One Planet for Everyone: My Orders are Multiplied by Ten Thousand Times

Chapter 081

Chapter 81 Residue!!

The entire Star Sea has fallen into panic. At the same time, the Raven Empress also saw the news.

She owns tens of thousands of lords.

At the same time, they have their lord system.

As a class of advanced intelligence.

In a short period of time, they had learned how to use the lord system.

Moreover, through the lord system, the development of all lords is detected in real time.

After seeing Lu Zhenghang’s latest news.

The Raven Empress was also caught up in thought.

【Xuanhuang Star II】

That is, at the original address of Instein Star.

“Master, the subordinates did not handle things well.”

A raven came to Lu Zhenghang’s side.

This raven is the raven who has just returned to that secret realm.

“There is a soul, hidden inside Lakvin’s corpse.”

“Lakwen had long expected his own death.”

“Even already thinking about their own soul being captured.”

“Master, I will share the picture with you.”

Raven shared everything he saw with Lu Zhenghang.

As a technological type of troop, the raven can call up everything they see at any time.

And in the form of a video, it is played back.

Lu Zhenghang received all the information that this raven saw.

Soon, it became clear what was going on.

“Well, I see.”

In Lu Zhenghang’s heart, he couldn’t help but sigh that the other party was worthy of being the chief of the Wisdom Academy.

If you are an enemy, it is really a very tricky existence.

But at this time, the initiative is still in their own hands.

After obtaining the raven’s information, Lu Zhenghang immediately returned to the self-made black mist interrogation room of the [Interrogation Room], and Lakwen did not have the strength to leave at this time.

The current Lakven is just a lord without invincibility.

“Lakven, your planet, I have already got the coordinates.”

“It’s in the Gyrgyro Star Field (5291, 5643, 264), right.”

This coordinate location.

It is given by the clouds.

Yunmian has a network of relationships within the Snake Academy.

It’s not very difficult to find a chief message.

The coordinates of major colleges, the chief coordinate position, are often exposed.

They don’t hide their coordinates.

Because, you need to interact with students from the same college.

In this way, you can promote your own development.


Lakwen was not surprised.

In the sea of stars, it is not difficult to find a certain chief planet.

At the same time, he looked at Lu Zhenghang.

“Unexpectedly, you actually mastered the resurrection.”

“How many hole cards do you have?”

Lu Zhenghang’s strength has refreshed Lakwin’s cognition again and again. Whether it’s a raven, or a primordial vein, or a resurrection ability.

None of them are things that newcomer lords can get.

Even, the ability to capture souls is not an ability that lords can get.

Lu Zhenghang smiled and shook his head.

“If you want to know other people’s answers, you need to exchange your own answers.”

Lakwen was silent.

He really wanted to know why Lu Zhenghang was so perverted.

“That brain in your stomach is dead.”

“The soul is absorbed by that darkness.”

“Your ultimate goal has been achieved.”

“You should probably be happy.”

Lu Zhenghang said flatly.

However, Lakven’s eyes were full of gloomy expression.

“No, the plan failed, and it was not me who sent the soul over.”

“The person who can study black races is not me.”

“After being infected with black species, you can still maintain your own memory and sanity.”

“It’s just going to become fond-destroying, fond-destroying.”

“If I am infected, I can still continue my research on black species in that state.”

“And, using myself as a sample, I get clearer and more intuitive data.”

“But now, it was not me who sent away the soul in the end, so my plan failed.”

For Lakwin, this is the next word, which is a pity.

As for the best policy, it is natural to reach a deal and infect Lu Zhenghang, under the state of not being infected.

Fully awake to obtain a sample infected with black species.

After saying this, Lakwen raised his head with a puzzled expression.

“Why are you resurrecting me.”

“Before you ask me, you should tell me what will happen if you send the soul over.”

Lakvin looks at the landing on the right track.

Then, with a long sigh.

“That’s it, it’s okay to tell you.”

“The entire star sea of the last session has been all polluted by black species.”

“They need a soul to open the way to the Origin Star Sea.”

“In trade, they will resurrect me afterwards and pollute me.”

“I didn’t want them to open up this path, and I knew I might be a little crazy to study black species.”

“But I still don’t want to do too much damage.”

“If you can experiment safely, it is the best result.”

“Therefore, sacrifice is the next best thing.”

“But now, it is not me who sent the soul that I sent, and you have raised me again.”

“That means, even if I send that soul over.”

“After they open the road to the last star sea, I can’t be resurrected.”

“So, for me, the decision failed.”

When Lu Zhenghang heard what he said, his heart shook slightly.

