One Shot Anthology (18+ NSFW)

Hypnotic Handiwork (NSFW) – Edited Repost

A week passed when Owen returned to Evina's shack. He cautiously turned the door handle and stepped inside, "Hello? Evina...?"

From down the stairs, he heard her call back, "Hey! Come on in! I'm down here! Lend me a hand, would you?"

He walked down the stairs into her cellar to find her bent at the hips, with her top half inside a wooden box. Her rear was sticking straight up, and the back of her skirt had lifted enough to give him a view of her panties, obscured only by the see-through pantyhose she wore.

"Hey! I'm in a bit of a bind here. Can you help me out?"

Owen's heart skipped a beat as he realized she was stuck. He walked up behind her and ran his hands over her rear end.

She stopped moving, "Owen... Remove your hand from my ass or I'll remove it from your wrist. I'm not stuck. I need an extra pair of hands..."

He quickly pulled his hand away at her threat. He walked around the crate and leaned in to see her working on some delicate contraption.

"Now that you're not groping me... Put those hands to better use. See that green wire?"


"Take it and move it next to my finger. No, a little left. There. Push it in. You should feel it click."

Owen did as she instructed. Once the wire clicked into place, she stood up and dusted her hands, "There. That's done."

"Can I ask what that thing does?" He asked, looking at the strange device.

"Hmm? Oh, it's nothing. Just a little bomb."

Owen's eyes shot open.

Evina laughed, "Kidding! Nah, it's just a condenser. It condenses the air into a liquid and then fills one of those. it's for people who have a hard time breathing." She gestured to a few large green containers nearby.

Owen wore a look of confusion, "But... That's technology, not magic."

Evina sighed, "First, where's the rule saying witches can't use technology? And second, why would I waste magic doing something that technology already does?"

He looked at her sheepishly, "Oh... Right... Sorry..."

"It's fine. Anyway, you're right on time. Ready for our next session?"

Owen nodded, so she smirked, "Good. You know the drill. Strip down. In fact, new rule. From now on, you're not allowed to wear clothing in this workshop."

He started undressing, "But you're wearing clothes."

"Yes. I live here. You're just here as my sex toy. So strip."

Owen sighed and obeyed. Once he was standing in front of her entirely nude, she sat on a nearby stool, spread her legs, and lifted her skirt. Owen quickly grew rock hard as he took in her red panties under grey pantyhose. He took a tentative step towards her.

Evina nodded, "Good boy. Come here. Kneel before me."

He knelt in front of her. She reached a hand down and rubbed her crotch. She raised her leg and planted her foot against his shoulder before she pushed him back until he was lying on his back. She slid her feet up his thighs, stopping just short of his twitching cock.

"Oh, Mistress..."

"Already that close to cumming? You're a horny boy..."

He groaned, "You've forbidden me from cumming without your permission... I've gone a week without..."

She looked down at him, "And for that, you're a good boy. But there's a bigger issue... You touched your mistress without permission. For that, you shall be severely punished..."

Owen groaned as her foot grazed over his cock, "Please, Mistress... Please..."

Evina grinned wickedly, "I'll tell you what... I'm not without mercy... If you can figure out how to orgasm without cumming, then by all means. But you will NOT leak a single drop of cum. Understood?"

Owen let out a deep, low moan that faded into a whine, "Yes... Mistress..."


Her foot went up and down the length of his cock. Each time she came down, she'd pause, and apply a gentle pressure, but only enough to make him beg for her to go down further. After a few minutes, she moved her other foot in and began to rub his balls.

She watched him writhe beneath her. He was a mess. His face was contorted, and he was whimpering like a puppy. He was leaking precum like a faucet.

She stopped and pulled her feet away. Owen panted heavily, a mix of relief and frustration etched on his features. Evina waved her hand. Owen felt a force lift him from the ground, suspending him inches off the floor, facing her. Evina stood and removed her robe, blouse, and bra, leaving her in just her skirt, pantyhose, and panties.

Owen felt his cock twitching wildly as he took in her perky, B-cup breasts, topped by faint pink areolas and flat nipples.

She flashed him another wicked grin, "You're going to stay there, unable to touch yourself. If you cum, you'll clean it with your tongue."

Owen gulped and nodded hesitantly, "Y-Yes, Mistress."

