One Weird Succubus

Chapter 3: Explanations and Pigs…

Explanations and Pigs…

She felt a shiver run along her spine at Amelia’s words…

With a growing feeling of dread as the confused women looked at her smooth stomach

[To fix this, all of them must be killed-]

“NO!!!” her panic filled voice was loud “Nononono!!!” and she backed away from them, deeper into the room

“Sophie I want to help-” the scared cries of a baby interrupted Calypso

“Please don’t! Please don’t! Please don’t! Please don’t!” and that haunting sound… “Don't do it!” made her feel weak and she collapsed on the floor, clutching her right hand against her stomach

The women on the room reacted as she fell, Polly grabbed a protesting Selene and while stopping her from running to Sophie, she took her out of the room while saying something to her. Antonia and Calypso rushed to the fallen succubus

[There is no other choice]

‘DON'T DO IT!!! AMELIA!!!’ she curled up into a ball, keeping as much of her body between the Ark and them as she was able to

[There is no other way of fixing this mistake]

‘I’ll think of something! Don’t hurt them! Don’t hurt the baby!’

Her heart was breaking apart with her whole being filling with despair, shaking ceaselessly, not letting either of the women hold her, but being too scared of letting go of the Ark

She couldn’t give Amelia the chance to attack, while ignoring the reasons she was listing to justify that course of action

[Sophie you have to-]

But she interrupted herself at the same time Antonia covered Sophie’s body with the discarded towel, and started to make sure she wasn't hurting herself, or biting her tongue…

With how strong she was, Antonia had a surprisingly hard time managing to do that, even considering how tall Sophie was compared with either of them, she didn’t looked capable of going against her, like she was doing

“We are here” still, her voice was calm, as if Sophie’s reaction was something she had already dealt with before “You are safe. Can you take deep breaths with me? Like this, breath in through the nose… out through the mouth…” she started to try and guide her to breath like that, unaware that her panic had a supernatural origin

‘Amelia?! Amelia?! Amelia?!’ that had gone horrifyingly quiet

Still, she did started to follow the instructions as her eyes spilled tears that worried the other two

“Is there an explanation for that?” Calypso asked, having removed the towel from her head and used it as a pillow for the girl

“I don’t know…” Antonia explained between pauses, as she was trying to guide Sophie's breathing “A bellybutton marks the place… where the umbilical cord gave nutrients to a baby…”

“I know that…” there was some annoyance on the woman’s voice “Who doesn’t-?!”

But whatever she was about to said, was cut short as she gasped and tried to make Sophie stare at her eyes

“Sophie. I know you must be scared…” as her fear increased because Amelia wasn't answering back, she struggled to do that, barely managing to met her blue eyes “Were you created? Is your body artificial? Fabricated?”

“What…?” Antonia couldn't remain indifferent at what she had just heard…

And her shock just increased as the crying girl nodded, still calling that name in her mind

“She is a clone…!” Calypso’s whisper was filled with fear… “That explains-”

“Not now…” the woman to her side was torn between absolute confusion and making sure the girl didn’t bit her tongue “That… can wait…”

Antonia didn’t seemed to be able to think what else to say, and just stared at Sophie…

“Goddess damn it…” whispering that before resuming her breathing exercises…

For a few minutes

[Very well. It seems that the situation as been solved]

‘W-what…?!’ once Amelia’s voice was back, instead of relief she started to shiver even more

[I’ll explain later. Don’t worry, I don’t have a reason to hurt them anymore]

She couldn't relax, not yet, but she was finally able to listen to the two women near her. That kept repeating that she was safe, that they were there for her…

That her ‘Secret’ was safe…


Eventually, Selene had gotten her one of her cute, pink pajamas to wear. It was the softest and loosest clothing she had ever wear, but the woman was giggling while mentioning that she filled it a bit more than her. She also became stuck to her side, hugging her the whole time after she was able to stand

She did asked first, and Sophie found that she really liked hugs

Then, they had moved her to the living room, where a few plastic containers were waiting on a table surrounded with chairs. It was an odd thing for Sophie to see, and the explanation was even weirder: a table just for eating…?

But they had taken her to the three couches surrounding a smaller, and shorter, square wooden table in front of a screen that was off. Just to sit there while Calypso repeated the things that Sophie had said so far, asking a few extra things more…

“So…” and Antonia summarized everything “Somewhere in Barus there is a group of people, that might or might not be from Barus, that are making clones. They boys are used for manual labor starting when they are ‘Ten’ and the girls are… ugh…”

The general disgusted expressions on their faces lasted for a moment…

“Sophie was part of an accident and one of the older clones hid her for a year…” but no one said anything about what she choose to skip over “But because they only live up to fifty, they found her and captured her, until she eventually escaped…”

She sighed

“It makes no sense” and declared that

“Isn't because the telemeters get… shorter?” Theresa asked at Antonia’s side and on the couch in front of the one where Selene and Sophie were sitting, while breastfeeding Anastasia, yet another incredibly weird concept for Sophie…

That she wanted to try…

“Telomeres, and I don’t know for certain. I’m a nurse, not a geneticist” Antonia said before staring at Calypso who was in the last couch with Polly “What I know… is that we have know cloning as a concept for just over one hundred years… and the cloning in humans, while impossible and illegal right now, would involve giving birth to the clone… at first, I don’t know what the future holds”

“She is not lying, and let’s be honest, Barus is more than willing to do things like this…” Calypso said and was followed by a general nod of acceptance by the rest of the women

But Antonia prepared to say something, before she looked at the baby next to her…

“I’m an idiot…” and hit her forehead with a palm “On… onlo…?” before pulling her cellphone and start tapping on it “Omphalocele! I fucking forgot about this thing!” eventually finding what she was looking for

Proceeding to give them an explanation with the images from the phone, about how some babies had a birth defect where some organs were out of their body inside a sack. The treatment, depending on the size and other things, could leave the baby without a bellybutton…

“I’ve never seen it happen in Silvermist, so I fucking forgot…” she finished that with a curious glance at the bandaged hand

That Sophie clutched against her stomach instantly

“But…” Calypso noticed that gesture, and pulled the attention back to her “She wasn't lying…”

There was a moment of silence…

“Sophie, did you knew that the blue color of the sky is caused by a sky-born algae that produces something called izini?” Antonia said

“Really?” it was a curious new information for the girl, which she attempted to memorize…

“That’s a lie, it’s actually called ozone, the algae is called izini” Antonia smirked

“Why would you…?” Sophie started in confusion, before pouting “There is no sky algae, is there…?” realizing that the whole thing was a lie… her pout made Selene giggle

Which made Calypso cover her reddening face, as Polly also giggled and pulled a notebook from a pocket, to start writing something on it while looking more relaxed than before

“Oh… she believes that, to be the truth…”

“Hey. This whole mess happened because I forgot part of my job” Antonia waved the whole thing away “Let’s just blame Barus for…” she started to lift fingers as she was saying things “Spreading misinformation among its people. Not giving her the aesthetic surgery to give her a bellybutton. Being a bunch of assholes… on top of the other shit we already know they like to pull off. But, we need to make sure that there is always someone that knows this with Sophie, if she needs to answer questions”

[I didn’t knew that information about omphaloceles, or it’s treatment. I must apologize] Amelia spoke again, while the rest of the women agreed with Antonia

Her words made her dizzy. To the point where they got quiet and Selene tensed to held her more firmly

“So… I’m normal…?”

