One Weird Succubus

Chapter 11: Looming disaster

Looming disaster

The raven landed next to the squirrel silently, neither being scared or surprised by the other, and without even looking at each other, they nuzzled, causing the bird to melt into the mammal, and make her feathers appear from all over the now black fur of the creature. In the dark of the night no one was able to look at her when she started to move along the roof of Selene’s house, nor when she entered the studio in it through a finger-wide gap near a window

In there, she could see the groaning body of the sleeping succubus curled under the blanket, nearly immobile as she got closer and placed a paw on the hand that didn’t had that undetectable, crystalline superstructure…

There was no reason to destroy the carrier of the Lust Mana to do the delivery

“Ah…” said delivery was quick, just a pink flash of light going from the creature and the girl, that made a soft moan, that was between arousal and pain, escape from Sophie’s lips at the same time the hand holding the superstructure moved between her naked legs, and under her panties to start finger herself

Something… not unexpected from a succubus…

What was completely unexpected, happened next…


At least the cupcakes tasted good…

That was the only thing she could remember from her cooking before her stomach started to twist, after a few minutes filled with false hope, and she had to run to the bathroom…

“Ugh…” she didn’t got silly like before, but she still got a head-splitting headache afterwards, which was the second worst part of the whole thing “What if Alexis hates me because I can’t drink her coffee?” mostly because she had other priorities, causing her new worries that kept appearing in her mind

“I don’t think she is the kind of person to do something like that” despite Amelia’s efforts to dispel those, and Sophie had to admit that her worries sounded silly at best… “Besides, you still haven't tried the brand she likes to take, but I do suggest to try it in liquid form, before even attempting to eat it in a pastry again” that suggestion made her nod, but… sighed…

“What did you said to the Primal Soul?” and shook her head before moving to another thing that worried her

Amelia blinked and a list appeared on the whiteboard

“This” after a moment in which Sophie started to read it she continued “It was mostly about the living conditions in Wasteland, the state of that world’s Primal Soul, and everything that you have told me that your enemies have done”

“And my bodies?” Sophie asked while pointing at the item in the list

“I showed an image of your old body to the Primal Soul-” the succubus winced “As evidence of my words. It mentioned that you looked heavily malnourished, and that the augmentations that you had, were most likely to have killed you if you had tried to remove them” that was more or less public knowledge back in Wasteland, and she had confirmed it while she hacked hers, so, Sophie told her findings to Amelia “Now I want you to try to use your ability to change the body of others from that place, and see if you could save them” making Amelia touch her chin while saying that

The other items in the list weren't too worrisome, they were just information of her current sexual needs, confirmation that neither of them wanted to hurt anyone in the world (Except for potential Shitheads, which apparently was allowed by the planet), their current plans (None, other than helping Kelly with her body, maybe going to New Horn, and sex), and the confirmation that Sophie wasn't planing in bringing Wasteland’s technologies to that world, other than remaking some of the programs that she had used before (Those were allowed by the Soul too, but the reaction of her girls had made her reconsider them)

“It also confirmed that it would fight against your enemies, as long as you are part of the fight”

“Which I am”

“And I made sure to press that information to it, mostly because it threatened to attack you, if you tried to flee” those words made Sophie look at the interface with a deadpan, but Amelia didn’t looked, or felt, angry at the Primal Soul. So she assumed that the two of them considered it as the planet being silly, and decided to forget about that topic “I also found out the reason for the Astral Layer being so big: Life started to appear in it earlier than it expected, and there is an asteroid that will hit the planet in just over two hundred thousand years, with potentially disastrous consequences”

Sophie’s eyes were wide as she waited for Amelia to continue, trying to not shiver

“Now, since life appeared when it did, and humans started to evolve when they did, she calculated that there was a chance for them to mine that asteroid before it became a problem, but in case they didn’t, it absorbed all the faith they have generated so far, into that Layer to take most of the asteroid into it, during the moment of the impact. I confirmed its numbers, and such action would have made the impact only deal twenty percent of the damage it would do otherwise, letting life survive it”

“Oh…” she blinked “How would the humans explain that then?”