Evina spread her legs. Owen glanced down to see those same red panties, under pantyhose pulled taut. She slid her hand down between her legs and started rubbing. Owen could see the growing wet patch on her panties as she continued to pleasure herself.

She beckoned him closer with her free hand. The magic suspending him in the air moved him closer and to her side.

She reached up and wrapped her small, delicate hand around his shaft. She stroked him infuriatingly slowly, just enough to provide stimulation but not nearly enough to allow him to finish. He was torn between a desire to obey and his instinct to cum.

"You're being such a good boy, Owen. So obedient..."

"Well, you're not making it easy, Mistress."

She squeezed his cock, "Oh? Would you prefer if I made it easier?"

He yelped and shook his head, "No, Mistress. No, this is... Perfect..."

Evina smiled and resumed stroking him slowly, "You're such a good boy. So submissive..."

He watched as she continued pleasing herself while slowly stroking his cock. He watched as she started stroking herself faster and her hand on his cock faltered. She tensed up and her legs shook. She leaned back on the stool and let out a long, low groan as she came.

Owen clenched his teeth and ass, trying as hard as he could to not cum. He felt the familiar feeling of pleasure welling up, matching his growing fear that he'd disobey his mistress. Then, as the pleasure reached its peak, he felt his orgasm hit, but a key component was missing - He didn't cum.

His body trembled as a dry orgasm rolled through his body. His cock twitched and leaked precum. Evina was breathing hard and fast as her orgasm subsided. Owen was still suspended, his cock twitching madly in the air.

She turned her attention back to him and gave a soft laugh, "You're such a good boy, Owen... And so impressive. Learning the art of a dry orgasm on the fly. You're smarter than I gave you credit for."

"Th-Thank you, Mistress... May I please cum...?"

She stood up, still breathing a little hard, and approached him, "Oh, no, dear. That was just the warmup. The real fun begins now."

Evina pulled his head down and kissed him. Their tongues mingled in each others' mouths. Owen moaned into her mouth, and she pulled away.

"I think it's time we kick things up a notch. You've proven your obedience and your faithfulness. Your punishment is at an end. Now it's time for your reward for obedience."

She waved her hand and he was lifted. She stepped closer and kissed the head of his cock, before licking the precum from her lips. "So tasty..." She mumbled to herself.

"I'm going to suck you off now. You're allowed to cum, but you must warn me. Otherwise, you won't get an orgasm for two weeks. Not even a dry one. Understand?"

Owen nodded quickly, "Yes, Mistress."

"Good. Now, let me enjoy my treat."

Evina slid his cock into her mouth, taking inch after inch. He was a bit thicker than her dildo, but it was a comfortable stretch. She closed her lips around his base and started sucking him.

Owen let out a long, low, loud moan. Her throat and tongue worked his shaft. He could feel every muscle twitch. He felt the pressure of his impending orgasm building rapidly. She tenderly massaged his balls as she sucked.

Not long after she started, Owen groaned, "Mistress, I'm about to..."

She pulled off of him and snapped her fingers. Her skirt, panties, and pantyhose disappeared. She stood before him, completely nude. She smiled up at him, "Cum, dear Owen. Cover my body."

Owen came hard. Cum sprayed across her body. Rope after rope of his hot seed painted her from head to toe, covering her hair, chest, belly, pubic mound, legs, and feet. After a full thirty seconds of firing his sticky cum, the torrent subsided. He hung limply from the magic binding him to the air, panting heavily and trying to catch his breath.

When he was able to, he lifted his head and saw Evina with a dreamy look on her face. She brought her hand up to her breast and started massaging, smearing his cum into her skin. She pinched her nipple and pulled, as her free hands wandered down to her dripping slit, spreading his cum around her smooth lips and mingling it with her juices to make an even slipperier experience.

"So good, Owen... Gods, your cum feels heavenly..."

Owen smiled weakly, still recovering from his extended delayed orgasm, "I'm glad I can please you, but surely it's the same as any other cum."

Evina smirked and opened her eyes, "Oh, far from it. Once you're attuned to magic, you can feel the life force... This is... Amazing... The potion I gave you wouldn't change that. You're a man full of life and virility..."

She continued playing with herself, moaning and groaning. Owen was mesmerized. He'd never seen her so unabashedly horny before. The way her small breasts jiggled with her movements was driving him wild. He wanted to fuck her so badly, but the magic keeping him suspended kept him in place.

