One Piece: Rise of the World Tree

Chapter 05

After a nice bath we got dressed and went to my bed... It looks more like a giant flat bush... Maybe Bonney can sleep on top of me since she is so tiny and for some reason sleeping in nature looks... oddly pleasant... guess I really am turning into a plant lady. Well whatever, I pick Bonney up like she was my baby, and lay down on my bush bed, and I rested Bonney on top of me, she is still blushing, she is adorable. I kissed her head and with a yelp she rested her head between my twin sisters. And then we both went to bed.

After I woke up, I look at Bonney sleeping face and decided to rest a little until she wakes up. I still need to pick my name since that should be important, in case I have to introduce myself to a possible friend. Maybe Bonney doesn't trust me fully since I gave her something like an allias rather than my name. Though Green Sage sounds really cool and fitting, I still need a name for myself... I also need the D. since that seems to be relevant in the anime... to bad that the meaning of the D. was never mentioned in the anime. Although I couldn't finish the anime in the first place since I got teleported into the anime itself, maybe I should call myself Green D. Lily...

After a copple of minutes of thinking, Bonney started waking up. "Welcome to the world of the living, good morning little Bonney." I said jokingly and hug the little bundle of joy who's red as a tomato still struggling to fight of the twin sister's attack... I better stop being so childish and set an example for little Bonney. I wonder why does she stay as a child though... I want to see how she looks like an adult too. Maybe we can then cross-pollin... wait what am I thinking... She might be a older than now but that doesn't mean she is a grown-up.

After we got out of bed, we took another bath together and this time she wasn't that emberased, guess my master plan is w... wait what. Better focus on making another fruit salad for breakfast maybe I can use different fruit combinations to not make it so monotonus. After we finished our breakfast, we started growing little Adams until mid day were we were about to finished for the day and little Adam is now 100 years old, we are picking up speed it seem and we were about to eat luch but I'm getting tired of eating fruit salads... I want to eat something new.

"So... you want to return to Baterilla city with me to buy some things." I asked her and she seems kind of nervous... "Do we really have to return..." Crap... I can't deal with the puppy eyes... "I... Well we, need some thing that I can't grow here since I can't start a fire for cooking and you also need to eat some meat and vegetables, but most vegetables taste better cooked, we also need a better matress and some soap too, maybe some tool for other things like clothes and fabrics while we are at it." I said to her hoping she would understand. Maybe we can disguise ourselves, with some more leaves robes, this time with a hoodie too to hide her cute pink hair.

"We should take a bath and prepare some disguises. You don't have to worrie to much about the marines or whatever, since now I am with you so let me take care of you." I said to reasure her. She looked at me, smiled and nodded... that smile... I need to protecc.

After we finished bathing I ate a leaf from little Adam, and started making my leaf robes and panties set 2.0. And another smaller set for little Bonney. I make it so it covers and secures my twin sisters but it started to get a little warm for my taste so I left the area bellow my twins exposed openning in a reverse "V" revealing my thighs and legs and my panties... I better make them thicker, like a swimsuit, so I don't reveal any unnecessary bits... not that they are unnecessary, but I don't want to show them off. Over my shoulder I made a hoodie to cover my head a little. But now my arms are getting to warm for my liking... I make it so that the sleeves just reach the elbows and are really open so that my arms can breath. It looks a little like a babydoll with a hoodie... but it looks really good and all my important bits are covered from unwanted gazes. I made a second smaller one that reveals a lot less. Her robes cover her limbs up to her elbows and knees, her neck and chest are a little open for breathing purposes, but her chest is covered to protect her dignity. It has the same hoodie to cover her beautiful pink hair, and her panties are not like mine since hers will be hidden under her robes and it would get to hot for confort.

They look perfect, guess working on Adams is also helping me have better controls of my powers. It is only missing something... But what... I know the back looks kind of empty, maybe I can add a logo... my logo... a giant tree that can be seen from anywere in the world... A world tree, yes I need to make that happens. In the back of both of the new robes I put the image of a tree, I'm surprised with the amount of details I put into making my new logo but it looks great. After stripping, I put the new robes on and the are perfect can't wait for little Bonney to try hers... I went to look for Bonney and she was looking at the fishes in the small lake. "Bonney, I finnished the disguise and even added a logo for our flag, come on and try it I want to see if it fits or if I need to change something." I handed her the robes and went to the front to give her some privacy.

After a couple of minutes she appeared in front of me with her new robes... She looks ADORABLE... But I can still see her pink hair. Before I could say anything, she asked me while blushing "How do I look." Dear mother of ... I don't know what I did to deserve this but thanks, to whoever make it possible. I gather my self and while smilling I answer. "You look lovely but I need to do your head since that cute pink hair of yours would be a dead give away." She blushed a little and nodded. While I got to work. I tied her long pink hair into a low pony tail with a little vine and wrap a leaf bandana over her forehead, just over her eyebrows that cover the front, sides and top of her head. The hoodie should cover the rest, it sure is nice to have my very own dress-up doll.

Status Check:


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