“It didn’t care” to Sophie, that answer expressed as much humor as Amelia was able to “It only cares that life keeps going, not about the headaches that could happen with how she does that”

Hearing that was… it was something… that the succubus couldn’t identify, still, she chuckled mirthlessly for a moment before rereading the list

“Did it said what is happening in it now?”

“No. But since we are the cause that magic will develop in the world, I assume that it is letting, or forcing, the deities of the world to be formed. Mostly because magic should give mortals, more tools to deal with the asteroid themselves”

After that, she couldn’t think of anything else to say. The topic about she not mentioning the Shitheads to the girls was still weighting heavily in her mind, even after she started to make smaller circles again-

Then Sophie staggered…

“W-what…?” her voice even getting a bit slurred for some reason… while being inside the Ark…?

“Your body is masturbating” the reason made her groan loudly and cover her face with both hands as she tried to shake off the effects of what was happening outside, barely noticing that she was unable to gauge how much mana she was gaining from it

“Stupid stage two…” with another groan she shook her head as her tail slapped the floor a few times, and focused back on the smaller circles she had been drawing

Completely unaware that there was another copy of Amelia walking between the bookshelves, that, on one of her hands, had gathered copies of many pages coming from the books around her in the time the carriers had combined, before the whole stack vanished with the crackle of electricity, and both interfaces became one again

“I have a suggestion” Amelia said gesturing to the now clean whiteboard “Let’s plan your next structures for a while, before you focus back on minimizing the ritual circle” Sophie blinked and stood up from where she was drawing on the floor with a wooden stick, once she nodded Amelia made a few drawings appear “For the memory boosting structure I suggest that you see it as a book, while for the transformation one, I suggest three mirrors”

“Three…?” Sophie asked, her confusion surpassing her amusement at the idea of making a memory book, while Amelia nodded

“One of the mirrors would only reflect your human appearance, the next one would do the same for your succubus one, and the remaining would be for many temporal disguises, or, for the shapes that you plan on giving to others. This last mirror would need of the memory booster the least, while compared with the other two, but like all of them, it would still require it” and the confusion increased

“How sho? I mean…” Sophie gestured to herself “I doubt that I’ll forget how my body looks…?” to her surprise, Amelia shook her head

“Is both a preventive measure to any surprise coming from your Formless side, and it would be a way to diminish dysphoria when taking a different shape, in particular if you need to take a male appearance for some reason”

Amelia waited until Sophie stopped cringing before continuing

“There are those like the man that kept you safe when you were young, remember?” and help her realize of a very good reason for her to give others a male body… “The main problem resides in the memories required to make the memory structure. You will need some where you are successfully remembering things” that made the succubus wince, because the difficulty made sense: remembering things about something, or someone, were one thing, remembering situations where she was remembering things was… redundant, at the very least…

And she didn’t had school tests to use as examples…

“I’ll do my best” still, she didn’t dwell on that, and for the next few hours they kept working with what memories Sophie could use. Of course, Amelia didn’t wanted Sophie to start making those structures yet, just to avoid unnecessary risks at reducing the time she currently had, but after she had sex, and a constant source of Lust Mana, they were going to make those structures


A tiny spark of electricity hit the creature, making her jump back silently and unharmed… but completely bewildered… now she was full of information about many different kinds of beings… magical ones…

Was that repayment for the mana? Or a suggestion from the soulless one?

The feathered being didn’t knew and quickly left the building, using the same gap before jumping and taking the shape of a mostly furred bird and flying towards the forest… perhaps the newly born Change would know what to do? Besides, something like that was more in line with the deity’s domain… no matter how new it was


Alexis was staring at the ceiling of her room, she had no idea if she had managed to sleep or not. Her head was… not empty

‘…’ but as she kept touching her lips, and the sunlight made the room brighter, it was obvious that her mind was full of… stufffeelings… and the only way to express them was… ‘AAAAAHHHHH!!!!


Her mind was such a mess, that she couldn’t even being to try and find the beginning of the situation, because it always went back to Sophie and her copies above her…

Did that counted as sex…?


Every time the asked herself that, she always panicked at the things those memories made her feel… and then the memory of the kiss that Lily gave her followed, then of boobs against her head, then Sophie kissing her


Nonstop… sure, talking with them, or her family, helped to distract her, by making her focus on what they were saying at the time and not… letting the stuff drag her back into those daydreams of… she having magical dream sex with…

AAAAAHHHHH!!!!’ but alone…? Could she die from blushing? It felt like it could happen… either that, or her heart would just stop from overuse

Could a heart do that…?