“Of course you are~” Selene patted her head during the hug, while the rest smiled at her releasing a collective breath “You just have a lot to learn a few things. For now, come on, you need to eat!”

After everything that had happened, something simple, like eating, sounded lovely to her…

So, she didn’t put any resistance as she was guided to the table, and waited until Selene went and came back with a plate, glass and a spoon for her

“Wait” Antonia’s voice was amused “Give her some soda first~” and mischievous…

Selene pouted, probably at the tone she used, but she did opened one of the containers, making a sound that Sophie associated with the release of gasses, and poured some of the purple liquid inside it, in the glass

“Ah?” that immediately started to make bubbles and a sound that she hadn't heard before…

Her expression made Antonia’s grin to widen

“Please don’t spit it out, try to hold it in your mouth first and don’t worry about it. It’s a safe thing”

“Come on! Where is the fun in that!” Antonia complained, but Theresa elbowed her before starting to pat the back of the uncomfortable baby on her arms

Sophie became torn between the unusual food in front of her, and the sounds the baby was making…

“Sorry for waking her up”

““Don't worry”” Selene and Theresa said, while Selene patted her shoulders and continued talking “Babies aren't used to their bodies, so they can only cry until they learn what is happening to them, and to talk, but that happens later. Anastasia was born last week, so she really doesn’t understand anything around her”

“Hopefully I can have my own baby soon” Antonia added, before getting one of her fingers held by the baby, and started to make funny faces to her “Would you like that~? A little friend to play with~?”

A small burp was the answer to that

“Oh~ big one~”

And seeing that the baby was being taken care of, and sounding a little less uncomfortable, Sophie looked back to the drink

‘It can’t be worse than anything I had before’ and took a sip-


The fizzy explosion on her whole tongue, made her give an indisputably sexual moan, that made the women in the room stare, before giggling as she trembled at the sweetness in her mouth… that feeling remained in her mouth even after she swallowed. Soon to be experienced once more as she sipped more of the beverage, while the giggling Selene poured the contents of the other containers in the plate

Releasing an appetizing smell, that stimulated her nose like she had never felt before-

Then she burped, loudly

Causing the others to laugh, until the baby complained, and all of them proceed to try to contain their mirth at her reactions…


Sophie had never felt as full as she did, before finishing eating that meal…

It was delicious. She understood that her stomach was full, but she still wanted more

According to Selene the food was: brown rice garnished with spicy onions, fried chicken with sweet and spicy sauce, and an extra of sour sauce that went surprisingly well with everything else, but was specially made for a salad that was perfect to end the meal

“Isn't a bit mean to give her the spicy combo?” Theresa asked, looking surprised while her baby was sleeping on top of her chest “I mean, she still ate it without complaining about the heat…”

“That combo is one of the few with the full amount of containers” Selene said before looking at Sophie's eyes “This restaurant reuses the plastic containers to not contaminate the environment. You just need to wash them before exchanging the empty ones with the next order that you make, and you get a discount!” Sophie nodded

“It was good~” but only was capable of saying that with a smile

“She likes spicy things then… ah” then Antonia waved at Selene “The tipping box is empty, so I tipped out of my pocket”

Selene thanked her and said that she was going to refill it later… much to Sophie's confusion

“You don’t know what tipping is…?” Antonia asked a bit bewildered

As an answer, Sophie lifted her shirt and exposed her ‘Tips’ to all of the, stunned, women in the room

“This…?” she already could guess the answer, even before all of them groaned

“No… never do that as a tip… please…” Selene rubbed her face in consternation while Sophie fixed her shirt

“Tipping is giving some extra money to the person that provided a service to you” Calypso’s tone had just as much consternation… “We really need to teach her a lot…”

Polly stood up while raising her notebook, commanding everyone’s attention

“Do that while I finish my job~” her tone was soft, but excited “I’m definitively making her a corset~”

“The easy route…” Antonia deadpanned, but Polly just glanced at her for a moment

“She is bigger than Selene”

Before surprising the two that didn’t knew that information already

“At least she was well fed” Antonia said, recovering first and staring directly at Sophie's chest

“No” but Sophie couldn't kept quiet about that topic “That slurry was awful…” the memory of that disgusting, fourth rated, substitute for real food, made her grimace

“Well~ I hope dinner is better than that~” Selene said with a smile “It’s Polly’s turn to cook tonight”


Her question started an awkward conversation about how they ate three meals per day…

“Ugh…” that ended with Antonia’s face getting a bit green at the idea of Sophie, and everyone she knew, only eating once per day “That slurry must be mostly fats and supplements… another reason to hate them…”

She didn’t needed more reasons to hate the Shitheads, but her tone made her remember something

“Why it’s weird to walk at night?”

“Because~” Polly said with an amused tone “They are the ‘Kingdom, whatever, something, something else, of adjective light’ so…”

“They are afraid of the dark…?” Sophie asked…

And her question almost made all of them explode with laughter, but a glance at the baby that wiggled in her sleep, gave them the strength to held it back


The rest of the day was a blur of activity as she was, taught a lot of things around the house, measured in multiple ways, shown some fabrics to see which ones feel good to her, and given information that she needed to absorb

Specially the local common sense…

But clothes became more important after the washing machine finished: to Amelia absolute confusion the machine chewed the clothes she had made for Sophie, Selene had been ashamed by what happened, but Polly managed to cheer her up by saying that those clothes didn’t came with washing instructions, and thanks to that, Sophie's new clothes will all be cute without any remnant of her past

After some time passed, Calypso insisted that she looked through the biology book, and after a combination of they explaining things, and she reading some of the bookmarked chapters…

Sophie started crying. She tried her best to not make too much noise, even if Anastasia was in her room with Theresa, but…

Now she understood why everyone had reacted like they had… the mere idea of those bastards doing that to her… to every woman in that world

She nearly puked and she didn’t stopped crying until an hour later. Selene helped a lot during that hour, repeating to her that she was safe, that they would never touch her, that she could start her own family free of worries…

But now it was night, and she was on top of an inflatable bed while staring at the ceiling of Polly’s studio. They all had managed to open some more space on the room before Calypso had to leave, but having her own room would need to wait for a… few days, it seemed… but she really didn’t had any trouble with the space she already had in the room

The biology book was closed on top of her blanket, but she didn’t wanted to reread those chapters yet

‘So… quiet…’ she was content with being there, listening to the few noises inside and outside of the house. That when compared to the nightmare that was the previous world…?

