute were made wider.

A big guy next to her was sleeping sitting up, snoring loudly. He fit perfectly on the bench.

Xu Duoduo, sitting a bit further in, could even swing her legs. She looked around, noticing that not many people paid attention to her amidst the bustle. Everyone was busy with their own affairs, only occasionally glancing at her collar.

She felt a bit uncomfortable, touching the cold collar, feeling insecure.

Until Qin Luo's figure appeared in the corridor, emerging from an examination room. He wasn't wearing a shirt on his upper body, with bandages wrapped from his waist to one arm. He had been injured in the fight with the mutant monkeys.

But later he acted as if nothing had happened, and Xu Duoduo had forgotten about it. Although her brain hadn't atrophied, sometimes her thinking did become slower.

Like now.

It took Qin Luo brushing her hair with his clothes and gesturing for her to follow before Xu Duoduo came to her senses. She jumped off the bench and followed behind him.

Step by step.

Qin Luo glanced at Xu Duoduo's feet. When she turned into a zombie, he had directly scooped her up from her room without giving her shoes.

Now her feet were covered in blood stains, all from when she used the chainsaw to kill the monkey group. Even her pink bunny pajamas were covered in stains.

Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao, knowing Xu Duoduo was a zombie with tough skin, hadn't thought to give her shoes, so she had been barefoot all along.

Qin Luo felt uncomfortable seeing this. Passing by an examination room, he popped in to greet someone and grabbed a pair of disposable slippers. They were thin but better than nothing.

He bent down and told her to put them on.

Xu Duoduo felt her corpse warm up a bit. She looked down at the slippers and smiled, pursing her lips.

Qin Luo glanced at her without saying much, then turned and continued walking.

Xu Duoduo followed him.

The two had been a bit awkward since the mutant monkey incident, because Qin Luo had almost shown killing intent towards her.

Although the reasoning was sound.

It was still awkward.

Qin Luo felt uneasy on his side.

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