Online Game Heavenly Dog Swallowing Sun

Chapter 83

Chapter 83

At last he got the Hundred Ghost Banners on all sides, and Lu Xiaoqi was a little excited. In his previous life, he had never owned this more practical Magical Item. According to Lu Xiaoqi’s request, the soul of the blood knife had already filled up the hostility of the Hundred Ghost Banners, and Lu Xiaoqi had already filled up both sides with Yellow Springs beads.

Lu Xiaoqi discovered another magical effect of Yellow Springs beads, which is to supplement Magic Treasures’ hostility. As long as it is Nether Magic Treasures, Yellow Springs beads can be supplemented. Lu Xiaoqi asked the blood knife to fill up the Spirit Power value and then gave the Hundred Ghost Banner to himself, just to make the blood knife feel depressed.

If it weren’t for the urgent need for the other two hundred ghost flags to form the Hundred Ghost Formation, Lu Xiaoqi wouldn’t be cheap to seduce him, and promised to return the Hundred Ghost Flags to him. Putting away the Hundred Ghost Flags, Lu Xiaoqi immediately rushed to Shituoling and entered Shituoling. The little demons did not stop them any more, but consciously separated two sides. Obviously, the white elephant spirit had told them.

This was not because Bai Xiang Jing found out that he didn’t want to embarrass Lu Xiaoqi anymore, but because Bai Xiang Jing desperately needed Spirit Stones. After Lu Xiaoqi left, Bai Xiangjing continued to use his unique method to cultivation Magic Treasures, but found that the spirit teeth had been out of control. The panicked Bai Xiangjing deployed all the remaining 100 low-grade Spirit Stones. Neutralizing the hostility, but this Spirit Stones was just a drop in the bucket. Bai Xiangjing had no choice but to accept the fact that his spirit teeth could no longer function.

Only by using a large number of Spirit Stones to neutralize the hostility can the spirit tooth return to normal. If it is corroded by the hostility for a long time, the rank of the spirit tooth will also be affected. In the past two days, the White Elephant spent a lot of vitality to resist the erosion of hostility, and barely managed to save the spirit teeth. At this time, the White Elephant was so anxious and meticulous. Spirit Stones.

“Hehe, mad dog, you are finally here, are the Spirit Stones I prepared for you ready?” Seeing Lu Xiaoqi, Bai Xiangjing’s face showed a rare smile.

“Get ready, here are 100 top-grade Spirit Stones, and I hope the white elephant senior can speak and tell me how to cultivate my destiny Magic Treasures.” Lu Xiaoqi cautiously said.

Bai Xiangjing smiled more brilliantly, and said repeatedly: “No problem, no problem, as long as you hand over the Spirit Stones to me, I will teach you.”

Only then did Lu Xiaoqi hand over 100 top-grade Spirit Stones to the White Elephant, who took the Spirit Stones and reluctantly took out a small booklet from his arms and said: “This is the magic Treasures of the cultivation natal life. Method, take it!”

After receiving the pamphlet, Lu Xiaoqi breathed a sigh of relief. He was always afraid that the white elephant would regret it! After eagerly learning the cultivation method, Lu Xiaoqi finally understood how Bai Xiangjing cultivated Magic Treasures, and at the same time, his face became more and more ugly.

The conventional method of natal Magic Treasures cultivation, after cultivating the magic Treasures, kill the monsters and absorb the pure Yin Qi. With continuous accumulation, the natal Magical Item may be ascension grade. The teeth are the hardest part of the body of most elves, which can withstand the hostile energy generated by monsters to a certain extent. Therefore, the white elephant spirit has found a new way to absorb the pure yin energy from the monster’s death, while also absorbing the hostile energy to Ascension’s magic. Treasures quality.

The hostile energy produced during Death is different from the ghost blood sea hostile air. Nether blood sea hostile air cannot be absorbed by foreigners and natives. However, a small amount of hostile energy generated by a monster during Death can be absorbed into the original life Magical Item, provided that the original life Magical Item Not afraid of hostility erosion. When the monster died, it was full of resentment, and the hostility was much more than that of Yin Qi. The white elephant essence absorbed the hostility into the spiritual tooth cultivation, and the speed was naturally much faster than those players who only absorbed the Yin Qi.

