One Piece: Rise of the World Tree

Chapter 37

While walking towards the palace, a lot of the Kujas kept waving at me with admirations and some with a bit of lust on their eyes... guess next free day is gonna be really, really busy for me. 

There were a bunch of girls to young to enter the academy, they look to be about 5 or so years old, running around the trees while giggling. I can see a couple of green haired girls among them, they look younger still, guess they are my daughters... I'm a terrible mom... I don't even remember their name... everything happened so fast those days... I need to make atleast their home safer, free of slaver that might try to steal those smiles from them.

I waved at them and they waved back. They continue running around and I can see Bonney smiling at them, maybe she likes kids. Even when Bonney acts and looks like a 15 year old right now, I have no idea how old she actually is. She looked like an adult when she ate the Sage fruit and loose consciousness... But she has lost consciousness several times and she has stayed the same age as her appereance. I gave her a head pat and she got startled.

"What are you doing, I'm not a child anymore." she protested at me but didn't remove my hand. 

Very cute, "You looked really lost there, had any younger sibblings or other kids you missed?" I asked her kinda hoping she had other cute sibblings but she just shook her head. "I have my sisters thanks to you, we might not be related by blood, but I really can't ask for better sisters." I ruffled her hair and smiled at her sort off angry expression. "Stop that..." 

"Don't worry about it. Lets meet our new family members then, shall we." I said and after she fixed her hair a bit, with her fingers she nodded at me and we moved towards the palace, waving at all the Kujas and children along the way.

After arriving at my palace, the guards at front just bowed to me and led me towards Gloriosa, who was drinking tea with her sister Vivian. They were laughing and talking about certain things that only sisters can understand.

I didn't know how similar look, though they do everithing mirrored from each other, I knew they were sisters, since Vivian is my haki instructor. After steping in the room, both of them stop and looked at me, "Morning Sensei." I looked at Gloriosa "Pleasure to meet you, Gloriosa, I'm Lily and this is Bonney." She waved at Gloriosa and then took a sit on the table and started drinking tea while eating some rice cakes.

"Wow you are the new empress of Amazon Lily, and have embaced the loved rather than push it away. Even got a like 700 daugthers out of you... still wonder about how your stamina and libido can take that. I remember going at it for an hour at most." I kinda get why does Hancock always kicks her off her palace...

"I'm still finding an excuse as to why they left the island and came back four years later... I don't want them to be exiled... they are all good girls that went through so much." Gloriosa was actually sad and worry about their future... she might be an irresponsible ruler and to open about other peoples bussiness... but she cared about her people, specially the young.

"You don't have to think about any excuse or anything, I don't know if it's gonna work or not but, I might know of a way to remove the Soaring Dragon Hoove mark on their back without hurting them." I said to her and turned to Bonney, she nodded while smiling at me.

"Just how far has your abilities developed dear." Vivian asked Bonney while also drinking tea with her. "I kinda aged 'that' rear admiral to the point were he turn into dust... or so I heard since I was unconscious, acourding to Luc I also used haki with that, so I guess I unlocked Conqueror's Haki at that time." Bonney said calmly while taking a sip of her tea. Both Vivian and Gloriosa were stupefied and I laugh at little.

"Were are the Boa sisters though." I asked the two elders snapping them back to reality. "They are currently resting at one of the guest rooms." Vivian answers. "Then let's go, we need to do a lot of things, including bringing those three out of the dark world they have created for themselves thanks to those bastards..." I said with a dark expresion.

"They are probably exhausted, can't we wait until they wake up?" Gloriosa tried to argue with me. "Do you actually believe they are resting in the bed peacefully like normal teenagers... they are probably a bit paranoic about those 4 years of enslavement... They will never trully rest until either the World bastards are dead or they find a safe haven were they can relax a bit." 

"But they are back home, they should be safe in here." Gloriosa argued again and was getting a little angry. "They were captured directly from the hands of the supposedly best Kuja Pirates of that time..." I said and she just droped her shoulders.

"When I left the island to cure my love fever it was imposible to reach this island without the aid of someone that even the Sea kings are afraid to make a move on... but guess they find a way to enter the calm belt and take the Kujas from here, their home." Gloriosa continued. 

"It's ok, no one will blame you for that, but we have to help them before they start hating others and start getting weird over minor things..." I put my hand on her back and told her. We started walking towards their rooms and like I said the were awake, Hancock was standing near the door with a dark expression on her face. Sandersonia is siting on the bed hugging her legs while Marigold was resting on the same bed next to her.

"What do you want?" Hancock asked a bit sad and a bit angry. "I came to help you girls with your problem." I answered and both Sandersonia and Marigold looked over here, not expecting much. Hancock looked at me with disbelieve in her eyes, "Why would you go out of the way to help us, three complete strangers, that went missing for 4 years... we should be exiled for leaving the island... I know the rules power rules everything and I..." She said and I stopped before she could continue.

"First off I am the current empress of Amazon Lily, my name is Green D. Lily. Second it's my duty to make sure everyone is happy on this island. I'm not gonna force you do anything, after all I don't need help, right now I'm aiming to become the fourth Yonko and abolishing slavery is my goal." The girls were visibly shaken at the mention of the word slavery... I put my hand on top of her head and she clossed her eyes.