It was a blissful stillness that she would be overjoyed to get used to…

‘Can you explain things now?’ once she addressed the weapon of mass destruction in the back of her hand


‘From the top? Please?’

She really didn’t wanted to get angry at Amelia…

[First: as you noticed before, this planet has a soul: a Primal Soul, as they call themselves. It made an unnecessary request, and she offered the information for the local languages around our landing point, as payment for its request]

‘It… she? It, being the preferred one?’


‘What was the request? Please, don’t hide stuff from me…’ some of the things Amelia was doing, tho…

[It requested that you didn’t tried to kill all her inhabitants]

Sophie's sigh was full of… disbelief… and she glanced at the door, to make sure it was closed and that she couldn't see the shadow of anyone from the gap below it

“I don’t want to hurt anyone…” she whispered, feeling just a bit silly about it

[Next, we have to talk about you choosing your sexual partners]

“W-?!” she nearly screamed out loud ‘WHAT?!!!’ and barely managed to keep her shock inside her mind

[The four humans that you met in the forest] Sophie blinked, not understanding what they had to do with- [The moment you saw them, your body and mind accepted them as your future partners. This is the reason why you were distressed when: K and Alexis were distressed, when K and Lisha left, your reactions to Lily and Alexis apparent betrayal, and you slowly becoming aware of their emotions, can be considered related to this too. You want to spend time with them, have sex with them, and make babies with all of them]

She froze…

‘What the shit…?’ and blushed, because she couldn't say that Amelia was wrong… she did wanted all of those things… and then some more

The fact that K was a guy didn’t bothered her… or was it because K was far more polite and friendly than any man she had met…?

Then again… the bastard was polite too…

[After you met them, your Formless side reacted. Which is why you became able to move your body without problems after that point to get out of the forest: you copied their ability to walk without a tail]

‘Oh… I didn’t noticed it?’ she wasn't sure if she liked the change in topic, but she decided to leave her possible bisexuality for another day

The biology book had bookmarked sections related to gender, masturbation, and other things that she just glanced at. She was too stressed to think about masturbation: the visit to the police, was going to happen the next day however she wanted or not, so…

[As I mentioned, this is a passive, not something that you have to think in order to do, like your stomach digesting food right now] she understood what Amelia meant with that…

‘Dinner was awesome~’ but she got distracted by that comment, their dinner had been a bowl of chocolate cereal with milk. Simple, but with them explaining things to Sophie, and clearing space in the studio, plus the measurements, Polly didn’t had much time to make more complex things ‘Wait, can you taste what I do?’ so, she was going to make dinner the next day instead

[I can. The chocolate’s taste was enjoyable, and is good information to store in the Ark]

Sophie gave a thumbs up at the good news

[Cutie, the dog, is an example of sentient, but not sapient: can feel emotions like pain, happiness, love and more. While being unable to learn to write a book, learn to repair a machine, or create clothes like Polly can]

She looked at the mannequins that had some clothes on them, she liked some of those, but felt that the ones exposing the plastic stomachs of the mannequins were a bad match for her… not because she didn’t liked the idea of accentuating her breasts, but because after what happened that day, she didn’t wanted to talk about her lack of a bellybutton…

And making one appear felt a bit like a waste of magic, to not mention that she would have no way of explaining that to the others

‘I think I get it, so I can only make babies with humans…? How does that work with the girls? I want to have babies with them too… but I don’t want to turn into a dude’ there was no point in hiding that

[You can change your body so your clitoris turns into a penis, and use it to make babies with them. You are an Ark Succubus Queen, your Formless side allows you to make internal or external testicles, and by staying near a man while having male reproductive equipment, you passively will learn what to do to produce viable sperm]

‘Oh…’ a shiver of arousal ran along her back and down to her toes… ‘Awawawawa!’ but shook her head, to not get distracted by how… interesting… that idea felt to her…

Making some noise with the mattress as it moved a bit

[Now that I have mentioned the Queen topic: you have basically adopted Anastasia]


[Your body and mind now see her as if she was your own baby, and are now focusing into being her mother, to the point where your Formless abilities are always active, to figure if anything bad happen to her]

‘B-but Theresa is her mom! Not me!’

[Correct, and this might change once you have your own babies, but for now, you are going to do everything in your power to make sure she is safe. You might not have noticed this if I didn’t mentioned it now, though]

Sophie couldn't complain, she had asked Amelia to not hide stuff from her…

‘This… is… bad…?’ that question was difficult for her to make… how could being the mom of such a cute baby be a bad thing?!

[If Theresa does something to Anastasia that you are against, you might attempt to take the baby away from her. These-]

‘Stop me. If I try that. Stop. Me. All right?’ she interrupted Amelia, because she didn’t wanted to do something stupid

[I’ll do it, but when I said things that you are against, I meant to say things like: placing Anastasia’s life in danger, deliberately try to harm her permanently, and so]

‘Oh… for those things, it makes sense…’

[There is a chance that a law allows that kind of things, but I can’t say for sure]

‘And I’m not going to ask… maybe I can find that in a book of laws…?’ reading one made some sense, she was a succubus whose soul came from another planet, after all…

There was a moment of silence in the conversation, but the sound of steps on the hallway made her open the book on top her stomach and look at the section about masturbation-

‘Awa!’ close it, and open it again in a random page, before someone knocked on the door

“Sophie?” Selene called

“Yes?” only when she answered was that she opened the door

“Hi~” and looked at her from the entrance without entering the room “Just wanted to see if you were asleep yet”

“Was about to!” Sophie smiled and closed the book

“I’ll turn off the light then~”

She took that as a reason to place the book to the side, and thanked the woman… but she looked like she wanted to say something else

“Sorry about what I said before…” at her confused expression she continued “About this room I mean, it wasn't this cluttered last week…”

“Don't worry!” Sophie waved to the room “This is bigger than what I had before” she was happy while saying that…