She stopped suddenly, and the look in her eyes turned serious. She stood and walked over to him, "Owen, I need to know. Why have you been so compliant? Is it just the threat of punishment?"

Owen blushed, "Well... originally, yes. That was why I agreed to be your submissive pet. But I genuinely enjoy it now. I like not needing to worry about seeking consent or anything because you're here. You tell me when I can and can't. You remove the guesswork and... Well, I wouldn't have come back the second time if I didn't enjoy it, Mistress Evina."

Evina smiled at him. She floated up and placed a soft kiss on his lips.

When she pulled away, Owen gazed into her eyes, "I love you, Mistress."

She stared in silence for a moment, her mouth open and her eyes wide with surprise. After that moment, she smiled sweetly, "And I'm fond of you, Owen. But don't you think it's a little early for love?"

Owen shook his head, "I couldn't imagine my life without you."

Evina sighed and stepped off her spell, back to the ground. She walked over and sat on her stool again before looking up at him, "Owen, You're the fourth man I've been with. I thought I loved the first. And the second. But by the third, I realized... As an immortal, I can't genuinely feel love. Because one day you're going to grow old and die, and I'll be left alone yet again."

Owen's heart sank, "But... Surely... You can find a way to keep me around forever."

Evina offered him a sad little grin, "I wouldn't curse you with immortality."

"It's not a curse! It's a gift!" he said emphatically.

Evina shook her head sadly, "That's what mortals think. When you become immortal and watch everyone you've ever known or loved die, you realize... There's nothing worth that pain. Immortality is the worst curse imaginable, Owen. Because for mortals, all pain eventually ends. But for me? For me it's eternal. Trust me on this. Death is a sweet, sweet mercy I've sought for the last hundred years. All my attempts have failed. Sure, I get a brief reprieve, but then my body reanimates, and I resume my life."

Owen listened to her tale, wondering if she was being truthful or just greedy with immortality. He didn't sense any malice or deceit from her, but the news didn't sit well with him.

As he pondered, she continued, "Besides, there's no potion or gem or stone or spell that grants immortality. It's an effect of being a witch. It's not something I can share. Trust me, I'd be rid of it if I could, but alas, I'm stuck in this endless looping life. But occasionally - every once in a while, I find a nice little plaything like you to drown out the monotony. So thank you for that, Owen. I'm truly grateful for the distraction you provide me."

She looked down and saw that he had deflated, hanging from the suspension spell again. She frowned and stood, walking over to him, "Owen... Please don't be sad."

He looked at her and tears filled his eyes, "You don't love me... I understand... But..."

Evina reached up and ran her hand through his hair, "You say that like it's a choice, Owen. It's not. It's not plausible for me to love. But I am fond of you. What I feel... It's akin to love. If someone hurt you, I'd be outraged. I'd hunt them to the end of time to make them suffer for the pain inflicted on you. And when you die, a kindly old man, asleep in your bed, I'm going to be sad. It's going to take me years to get over it. But one day, I will. I'll move on just like I have before. A new house, a new look, and a new research focus."

She paused and kissed him, "And I'm telling you this because I'm not a monster. I'm not going to string you along with false hopes of a happy life. You're a good man, Owen. But we can't have a happy life together. You're mortal. Someday, you'll die. And someday, I'll find someone new. And the cycle will repeat. It's your choice, Owen."

She stepped back and waved her hand. Owen dropped to the floor. She snapped her fingers, and by the time he regained his feet, they were both clean and dressed.

She caressed his cheek, "If you want to stay mine for your life - if you want to live a life without children, with a witch who doesn't age as you do, then I'll allow it. I'm not going to force you out. But if you decide that you want a wife to grow old with, or children, or less magic, then I'll let you go."

She tapped his stomach and released the spell binding him to her. "You're free to pick, Owen. Go now and think on it."

Owen nodded and kissed her forehead before walking to the stairs. He turned back and looked at her, "If I decide I want to be with you, you'll still be here, right...?"

Evina nodded, "I will be. I won't be moving on until you answer one way or the other."

Owen nodded and walked up the stairs and out the door.