She almost moved to her phone to do a search for that on the net, but then she remembered herself looking for ‘Two women having sex together’

AAAAAHHHHH!!!!’ and covered her burning face with both hands as she remembered the… images… that had filled the screen…

And how easy it was to see Sophie and Lily on those situation… or Sophie and her… or Lily and her… or all three of-

AAAAAHHHHH!!!!’ she was going nowhere, and fast… the fact that Lily was also waiting for an answer to her question was another thing that stirred the stuff in her brain… the two of them dating…? Could two girls date…? ‘I… I mean… if they can have s-s-sex t-together… t-then… they might…?’ that idea gave her mind a small moment of clarity… ‘Of course they can!’ and she felt like slapping herself ‘That’s what homosexuality means…!!!’ instead she groaned… and slowly realized that it wasn't a problem about other girls dating girls… ‘Ah…’ it was about her dating girls… ‘Eh…?’

Wait… girls? As in, more than one…?

‘Ah…?!’ yes, Lily had confessed that she liked her since they were kids, and yes, Sophie had looked in pain at the mere idea that she didn’t liked either of them… was she ready to date both of- ‘AAAAAHHHHH!!!!plus Kelly and L-




The voice of her brother made her jump from the bed and fall on the fluffy carpet of her room, shocked, but unharmed, as she stared at the fourteen years old with wide eyes, and with her heart now living in her throat…

“Are you okay…?” her head nodded as she was unable to understand why he was there, or why her door was open “Are you sure…?” she nodded again, trying to ignore the stuff in her brain and focus on the mystery that “You haven't prepared coffee yet…” had a surprising answer

“Ah…?” sitting on the carpet, she turned to look at her clock… “…?” and it said that it was almost six in the morning…

Or course she couldn’t think! She needed her morning coffee!

So, she stood up and moved to the bathroom, not noticing the confused stare her brother was giving her the whole time before and after she was done with her morning routine in there, before continuing it during the morning ritual of making coffee. Which her hands did without trouble, having it perfected many years ago to the point where it was like breathing to her. Every part of the coffee machine was perfectly clean from the day before, and soon she had already assembled it and just needed to wait until the aroma of the beverage filled the kitchen, and she brought her mug to her lips-


“Eh…?” her large cup was both empty and clean… how did she forgot to pour herself a-

“Alexis…?” the voice of her father made her jump, as she turned to see his, and her brother’s, concerned stares

“Y-yes…?” that she tried to ignore as she finally poured herself the dark liquid with surprisingly steady hands (She would never let a drop be wasted, panic be damned), and finally drank some… ‘Maybe cold brewed would be better for Sophie…?’ with her mind meandering back to the magical being that kissed her… just has her best friend had done…

“Alexis?” the stern voice of her mother snapped her back to reality. She was still in front of the machine, her cup was empty, but used, and her face was red “Are you sick?”

As she was touching her forehead and neck (With the back of her wrist, because she had been working on the small garden of the house), she could only sigh and shake her head

“I’m… thinking…” and said that before her eyes became unfocused again, still trying to sort the mess that was her brain…

“D-did you fell in love?!” her father, that had the same height as her, asked with obvious panic at the idea

“A-a-a-about my friends…!” but that word snapped her back to reality, and made her, taller, mother frown at her expression…

Dating involved Love… right…?

Frown that became more pronounced as she once more became lost in her mind…

‘C-could it be…?’

“Girls are weird…” before her brother got inside the kitchen too, filled her cup once more, and dragged her out of the kitchen, so breakfast could finally be started. Unlike her, he still had a few more weeks of classes to go through, and whatever was distracting her didn’t concerned him… even if he had to admit that the expression his dad had was funny

But he had no idea why he was muttering about shotguns…


Selene didn’t came back until noon, and to Sophie, she glowed

“Are you all right…?” literally, still, since the rest of her family hadn't said anything about the soft pink halo that surrounded Selene’s body… Sophie assumed that only she could see it for some succubus related reason, and focused on what seemed to be bruises on her neck, shoulders, and cleavage… which made the other women in the living room giggle and give the brunette knowing looks

