One Piece: Rise of the World Tree

Chapter 35

After calming down Bonney a little we approached Strawberry who is still unconscious on my giant hand made of wood. Nel and the rest followed behind us and Jinbe was looking after Fisher. 

I slapped Strawberry 'slightly' a coupple of time to wake him up, I think I broke a tooth or two off... whatever. After stirring about a minute he is finally awake. "Wha... oh, what do you want now... and why haven't you killed me yet you vile scum." He hissed as me and pointed at Bonney, "Want answers, like why exacly were you guys after Bonney. I already knew about the ambush so I came here just to have a little payback for hurting her." I just said to him after slapping his face again. 

"Like why should I tell you." He hissed at me and I slapped him again, knocking a coupple of teeth out. "Does it has to do with her parents perhaps?" I asked him and he gulped and started glaring at me, guess I got it. She is getting the same treatment as Ace... In the anime comunity there were a lot of rummors concerning Bonney, like how she might be related to... "Big Mom..." I murmured and he started to sweat a lot...

"Wait, Charlotte is her mom?!?" I asked a little uncertain about it. "No you imbecile she is her gran..." He shut it but it was to late... It's not like it matters anyways. I look at Bonney and she is pissed... Nice knowing ya... not really.

"You executed my precious aunt that cared for me like I was her own daughter for something so stupid as being related to a Yonko but not being directly protected by her..." The ground started shaking and the grass started whithering. "You guys are just a bunch of cowards... Why not go against the Yonko with whatever meaning you guys hold for good." I can see Strawberry aging really fast. 

"You guys just pick on the weak and turn a blind eye on the strong... Then probably you guys just sweep whoever is left after a battle of two big shots, claiming all the credit." She is already all grown-up, tears are falling from her eyes as she is growing angrier and he is looking like a mummy right now. "You and the Navy could turn to dust for all I care. I will never forgive you!" She yelled the last line and Strawberry and the grass around him, turned to dust along with the giant wood hand I made.

She fell unconscious and I grabbed her before she landed on that dusty dirt. I carry the full grown Bonney in a princess carry back to were Jinbe was with Fisher. He should be waking up any minute now, after arriving in front of the small wooden hut were Fisher was resting, I can't help but noticed the smile on Jinbe's face, following were he was looking I noticed that Fisher was just sleeping peacefully.

"I have never seen him smile like that on his sleep... guess he finally found inner peace." Jinbe says in a solemn tone and I just nodded and made another wooden bench in which I placed the Sleeping Beauty.

Lexy and Lapis are a bit worried, Nel and Luc are guarding the outside door. I'm almost at fully healed, I made another Sage Fruit and Jinbe is looking at me with wide eyes... "You can make Devil Fruits!?!" Why does everyone think I can make them... they do look alike, so I guess... I handed it to him and said, "This is a Sage Fruit it is the same I fed Fisher, it would also give you a human form like Lexy over there who is one of the cutest mermaid in existence." I said pointing at her.

"She is a mermaid?" He is looking at Lexy with wide eyes and Lexy blushed a little and while sitting on the bench she transformed into her mermaid form. "Do you have a Fishmen Karate Manual I can borrow so that she can learn some martial arts?" I asked the stupefied Jinbe. "You will need a master for her... if she plan to take it seriously. Although the fishmen and the merfolk have different constitution, her lack of a fundation art to start building a stable ki..." I interrupted him before he finished "She just needs a reference to incorporate it to her fighting style."

He was looking at Lexy who was still blushing and back in to her human form then at me. He took a bright blue booklet out of her shirt, "Well how about an exchange then. Here is my personal notes describing the moves I am currently using, I have it memorized and I added some words of advice to perfect them." He took the Sage Fruit and gave me a small blue manuscript titled 'Noble Knight of the Sea' nice. 

"Can you also sign it, pleaseeee." I need that autoghraph and from the look of it Lexy wanted it too. He took his pen after a long silence and wrote his name on the back of the front cover. "Don't know why you need it signed but whatever." 

"You might want to eat the Sage Fruit on a secure place. Probably naked too since your body will discard a lot of impurities and you will loose consciousness for an hour max, while your body will adapt to the more powerful soul. Training should go really smooth after that and you can even infiltrate some human countries with the human form. Due note that I have only tested it on a mermaid, a dragon and a snake." I explained and he noded wrapping the fruit on a cloth and storing it in one of his shirt's inner pokets.

I pass the training manual to Lexy and turn to Jinbe and continued "I'll definetly go to Fishman Island in a coupple of months, you will be surprised by her progress and I will expect the same for you." I offer him a a hand and he shook it with a firm grip.

"Guess now I have some expectation, huh... Waaahahaha." After our temporary farewell I went to pick Bonney from the bench when I picked up with my haki, some sudden movement from Tiger. "Wait..." He wispered to me and I turn to see him.