“Ah…” but Selene wasn't happy about that reminder, still, she shook her head and smiled again “Well! I hope to fix a few things, so we can move to a bigger place next year! We are going to need it anyway, considering that Antonia wants a baby of her own…” she was about to say something else, but shook her head again “Goodnight, remember that we are going with you tomorrow~”

“Thanks~” that was a relief “Goodnight”

Once the light was off, and she could hear Selene moving away she sighed in relief, before looking back at the now dark ceiling

[She is a good person]

Yes…’ it seemed to be the perfect time to talk about what almost happened…

[When the Ark created this interface, two kinds of information were used: from the information about the planets that our Creator visited, and from one of the abilities that Primal Souls and Deities have. This ability is Future Calculations, which, as its name indicates, helps them to calculate the most likely outcome of any given situation. This knowledge is how the upcoming death of your previous world was calculated, before being used to create me]

‘And is this ability perfect…?’ she doubted it was… and she felt ready to start crying, because she was fearing what was about to come

[It isn't, especially for my limited resources and observations. What was calculated earlier, is that your lack of a bellybutton made Calypso’s cloning misunderstanding possible, and due to it, Antonia would have insisted that you revealed the Ark. Currently, this is a disastrous situation, because it would made the cloning misunderstanding look possible, and place you in a terrible state]

It took her a few seconds to process that

‘That didn’t happened…’ she rubbed her eyes to clear them from tears

[Due to your insistence with saving them. Your despair made Antonia focus harder into thinking about a logical possibility, which ended becoming the reason she remembered about the omphaloceles. If I had known about this topic, then I would have suggested it as a solution that prevents the discovery of the Ark, but without the information, the only prediction that I could made was disastrous]

Sophie's memories about the time she was holding Amelia back, weren't clear… but she remembered that Amelia suddenly stopped talking

“That’s…” she covered her mouth and looked at the door, but she couldn't hear anyone moving, most of the noise was from outside now ‘That’s why you went quiet?’

[No. The calculations started failing after a point, which is why I focused on them to figure why I couldn’t calculate what was going to happen next, and in order to figure out why we weren't in a catastrophic state. Only when Antonia mentioned the omphaloceles, is that the calculations stopped failing and I completely figured what happened. You covering the Ark when she stared at it, also reinforced the idea of not talking about your bandages in all of them]

She sighed, feeling a lot of relief and becoming aware of how her head was throbbing. Then, she yawned

‘Promise me… that if we find ourselves in a similar situation, the first alternative will not be: start killing people…’

[Considering how much stress today’s calculation caused you, I have decided to minimize the amount of calculations made by me. I’ll also try to be discreet with my future warnings]

That was not a good thing for Sophie…

‘These calculations are part of you… literally…’ Amelia’s answer was positive, even if she didn’t really asked ‘Then don’t reject part of yourself…’ it took her a moment to remember something ‘You said that you ignored rituals until I said something, right?’

There was a moment of silence

[I understand, you want me to mention things that might happen, in order for both of us to find solutions to them]

‘Yes!’ she yawned again, surprised by how tired her sudden relief was making her

[Very well, I shall do that. Goodnight]


Sleep didn’t took more than a few seconds more to arrive


“GYAAAHHH!!!” but eventually, the scared sounds of Anastasia was making, jolted her wide awake. She wasn't mentally tired, even if it was obviously dark outside and her body felt a bit stiff

She understood that she wasn't supposed to make more noise, so she walked normally to the room where the mother and her baby, were…

“Not again…” Theresa sounded frustrated, and far more tired than Sophie, as she pushed the door slowly and looked in

“Can I help?”

“Ah…” being just a bit surprised at seeing her there “The lock broke again, great… yes, please?”

The words Cute and Pink described a side of the room almost completely, filled with baby things: dolls, stuffed animals that Sophie didn’t knew the name of, books for kids, toys, rattles, tiny clothes and Anastasia’s crib. Theresa’s side had a stroller, her bed, a closet, tons of diapers, towels, cleaning implements, plus the mother carrying the baby whose cute tiny pajama, was stained brown…

“What do I do?”

It was simple: grab the things Theresa asked her to bring to the upstairs’ bathroom, and help her with was caused by the faulty diaper

That was all that the redhead asked for, but since Anastasia was hungry, Sophie stayed awake and grabbed the dirty covers of the crib and took them, together with the dirty clothes, to the bath to clean them. A plastic sheet (That she took to clean too) meant that the mattress didn’t got dirty, but she could replace the covers later, at the moment she was focusing in what they had taught her about the house, and located a soap bar that was made for clothes, before getting to work

“Sophie…?” she was nearly finished when a drowsy Antonia stood by the door looking at her

“Yes? Do you need the bathroom?”

“I’ll use the other one, did a diaper blow up again?” Sophie didn’t knew about the ‘Again’ part, but she nodded, it was an apt explanation… “Got it… but you forgot to remove the bandages…”

Sophie flinched, she had been too focused in helping, that she didn’t realized that, or, that she had left the door open…

“C-can you get me the other one…? Please?” they had shown her the place where she could hang things to dry, and that was the place where she had placed the black one

“Sure, want me to close the door?” she nodded and Antonia did that before walking away

‘This… Queen stuff, is dangerous…’

[I didn’t noticed either]

‘I’m not blaming you…’ with that she started to wash the bandage too


Antonia, from the other side of the door, had told her that she left the bandage by the doorknob when she came back, which she wrapped around the Ark quickly. And soon Sophie was walking back to Theresa’s room after hanging what she cleaned, to see if she needed more help

“Thanks…” but the annoyed mom just yawned as she patted her daughter’s back, while the baby was turning her head from one side to the other, wide awake “You can go back to sleep…”

The other woman had already delivered a glass of water to the mom, changed the covers after placing another plastic sheet on the mattress (They had two of those), and was glaring at a pile of unfurled diapers…

“What happened?” Sophie asked, not wanting to leave while the two were upset

“I thought that I broke one of them” Antonia said as she showed one of them to her, pointing at the middle of two barriers at each side of the crotch of the diaper “But all of them are cut”

It was as she said, it wasn't that they were frayed, or that the material was too thin. It looked just as the cut fabrics in the room she was using to sleep…

“You don’t have any more?” Sophie asked as she grabbed the package, that now she noticed had an ‘A’ written in permanent marker

“I do… those are the ones the… ‘Sperm donor’ got for me…” Polly had warned her about asking about the baby’s father, and the tone the mom used, reinforced that information…

“‘A’ for asshole, right?” but Antonia asked anyway, making the mom grumble in annoyance