Owen made his way home. He entered, kicked off his shoes, and flopped down on the bed. He stared at the ceiling, thinking back on everything she had told him. Immortality, a curse? Death was a blessing? It didn't make sense to him. He felt confused and that led to the heat of anger rising in his chest. He heard his mom call his name for dinner.

At that moment, he considered losing her. He'd be... devastated. He knew that one day he'd have to bury her, but... it seemed so far away. He considered the rest of his friends and family - His sister, his father, his best friend, his grandparents... Suddenly it made sense. Evina hadn't just buried one or two people. She's had to bury everyone she's ever known or loved. He realized that while his mother's passing would be hard for him to bear, it was just one more in an endless cycle of friendship and death for Evina.

At that moment, he made up his mind - He'd stay with her. He'd distract her for the fifty or sixty years he could. And when his time came, he'd die happy, knowing he brought joy to at least one person important to him.

He stood from his bed and made his way to the dining room.


Evina watched him leave, followed closely by the sound of the door thudding back into place. She turned and walked away to her bedroom. She sat on the edge of the bed and held her head in her hands, "Owen, you dumbass... Of course, I love you... I've watched you grow. I've been there with you since you were that little lost boy coming to my door on Halloween..."

She laid back on her bed, draping her arm over her eyes as she remembered that night, all those years ago. Owen, a young boy of only six had knocked on her door. She answered it to find a tiny mummy standing in front of her.

"Trick or treat!"

Evina smirked as she heard his little voice, filled with excitement. She held her hand behind her back and conjured a few small pieces of candy, before placing them in the proffered bucket. Young Owen turned around and realized his mother wasn't next to him. He got scared and started crying instantly. Evina, being the kind witch she was, stepped out and closed her door, "What's she look like, kid?"

"Well... She's got brown hair... longer than yours. She's got a really big chest and... Well... She's very pretty!"

Evina smiled and nodded, "Want to wait here? I'll keep you company. I'm sure she's looking for you. It's best you don't wander around."

Owen nodded and Evina made a show of opening the door, before conjuring a pair of folding chairs. She set them out, "Have a seat kid. I'm sure your mom will be around before long."

Owen sat next to her and began digging through his candy. Evina had also heard of people doing malicious deeds on Halloween, such as tampering with candy. She quietly muttered a spell to allow her to check each piece he pulled out before he ate it.

When he did come across one that had been tampered with, she took it. Each time, she'd hold it and say, "Oh, this one's not safe."

After the tenth time, Owen was getting suspicious, "How do you know which ones are bad?"

Evina smirked, holding up her hands in mock claws, "Because I'm a witch!"

Owen smiled, "I know you're not really, Evina. You're too pretty and nice to be an evil witch."

Evina chuckled, "Oh, and witches must be evil?"

Owen nodded, "My momma says that's where we get the word 'bitch' from. She says some people messed up the word witch, and now it just means an evil woman."

Evina smiled and tousled his hair, "Whatever you say, kid."

"My name's Owen."

"Oh, a thousand pardons, Sir Owen the Mummy."

They laughed and joked until his mother showed up, thanking Evina profusely.

The following year, Owen and his mother had come straight to Evina's house. She answered the door and instantly recognized the young boy, even through his new costume.

"Oh, and whose this?" She joked.

"I'm a witch!"

"Indeed you are! But aren't witches evil?"

Owen smiled up at her with a large, toothy grin, "I met a nice one last year, so I wanted to be her this year!"

Evina felt her heart melt.

Owen's mother spoke up, "I'm terribly sorry to bother you, Evina. You took such good care of Owen last year, I was wondering if you might be able to take him trick-or-treating this year. His father is working out of town and I've just had a baby."

Evina smiled and nodded, "Of course! I'd be happy to!"

And so began a tradition that lasted until he was thirteen when they stopped showing up on Halloween.

Now, eleven years later, Evina lay on her bed, feeling tears stream down her cheeks. She cried as she realized that she had indeed loved that little boy as a younger brother or the child of a dear friend. And now that he was a grown man, she felt love stirring in her heart. But that same heart that melted all those years ago would shatter all too soon when she had to bury him...

She didn't know if she wanted him to return, and if he did, what did she want him to say? That he'd stay so his inevitable death would hurt worse? Or that he never wanted to see her again, so she could hurt less and just move on innocently...

Before long, she fell into a fitful sleep.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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