The entire star sea in the last session has been polluted by black species?

How can such a big thing not have any wind at all? When did this start again?

And……… He just said that sacrificing souls opens the way to another sea of stars.

Doesn’t that mean the other side will call soon?

“Raven, has that secret realm been destroyed?”

“Report master, I have tried all the magic.”

“The total destruction of the entire planet.”

“But the secret realm remains.”

“In the secret realm, all methods have been tried, but there is still that altar left.”

“It cannot be destroyed.”

When Lu Zhenghang heard the news, he nodded slightly.

“Got it.”

“Lakvin, you are here with me now, and you have been resurrected by me.”

“On the black side, there is no possibility of resurrecting you.”

“You know I have the means to capture souls, and I can kill you completely at any time if I want.”

“However, we can reach a cooperation between us.”

【2nd Star Ocean】

If the original star sea is used as the first star sea, count backwards in order.

Lu Zhenghang’s last session was the second Xinghai.

It is also a sea of stars named [Retreat Star Sea].

At this time, the lord named [Sheen] came to the dark red crack before it was accurate, it was no longer a dark red crack.

It’s already a dark red hollow.

The cracks are constantly shedding space debris, expanding and expanding.

Through the void, looking inward, you can see another universe.

A universe with a dark red background.

See shattered planets.

See stars wrapped in dark red flames.

and the corpses that float all over the universe.

Even, through this void, [Sheen] saw the remains of ravens.

“This… It’s the raven of Xi Tianzheng! ”

“The academy allocated materials to be manufactured for the War of Resistance Academy!”

When Shinn saw this scene, he couldn’t help but feel a little hairy in his heart.

From this dark red void, see the scene.

It’s a completely ruined universe.

And the corpses full of the universe are undoubtedly not manifesting, and a terrifying war has occurred in this universe.

Even if it’s an old lord.

Rarely do wars of this magnitude take place.

The war that affects an entire sea of stars, even if it is an old lord, has to weigh it.

And in the universe, I also saw an extremely dark and disgusting seed.

Constantly agitating on fragments of planets.

“This black thing…”

“What are these things?”

Sheehan’s pupils constricted.

At the same time, as a professional quality.

At the same time that he saw this scene, he had already sent several pieces of intelligence out one after another.

At the same time, he has already noticed.

At this moment, everything in this universe outside seemed to be suspended

Their own classes are assigned various tasks to communicate with the lords of this universe.

However, at the same moment that the dark red crack expanded.

Everything in the entire universe no longer works.

The lords, maintaining the same posture, stood still.

Whether it’s them, or their troops, or their planet.

Or, more accurately.

The entire universe stopped as this dark red rift expanded.

Everything in the universe is no longer in motion.

Except for Sheehan and his own team.

And, in this sea of stars, on the orders of the major colleges, they rushed from the third star sea.

The lords who conducted probing again and again.

Almost in a short time.

The entire sea of stars is already covered with a large number of dark red cracks.

Fissures are constantly expanding in space.

It seems to be tearing the outer layer of the universe.

And the lords in the filmed universe can see more and more clearly the situation in that dark red universe.

In the [Retreat Star Sea], a lord wearing a blue college uniform looks at the dark red universe.

He is a member of the Wisdom Academy.

I got the order of my superiors and came to this sea of stars to check the situation.

This sea of stars is very wrong

“It’s taboo content in our academy.”

“Black race, this field is not allowed to be touched…”

“Tens of millions of years ago, the black species should have been completely extinct by the lord of our academy with an origin-level treasure.”

“The only black species in the world is stored in the Wisdom Academy, the [only square box].”

“As long as it is in the [only square box], the black seed is the only one, and it cannot be born anywhere else.”

“But why…”

Wisdom Academy, as long as it reaches a certain level, will be exposed to a part of the information about the black species.

The information about the black species is also known only to the Wisdom Academy.


However, with a piece of fragment shattered.

The place where this fragment was broken happened to be the star sea carrier driven by a certain lord.

This lord fell directly into the dark red universe.

And as soon as he entered the real [Retreat Star Sea], in this sea of stars, there were countless dark red hungry eyes.

Gaze over to him.

“New and complete.”

“Uncle Sabotage!”

“There’s something new to destroy!”

This lord, after entering this star sea, the first thing he did was to use the scanner immediately.

Scan the entire sea of stars.

As a lord who has developed for more than three hundred years.

Their level of development is already quite developed.

The scanner roughly scans the situation of an entire sea of stars, which is no longer too much of a problem.

However, this scan has come to a surprising conclusion.

In this sea of stars, almost only fragments of destroyed residue remained.

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