Anastasia didn’t liked that tone… but Theresa noticed and started to hum a song and both started to calm down… with Sophie forcing herself to look somewhere else, and not attempt to ask about carrying-

“This was tampered with…” which is why she noticed a burn mark on the opposite side from the ‘Open Here’ mark in the rectangular package

Sophie had worked with tampered cargo before, and did her own tampering to survive a few times too, so, she showed to Antonia the location that looked cut open, and remelted together…

“Asshole indeed…” the black haired woman looked ready to punch someone… just as Sophie's mind was considering asking for some localized World Destroying Magic…

“Check the green one, please?” but Theresa distracted both of them, her tone being even more threatening… “It was the first one he got her, and of a wrong size for her weight…”

The green package was marked just like the other one, and it was almost insultingly easy to see that it was tampered. It had even started to break open along the seam due to the time it had been stored…

“That cheating bastard…” and both Antonia and Sophie quickly found that all the diapers had that same cuts… “Mommy is going to kick~ daddy in the balls~” Theresa said with a singsong voice to her baby “Please don’t cry~ he deserves that and more~”

Anastasia just looked confused and attempted to grab Theresa’s hair, but Sophie moved closer and got one of her fingers grabbed instead, finally meeting her blueish eyes that regarded her with curiosity

“Hi…” feeling her strong grip of those little fingers on her own made her really happy… “It’s time to sleep~” but she tried to to not squeal from her emotions going wild…

They were obvious on her face even if she didn’t noticed it

The baby tried to pull her finger on her mouth, but Theresa stopped that from happening while requesting a pacifier. Anastasia wasn't hungry, she was just tired, but wanted something in her mouth, so, when Antonia procured the item from somewhere, the baby snuggled against her mom while sucking it

She still had her eyes open, but wasn't moving as much, she was just staring at her mom’s face. Which Antonia made sure to take a picture of with Theresa’s phone

“Thanks you two, but go to sleep, really…” she yawned with her baby

And both of them did it… after taking all the tampered diapers out of the room, and trashing them, but after a few seconds of standing on the kitchen

“I’m not going to ask…” Antonia said “But when you are ready…” and gestured to the bandaged hand “We are here to listen, all right?” she had a smile aimed at the taller girl

“I… I… will… I just need…” who lost her words ‘Aaaahhhh!!!!’ and got nervous

“It’s okay, goodnight”


But like she said, Antonia didn’t tried to get the answer out of her… leaving her to get for some water for herself

‘I can always pretend that you appearing in my hand, was what made me “Escape…” right?’

[From Barus?] Sophie looked around, and after making sure no one was looking at her, she nodded [Yes, it could work. This excuse has synergy with what happened today: the fear of not being Normal there, made you escape, which is why you became scared at the possibility of not being Normal here]

It was a solid enough excuse… because it was nearly exactly what had happened to Sophie, if you ignored her death. Still, the excuse only would come into the light after some other people showed magic related side-effects…

‘Unless… I tell them about magic first…?’ but, in the end, she didn’t wanted to lie to them… and it wasn't because Calypso had been called by Antonia, a “Living lie detector”

[You could, but I suggest that you develop a greater rapport with them first]

‘What’s that?’ she was already walking to her room to sleep again

[It means that you should become their friend first]

Sophie smiled, things were looking good


Things didn’t remained positive for long…

After breakfast, a wonderfully tasty and portable thing called sandwiches, Sophie had surprised everyone because she had no troubles with going to the bathroom. Antonia had expected for her to have some kind of problems due to changing her diet, but she quickly came to the conclusion that Sophie had to eat something solid in the long route, before reaching Silvermist

Then, after getting her in a modest and conservative black dress and coat, from Selene, and sport related undergarments, also from Selene. They had left Theresa and Anastasia at home due to the space available in Calypso’s car, and to let the mom sleep with the baby. Who had woken up another two times during the night, in which Sophie helped with what she could

Sophie even managed to change one of the diapers by herself without problems

But even if she wasn't tired after doing any of that (Amelia explained that she was letting Sophie's mind sleep inside the Ark), the succubus couldn't focus on how happy the clothes were making her feel (Even if her chest was a bit too tight), and she also felt all her energy getting drained the moment she entered that building and saw. So. Many. People. (Six), wearing the same white and gray uniform…

Thinking about how many more pigs would be behind the double doors to the side of the wide room, made her stomach churn, and felt like it was filling with metal…

“It’s fine…” Selene was to her side, giving her back a few calming rubs “We are here to help…” everyone in that entrance room had noticed how tense she got, but she was the first to say anything, the rest just nodded or smiled at her, with her becoming aware of the support they were feeling towards her… except for the police, she could tell that they just saw her as work to do…

Or as a piece of meat…

While Calypso guided her to the receptionist, she was a bit disgusted by the… lust… she could feel coming from some of them…

[Your Formless abilities have surprising synergies with your Succubus ones]

‘Yes. But I’m not happy about pigs feeling lust for me… am I the first succubus with this problem…?’

[I sure you aren't. The sheer amount of universes that I visited with my Creator should be proof of it]

‘Hmm… good point…’ that number was so high, that a chaste succubus was possible…

“From Barus…? Her…?”

Once she heard her voice, Sophie focused on the conversation with the stocky woman with dark colored skin, that looked up at her from the seat with uncertainty…

“She has the hair color… I guess…” that her voice shared, she shook her head and stood up with the help of a cane “Wait here, the landlines are making a weird noise today”

“Thankfully, it’s not affecting Silvermist’s cellphones” Calypso’s smile was tense

“Yeah! But I don’t have the new guy’s number, and he has been annoying about not having her coming here yesterday…” she left slowly thought the double doors after pressing a button that made a loud sound and unlocked the door, heavily using the cane as she walked

Sophie didn’t asked about what happened to her, or about the words that indicated the pigs already knew she was in the town, she was busy making sure that she didn’t met anyone’s eyes while looking around… confirming that she only had one exit from that place, and the amount of cameras and the angles they covered in the room-

“Sophie, remember to breath” Calypso’s reminder, made her realize that she was falling back to old habits…

“Sorry…” she just couldn't stop herself… at least the last time she was surrounded by pigs, she didn’t had to deal with them looking at her with lust…

She still loved having the right body, but this drawback was almost making her want to become a hermit…

Almost… the memory of her four possible sexual partners kept her from fleeing the damned place, as Antonia called it later

Those doors opened again and a tall blond man came out, followed by a somewhat younger couple of cops, he had a slightly different uniform compared with the rest…

‘I hate him…’ and she noticed immediately that he was a threat…

There was no lust, just wrath at her being taller than him behind an indifference mask. Still, she tried to keep her face neutral… but she did started to feel… his greed while calculating how valuable she could be…