“I’m wonderfully good~” her mom got closer to her and hugged tightly, giving a content sigh as she did “Calypso is everything I wanted, and then more~ I don’t want these hickeys to go away~”

“Did you even sleep?” Nia grinned as Theresa and Polly looked with interest, ready to make their own questions

Sadly~ yes~” there was some more giggling at the tone she used… “Sophie, what happened?” but as she ended the hug she noticed something on her daughter’s face…

And until lunch was finished, she scolded Nia for doing that kind of tests with her daughter… luckily, she did it in a volume that didn’t woke up the sleeping Anastasia. The baby was woken up by the shaking her giggling mother accidentally gave her

Polly’s quick reflexes, managed to take a picture of Anastasia pouting at her mother, angry because how she dared to wake her up like that…?

It was one of Theresa’s favorite pictures for many years to come


Calypso had a more relaxing time once she was back inside her apartment, no one had answered back once she called from the door, and while it wasn't that rare for Lily to not hear her, specially if she was hearing music or writing, she found her distracted daughter as she walked inside and looked at the couches in her living room, seeing her staring at nothing while touching her lips with a soft blush in her face… a quick glance at the kitchen, as she left a cake she bought on the table there, let her see evidence that she had breakfast that day, but said evidence and the pajama that she was still wearing, made her ‘Mom sense’ tingle

“That’s an expression I haven't seen yet~” this time Lily heard the teasing in her mother’s voice and flinched, her eyes widening with the kind of panic than only a child getting caught red-handed can show

“M-mom?! I-! Mom?!” panic that she almost managed to hide once she noticed her mother’s neck… “What happened to you?!”

“Ah, ah, ah” but the woman just waggled a finger “None of that young lady, you knew that Selene and I were going out” she almost grinned at the groan her daughter gave once she remembered the pun, but kept the ‘Stern’ facade she had adopted “What got you looking like a maiden in love~?” even if her voice ensured that she was just teasing Lily

Who blushed hard while hugging her legs, and hid her face between her knees. Calypso stifled a laugh at the sight, and despite knowing that she should take another shower, just in case, her shaky legs guided her body to sit next to her baby, trying to not wince from the pounding she got once Selene woke up that morning

‘I’m sooooo tying her to the bed this whole weekend… just need to make sure to recharge the batteries first…’ she shook her head and placed her arm over her daughter’s shoulders, giving her a hug before humming “So, someone told you about her feelings?” the tormented glare she got, made her giggle “Selene has talked with Sophie about things… so~ I have an idea about what your conversation could have been about” Lily covered her face again and winced

“T-things… are complicated…” she knew her daughter, so she knew her tells for when she wanted to avoid telling the truth

“I know that she likes Alexis too” unfortunately… or fortunately…? For the blushing blonde, her mother knew quite a few things “Selene is aware that Sophie might be multi-amorous, and spoke about the topic with her. Did she declared to both of you?”

Her question made the blushing Lily touch her lips again… and the realization hit her

“She kissed you both~?!” she couldn’t help but feel happiness for her daughter, it was obvious that she had liked whatever had happened, even if her baby didn’t wanted to admit it to herself (She knew that Lilith was stubborn like that…)

“A-a-a-a-a-after…!” but what she heard next floored her “A-after I k-kissed Alexis… s-she kissed us b-both…!”

“Wha…?” after pinning for ten years, her daughter had finally told her crush that she liked her… “EEEHHH?!!!

Calypso was so proud of her daughter that she couldn’t stop herself from hugging her fully and gushing congratulations at what she had done. No matter how embarrassed the eighteen years old looked by the attention… at the very least, Lily understood why her mother would be happy that she… did what she did… but there was an immense detail, that darkened her expression

“What’s wrong sweetie…?” which was easy to notice “Alexis doesn’t like the idea of having multiple partners?”