"Welcome back to the world of the living again, Fisher." I said to Fisher who seemed like he has seem a ghost. "They are gone... their voices... my inner demons... they are gone... Hauhahaha." Tiger said and started laughing like a madman.

"Brother Ti..." Jinbe gave Tiger manly hug, after a while they finished their happy moment and Bonney woke up. They looked at me and Fisher stood up, man he is tall, he is a bit over two times taller than me. 

"Thanks for all your help. Pardon for saying this but... what exacly did you had in mind saving our live. We don't even know eachother and you just ruined the plans of whoever set us off... Using a child for this... I wonder how her highness will achieve peace with those..." He sighed.

"There are multiple reasons for helping good people, one of them been that in your move to rescue the slaves, you also freed those who weren't fishmen like 3 kujas who have been waiting for a chance to escape, a chance that you so gratefully provided. I don't think you did that waiting for a reward or anything since your number one priority was the well being of your kin." I said as a matter of factly and he squinted his large eyes to look at me better.

"Who exacly are you? I get that I helped a lot of the slaves escape from there... but how do you know? it's been like only 11 days since I freed the slaves. I doubt that such news would appear on the newspaper the marines give..." He said thightning his fists.

"I'm the current Empress of Amazon Lily, Green D. Lily, also the Captain of the Treasured Garden, before you ask, no I wasn't named after the island nor was it the other way around. I have my connections and previous life knowledge that I currently used to find this island at this specific time." I said while smiling at him and offering him my hand.

"What!?!" Jinbe and Fisher didn't know what to say and Bonney and the girls were looking at me with wide eyes at me. "What?" I asked them.

"You are a reincarnator?" Fisher asked me still shocked and I lower my hand. "Not really, I think it's a little bit more complicated than that. Wait are there actual reincarnators in this world?" I answered. "Is that why you know so much about some random events and locations but so little about the every day life and common sense?" Bonney asked me with a smug grin on her face... adult Bonney is so hot.

"World? That makes less sense... How would an otherworlder know so much about our world?" Fisher asked me still a little excited. "I don't know know if I can talk about her..." I started speaking but was interrupted. "Wait her... yes, yes... according to one of the Poneglyphs, there was a Goddess who made this world and countless others." Fisher said thinking of his past adventures.

Wait what? I think I might have given too big of a hint... I'm also not that good containing my emotions so it should have been a bit obvious to someone as experienced as him. "On one of my adventures, about 25 years ago on the South Blue, there was a underwater ruined temple. It was really deep and at the end of that temple I found that Poneglyph." He continued and I heard the Goddess giggle at this... seriously.

"You are telling that that Goddess and this lass are related?" Jinbe was now loosing his composure. "I don't think we can stay on this island for too long. Since they were especting a swift kill and return and I don't think we want Borsalino on our heels... Once I go to fishman island in a coupple of months, we can discuss this if you want to." I stood up and Fisher puts his huge hands on my shoulder. 

"Yeah... you are right. Sorry about before... it's just so odd finding good humans... nowadays... most humans with your level of power are either not caring or plain old evil against people like us... Fishman, specially so for mermaids... It's refreshing. I'll wait for that story on Fishman Island... finding out about the history of this world is all I live for. I'm sure her Highness will like to hear that too." Fisher told me with a solemn smile on his face.

"Oh yeah, be careful, there is someone that will be after her life in the near future. Also you might want to focus your power and form, I gave you a Sage Fruit when you were unconcious, probably what got rid of your inner demons. Jinbe will tell you the rest of that I also gave him one. Make sure not to tell anyone... That sort of fruit would probably make people's greed spike... not necessarily humans though." I said to the stupefied Fishmen, even Lexy is looking my way.

"It was previously Hody Jones that killed her, since you, Fisher, were killed by humans and Arlong, his idol was imprisoned later for other events, he used that as sort of fuel... The Queen was promoting human and fishfolk co-existence, he though it was hypocritical of her and an insult to fishfolk everywhere, he blamed her death on some humans. But now you are alive and everything is fine... maybe history will try to fix itself later, I don't know... If not Hody there might be someone else..." I said the thruth for them to fix it, hope she can live... this world needs more people like her.

"What!" All three of them were getting a bit agitated. "That information... how... I need to return to their side at once. Thanks for the heads up, can you accompany us to our ship, Id like to reward you for all you have done for us." Fisher says, "Yeah that is not so usefull for us Fishmen since we love the ocean, but maybe they can benefit from it." Jinbe agreed and we headed out.

"It's ok you do..." Before I could refuse Fisher said, "None sense you have saved a lot of my kin with all your knowledge, including myself. No need to be humble about it, you will forever be an ally of us, the Sun Pirates."


Sorry for my long pause... I just lost all motivation for writting and all. Real life isn't all that great, but that is not your, guys and gals, faults. I'll try to keep writting since I like my story and I want to finish it. I also updated chapter 34 since it felt weird at some points, now it should flow a little better. 

Status check:


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