[Look at the woman to his right]

She did that, and the woman behind him flinched as she opened her mouth, getting the attention of the other two cops. That woman made Sophie curious, only in this world she had heard of women having that kind of position and unlike the receptionist, she had a weapon, just like every other cop in the room

‘Too small to be an Iron Dust Railgun…’ just one of those, had enough ammo to mow down through thousands…

It was a horrifying sight…

“So… from Barus?” the blond man focused his apparent indifference on Calypso

“Yes, and she was indoctrinated, to distrust and hate the police of this country. We have tried to fix this, but it will take longer than the one day we had” she calmly said “In fact, we already have the information required, we just need to fill the paperwork and we can leave”

“You still didn’t got her here immediately” Sophie had to grit her teeth together to not punch him in the face “And we need to wait for the results-”

“She is not going to stay here for over twenty hours, while the program finishes…” she cut what he was saying while glaring “I know you are new in Silvermist, and that she is the first person from Barus to reach this deep in the country, but I have years working in this department, and I know that I had a week before being required by law to bring her here. Where is the chief?”

She crossed her arms

“Constance is going to him” he gestured to the man behind him and he opened a book on the reception desk “Since you are in a rush, shall we start here?”

“And you made her walk there?” Antonia’s comment was ignored by him, but the other two did looked uncomfortable by it

“Sure, but considering her upbringing, let’s have her being the one that takes her fingerprints” Calypso said before looking at the policewoman “Do. Not. Remove. The bandages”

He didn’t said anything against it, and so, after the woman nodded with fear on her eyes, Sophie was guided to get her fingerprints taken, but…

“Her fingerprints look unique- I mean. Distinctive” the woman quickly corrected herself while she rubbed the fingers of her left hand to make sure nothing covered them, and then gestured to her palm as a whole

Once she pointed that out, Sophie noticed that a lot of the lines on her hand, had the pointy shape of the Ark… the ‘New pig’ frowned when he saw that, but didn’t said anything other than a huff, and the process ended quickly enough

“We need to wait for an ambulance to-”

“I’m a nurse” Antonia interrupted him next, while gesturing at a notebook that Polly was holding “All the information required is here, and considering that she had multiple panic attacks yesterday, I will not allow to have her blood to be collected, in a place that already puts her on edge”

DNA was a topic that appeared in the biology book, as a follow up to reproduction, and it completed some of the gaps of the knowledge she had about the topic from the previous world. Amelia’s warning to not leave any of her DNA in the building, was unnecessary, but nonetheless Sophie appreciated both her confirmation, and Antonia’s protection

If he was going to say anything, the inner doors opening stopped that

“Calypso! Good to see you” a man with dark colored skin and gray hair, held the doors open for Constance, he had a suit that she didn’t bothered with the details, because she could figure that he was the chief of the pigs…

Wherever that was a bad thing or not, it didn’t mattered to her. She was already trying to remove the ink of her fingers with as much strength as she could

“It gets off faster with water and soap” and while Lily’s mom explained her circumstances again, Selene was there to calm her down “Can you wait for a bit? The bathroom here must be inside”

Sophie nearly winced at that information… she had already been told about the interrogation room, and about how one-way mirrors worked, but she didn’t wanted to enter yet another small space where there was the chance of a cop being inside it…

She stopped from trying to remove the ink and soon enough the chief mentioned that she was the tallest woman he had seen, before guiding everyone inside and in there, the groups split

Antonia and Polly were going to fill the paperwork

Calypso, the new pig, and the chief were going to the lab

And Selene was going to observe Sophie from the other side of the one-way mirror… the problem was the fat bastard (That’s how Antonia called him later) that was assigned to do her questions. He had a similar outfit to the new pig, but Amelia’s emotionless tone…

[He will do something stupid] felt annoyed to Sophie

Again, she didn’t needed the warning, but she did the ‘I’m very uncomfortable’ gesture that her housemates had taught her

“I want to be in the same room as her” and Selene reacted, interrupting him as he tried to start a lustful conversation with her

“Eh… no. You can’t…” apparently they had known each other, years before, but she didn’t remembered from where

And the glare she gave him, made him feel wrath at Sophie



The lab was nothing more than the room with the most computers, and one person to use all of them

“Hello…?” or rather, one person to use the scanner for prints, and compose emails for bigger departments to manage actual data “What happened?” the guy looked scared of having so many people, and the chief, get in at the same time

“Barusian” the blond cop gave him Sophie's fingerprints “Somehow got here from the border, find out if she is a criminal” he sounded bored while ignoring the stare that Calypso gave him

“But first…” before she produced a paper from a folder she had and gave it to the technician “Send this as an email to the address in the paper”

The chief glanced at the paper and chuckled, while the technician got to work

“Not pulling any punches?”

“I was present in every panic attack that she had yesterday, I really don’t want her here for a second more than needed”

“So, she is dangerous?” the blond asked while crossing his arms

And she glared at him

“The only thing in danger here, it’s your job” the chief snapped making the technician flinch, and the blond raised his hands in defeat

“I’m just saying that things seems weird…”

“I’m just helping a girl that has gone through hell. Do you really have an objection with that?”

“None whatsoever…”

His lie made her rub behind her left ear, and the chief recognized that old signal

“Oh…?” but the technician interrupted them “That was fast…” a few more clicks and he was looking at a list of names shorted by height “1.84… 1.82… 1.79… wait, all of these are male…”

“Did you send the message like I told you?” and Calypso’s internal alarms started to scream without showing on her face, as she got her phone ready

“See it for yourself ma'am” he offered and opened the message he had just send, before trying to subtly look at her generous chest and wide hips under her suit

That she didn’t noticed, because she didn’t needed to look at the screen to know something was wrong, and was already calling a specific number, that she placed in speaker

“Hello?” he answered at the second ring

“Hello Inco, it’s me. You didn’t read the message or what?”

“Calypso you know I don’t like to talk on speaker…”

She made a show of rolling her eyes and go back to a normal call, before walking a few steps away from the rest, the chief looking amused at what Inco had said

“There, now only I can hear your voice” she was using a mocking tone

Internal on route” he whispered


“Yes, you need to practice it more…” she took a few steps further away, what little the small room allowed, really “Anyway, we asked for female criminal’s heights while we scan her fingerprints…” Inco remained silent, so, the information must have been ready, and was waiting for her to say something that sounded natural. So she continued after a few seconds of silence “All right. Do you have any tea~?”