“W-why can’t it be me the one that doesn’t like it?!” her glare was a knee-jerk reaction, but seeing the knowing smile on her mother’s face made her blush and look away…

Calypso knew when her daughter was lying to herself too… and Lily had learned the meaning of that smile a long time ago… so, after steeling herself…

“We saw under Sophie’s bandages…” she moved to the detail that…

“She has an infection?” that her mother wasn't going to figure out at all… “Don't tell me is a still open wound…” she had no reason to think about magic of all things…

“What…?! No! It’s…” and as she was realizing this… “It’s…” she found herself unable to speak…

How was she supposed to speak of something like…

Ugh…” a girl that likes both her and the girl that she likes, plus most of her friends, is actually some kind of sex-eating being capable of using magic, that came from another world… ‘Damn it Sophie…’ and she had no idea of how to even explain anything about Amelia… that line of thought got derailed as she remembered Sophie’s face as the kiss ended, that brief moment before she kissed Alexis where her expression was… so happy

“Good” thankfully her mother had some ideas of what could be the hidden thing, and made the blushing Lily jump in her seat, just as she was touching her lips again… “I just know that Antonia is going to do something silly to get her to the hospital, so, telling her that, should stop her from doing something that is going to get Selene angry at her…” she frowned and looked out of the window towards Silvermist… “It might be too late, now that I think about it…”

Calypso shook her head, mostly to rid her mind of hidden scars, barcodes, or branding marks… and made a mental note to call the nurse after lunch

“Anyway, I’m guessing that you asked her for time…? With Alexis doing the same to you…?” the blush was answer enough, but Lily still nodded to both questions “All right, now, Selene and I are going out tomorrow and come back either on Judgment, or Strength” her daughter’s blush intensified, probably because this time she understood that she was talking about having sex with Selene the whole time “So. Remember, no parties while alone… then again…” she smiled as Lily looked confused for a moment “Maybe you want to have a party~ with-”


If anyone had asked her, if it really was a good idea to suggest to her daughter, that she should have sex while she was out of the apartment, she would have answered that she didn’t wanted her baby to feel the same regrets she did, that even if the relationship didn’t lasted for long, she shouldn’t be holding herself back due to fear. That she should live her life…

While keeping to herself, how funny was Lily’s flustered expression… besides, there was no way for Sophie to make her a grandmother…

“Do you need condoms?”


“What? Kelly is part of the group of girls that Sophie is interested in” she barely managed to keep a straight face at the shock her daughter showed “I’m just covering my bases here…”

After hearing her groans embarrassment while she held her head between her knees, and her toes curled hard against the couch, for a few minutes. Calypso decided to let her daughter rest and stood up, nearly gasping at the pleasurable tingle her insides gave her, while hoping to be recovered for the next day… then again… being extra sensitive while Selene-

“N-now~” she shook her head while trying to focus on the ways that she was going to tie Selene to the bed… “We both got girlfriends~ we got to celebrate~ and I got cake!” she smiled at her baby, who was looking…

“M-mom…!” flustered, and ready to lie to herself again. But another knowing smile, made her shiver and cup her blushing face “I… s-still haven't…”

“Considering that you didn’t got a slap from the kiss~” Calypso chuckled “I believe, that, counts as an answer~” making Lily relax slightly… ‘I wonder when I can start teasing her for grandchildren…?’ that was something to discuss with Selene, a two-pronged assault sounded hilarious

The younger blonde shivered, but the reason eluded her…


The only other thing that happened during Moon day, was them getting worried about Kelly, who had vanished until almost midnight…

I-headache-work: Hi girls, sorry for vanishing


4-on-one: ?!?!?!?!?!!?????!!!!!!!?!

4-on-one: WHRRE

I-headache-work: A doctor suddenly called me and got me an MRI for yesterday. Checking that he was a real doctor and not a scam, left me with little time to

I-headache-work: Let me finish

4-on-one: WHERE?????!!!!!!!!!!!

I-headache-work: I was running all over the place yesterda

I-headache-work: And I ran out of battery because that jerk kept calling me to get to work

I-headache-work: Im sorry

Lisha had ran to her workplace, but she wasn't there, and the presence of her angry boss meant that she couldn’t really talk with Kelly’s coworkers, now they knew the reason for his anger. So, the quadruplets flooded the group chat now that she was finally available, while the girl kept trying to explain what had happened to her

“Finally…” Sophie was relieved that Kelly was fine, even if she didn’t understand what was so great about traveling on a helicopter, and that she would have an answer for her headaches soon. Still, they all had been so worried about her, than even if the girl was still apologizing to them

