One Piece: Reborn as Enel

Chapter 54: Calming Journey

_________ POV Narration_________

Enel lounged on his chair for a few hours, randomly reading a newspaper that he was holding with his earlobes.

He wanted Luffy to free the prisoners in Impel Down, he needed some of them to be free, to be more exact.

People like Crocodile could prove to be allies in the future, and Ivankov was also someone he thought would be a good ally to have.

Ivankov was part of the revolutionary army, so him being released from Impel down was rather important to Enel.

He didn't think much about Boa Hancock and how disturbingly bad she was at lying. Well, Luffy was at fault for all of the hiccups, but the fact that Hancock was still trying to cover up for him made it a lot worse.

Enel started whistling a bit as he navigated the ship above the clouds, looking into the sunset, it was a beautiful scene.

The sun was setting and stars were slowly appearing on the horizon. The world appeared so much larger when sitting above the clouds.

Enel's calm was unfortunately disturbed though, as he could hear a pair of high heels make their way up the stairs and towards him.

Enel didn't bother to greet her, as he felt that she was one of the more annoying individuals he came across.

He knew of her distrust in men, and of her hatred for the World Government and marines.

He knew that she had a rough past, but many escaped slaves had difficult stories, and not all of them were this annoying to talk to.

That didn't mean he hated her, he just didn't care to bother associating himself with her. If it weren't for Sengoku's mission, he likely would've never exchanged a word with her.

She could've been a useful ally, but she'd end up as his ally anyway if he became friends with Luffy, so it didn't matter in the end.

The stunt he was going to pull during the war was definitely going to help him befriend Luffy, but he still needed to think of a way to not make it too painful for the friends he had made as a marine.

Some people he cared about, hell, even Sakazuki, the lava spitting admiral, proved to be trustworthy and helped him when necessary.

He and Sakazuki had quite literally been at each other's throats since they had met. But still knew he could trust him to have his back if they were off to fight some pirates.

The problem there was that Enel wouldn't be only fighting pirates in his future... He would also be fighting the World Government...

While he stood there, contemplating his plans, Hancock just rubbed one of her arms and stared at the clouds in the distance.

She was stunned by the view, it wasn't every day that she got to see the world from so high up.

It was her first time witnessing such a scene actually, so she stood there for a few good seconds.

The way the clouds seemed to change their colours, the storm that was raging underneath the ship, the orange horizon and the dotted sky that was promptly filling up with stars.

It was a mesmerizing scene. One that very few people in that world had actually seen.

The sky people were used to it, as it was just the norm for them, but people that lived under the clouds didn't get to peek above them too often.

She wasn't stunned for long though, they didn't call her the Pirate Empress for nothing. She recovered rather quickly and was about to start speaking in her usual haughty tone... Enel managed to open his mouth first though.

"What do you want, Pirate Empress?" Enel asked with a bored tone, not taking his gaze away from the sunset in front of him.

"Hmph... Don't try to sound important, Rear Admiral. You are lucky that you get the privilege to transport me to Marinefo-" Hancock was going to keep gloating, but Enel just heaved a frustrated sigh and interrupted her.

"Yeah, yeah. An honour to transport a pirate princess and her 'baggage' to Impel down, so that they may 'NOT' try to do something shady..." He just waved his hand dismissively, not really sure what Hancock was attempting to gain from that discussion.

Boa Hancock was quick to take a stance though, as she took a step back and prepared to kick Enel out of his chair.

"Don't even bother. I don't understand who you were expecting to fool... I honestly couldn't care less about what you do, just let me do my job and don't get in my way."

Enel's words seemed to calm her down, somehow. At the very least she was weirded out enough to drop her stance.

'Is this man really a marine?' Good question, Hancock.

If you were to ask other Marines about Enel's temperament, then Sengoku would just say no, Garp would laugh in your face and Akainu would start mumbling curses.

Hancock thought for a bit, about what to do. She had left Luffy in her room, and she had come upstairs for a good reason too...

"What do you want?" Enel finally turned his head to her slightly. Making her raise an eyebrow. "I see no other reason why you'd speak to me. What do you want?"

In the end, Hancock sighed. 'This man... Why is he so difficult to deal with?' Most men she'd just be able to turn to stone easily.

She could manipulate most of them to do her bidding, as they were usually too stricken with her beauty to ever go against her word. But Enel didn't even seem to care about her.

Not only that, despite her beauty, it didn't seem that he could be bothered to pander to her, something that she had been used to seeing most men doing.

For some reason, she actually found it profoundly annoying but decided to just get it over with and tell Enel what she needed.

"I want some food... A lot of food." Hancock said while crossing her arms and narrowing her eyes at Enel.

"Sure." Enel grabbed his backpack and threw it at her. There was enough food there for 3 people to last them a few days. Enel knew that Luffy was likely going to eat it in a sitting, so he was prepared to hunt sea kings again...

Hancock caught the backpack with an annoyed look while mumbling some unsavoury things under her breath. "Tell your 'stomach' that we'll get to Impel Down in a few days."

Hancock just scoffed and turned around to leave, not wanting to be in Enel's presence for now.

Enel chuckled a bit in his mind as he wondered about what to do next.

'I wonder if Luffy is gonna approach me during this journey...'


Hope you liked the chapter!

The chapter's a bit short, but I wrote it while sick af, so bear with me :))

Probably gonna upload another chapter today, to make up for it, but I won't promise anything this time.

Don't forget to check out the new fanfic called Naruto: The Blind Swordsman(still can't link it)

Thanks to everyone that dropped by the stream yesterday :)), it was pretty fun, albeit a bit short. I will likely stream more on weekends.

Link for twitch channel here:

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