However, there is a problem here. Although teeth can withstand the erosion of hostility in a short period of time, as hostility gradually increases, teeth will be gradually eroded by hostility. In the pamphlet, Bai Xiangjing only mentioned that Spirit Stones can provide Spirit Power to transform hostility into pure energy. As for how to convert it, Bai Xiangjing did not mention it.Lu Xiaoqi said coldly: “Baixiang senior, say I will give you 10,000 Spirit Stones. You taught me the method of cultivating my life Magic Treasures, but now you only teach half of it. It seems a bit unkind to do so, right?”

The white elephant said confidently and confidently: “Isn’t what I gave you the method of cultivation Magic Treasures? You can use my method to cultivation can definitely Ascension Magic Treasures cultivation speed. As for how to control hostility, that’s not my business. , I didn’t promise to teach you how to control hostility.”

Lu Xiaoqi’s face became more and more gloomy, and he coldly said: “Baixiang, you think you will eat me today, don’t you? Huang Feng Yao Shengken introduced me to study here, and he will naturally be fair to me. If you don’t teach How do I control the hostility, then I will go to Huangfeng Demon Saint to comment on it.”

Hearing that Lu Xiaoqi moved out of the Yellow Wind Demon Saint, Bai Xiang was a little guilty, he hesitated and said: “I did promise you to teach you the method of cultivation Magic Treasures, but I did not promise you the method of controlling hostility. If you want to learn to control The hostile method is not impossible, as long as you do one more thing for me.”

The white elephant spirit is taking advantage of Heavenly Dao’s gap. This kind of gap is within the scope of Heavenly Dao’s permission. The cultivation of natal Magic Treasures and the control of hostility are the same, but the white elephant spirit deliberately split him into two parts. Even if he releases it in the form of a mission, Lu Xiaoqi accepts the mission and is protected by Heavenly Dao, but he only teaches Lu Xiaoqi to cultivate the Magic Treasures part of his life, and Heavenly Dao will not punish him.

“The player mad dog, the guard of the white elephant will issue you a mission to find blood and soul. The conditions for completion of the mission: 100 blood and soul 10. Mission rewards, the method of transforming your life, Magic Treasures, and whether you accept it.”

The White Elephant didn’t have enough Spirit Stones to resist the hostility. When Lu Xiaoqi left, the hostility began to backlash. He had to consume his own vitality to resist the hostility. For the inhabitants of the Monster Race, the most direct way to replenish their vitality is to devour blood and soul.

After the White Elephant had enough Spirit Stones, he had to start using Spirit Stones to transform the hostility in his natal Magic Treasures. He lacked the ability to do so, so he wanted to use Lu Xiaoqi as a free coolie.

Seeing the mission released by the White Elephant Spirit, Lu Xiaoqifei was going to explode. This White Elephant Spirit was too shameless. After asking for 10,000 lower-grade Spirit Stones, he even released another difficult mission. This 100 blood food is not difficult, as long as you kill 100 monsters and bring the corpses back, the soul is not the same. Ordinary monsters have no souls. If you want to get the soul, you can only get it by killing NPC or BOSS. .

Although foreigners have souls, the system restricts the devouring of foreign souls, and only allows imprisoning the souls of foreigners. Although the souls will not really die if the soul is swallowed, the “Myth” limits this. After all, people think in reality. It is unacceptable to be swallowed.

If Lu Xiaoqi wants to get 10 souls, he can only kill NPCs or 10 bosses. Now players are already familiar with BOSS. Low-level BOSS refresh points are often guarded by a large number of players. Lu Xiaoqi wants to play low-level BOSS and make up the number. difficult. And the high rank BOSS could not be killed by Lu Xiaoqi alone.

There are punishments for this task. Plundering blood and confining life souls to the aboriginals will reduce the value of good and evil. Every time a blood food is plundered, the value of good and evil is reduced by 10 points, and for every soul imprisoned, the value of good and evil is 100 points. These two points alone make many players give up most similar tasks.

After weighing the pros and cons, Lu Xiaoqi chose to accept the task. Anyway, his good and evil value is already negative 1000. If there are more lice, it is not itchy. Lu Xiaoqi doesn’t care if it increases by 2000. After receiving the blood food bag and the soul bottle from Bai Xiangjing, Lu Xiaoqi left Shituoling. This time, the white elephant was entrusted to Lu Xiaoqi in the form of a mission and was protected by Heavenly Dao. Lu Xiaoqi was not worried about any more tricks he would play.

Where can I detain 10 souls? Lu Xiaoqi, who returned to Bu Zhoushan, had no idea, so he didn’t think about it at all, and walked directly to the nearest leveling point, ready to collect 100 blood food before considering the issue of soul.

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