Succubus: Not enough. I deman compensation. You must let us grope your boobs

Succubus: All of us

Succubus: Goodnight

4-on-one: We agree

4-on-one: We are so angry, WE all agreeeeeeeeeeeeee

Sophie could read her reaction in the morning, at the time she could just groan, plug her phone to the charger and collapse on the inflatable mattress…


Kelly’s reaction on Stars’ Day had been about twenty blushing images and emotes, but she didn’t really fought her sentence, nor did Alexis or Lily. Who were relieved that she was fine, but were still tearing her a new one when Sophie went out to buy some groceries alone

“Where did she go…?” which took her to her current situation: carrying her bags full of food while chasing a squirrel around Silvermist…

A feathered squirrel…

[She took that last turn to the right, but I’m not sure after that] after she got out of the market she had seen the dark creature dash away, and Amelia had suggested that she followed it

A creature like that, could mean that, at the very least, she could stop hiding her hair color. She hadn't stopped to think about how it might be too soon for that kind of creatures to appear, nor how Amelia hadn't confirmed if what she saw was real or not…

“Uh…?” as she walked along the houses, something else got her attention… and something similar to hunger…

Right next to the edge between the forest and the other houses, there was a very old and dilapidated-looking house surrounded by a tall ‘Fence’ made of mostly pointy bars… with very modern cameras on each corner, both on the fence and on the corners of the house, but what got her attention was the… vast Lust, that impregnated every centimeter of the wooden building. She was on the other side of the street, and despite the distance, the air around it felt thick like syrup

A shiver ran from the base of her spine up, nearly making her lick her lips

“My… you are tall…” but the voice of an old woman distracted her, and she looked down and away from that house, to see the grandma looking up at her with some difficulty as she leaned on her cane and was trying to recognize her “You aren't from here, are you?” at that question Sophie looked around and realized where she was

“Hi, I live tree streets down and about four to the center” with some help from Amelia confirming her current location “I was chasing a… squirrel with feathers…” slowly realizing how what she was doing sounded… the grandma giggled and after looking around she pointed to the dilapidated-looking building

“That one?”

Right on front of the gate, there was a brown squirrel nibbling on the sharp bit of a black feather… and as if feeling the stares, the creature stared back for a moment, before dropping the feather and running towards the tall grass around the building

“I could have swear that it was black…” Sophie pouted, trying to hide her confusion and frustration

“I know that feeling” the woman answered back with a sigh “Oh, be careful with that house” but she changed the topic quickly “It’s haunted!”


“Yes! In the last forty years people have heard screams and moans coming from it” the succubus only could ask herself about what kind of moans were the ones heard “And the owner refuses to let anyone inside to investigate, those cameras are connected to the police and if anyone tries to enter they come soon”

Now, that, was a better reason to avoid the place… despite the tempting Lust calling out for her…

“G-good to know!” so, she shook her head and tried to ignore it to avoid going there again. Instead she asked if the local Shithead was the owner of the place

“Oh! No, no, no! Thankfully…! The owner is someone else that has money too, but he is a saint compared with that monster…” the old lady waggled a finger at her “Avoid him, you heard me? The Red Butts are the worst thing that has ever happened to this town!”

“Even the daughter?”

“Specially the daughter!” the woman slowly inched closer to Sophie and patted her arm “Be a good girl you hear?”

“Yes ma’am”

That earned her a smile, before the woman started to shuffle away, and after a few seconds of conversation, Sophie walked with her to make sure the fragile woman got inside her home. It was nearby, so it didn’t meant more that a few more minutes outside, before going home

When she arrived she had already put that house as an unreachable place in her mind, and focused on reading the scolding in her phone, that had finished a few minutes earlier by the information that Kelly would have the results either later that day, or the next morning, prompting everyone to wish her good luck

Selene had already left before she got out to buy food, so, she used most of that day to finish one of the library books, getting slightly frustrated by the ending, but being unable to move to the next book just yet, Anastasia had started to cry at that moment, and it got somewhat late by the time she had finished with the book, and helping with the baby

She did talked about the book a lot with Amelia, while they were still practicing the smaller circles, now with Amelia causing an effect similar to ink with every movement that Sophie did


Waking up the following day, brought a thought to her mind: it was Judgment…

And she still hadn't an answer from either of them…

‘I thought that I could last for longer…’ she sighed after finishing her breakfast ‘I… need, that answer…’ her heart felt… as if it was made of broken glass. It was due to the only disadvantage of her training: to her, that conversation had happened days ago… and while she understood that this only affected her, and they still had the time to think they had asked for…

“What’s wrong?”