Calypso made note of how the new guy scoffed at her code-word, before looking at how the technician started to scan Sophie's distinctive prints

“No info on the target, it shouldn’t be the chief, but they sent Ace…”

“No way~” she laughed, but she actually wanted to scream… “What else did that blond bastard did?” she saw how the guy tensed…

“I really meant it, no info at all” crap, that meant big problems… “I just sent what you asked”

She snapped her fingers, getting the attention of the three men, before pointing to the computer

“When can we met? Seems that a lot has happened~”

“I wish I could… a few higher-ups are tense, no idea why, but Jack mentioned a satellite?”

Big problems, and the military side was being sneaky… at the same time?

A groan escaped her lips

“Ok, I’m busy” she was going to investigate on her own too “I’ll call you when I’m back home” and she was going to keep him on touch

“Good luck” both ended the call at the same time

“Babies on the way~” she said an unrelated truth, and made the chief go pale

Goddess not again…”

And with her misdirection completed she focused on the technician


“The tallest female criminal in the list it’s 1.74, the next one is 1.59… list updated three hours ago. What is her height?”

“Almost two meters” the chief said, still shacking his head the new she gave him

The technician’s head snapped towards him

“Can I ask her to step on me?” the moment he said that, his hand snapped to his mouth and he looked ready to die from embarrassment, while all of them stared at him…

“She is eighteen…” she answered involuntarily

“Eww” and he got disgusted instantly “Too young…”

Calypso wasn't sure about what to feel from the truth that he said… specially considering that he was younger than her…

But the screams that started outside made all of them run out of the room


The two cops that had been with the new guy remained with Antonia and Polly, as the former filled the paperwork with an annoyed expression on her face, but with ease in her hand

The seamstress was also working with ease, but in her case, she was designing clothes in a different notebook, than the one Antonia was using to fill the information

“Wow…” the policewoman got curious and got closer to look at the designs, but she noticed what some of the numbers on the notebook meant

“What’s it?” he asked, but she moved in a way to block him from reading the information

Nothing that concerns you…” she glared at the man, with a mixture of awe and envy on her expression

Polly giggled

“Wait until you see her in clothes designed for her~” and couldn't help but boast about what she was going to make in the future, Sophie was already rocking the clothes she made, if she could get her to model, then the household would be set in terms of money for a long while

“D-do you accept requests?” the policewoman asked…

“All my products are custom made~” but got scared of mentioning, that she wanted to see Sophie in a specific attire… even after putting Polly’s business card in a pocket

Things would have remained in silence, but the man had questions

“Did she said something about eugenics?” but the first one just made Antonia glare at him

“We are not going to tell you if her body is natural or not…”

He stuttered trying to deny what she had said, but once the policewoman joined with her own glare, he just gave up and looked away

Things should have remained calm


But seeing Selene rush towards the room where the girl was… gave them the idea that Sophie was right about being uncomfortable…


The first thing she noticed about the room was the… mirror?

[Interesting, I didn’t noticed that your eyes were capable of seeing through this kind of structure]

She could see perfectly at the dark room on the other side of the window. Two other pigs were already waiting inside that-

“Sit and wait” he ordered loudly pulling the chair that was facing the mirror next to a metal table on the middle of the room, but she ignored him “I said sit!”

Sophie was more interested in Selene, once she entered the dark room she instantly met eyes with her and gave her a smile, that Sophie couldn't return due to the pig near her…

Then Selene’s face got confused, and she realized that she shouldn’t maintain eye contact with the woman, so she let her eyes wander along that room other room. She still glared at the guy that got too close to Selene-

“CAN’T YOU HEARD ME?!!!” but wherever he moved away due to his scream filled with wounded pride, or her glare, she didn’t knew…

She just gave the angry fat bastard, a glare of her own, due to his scream making Selene flinch…

[You don’t have to say anything] and Amelia stopped her from doing more, before looking at the ‘Mirror’ again

“Whatever…” he still sounded wrathful as he got out, slamming the door on the way out…

At that point she rolled her eyes, and saw Selene giggling at her expression, before she switched the chairs from each side of the table, before sitting. It was just a simple preventive measure, but she could see a pig placing a pressure switch, or a needle, under a seat that they were adamant for her to use…

Both chairs looked uncomfortable, and the reaction of the three cops with Selene was just of confusion, so she assumed that she just wasted a few seconds, of the minutes she expended waiting for the bastard to come back

And that he did, slamming a water bottle on front of her


An open water bottle…

“Sophie” whose cap she screwed shut, and pushed away from her before he managed to sit on the other chair

As if she would accept anything from a hostile cop…

“That’s not a Barusian name. Tell me your name”


He slapped the bottle to the side, making Selene visibly gasp-

“Tell me your fucking name!!!” before screaming at her, with his whole face becoming red with wrath

“Are you deaf?” she wasn't impressed, and noticed one of the other cops struggling to not laugh at how much redder his face got “If you meant the way they called me. Then it’s A.M.R.C.E.M.-M7691-33”

His expression became one of confusion as he pulled back from the table

“As you can see, that’s not a name…” but as she said that, his anger increased again

“Oh! You think you are funny?!” he slammed his hand on the table, making everyone on the other room glare at him “Tell me your name!!!

She sighed


[Lean your head 3 centimeters to the left]

Amelia’s instructions came handy, as he tried to slap her, but with her warning, she just felt her hair get pushed out of place and the air passing next to her ear

Selene reacted with anger and slapped the mirror, making the bastard flinch at that sound, at the reminder that there were witnesses

“If you try to touch me again. I’ll break every bone in your body…” Selene’s wrath was her wrath, and it was making her body shake…

And activated her mana

He seemed ready to start foaming from the mouth, before he threw the metal table to the side with a loud noise. She saw Selene scream as he tried to grab her right hand

But the enchantment on the fabric, made it so that his grip couldn't find purchase and it was easy for her to pull her hand back-

[Punch him in the crotch]

And follow that instruction with that same hand


It was a very satisfactory sound. Almost as good as the strained squeal of pain, that barely escaped his throat

But she didn’t had time to thing about what just happened

Sophie spun on the seat as she stood up, and he fell to the ground. Lifting metal chair above her head as she took a few steps back from his collapsed form, she didn’t tried to hit him again

[Keep the chair up]

“Sophie!!!” nor she was going to swing the thing once Selene entered the room and got close to her “Wait don’t-! Ah?! No wait! Put that down!”

Her first instinct was to get between Selene and the cops that entered the room after her, which left the woman against the wall while hugging her stomach and the stream of cops at the entrance of the room, unsure of what to do

“URGH!!!” the bastard was on the ground grabbing the pained area with both hands, panting and grunting against the tile floor

“WHAT’S GOING ON?!!!” and the chief’s voice split the wall of cops, letting him, the blond, and Calypso enter the room

Where all three of them looked confused at the scene

“He tried to hit Sophie! She was just defending herself!” Selene quickly spoke “Calypso!”

