One Piece: Rise of the World Tree

Chapter 25

Thanks to Theelicht for supporting my novel using Patreon, and becoming my first supporter, Thanks means a lot to me.

I woke in the morning, went to the dinning hall for breakfast and continue working. I went to the outer wall to the area were the 9 wood beams are connected to it to make sure it was on a downward slope. After making sure they were to my likings, I turn around and went up the wall using my wood powers to about halve way from the top of the outer wall and my gigantic wood frame.

And I started to make the fist of the of the five water tanks. I made a really large palace like structure like the rest of the building here to keep everything looking nice and even. It was hallowed with no roof, but those that look it from any other place that isn't the top of the wall it should look like a normal palace.

I use my wood powers to carve the side of the mountain wall to make more room inside. I stored the dirt in my storage and carved some perfect straight walls to make a single room palace. I made a huge wood box using almost the whole area, it was about 10 meters tall and about 20 meters side to side and 30 meters front to back. I took out the dirt and place it at both side of the box that will serve as a water tank.

I made a round drain port near the middle of the tank of about 10cm wide and a pipe-like beam that goes down and then out the mountain wall and stops near my wood frame. I also made a second 15cm wide drain port near the top of the tank wall to make an over flow, in case it makes too much water, and made another pipe right next to the other one. I polished the interior of both pipes, and moved to next location, I made a walkway from the first water tank to the next. 

I repeated the process 4 more times and was about to continue when I was interrupted by Vivian. "You sure have been busy." Vivian was looking at the empty tank and the structure of the open house design. "From bellow it looks like a normal palace, with a bit of paint and none will be able to tell them apart. Oh rigth, I almost forgot, lunch is ready, you really are working hard, but I still don't know how you will make the rain part. I know that the water will come from this pools, but how will you fill the pools in the first place." She asked me still analysing my design.

I look at the old lady an answer, "Well the water is going to be filtered and pumped in using a plant I found on my journey to reach Amazon Lily." I started exiting the fifth water house and Vivian went after me. We reach the dinning hall and sit down and have a nice meal, I was getting used to using my powers some more, even when I was in the 300s, I wasn't as tired as when I started working the field. 

I return to finish the conection of the pipes into two main valves, one for the artificial rain system the other for the over flow system. After that I went to the water houses to start blooming the Wet Bambo around the empty tanks, maybe a hundred should sufice for now, I connected most of their roots into the water ways were all the waste water goes to some cavern system under the island... and the rest of the roots on the pool for water cycling.

I repeated the process for the rest of the water houses and I now got lots of water flowing into the pipes, I now need to spread the main water line into 9 pipes of about 5cm. I moved the pipes inside the mountain wall, over the top of my wood beams. I finished this area with a small house on the wall to enclouse both of the valves, it more like an office with a desk and a chair, I make sure to keep the same styling as the rest of the buildings too.

After I fuse the pipe and the beams together I branched out about 10, 2.5cm pipes that ends on a sprinkler like finish, like the fire extinguishing emergency sprinklers on office buildings, on each side of all 9 pipes. And after some finishing touches the main part of my raining system is complete... for now.

It should be like in those green house were it has some sprinklers on the roof. There should be plenty of sun light for the crops to grow under my rain system. I turn the reinforced wooden valve to see if the system works, and there isn't a problem so far we can have a nice rain every night to help the crops grow and the soil to moisten up. I looked at the window and saw the nice spectacle of a small rainbow forming over my invention... maybe I should make the sprinklers point downwards.

Like usual Vivian went to see how I was doing, but this time, she was a bit surprise, not the usual calm old lady that has an answer for everything. "How..." I turned the valve off and waved at her to follow me. We arrived at the water house and she was looking at the bamboos with disbelief in her eyes. 

"Were did you get this curious grass?" She asked me and I answer, "It was on a swamp like island were a bunch of giant frogs live, it filters any water source for sutinance a long with sunlight and produced clean water that it's actually rich on minerals. This is step one since I still need to solve the fertilizing compost problems and finish a plumbing system to help the kujas collect water for bathing and cooking."

"And were exacly are you filtering the water from." She asked me again with understanding on her eyes. "Well since the waste waters are never used for anything, I used it. Since the caverns under the island are almost full, it might have lasted around 25 maybe 30 years before the kujas would have to abandon this island. Maybe that is why the ground isn't as fertile anymore, but atleast the water houses should be operational now and they might supply the other areas with clean water too."

"Wow you really did your homework... well we should get back it's time for dinner." She said and we get to the dinning hall were we have a nice feast and we drank tea when we finished. I went to the bathhouse and clean my body then entered the hot pool for a nice soak.

I can see the happy looks on the faces of the kujas who are bathing with me. Guess they like my efforts to make the food problem a legend now. There was a lot of food on their diets, no wonder why in the anime there were some fat kujas, guess after Hancock returned and become a Shichibukai their food problem was restored too and the had a surplus of food. The kujas now look slender and fit, there are some that are really tall, they still have their feminine side though.

I finished soaking on the hot bath, waved at the other kujas and went to my room. It's time to sleep I guess... I still haven't found a haki teacher. Have a nice feeling that tomorrow I'm gonna find what I'm looking for. Wonder how the girls are doing on the academy. I still have 2 years for Boa Hancock to return... I will have to help her and her sisters recover too. I might get to meet Reighley, the legend himself. Thinking a lot of things for the future, I went to sleep. 

During the morning, I woke up and went to have breakfast, after sitting on the table I started serving my food when Vivian arived and told me that today is last day of the second week and it was supposed when the Kuja Pirates return from their voyage. 

"Today it's a free day were we eat and have some fun here on the island to celebrate their return. The warriors at the northen district were usually the most popular but this time we have a nice contender, which so hapens to be from our southern district too." She explains with an excited expression. After eating her breakfast, she stood up and left closing the door behind her.

The other kujas were looking at me with curious eyes and were getting closer to me... was this mysterious contender me? Wait Vivian I extended my hand to were the old lady has left and accidentally grabbed someones sisters, with a moan from that mature kuja, and an apology from me everything starting escalating. 

Some were drinking and they even handed me a tiny cup with alcohol in it... I have never drinked before. Maybe it's just a normal adult party... I don't have any memories of those. Hope nothing bad happens to anyone though, with that though I empty my tiny cup of the burning drink and they started cheering.

After a couple of more shots, the cheering got louder and they started to undress themself... what... before I could say anything there were two other kujas at my side that started undressing me... wait they... and I just got kissed by the the youngest of the kujas here she looks like she is 18 years old though so I'm safe. I just kissed her back and the other kujas started cheering. I'm a bit dizzy but still we are all girls so I don't tink that there is anything to worry about. 

The two kujas that are the biggest of the lot here, that were responsible for undressing me, are now playing with my twin sisters. And then out of nowhere, I felt an itch under my belly, there was a nice warm light flashing and that was the first time I see him, my not so little brother. The kujas in the room were a bit stupefied by the sight. I don't know who start it, but after the first kuja grabbed it the rest started rubbing it. Nooo, leave my big brother a lone...


Status check:


First time writing adult sceenes the next chapter will be the orgy on the southern district. Be sure to tell me what you guys think. And I'll see if I can make it better. Wanted to make it a long chapter to conmemorate my firat patreon too. This could be a turning point for me.

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