One Piece: Rise of the World Tree

Chapter 03

I managed to escape from the marine's ship before they take to their headquarters but I got no money nor food. I'm stranded in the city of Baterilla apparently, wish I was back home... I better change into a child since using my adult form would make blending in a lot harder. On a plus side, being a kid makes it so that I don't need to eat too much. I was only able to get my coat to wear it over my white shirt and my red shorts but I could find my boots nor my money.

In an alleyway I quickly revert to my kid form hopefully I'll be able to blend in with the other orphans on the street and people might give me food to sustain me greatest weakness while the marines leave. Hopefully they haven't noted that I'm missing before they leave. Greedy bastards want to use my powers to make the world nobles young again probably. I need to survive but my devil fruit has a great demand for food. Back home, it wasn't a problem since mom would feed me but now I'm alone.

Beter start getting accustomed to this new life and put my acting skill to the test. Before I knew it there was a tall lady walking towards me. She has to be most beautiful woman I have ever seen. How can someone like that exist, jade green waving hair, brown eyes and full lips. She has masive breasts that a part of me just wants to lose myself in there, maybe I can hide in there. Her hips and legs were divine and that green robes looks like it was made out of leaves. 

Better ask for some food while I'm ahead, maybe she will take me home and raise me like her daughter... yeah right I think while looking down. She extend her hand towards me, and when I look to see what she will give, an apple started growing out of her hand... like what are you a plant lady? Why are you smiling like that, are you luring me with food... After a bit persuasion my stomach protested about not taking the apple. After I grabbed the apple, it looks and feels normal, I throw it in my mouth and ate it. It was so good, so juicy, so... I think I spaced out there.

"So, what is your name cute little child?" She asked me, but what would I answer her. If she know I'm a wanted criminal she might even take me back to the marines before hearing my side of the story. 70 million belly it's a lot of money to tempt even the nicest of people. She said some other things but I'm to preocupied with how to answer her question. What if she can detect when people lie, I don't want this stranger to hate me for some reason. "Are you ok little girl, you are shivering?" she asked me with some concern in her voice. I guess I'll just run if she tries anything... "I'm Bon... Bones and I'm not a little girl, I'm just like this to preserve energy, since little children eat less and I don't have a stable food supply." What the hell am I saying to a stranger, she might put two and two together and report me to the marines now...

"It's ok to act like a kid." She said to me while pating my head, I was about to protest but then she hands me another fruit. This one is a mango, I peeled it and threw it in to my mouth, then I spit the seed which was surprisingly small. The mango was even better than the apple in every way, like it was sweeter, juicier and had more sustenance. She keeps patting my head probably thinking I'm a child... She has this soothing aura around her... She feels like she would not betray me like...

"You can call me green sage if you want." She said and hands me a peach, I was a little flustered so I quickly ate the peach, so gooood... "Want to come with me, I will feed you, protect you and shelter you from the world if you want to." She proposed to me while looking a little flustered... what is this lady deal... it gotta be a lie right that's why she made that flustered face after she said it... I have to decline and hide away before she tries anything. With all the fruits she has given me I might be able to change her into a kid, don't want to ruin such a nice looking lady...

Before I could do anything she attacked me. And I am struggling to breath her chest is attacking me from all sides... At this rate I'll loose consciousness need to gather what little bit of power I have to change her in to a powerless brat... It didn't do anything. "Sorry I didn't mean to scare you... I guess a part of me just wanted to hug and... that isn't helping." She said giving me some breathing room but still within her arms I guess I'm gonna get captured regardless... this world is so unfair... "Please don't hand me over to the marines..." I said, unable to holding my tears back. "Why would I hand you over. I just really need your help growing a tree with your powers." So she is after my powers too, she picked me up and we went further into the alleyway, were she sat on top a wooden stump that growed out of nowhere with me on her lap. 

She started telling me some of her circunstances. She kept giving different fruits and vegetables... they don't taste the same anymore... "I'll get you off the island somehow if you help me age an Adam tree for 5,000 years worth using both of our powers. I'll shelter you and we can be friends too, I can help you get stronger if you want." Why does she want to fuse with an Adam tree anyway, those trees are like super expensive... And 5,000 years... why so long, I know that if I help her my powers will grow too since I'll be using my powers a lot, and she can feed me too while we grow the tree. 

"Will you really help me get stronger and cover my food expenses." I ask for confirmation even if I'm her captive right now... "I can only make fruits, vegetables, roots, some herbs and spices. I can't make cheese to make the pizza you love so much." How does she know so much about me... It made my happy and scared at the same time. Turning around to look at her face I laugh a little and then said "Wow you have been stalking me haven't you. Guess also found a way to counter my time manipulation fruit's power. Please keep that a secret." I said teasing her a little. She looked a little confused on what to say and after thinking a little she said "Wait your fruit was called the Time Time fruit? And I really don't know why your powers don't work against me." She still playing dumb or she really doesn't know crap this is so confusing... "Don't play dumb with me, my fruit is called Age Age fruit it's common knowledge. It allows me to manipulate the age of any living thing around me. I only use it for self defence though so I have never tried on a tree like you want me too." Maybe I sounded to harsh...

"It's ok, I finally found a way to make Adam grow, you can train your powers while helping me age him the I'll fuse with it and be out of this Island. You can come with me and join my adventurers party." She explain to me while offering me a pear. The flavor has return to the fruits but wait what... "What's an aventurers party? Is that the name of your pirate crew? Or are you with the revolution?" I asked her and before answering she handed me some grape. "I meant to say pirate crew but I mixed up some words there. You can be my first mate if you want, since you are the only person I have talked to since coming to this place, not counting the rude guard." She answered as a matter of fact.

"Can you make spicy vegetables?" I asked her and she gave me something she called jalapeño and I took a bite at it and almost cried. Luckily she handed me a bottle which I took a sip of and it was clean water, so I drank like my life depended on it, maybe it did. I might be able to make this into a topping for pizza, maybe in smaller doses. Then she handed me a tangerine which I started peeling when she asked me. "Want to go with me to the woods? It is a lot easier to keep blooming fruits for you if I'm standing on fertile soil and been inside this alleyway sitting in this hard wood stump is hurting my bum. It's only a matter of time before someone spotted us." 

I almost spit out my fruit, luckily this tangerine taste great and I'm not wasting any of it. "You want to take me to the woods on the first day of our meeting, aren't you a bit too bold" After I finished eating the tangerine I said a little light headed. She just smiled at me and stand-up then while picking me up. She sudently jumped to the roof of the book store and then jumped over the next couple of buildings and over the wall. She landed like it was nothing inside of the forest and I didn't even had the chance to scream... she is so strong.

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