"It's ok to cry if you want, but the world will not wait for you girls to get back to your feet and started moving forward. This is a world were might makes right unless you are a World Noble... with enough strength even them will start to fear. I may not be strong enough yet but I will reach that stage eventually, once my roots take hold of the world I will protect everyone under my branches." I finished my speech and rustled her hair.

"Now meet Bonney, the first person I met on my journey here and the one that will, hopefuly remove that ugly mark on your back." No preasure Bonney.

"Mmm hi, I'm Bonney and I will do my best to remove that scar, as the self proclaimed best medic in the world. Please take care of me." That was a bit over the top but I smiled and nodded at her intro.

"How will you remove the scar, most of the Kujas didn't seem to remember them... I'm glad they didn't ask were they disappeared to... would've been kind of hard to hide it from the guards if they wanted to check them." Gloriosa asked Bonney.

"Well it's kinda simple really, as you all know the saying, time heals all wounds. My Devil fruit's powers allows me to manipulate the time of any living beings, so in theory I should be able to return you girls to the point were you didn't have that mark on your backs." Bonney said and the girls started sweating.

"What do you mean in theory!?!" Hancock asked and stood in front of her two sisters, "We aren't lab rats for you to experiment on us!" She yells at Bonney and I was about to speak up when Marygold beated me to it.

"I don't mind... if I can get rid of this mark I'll... we will finally be free... I hated there... I feared for you girls... I just wanted to see the sea back then... I kinda dragged you all in to that... So if there is a chance that we can rid of that horrible part of our life I think it will be totaly worth a little more pain." Marrygold speaks and Sandersonia gaves her a hug. "It's not your fault Mary."

"Who said that it will hurt? For all I know you'll probably not remember your age was different, it's that subtle, look." She finished speaking and she started glowing pink and change from her 16 year old to a granny then to a child then back to woman then finally she returns to her 16 year old look. "See easy peasy." She concluded.

I can see the that the two elders and the three sisters are stupefied. The sister were blushing a little, luckily Bonney is wearing her living clothes I made that can adjust to her will, otherwise her clothes might not fit when she changed her body sizes.

Marygold walked forward to a chair that is infront of Bonney. "Just close you eyes and relax, there is always hope at the end of the tunnel. You made it back, you girls are safe now. You also have experience from the worst this world has to offer, there is still the good that has yet to come." I said puting my hand on her head after she sat down.

Marygold closed her eyes took a deep breath and nodded. Bonney put both her hands on Mary's cheecks and she started glowing pink and started shrinking, she was an 8 year old for a brief moment before she was back to 13, the process repeated it self for a coupple more times until the mark of the soaring dragon hoof on her back has healed. Bonney did it a coupple more times just to be safe.

After the process was finished Mary was flushed. She has fallen into a peacefull slumber and I take her to her bed next to the stupefied Sandersonia, and then I said "So, who is next?"

Hancock was about to raise her hand when Sandersonia just sat down infront of Bonney. "Guess I'm next." She said.

"You know that I can do both of you girls at the same time right?" Bonney said with a straight face and Hancock was blushing while Sandersonia was laughing her bootie off.

After about 10 minutes all three sisters were sleeping on that Queen size bed, Gloriosa wanted to put them in a different bed so that they can relax and stretch but I told her that they probably won't want to separate.

I return to my throne room after dealing with their problem, it just reinforce my conviction about removing slavery from this world... hope that as a Yonko my voice will carry enought weight to matters otherwise I might have... 

"Oh yeah Gloriosa, will you be staying and rejoining the elder council or will you go back chasing after love. The Kuja Pirates new mission has been to prevent anyone from reaching the island until I can do something about the slavers. They don't need to leave the island for food or supplies since I pretty much cover everything. The kujas sometimes bring in Seakings and there is also a source of fresh water for all needs even made plumbing to transport it to all districts. It's pretty confortable here on the island." I said to Gloriosa and Vivian started to show her the graph about our population, their states and their popularity.

"She also provided us with a miraculous tree that can produce a fruit that remove internal impurities and promote growth, both mentally and physically." Vivian said and Gloriosa started sweating while looking at me with wide eyes.

"Oh please just call me Nyon... I'm to old to chase after love now, besides I had lots of fun back in my prime. Unfortunately I could have any kid of my own and now I'm to old for that. But I'll gladly retire and teach the young about love if they ever need some counselling. Do know I'll keep it appropiate to their ages, no need to worry. But I would have to ask you, what will you do about the Boa sisters? Hancock shows great promise and might even threaten your rule as the empress of the kujas." Gloriosa said and turn serious at the end.

"She can be next empress if she wants to, I'll nurture her to do so. I need her at her best not supress her growth, during the next 8 years if she wants to be empress or whatever, she will need strength to do so I'll be giving her and her sisters the Sage fruit I gave Daisy which is a greater consentration than the one the tree gives. It's gonna be amusing seeing how they will develope. Speaking of Daisy, Vivian can you send someone to call for her along with Ran and Rindo I'll need to speak to them.

Status check:


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