“I’m being dumb…” it was beyond frustrating, and Nia’s chuckle didn’t helped to improve her mood

It also didn’t helped that the nurse was being weird near her… Selene scolding her, didn’t felt as the reason for her to become weird. But she couldn’t figure out why she was suddenly… avoiding her

Amelia hadn't noticed it until she mentioned it to her after breakfast, but her Calculations indicated that it was a bad idea to talk about that at the moment (Besides, Nia had decided to go for a walk after eating), so… Sophie had nothing to do other than help with Anastasia one more time, and stare at nothing on the TV for an hour, mostly because she couldn’t focus on the second book due to the situation… it hadn't affected her training… too much… but if she didn’t get an answer that day, then-


The notification that came from her phone almost made her scream, she knew that it couldn’t be from her mom because she had to be having fun at the time, so, it had to be from one of the girls, and it was. A direct message to her…

Without-the-th: Please come to my house

Without-the-th: This is urgent

Just, not in either of the ways she expected it to be…

A third message arrived, this one with her address, floor, and apartment number. Causing a pit to open in her stomach as she nearly ran to the studio/bedroom, meaning that only Polly noticed her expression as she removed her pajamas right there and started to get dressed (The redheads were taking a nap)

“What’s wrong?” her tone was serious and full of worry

“Lily w-want me to g-go to her home!” and the nervous tone in which she spoke, just made her frown

“I’ll go with you” they all had seen how Sophie was like, when she was worried, and they (Plus the quadruplets’ parents) had to stop both Lisha and her from running all over Silvermist to look for Kelly, so it was for the best that the girl wasn't alone while in such a state “You have the address?”

Sophie confirmed it and soon both of them were dressed and walking towards Lily’s after leaving a note for Theresa. She suggested carrying Polly while running there, but the blonde calmly explained to her, that if Lily needed her for something, she should do her best to remain calm and full of energy, panicking and getting herself tired like that, wouldn't help anyone…

Hearing that, was a bit frustrating… but there was no way for her to safely explain that carrying her would not be a problem for the succubus…

Which must have appeared in her face, because the woman then explained, that she doing as she suggested, would pull attention to the problem, and if Lily needed help, but wanted it being quiet about the topic, she would get angry at Sophie. She made a good point, and Amelia agreed with her, so she did her best to breath, and try to stop her heart from punching through her ribs

It felt like an eternity, but a few minutes later they were in front of the door and Polly had to stop Sophie's arm from keep knocking on the door

“Sophie-! Ah…” Lily’s eyes were red, and the trails down her face confirmed that she had been crying, so, Sophie just stepped closer to hug her instantaneously, not noticing how she looked concerned that Polly had come with her…

“W-what’s wrong?” instead she was trying to see what was the problem, but the wooden and short hallway to the rest of the apartment had no hints. The plants along a wall were in a perfect line, there was no violent sounds coming from inside the place, nor the smell of blood, or chemicals, she only could smell lavender, and the natural perfume that the girl on her arms had-

“I-inside…!” she shook her head as the blonde whispered and pulled her, not saying anything when Polly pulled her cellphone out while she closed the door behind her

She only cared about bringing Sophie towards Kelly, who looked worse than Lily as she was sitting on one of the couches with some papers in front of her in a small table, looking confused at her being there-

“Kelly has tumors growing in her brain!” and explained the situation to the succubus. Who didn’t remembered exactly what those were, but Polly’s gasp and horrified expression made her heart sink, as she turned to see Kelly

“I’m going to die…” who confirmed-

No!” Sophie's hair turned into its true colors as she removed her jacket “Nonononononono!” and desperately removed the bandages that covered the Ark, ignoring the gasps at her change before she sat next to Kelly and placed her hand on top of the crystal

And both of them leaned against the back of the couch, apparently asleep. Making Lily sigh as she rubbed her hands together-

“What’s going on?!” jumping once Polly recovered enough to scream

“Y-you didn’t knew?!” she felt like facepalming at the expression of the woman… but shook her head and fully turned towards her before starting to talk “Sophie is… she knows magic, that’s how she escaped from where she was before and-”