The woman nodded and got closer, trying to get Sophie's attention

“Who else was here?!” the chief sounded angry, and the blond was glaring at the prone man with a comparable intensity…

“Only him!” Selene answered while also trying to make the panicked succubus drop the chair

“The protocol says-!” the chief started to say something

“BITCH-!!!” but he pulled his weapon from the holster that he had

Just to get kicked in the face by the blond man, before he knee-dropped on his back making him scream further, and twisted the weapon out of his hand to give it to the chief

The chief was muted by what had happened, but the moment he got the gun, he did something and a part of the weapon slid out of it, then he pulled part of it that slid, releasing a brass colored thing that fell to the floor

He made it look easy

“THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!!!” as that was happening, the blond roared and pinned the bastard’s arms behind his back

[Keep the chair up]

“GET OFF ME!!!” but the bastard wasn't making it easy to have the handcuff get placed on him, and one of the cops that had been with Selene, got inside to help the blond with that

At that moment the chief looked at Calypso, barely noticing the chair still in the air, before looking at the three men struggling on the floor-

“He has a gun on his left ankle?!” the pants of the bastard moved up during the struggle revealing a smaller weapon that another cop entered to remove “Those kind of hidden weapons are illegal!!!”

“SHUT UP YOU-!!!” oddly, she didn’t understood the next word that he said, but was latter told that it was a slur that she never should said, at all

“You are fired” the chief stated with a calm wrath “Throw him into a cell, I’ll deal with him later!”

The next few seconds were full of his struggles against an increasing number of cops until she couldn't hear him anymore

[You can lower it now] she started to do that… but couldn't let go of the metal thing

Leaving just the four of them inside the quiet room, with Antonia and Polly looking from the entrance with worry on their faces

“What a mess…” he sighed and recovered the parts of the weapon, that now Sophie recognized as an old thing that fired bullets…

She started to feel dizzy, because, somehow, she had been using her mana until that point. So, she couldn't think about how similar the current weapons, that she was seeing, were similar to old weapons from the other world…


[I’ll explain later. You can release the chair]

Selene had been trying to get her to do that for the last few seconds with a somewhat scared expression, so she let it slip from her finger, making some noise against the tile floor, that made the chief look at her face…

“You drove them in your car?” before looking at Calypso, who nodded as she glared at him “Have them wait inside it. And let’s finish with this mess…”

Sophie barely registered as she was pulled away from the building and into the car. She only really managed to relax once her head was on Selene’s lap, and she cried for a bit


Amelia used the three hours they were waiting there, to give her an explanation of what happened with the bastard

[You instinctively used what I’m calling Hostile Suggestion. This seems to be a unique ability of an Ark Succubus Queen: by using mana, you cause the target to release, and intensify, unattractive attributes of them, to the open]


[Unattractive to you, and apparently things they want to keep hidden. In his case, they were violent urges, together with a desire to put everyone under him, to lower their personal value. It’s still too early to have a complete analysis, but seeing the reactions of everyone around you at the time, I hypothesize that it’s to make them seem less attractive to potential mates]

‘He didn’t needed help with that…’

[That’s is why I suggest further testing to solidify the theory, but that can wait. For now I calculate that your mana will be recovered at some point of the night, please rest as much as you can for now to speed this up. Additionally, another hypothesis seems to indicate that an Ark Succubus Queen, is capable of understanding what a baby wants and needs, even without a language in common. This is another thing that will need time to fully analyze]

And that is what she did, enjoying the hums that Selene was making as she played with her hair

The car was off, but the windows were open and the weather was pleasant enough for her to not have any problem with it, even if her posture wasn't the most comfortable due to her height

During that time someone she didn’t knew tapped on the roof of the car and asked for Calypso, they told him that she was inside, and the man thanked them before entering

Antonia and Calypso had remained inside the building, with Polly walking to nearby stores to make sure all of them were fine with the prolonged waiting…

She also came back with a few bags of buttons, to ask Sophie which ones she liked. She picked the rainbow ones, because they remind her of Amelia, and the green ones too

“Finally…” eventually all three of them returned to the car, and Sophie sat properly to listen at Calypso “Don't worry about him, all the women in there used the opportunity to reveal the sh- stuff… that he had said to them so far” she gave a folder to Sophie and started the engine once she had it “In there is your temporary ID and legal papers, make at least two copies of everything. We can go and make the official one next week, right now I’m going to be busy with…”

Calypso shook her head

“A lot of things…”

“Thank you…” Sophie wanted to ask about those things, but at the moment she just wanted to go home

Her mental use of that word made her smile a bit

“You’re welcome, just be patient with my kid. She can be cold to strangers…” she chuckled as she drove them away from that place

“Is she going to need a lawyer?” with Selene asking that after a few seconds

“Nah, this is part of my department, and I got permission to add today as overtime for me and the guy that arrived a while ago, so…” she had a cheeky smile that made Selene giggle and blush a bit “Ah, Sophie? You should be thinking about a family name”

Polly jumped on her seat next to Selene, looking up from her notebook

“She doesn’t gets ours?”

“That’s for those under eighteen, right now it’s her choice if she wants it, or if she wants to start her own family name. Selene still would get the stipend either way, because she is the owner of the house”

“Family name?”

Sophie's question made all of them sigh… before Selene giggled

“One of those, also called a last name, means that all of us, Anastasia, Antonia, Polly, Theresa, and me, are part of the same family, that we share blood, or, the desire to help each other with their lives” and said that, making Antonia look at her from the front seat

“Oh!” and Sophie smiled “I like that!”

“Are you sure?” Antonia asked “Ours mean ‘Spring of water’ in a truly dead language”

“I’ll use magic to bring it back! Eh…” Sophie didn’t realized what she said until it was already out of her mouth

But the others just laughed for a few seconds, until Calypso spoke again

“You did spend time with Alexis, all right~” making them laugh for while longer, without her understanding what was the funny thing…

““Welcome to the family~”” but then, Selene and Polly hugged her, while Antonia’s hand petted her head

Making her smile with tears forming on her eyes. Finally feeling that the day was becoming a good one…

And that she was going to have the opportunity to relax


Ugh… chapter 8 was difficult to write… but I finished it… sadly I feel somewhat sick, so I might not be able to upload either of my stories next week

Still, remember that you can suggest transformations~

Be safe! And I hope things go well for you!

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