Magic…?!” to the tone of disbelief, Lily only could point at the blue hair, making Polly hesitate for a moment “Go on…”

“Now, the crystal on her hand has a girl inside it that teaches her spells and other stuff…” again, she had no idea of what to say about Amelia… “I hope that… she knows what to do… when Kelly came here I had no idea what to do, w-what else I could do…?” she was shaking and Polly noticed that she looked ready to freak out

When a gasp coming from Kelly as she opened her eyes pulled their attention, just as Sophie hugged her, and sobbed…

“Sophie?!” Lily looked ready to tear her own hair

“I… I think that we can help…?” she didn’t sounded sure, at all, while Kelly just stared around the living room, looking lost

“You think?!” Lily’s scream jolted Kelly

“Did… did that really happened…?” and her vulnerable tone, as she started to tear up, made her friend choke a sob and sit next to her in the couch, hugging both of them

“Do you have a book you don’t use anymore…?” Sophie suddenly asked that, earning her a confused glance from everyone

But after a moment, Lily pointed at a bookshelf where they had an old dictionary, and Polly got it for them, before sitting on the table, right on top of the papers there, still clutching her cellphone

“Amelia thinks… er…” the bluenette flinched and looked between Polly and Lily

“She explained things…” the woman looked at her with a worried expression and made a ‘Go ahead’ gesture with her hand

“Ah… after Kelly explained what a tumor is, Amelia figured out that if I can’t change those cells, then she should be able to do this…”

Sophie lifted the dictionary with the hand that had the Ark, and after a glint, the book vanished, leaving nothing more than some dust, and gasps of surprise at its apparent destruction

“C-change cells…?” Polly recovered first, and it was Kelly who answered

“I explained… that tumors are cells that refuse to follow orders from the rest of the body, and just multiply…” the two blondes nodded, knowing more about the topic than Sophie, and gestured her to go on “Sophie can… change all my cells… to those of a girl, and for those that don’t follow that order, Amelia…” she gestured to the hand that had held the book…

Before blinking and staring at Sophie’s eyes

“You can turn me into a girl…”

“You are a girl” who frowned and poked her on the nose “I’m just going to make you need a wardrobe change…”

“I’ll help making the clothes…” Polly said without realizing, before shaking her head “But I want the full explanation. Now” and pointing at the Ark

Lily nodded and stood up, letting the other two shuffle to let her sit next to Sophie and touch the crystal after a moment of hesitation. Seeing both of them rest against the couch, before she turned to Kelly

“I’m sorry for not saying anything…”

“Why… would you…?” she looked at the two ‘Sleeping’ next to her for a moment before turning fully towards her “I wouldn't have said anything either…” she shook her head “Without touching the Ark, no one would believe me anyways…” she hesitated for a moment before Lily snorted, looking slightly better now that she knew that Kelly could- that she would be saved

“Yeah… I would have thought that… Sophie drugged you, or…” she shook her head and leaned to hug her friend “I’ll help her get the mana she needs…” hiding her blush with the action-

“Help her?”

Her blush intensified as a feeling of dread gripped her heart… and pulled back to see absolute confusion on the brown eyes of her friend…

“T-they didn’t told you…?”

“I just appeared in some kind of library, with Sophie being half-naked, over two meters tall, with wings and a tail, while Amelia calmed her down with our options” Lily shivered at the idea of being the one that needed to explain… “I know she is something called succubus, and that they have special needs, but Amelia said that you needed to hear about me now and didn’t explained…” those special needs…

“S-succubus…” she blushed brightly, looking away from her friend “N-need s-s-sex… to live… t-that’s how they get mana… t-too…”

Silence stretched… and she risked a glance to Kelly, finding her just as red as she felt, before she coughed and leaned forwards to recover the paper that had her results. If Lily noticed why she covered her lap with those papers, she didn’t said anything

“I…” Kelly was the one that said anything next “I can’t help with that…” gesturing at herself “N-not like this…” the blonde nodded, and just hugged her friend again…

Cursing the world for having gone mad so quickly…

Slowly growing worried as the other two took so long inside the Ark…


Be safe! And I hope things go well for you!

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